Members of the American Academy by Election Year, 1900-1949

Members of the American Academy by Election Year, 1900-1949

Members of the American Academy Listed by election year, 1900-1949 Duff, Alexander Wilmer Elected in 1900 Elected in 1902 (1864-1951) Bailey, Liberty Hyde (1858-1954) Emerton, Ephraim (1851-1935) Balfour, Arthur James (1848-1930) Bates, Arlo (1850-1918) Engler, Adolph Gustav Heinrich Behring, Emil Adolph von Castle, William Ernest (1867-1962) (1844-1930) (1854-1917) Choate, Joseph Hodges (1832-1917) Fritz, John (1822-1913) Burton, Alfred Edgar (1857-1935) Dawson, George Mercer Hale, George Ellery (1868-1938) Clifford, Harry Ellsworth (1849-1901) Halsted, William Stewart (1866-1952) Fernald, Merritt Lyndon (1852-1922) Cremona, Luigi (Antonio Luigi (1873-1950) Hearn, William Edward Gaudienzo Giuseppe) (1830-1903) Fuller, Melville Weston (1826-1888) Delitzsch, Friedrich (1850-1922) (1833-1910) Hoar, George Frisbie (1826-1904) Gardiner, Samuel Rawson Geikie, Archibald (1835-1924) Jackson, Henry (1839-1921) (1829-1902) Howe, William Wirt (1833-1909) Johnson, Lewis Jerome Hadley, Arthur Twining Kohlrausch, Friedrich Wilhelm (1867-1952) (1856-1930) Georg (1840-1910) Keen, William Williams von Hann, Julius Ferdinand Mitchell, William (1832-1900) (1837-1932) (1839-1921) Murray, John (1841-1914) Koch, Robert (Heinrich Hermann Hofman, Heinrich Oscar Richardson, Rufus Byam Robert) (1843-1910) (1852-1924) (1845-1914) Kronecker, Hugo (1839-1914) Horsley, Victor Alexander Haden Seymour, Thomas Day Lyman, Theodore (1874-1954) (1857-1916) (1848-1907) Mall, Franklin Paine (1862-1917) Hough, Theodore (1865-1924) Stephens, Henry Morse Moore, Eliakim Hastings Jaggar, Thomas Augustus, Jr. (1857-1919) (1862-1932) (1871-1953) Trevelyan, George Otto Muller-Breslau, Heinrich Franz Lankester, Edwin Ray (1847-1929) (1838-1928) Bernhard (1851-1925) Lecky, William Edward Hartpole Unwin, William Cawthorne Nichols, Edward Leamington (1838-1903) (1838-1933) (1854-1937) Morgan, Morris Hicky Woodworth, Jay Backus Osborn, Henry Fairfield (1859-1910) (1865-1925) (1857-1935) Morley, John (1838-1923) Paris, Gaston Bruno Paulin Munsterberg, Hugo (1863-1916) (1839-1903) Elected in 1901 Putnam, Herbert (George Herbert) Pepper, George Wharton (1861-1955) (1867-1961) Stimson, Frederic Jesup Amicis, Edmondo de (1846-1908) Poincare, Jules Henri (1854-1912) (1855-1943) Brunton, Thomas Lauder Porter, William Townsend Strobel, Edward Henry (1855-1908) (1844-1916) (1862-1949) Thomson, Joseph John (1856-1940) Celli, Angelo (1857-1914) Pringle, Cyrus Guernsey Tyler, Harry Walter (1863-1938) Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder (1838-1911) Williams, Francis Henry (1843-1928) Pritchett, Henry Smith (1857-1939) (1852-1936) Collins, Frank Shipley (1848-1920) Richthofen, Ferdinand Paul Wilson, Edmund Beecher Dicey, Albert Venn (1835-1922) Wilhelm, Freiherr von (1833-1905) (1856-1939) Smyth, Henry Lloyd (1862-1944) Kennelly, Arthur Edwin Elected in 1903 Elected in 1908 (1861-1939) Campbell, George Ashley Ostwald, Wilhelm (Friedrich Briggs, LeBaron Russell (1870-1954) Wilhelm) (1853-1932) (1855-1934) Emmons, Samuel Franklin Pupin, Michael Idvorsky Derr, Louis (1868-1923) (1841-1911) (1858-1935) Fischer, Emil (1852-1919) Ganong, William Francis Warren, Herbert Langford Johnson, Douglas Wilson (1864-1941) (1857-1917) (1878-1944) Larmor, Joseph (1857-1942) Williston, Samuel (1861-1962) Warren, Charles Hyde (1876-1950) Mahan, Alfred Thayer (1840-1914) Palache, Charles (1869-1954) Elected in 1906 Elected in 1909 Picard, Charles Emile (1856-1941) Sauveur, Albert (1863-1939) Adams, Comfort Avery Benedict, Francis Gano Zittel, Karl Alfred Ritter