Anecdotal Predation Events of Some Snakes in Ecuador 93-96 All Short Notes (Seiten 59-112):SHORT NOTE.Qxd 07.08.2017 19:16 Seite 35

Anecdotal Predation Events of Some Snakes in Ecuador 93-96 All Short Notes (Seiten 59-112):SHORT NOTE.Qxd 07.08.2017 19:16 Seite 35

ZOBODAT - Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Herpetozoa Jahr/Year: 2017 Band/Volume: 30_1_2 Autor(en)/Author(s): Cadena-Ortiz Hector, Barahona-V. Alexis, Bahamonde- Vinueza Daniela, Brito M. Jorge Artikel/Article: Anecdotal predation events of some snakes in Ecuador 93-96 All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:16 Seite 35 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHORT NOTE 93 Anecdotal predation events of some (f OWlER , 1913) , were also found as prey of snakes in Ecuador this snake in Pichincha ( mAflA -E NDARA & AyAlA -v ARElA 2012; R AmíREZ -J ARAmillO 2015). Data from Peru and Panama also Ecuador is among the ten countries highlight the importance of anurans ( Bufo , with the highest reptilian diversity, which Eleutherodactylus, Phyllobates ) in its diet includes 224 registered snake species ( TOR- (miCHAuD & D ixON 1989). RES -C ARvAJAl et al. 2016). However, infor - Erythrolamprus miliaris cryso - mation on natural history traits of Ecua - stomus (COPE , 1868).‒ An individual was dorian snakes is scarce with few detailed observed trying to ingest an armored catfish contributions to their dietary spectrum (e. g., Callichthys callichthys (liNNAEuS , 1758), DuEllmAN 1978; B OADA et al. 2005; CiS- close to a small pond, ca. 50 cm deep (fig. NEROS -H EREDiA 2005; m EZA -R AmOS et al. 1c), in December, 2013, at 21:00 h, in a for - 2010; mAflA -E NDARA & A yAlA -v ARElA est of San Carlos community, Orellana, in 2012; RAmíREZ -J ARAmillO 2015). Publica - buffer area of the yasuni National Park tion of any anecdotal data helps to better un - (00°46’13”S, 75°33’39”W). At the time the derstand these animals’ ecology ( mOCiñO - event was photographed, the snake held the DElOyA et al. 2014). The authors present head of the fish, which extended its dorsal predation events, supported by photographs, fins making the snake let go; the fish quick - for five colubrid and one viperid species. ly plunged into the pond. The snake was Prey items were identified to the lowest tax - collected and deposited at the museo Ecua - onomic category possible, with the help of toriano de Ciencias Naturales (DHmECN specialists. 10978); it measured 74.4 cm in total length. Dendrophidion dendrophis (SCHlE- most information on feeding of this gEl , 1837).‒ An individual (total length ca. species comes from Brazil where prey com - 110 cm ) was observed and photographed prises chiefly anurans, e.g., the foam nest of consuming the anuran Oreobates quixensis Leptodactylus latrans (S TEffEN , 1815) (re - JiméNEZ DE lA ESPADA , 1872, in January, ferred to under L. ocellatus in liNgNAu & 2015, at 16:25 h, in Dayuma, Orellana (00° Di-B ERNARDO 2006), Lithobates catesbei - 39’54”N, 76°48’ 20”W). The snake was on anus (S HAW , 1802) (SilvA & R iBEiRO -f ilHO a low transit road and had the anuran large - 2009) and Hylodes meridionalis (m ERTENS , ly swallowed, only its hind legs were ex - 1927) (l imA & C OlOmBO 2008 ). mARquES posed (fig. 1a). This type of prey was ex - & S OuZA (1993) suggested E. miliaris may pected for D. dendrophis, because it is known feed on marine animals in tidal pools also, to be primarily anurophagous ( CuNHA & N AS- since they recorded