-r / ; ? ■^.-■^»^.'- ■ .5l:.i..J r V is’’” ■ *t£ ''-'*^ ^ ^ S S ^ '’''^^'^‘ '■’*'■ ■'^* '•“ ' ' --’“^5* ■ !r . '• s 'k I VBB9S TBS WEATHER a v e r a g e d a i l y CIRCIJLATION Sweowt by 0 . 8, Weather for the Month ctf Octobert: 18S0 r ^ ' r * Bartterd. Conm State Libra^— Con^w J^^;; ,deiidy ead-eMder, probably rain 5 , 5 3 2 i- .' to n ii^; Thnnday generally fab; Members of the Andit Bnreaa and'nmob colder. >t< of Oircnlsttons y o t. XLV^ NO. 31. (dasslfled Advertising.on F n | e 12.) SOUTH MANeHESTER, COIW4 jW^NESDAY; N O ^ ^ ;5,"mo. (PODRtEEN^ PRICX THREE CENTS ; ' ,' HI lit BUT REPUBLICANS VICTORS IN STATE ELECTION UPSET STILL IN CONTROL OF THE ASSEMBLY O dd Things 'Cross' Majority 5,808— AD TIE IN CONGRESS TOWirS USUAL A t E lection State OffiCes ElecteD, Re- G.O.P. MARGIN I ChiCago.—A television broaDCast IS A possibility pubDCan Nominees; State of the eleCtion was put on the air ^ . ■ by Station W9XAP with Images of Charts showing the progress of the Senate WiD Have 20 Re- FAIIS SHORT Senatorial rjwe. Ten years ago, the DemoCrats Have AlreaDy Captured Senate Seats in Ohio; first broaDCast of returns of an im­ portant eleCtion, the ChoiCe of War­ pnbGcans, 15 DemoCrats; ren G. HarDing as I^eslDent, was Kansais, MassaChn^tts, South Dakota, Ohlahoma, Manchester Gives RepubD- sent from KDKA, Pittsburgh., House 193 Repubbeans, ChiCago.—Janies Hairilton Lewis, West Virginia, ColoraDo and Illinois, RepnMiitj^n Cans Under 1,200 Majo>r- DEAX W. L. CROSS SAMUEL R. SPENCER AUGUSTINE LONERGAN Governor-EleCt Ueiit.-Gov. EleCt'. Congressman-EleCtor'’'” viCtor in the Contest with Mrs. Ruth 74 DemoCrats — Detafls Hannah MCCormiCk, Drew the llije StronghoUs— In House Dmnocrats Hare GaineD Coih ity anD 2,000 Was Sought; on motion piCtures being taken in his hour of viCtory. “No, boys,” lie of tbe Vote. said, “I Don’t want the aspeCt that trol of 31 Seats, Now Repnhiican— Need But 27 More The Complete Vote. AMERICAN AUTtiOR I am exulting .with priDe or jpy to­ WETS, DRYS ABOUT EVEN warD a DefeateD woman. I am not By AssoCiateD Press. in the vauDevilla business.” to Gain Upper HanD— Wets W i n in Tkee StateD ManChester’s usual RepubliCan Wilbur L. Cross, DemoCratiC nom­ East St. Louis.-MDf 121 persons majority fell somewhat short of the AS RESULT OF ELECTION Roosevelt’s Majority Soars to 750,000. ^ inee, \yas eleCteD governor of Con- voting in tee First PreCinCt on tee expeCtations of politiCal leaDers here j neCtiCut in yesterDay’s eleCtion over prohibition referenDum, all Cast in yesterDay’s state eleCtion this their ballots for repeal of tee 18th By AssoCiateD Press T Ueutenant-Govemor E. E. Rogers, were eleCteD or leaDing In suffiCient town giving Ernest E. Rogers Smclair Lewis Who Wrote AmenDment and tee Illinois prohi­ The, off year politiCal revolt whiCh of New LonDon, by a majority of Three States Go Oviffwheim- DEMOCRATS GAIN 2 bition aCt. numbers to inDiCate a narrow Dem­ 5,808. The vote Cast, imoffiCially a majority over Dean Wilbur toppleD a half Dozen state aDminis­ oCratiC House majority anD almost ComputeD, was Cross 213,786 anD L. Cross of 1,179 when at least Tllain Street” ReCeives RoChester, N. Y.