THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Getting to know first responders at Belknap County Public Safety Day BY ERIN PLUMMER County Sheriff’s Depart- [email protected] ment, said it was a cul- Members of the pub- mination of law enforce- lic could meet first re- ment and public service sponders and get a closer that got together for the look at the tools of their day to help educate the trade during the Belk- public. nap County Public Safe- It was not held last ty Day year, this year it was On Saturday, police, brought back this year fire, and other public and held at Gunstock safety services from for the first time. Wright across the county dis- said the event was back played their vehicles by popular demand, and equipment at Gun- as people were asking stock for the annual when they weren’t hav- Belknap County Public ing it. Safety Day. Attendees, “Just to get the peo- especially kids, could go ple out here and to meet into the back of a SWAT their first responders car, explore the inside of in a non-distress man- a police cruiser or fire ner,” Wright said of the engine, and learn about event’s purpose. how first responders in Wright said they an- many fields do their re- ticipated that 500 to 1,000 spective jobs. people would come to the Public Safety Day was event. organized by the Belk- He said the day is nap County Sheriff’s Of- all about people asking fice in partnership with questions and getting police and fire associa- a better understanding ERIN PLUMMER Barnstead Police Chief Joseph McDowell shows his car to four-year-old Alexis Dionne of Laconia. tions across the county. of emergency services. Public Safety Day Wright said by seeing “They’ll know that it’s Emergency personnel as well as NH Marine Operations, the Belknap started six years ago and the faces behind the gear us, and they can talk to from Gilford, Laconia, Patrol, the Central NH County Sherriff’s De- was originally held at and the uniforms, first us and we’re more acces- Sanbornton, Alton, Bel- Haz Mat, Lakes Region partment, and numer- Meadowbrook. Sgt. Bill responders will be more sible to them,” Wright mont, Tilton, and Barn- Mutual Fire Aid, Belk- ous other agencies and Wright of the Belknap accessible to people. said. stead were at the event nap Regional Special organizations. Participants opened their vehicles, allowing Familiar faces in new positions at GHS and GMS kids and adults to get in and take a better look BY ERIN PLUMMER ditorium, introducing working with the kids inside. Presenters ex- [email protected] himself and setting the on behavior and respect. plained the equipment Gilford Middle School tone for the school year “Were lucky there’s and what they do in their and Gilford High School behaviorally and aca- not a lot of significant respective services. students started the year demically. issues in the school, but Attendees also saw a with new principals; Sawyer said this year we strive to get better,” demonstration of two ca- some familiar faces in the middle school is on a Sawyer said. nine police officers. Off. some new positions. new, “waterfall” sched- Sawyer said there is Evan Belanger of the Bel- Gilford schools ule with a unique sched- a good feeling overall in mont Police Department opened for the new ule for each grade level. the school. and his K-9 partner Vito school year on Sept. 2. Sawyer said the students “I think the kids are joined Officer Christian Each school has some have been figuring out glad to be back in the Johnson of the Alton Po- new programs, as well as pretty quickly. routine with their class- lice department and his some notable changes. “It’s a great staff and mates,” Sawyer said. K-9 partner Syren for a Students at GMS met they’ve trained the kids PHOTO COURTESY ANTHONY SPERAZZO “I’m very happy to be K-9 demonstration. their new principal Pe- well,” Sawyer said. On our opening day, all faculty at the high school adopted five back here at the middle Sanbornton Police ter Sawyer. Sawyer was The school is also pi- goals that everyone will work towards over the next three years school.” Chief Stephen Hankard previously the principal loting a new math pro- to raise the bar for student learning. The idea is to move in one Former GHS assis- said this is a great way of GHS, and took the gram. direction with everyone on board. GHS will revisit these goals tant principal Anthony to share with the public place of GMS Principal Sawyer said one thing throughout the year to assess what progress has been made Sperazzo started his first what they do, especial- Sydney