an individual of this CimENTO 1993; mARTiNS & O livEiRA 1998; snake predating a frillfin goby Bathygobius PRuDENTE et al. 2007). The occasional pres - soporator (v AlENCiENNES , 1837) . miCHAuD ence of insects in the alimentary tract of this & D ixON (1989) identified the banded knife - snake is suggested to be secondary stomach fish Gymnotus carapo liNNAEuS , 1758, as contents ( mARTiNS & O livEiRA 1998; P Ru- prey. fishes seem to play an important role DENTE et al. 2007). The only reference for on the diet of this snake. Ecuador is an adult frog Pristimantis con - Leptodeira annulata (liNNAEuS , spicillatus (güNTHER , 1858 ), in the stomach 1758).‒ An individual (total length ca. 80 cm) contents of an adult female of this snake was photographed (fig. 1d) consuming an (DuEllmAN 1978). anuran ( Leptodactylus sp.) in October, Erythrolamprus epinephelus albi - 2010, in Kumpak, morona Santiago ventris (JAN , 1863).‒ An individual (total (02°50’11”S, 77°57’57”W). This record is length ca. 60 cm) was photographed (fig. 1b) consistent with exclusively anuran ( Hyla , consuming the lizard Stenocercus guentheri Eleuthero dactylus and Phyllomedusa ) stom - (B OulENgER , 1885), in february, 2015, at ach contents in Ecuadorian specimens 09:15 h, in Tababela, Pichincha (00°08’ (DuEllmAN 1978) and also with mARTiNS & 37”S, 78°20’56”W). Another lizard Pholi - OlivEiRA (1998), who mentioned that L. dobolus montium (P ETERS , 1863) and tad - annulata feeds on adults and tadpoles of poles and adults of Gastrotheca riobambae anurans ( Bufo, Synapturanus, Adenomera, All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:16 Seite 36 94 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHORT NOTE All_Short_Notes_(Seiten 59-112):SHORT_NOTE.qxd 07.08.2017 19:16 Seite 37 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 30 (1/2) Wien, 30. Juli 2017 SHORT NOTE 95 Eleutherodactylus, Leptodactylus, Hyla, tata , which weigh 3 to 5 kg ( TiRiRA 2007), Osteocephalus, Scinax ) and occasionally represent a “new“ prey item and one of the anuran eggs and lizards. biggest registered for B. asper . The largest Pseudalsophis sp.‒ A dead individ - preys recorded previously are the opossum ual (total length ca. 60 cm ) with a lava species Caluromys derbianus, Didelphis lizard incorporated (fig. 1e) was found in marsupialis and Philander opossum and the June 26, 2010, on Santiago island, galapa - rabbit Sylvilagus brasiliensis (SASA et al. gos (00°17’11”N, 90°34’01”W). According 2009), mammals which usually weigh be - to the record locality, the lizard corresponds tween 0.4 to 2.5 kg ( TiRiRA 2007). to Microlophus jacobi (B AuR , 1892) (BENA- ACKNOWlEDgmENTS: The authors wish to viDES et al. 2007), whereas, the snake could thank David Salazar-valenzuela and Jorge H. valencia not be identified to species level because of for comments on a draft version of the manuscript, J. Sicha, glenda Pozo and César mora for photos and its great similarity to both P. dorsalis (STEiN- information, Daniel Escobar and f. Anaguano for fish DACHNER , 1876) and P. steindachneri (vAN identification and mario yánez and Jorge H. valencia DENBuRgH , 1912) occurring on Santiago. for herpetofaunal identification. The big size of the lizard, with one of its legs REfERENCES: BENAviDES , E. & B Aum , R. & penetrating the snake’s body wall (white ar - mCClEllAN , D. & S iTES Jr., J. W. (2007): molecular row), and the low degree of digestion, sug - phylogenetics of the lizard genus Microlophus (Squamata: Tropiduridae): aligning and retrieving indel gest that the snake died from the oversized signal from nuclear introns.