—Daylight sav­ trations at yesterDay’s eleCtion was a tie in tee Senate. Rogers 207,978. J,800 was hopeD for. Dean Cross, ingly Wet and Wets Win in ing time was DefeateD in a referen­ furnishing a speCtaCular sequel to­ New. York and Illinois, tee IN STATE SENATE DemoCratiC strengte assumeD land­ state offiCes eleCteD were the the DemoCratiC governor - eleCt, Unnsnal Literary Honors. dum here by a majority of 1,107. Day in a remarkably balanCeD strug-x Rejpublican nominees. Samuel R. sliDe proportions. It pusheD Gover­ ran aheaD of his tiCket here Ohio But in Other States gle for Control of Congress. nor iSranklln D. Roosevelt along by SpenCer, of Suffield, was .eleCteD by * 107 votes. ManChester gave _ HyDe Park, N. Y. — Governor lieutenant-governor by a margin of Roosevelt’s lanDsliDe hit even his .1^ appeareD-at 2:30 p. m., Eastern a 700,000 plurality to tee re-eleCtion' Col. ClarenCe W. Seymour, the'De­ Stockbolte, Nov. 5.— (AP)-r-^Stn- StanDarD Time, that tee DemoCrats so muCh desireD by those who want 4,384 over Daniel J. Leary, Demo­ feateD RepubliCan CanDiDate for Drys Gain Seats in Senate. R .J. home DistriCt whiCh he'earri^^ 463 Crat, of Waterbury. William L. d ^r Lewis, notfd Ah>fr^an.j|ute^ to It was'Ilie hhd C^tinfi^D almost ."'exaCtly half to see him nameD for the presiDenCy Coiigress from this District^ a ma­ the ^aees in both Senate and te 1932,.:..- Higgins, the present seCretary of jority of 1,148 over Augustine Lon­ ‘ Nobel prtze, > Carij«D..it. .Jh 1920. he lost it a&'Ili By AssoCiateD Press'' House. Thlpy haD eleCteD, .or were Returning James Hamilton Lewis state,'was re-eleCteD by 3,775 over ergan. Seymour’s supporters here ifat^ for 1930.. V -;, CanDiDate for viCe-presiDent anD m former Senator Alton T. Miner, of leanhog for 48 eff tbe 96 Senate to the Senate, It denied with thun­ wanteD a majority of 2,000" for the hisi first raCe for governor two years New LonDon. Wets anD i ^ s iRvided up about seats, anD for somewhat' more than Dering emphasis tee Senatorial as­ West HartforD man. ifftbClair Lewis was among Ameri­ ago. Senator Roy C. WilCox, of Meri­ equally, the .Senate seats in yester­ G. 0. P., 15 D on oen h .' YOO of the' 'House membership of pirations of Ruth Hanna MCCor- Faponessa Drops den, was eleCteD state treasurer by Can authors prominently mentioneD 435. pilCk. Angelo Paonessa, DemoCratiC Day’s SeCtion where prohibition was New York.—EleCtion Commission­ 4,483 over Walter GodDarD, of for'tee 1939 Nobel prize in litera­ Latest-Returns - In ConneCtiCat CanDiDate for High Sheriff of Hart- er John R. Voorhls Cast his eightieth StratforD. ! Stele senator Robert J. Smith. ture whiQh this year sets a new high baUot for governor. He is lOu years As tee politiCal leaDers seaxmeD In RepubliCan ConneCtiCut it ele­ Comptroller F, M. Salmon was re­ (ContinaeD On Page 2.) SSjori^Tti^ HouS! ^ ^ : t=-«l«teD from Ma’DletrlCt, wOl be reCorD of $46,350. TheoDore I^ is- tee' growing, totals, anD bote siDes vateD a DemoCrat,.Wilbur L. Cross eleCteD by 3,655 over Anthony Sun­ ’Three states holDing wet referen- j f of ^ State ser also was prominently' mention­ ClaimeD viCtory, they founD teat to tee governorship. In Repuljlican DerlanD, of Danbury. Da—minolB, RhoDe Island, and talning two more DemoCrate anD eD. HimtingDon, Va.