Leggett. they are always working with a focus on producing artifacts to support learning. This school day as principal ly to the kids. Hankard Sawyer met with each on is improving the cul- will be fun to showcase all the achievements of our students said they want kid to see and staff. SEE FACES PAGE A8 grade level in the au- ture of the school and police officers “as people they can come to.” New playground, bigger numbers start the year at GES “It allows them to come and touch a ve- BY ERIN PLUMMER Bolduc said. “There’s a out.” hicle, see how things [email protected] lot more climbing struc- She said different work,” said Barnstead Gilford Elementary tures; it’s way spread SEE GES PAGE A8 SEE SAFETY PAGE A8 School started the school year with a new play- Plans for Airport Plaza access point going forward ground and increased enrollment numbers. BY ERIN PLUMMER Kids in grades K-4 [email protected] piled into GES on A few roadblocks Wednesday for the new were recently lifted in school year. According the effrot to redevelop to Principal Danielle Airport Plaza, as the de- Bolduc there were more veloper is in the process of the kids in the build- of purchasing a crucial ing than there have been access point. PHOTO BY ERIN PLUMMER in many years. A plan is in the works The new GES Imagination Station after it was built a month PHOTO BY ERIN PLUMMER Bolduc said school ago. GES Principal Danielle Bolduc said excited kids were by WJD Development Plans are in progress to redevelop Airport Plaza with some enrollments so far are running towards it on the first day of school LLC to redevelop Air- prospective new tenants and a new access point on Route 11. up by 27 students. She port Plaza on Route 11. said Superintendent Kids at the elementa- took place on Old Home The 62,000 square foot WJD Development plaza from Route 11 that Kent Hemingway told ry school are now spend- Day. plaza currently contains plans to turn the plaza would be ingress only. her he could not recall ing recess on a brand Bolduc said students Gilford Cinema 8 and into Gilford Commons. The only access to the a time when the school new playground. The ran to the new play- other tenants, though it An architectural sketch property currently is off year started with more new Imagination Station ground out of excite- is largely vacant. A con- of possible options for Old Lakeshore Road. students than last years was constructed over the ment. She said right cept site plan was com- the site can be found at The property that as opposed to less. This summer through volun- away students were lin- posed by engineer Steve http://www.wjpdevel- would be used for this year, there are 82 stu- teer efforts and an out- ing up for the zipline and Smith of Steven J. Smith opment.com/portfolio/ access point is owned by dents in kindergarten, pouring of community the net climber. & Associates of Gilford gilford-commons. the state. The developer while there was 68 in the support. An official rib- “They really like that to redevelop the proper- The plans include SEE PLAZA PAGE A8 past bon cutting ceremony there s a lot more to do,” ty. an access point into the A2 THE GILFORD STEAMER ALMANAC THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 Notes from the Gilford Public Library BY MARK THOMAS thought I would share is a huge wealth of in- ber Friends for a chance man Class, 2:30 – 3:30 Bookcraft for Adults: Library Correspondent some of the resources formation related to all to work on your fiber p.m. Leaf Wreath, 6:30 – 7:30 One of the most fre- that I turn to when I’m things literary. I use crafts. Rug hooking, p.m. quently asked questions stumped on what to read NoveList frequently latch hooking, quilting, Monday, Sept. 14 Sign up for this fun at the Circulation Desk or recommend next! to find read-alikes for needle felting, and any Mahjong, 12:30 – 3 craft and learn how to is “What should I read The resources I turn authors or books that I other fiber craft are wel- p.m. make wreaths out of pa- next?” Sometimes, if I’ve to the most for recom- have enjoyed. The color- come to join in. Meets ev- One of the oldest per leaves cut from old had my coffee that morn- mendations on the fly ful format and easy nav- ery other Thursday. board games in the book pages! Please sign ing, it is pretty easy are the booklists avail- igability of the site help Open Painting at the world, Mahjong depends up at the Circulation to come up with a few able at the Circulation you track down items Library, 1:30 – 3:30 p.m.
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