- Systematic Biology, prey ingested. However, on fernandina, Oxford; 56: 776-797. BOADA , C. & S AlAZAR , D. & another island of the galapagos Archipel - lASCANO , A. f. & K uCH , u. (2005): The diet of ago, Pseudalsophis biserialis (g üNTHER , Bothrops asper (gARmAN , 1884) in the Pacific low - lands of Ecuador.- Herpetozoa, Wien; 18: 77-79. 1860) feeds mainly on Microlophus alber - CAmPBEll , J. A. & l AmAR , W. W. (2004): The ven - marlensis (B AuR , 1890) and newborn ma - omous reptiles of the Western Hemisphere. ithaca, rine iguanas Amblyrhynchus cristatus BEll , uSA (Cornell university Press), pp. 870. CiSNEROS - 1825 , as well as marine fishes ( mERlEN & HEREDiA , D. f. (2005): Report of molluscivory in Atractus carrioni PARKER , 1930.- Herpetozoa, Wien; THOmAS 2013). 18: 185-186. CuNHA , O. R. & N ASCimENTO , f . P. Bothrops asper (g ARmAN , 1883) .‒ (1993): Ofídios da Amazônia. As cobras da região leste An i ndividual (total length ca. 200 cm) was do Pará.- Boletim do museu Paraense Emílio goeldi, killed by inhabitants of a cocoa farm on the Belém; (Série Zoologia) 9: 1-191. DuEllmAN , W. E. (1978): The biology of an equatorial herpetofauna in road from Santo Domingo to Esmeraldas Amazonian Ecuador.- university of Kansas museum of (ca. 00°13’27”N, 79°09’57”W). The snake Natural History - miscellaneous. Publications, contained an adult individual of the Central lawrence; 65: 1-352. limA , A. f. B. & C OlOmBO , P. American agouti Dasyprocta punctata (2008): Observação do comportamento predatório de (g RAy , 1842) (fig. 1f) (picture and informa - Liophis miliaris orinus (Serpentes, Colubridae) em Hylodes meridionalis (Anura, Hylodidae), Serra geral, tion by courtesy of C. mORA ). Rio grande do Sul, Brasil.- Revista Brasileira de insects, centipedes, fishes, anurans, Zoociências, Juiz De fora; 10 (1): 73-76. liNgNAu , R. lizards, and snakes, including congeners, & D i-B ERNARDO , m. (2006): Predation on foam nests birds and mammals, rodents in particular, of two leptodactylid frogs by Solenopsis sp. (Hymenoptera, formicidae) and Liophis miliaris constitute the prey of B. asper (CAmPBEll & (Serpentes, Colubridae).- Biociências, Porto Alegre; 14 lAmAR 2004; B OADA et al. 2005; SASA et al. (2): 223-224. mAflA -E NDARA , P. & A yAlA -v ARElA , f. 2009). This species also feeds on agricul - (2012): Pholidobolus montium (lagartija minadora). tural pests such as rodents and insects, a Predation.- Herpetological Review, Saint louis; 43:137. mARquES , O. A. v., & S OuZA , v. C. (1993): behavior that suggests this snake to be well Nota sobre a atividade alimentar de Liophis miliaris no adapted to human environments ( BOADA et ambiente marinho (Serpentes, Colubridae).- Revista al. 2005; SASA et al. 2009). Adult D. punc - Brasileira de Biologia, Rio de Janeiro; 53 (4): 645-648. ____________________________________ fig. 1: Snakes from Ecuador - and their prey (opposite page). a ‒ Dendrophidion dendrophis (SCHlEgEl , 1837) - Oreobates quixensis JiméNEZ DE lA ESPADA , 1872 ; b ‒ Erythrolamprus epinephelus albiventris (JAN , 1863 ) - Sternocercus guentheri (BOulENgER , 1885); c ‒ Erythrolamprus miliaris chrysostomus (COPE , 1868) - Callichthys callichthys (liNNAEuS , 1758); d ‒ Leptodeira annulata (liNNAEuS , 1758) - Leptodactylus sp.; e ‒ Pseudalsophis sp.

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