—Aimie -Simpson, IDaho, MassaChusetts anD Ohio haD Pennsylvania it whittleD to slender Former FeDeral JuDge Warren B. MassaChuSette-went overwhelming- ^ fewer RepubliCans than tee Among tee best, known, books of 98, got up early and walkeD io tee joineD' ConneCtiCut in Changing Re­ proportions tee leaD for GifforD Pin- Burrows was Chosen attorney-gen­ ly for repeal. ' I istlng boDy. Several DemoCrate syC- Mr. Lewis are, “Main Street” , -pub­ polls and voteD without assistanCe. publiCans for DemoCrats as gover­ Chot, the' RepubliCan nominee for eral by a majority of 5,219 over SMALL TOWNS FAIL The smti-prohibition forCes maDe CeeD RepubliCans, and several’ Re­ lisheD in 1920 whiCh brought him nors, and that RepubliCan governor­ governor. In RepubliCan IDeteo it DaviD A. Wilson, of HartforD. one of their biggest raiDs in-Ohio, publiCans suCCeeD DemoCrats', , - but into international notiCe; “Babbitt” Holyoke, Mass.—Miss Mary E. ships in Minnesota anD Orego'n ap­ bestoweD a DemoCratiC governor­ The State Senate will be 20 Re­ birthplaCe of tee Anti-Saloon Lea­ tee personnel of the Senate next in 1922, “ Arrowsmite” in 1925' and N utti^, whose 100th birthDay was parently haD been' CaptureD by a ship on C. Ben Ross anD in Arizona, publiCans anD 15 DemoCrats. The TO HELP SEYMOUR gue. Robert J. BuCkley, Cleveland year will incluDe twenty Republi­ “Elmer Gantr^” in 1927. CelebrateD OCtober 29, reCeiveD a Farmer-Labor and an InDependent. ColoraDo, MassaChusetts, Nebraska, House will number 193 RepubliCans DemoCrat, aDvoCate of ijepeal of tee Cans anD fifteen DemoCrats as Mr. Lewis was informeD of .-tee telegram of Congratulation and The Day's more Complete returns New MexiCo, Ohio and Oklahoma, it anD 74 DemoCrats. 18th A.mehdment, won over Senator against twenty-two RepubliCans and. awarD by ^ e AssociateD^ Press at thanks from Governor Allen for on Governor Roosevelt’s Crashing pusheD DemoCrats into tee lead. On The RepubliCans have three Con­ MCCulloCh, RepubliCan prohibition­ the home of/ tee Columnist, F^apk- whom she voteD. re-eleCtion in New York lifteD his inComplete returns, for governor­ gressmen anD the DemoCrats two. West HartforD, East Hart ist. He will be tee first Dry law op­ * (ContinueD On Page 3.) lin P. ADams, in-Westport, Co m . plurality near to 750,000. In Penn- ships now held by RepubliCans on The former are R. P. Freeman of ponent Ohio has sent'to the Senate The author, who in 1926. refuseD sylvala GifforD PlnChot finally Came tee same returns,-'a farmer laborite the SeConD DistriCt, who won from in eight years. ' to aCCept a $1,000 Pulitzer prize through wlih a RepubliCan majority in Minnesota and inDepenDent in his fellow townsman, W. C. Fox. Lewis’ ViCtory awarD for tee best novel presenting for governor, but it was harD going, Oregon were threatening toDay tee his fellow townsman, W. C. Fox, the forD and Even Manchester In other Senatorial Contests where LOOKS DEMOCRATIC MAN AND WOMAN “tee whole atmosphere of Ameri­ anD tee final margin wxia small.
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