von (1868-1958) (1870-1957) (1839-1904) Beale, Joseph Henry, Jr. Daly, Reginald Aldworth (1861-1943) (1871-1957) Cannon, Walter Bradford Elected in 1904 Edes, Henry Herbert (1849-1922) (1871-1945) Ewell, Arthur Woolsey Boissier, Marie Louis Gaston Carver, Thomas Nixon (1873-1958) (1823-1908) (1865-1961) Fay, Henry (1868-1939) Hague, James Duncan (1836-1908) Howard, Albert Andrew Fenn, William Wallace Harnack, Adolf von (1851-1930) (1858-1925) (1862-1932) Hilgard, Eugene Woldemar Jeffrey, Edward Charles Furnivall, Frederick James (1833-1916) (1866-1952) (1825-1910) Jacobi, Abraham (1830-1919) Moore, George Foot (1851-1931) Jacobi, Hermann Georg Klein, Christian Felix (1849-1925) (1850-1937) Prudden, Theophil Mitchell Lane, Gardiner Martin Elected in 1907 (1849-1924) (1859-1914) Russell, Israel Cook (1852-1906) Baxter, Gregory Paul (1876-1953) Lewis, Gilbert Newton (1875-1946) Sheldon, Edward Stevens Diels, Hermann Alexander Rand, Herbert Wilbur (1872-1960) (1851-1925) (1848-1922) Ropes, James Hardy (1866-1933) Smyth, Herbert Weir (1857-1937) Hall, Edward Henry (1831-1912) Slipher, Vesto Melvin (1875-1969) Villari, Pasquale (1827-1917) Lane, William Coolidge Wheeler, William Morton (1859-1931) (1865-1937) Norris, James Flack (1871-1940) Wilder, Harris Hawthorne Elected in 1905 Norton, Charles Ladd (1870-1939) (1864-1928) Bell, Louis (1864-1923) Pierce, George Washington (1872-1956) Butcher, Samuel Henry Elected in 1910 (1850-1910) Retzius, Magnus Gustaf Francke, Kuno (1855-1930) (1842-1919) Coolidge, Archibald Cary Gross, Charles (1857-1909) Ripley, William Zebina (1866-1928) (1867-1941) Dixon, Roland Burrage Walker, William Hultz (1875-1934) (1869-1934) Fairbanks, Arthur (1864-1944) Ford, Worthington Chauncey (1858-1941) Gill, David (1843-1914) Heidel, William Arthur Moore, Forris Jewett (1867-1926) Comstock, Daniel Frost (1868-1941) Morse, Harry Wheeler (1873-1936) (1883-1970) Lane, Alfred Church (1863-1948) Pound, Roscoe (1870-1964) Dall, William Healey (1845-1927) Moore, Clifford Herschel Robinson, Fred Norris (1871-1966) Day, Arthur Louis (1869-1960) (1866-1931) Rosenau, Milton Joseph Dodge, Frederic (1847-1927) Moore, Edward Caldwell (1869-1946) Eames, Wilberforce (1855-1937) (1857-1943) Shimer, Hervey Woodburn Evans, Alexander William Osterhout, Winthrop John (1872-1965) (1868-1959) Vanleuven (1871-1964) Southard, Elmer Ernest Fisher, Irving (1867-1947) Parker, Charles Pomeroy (1876-1920) Fitzgerald, Desmond (1846-1926) (1852-1916) Stearns, Frederic Pike (1851-1919) Goethals, George Washington Steinmetz, Charles Proteus (1858-1928) (1865-1923) Henderson, Lawrence Joseph Elected in 1911 Torrey, Charles Cutler (1863-1956) (1878-1942) Tozzer, Alfred Marston Higginson, Henry Lee (1834-1919) Ames, Joseph Sweetman (1877-1954) Howe, Mark Antony De Wolfe (1864-1943) Turner, Frederick Jackson (1864-1960) Ames, Oakes (1874-1950) (1861-1932) Joslin, Elliott Proctor (1869-1962) Bigelow, Henry Bryant Van Hise, Charles Richard Jusserand, Jean Adrien Antoine (1879-1967) (1857-1918) Jules (1855-1932) Bigelow, Melville Madison Whitney, Willis Rodney Kroeber, Alfred Louis (1876-1960) (1846-1921) (1868-1958) Lindgren, Waldemar (1860-1939) Bigelow, William Sturgis Wilson, Edwin Bidwell Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1850-1926) (1879-1964) (1853-1928) Boss, Lewis (1846-1912) Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924) Marks, Lionel Simeon (1871-1955) Bray, William Crowell (1879-1946) Mulliken, Samuel Parsons Campbell, William Wallace (1864-1934) (1862-1938) Elected in 1912 Oertel, Hanns (1868-1952) Channing, Edward Perkins Palmer, George Herbert (1856-1931) Agassiz, George Russell (1842-1933) Cleland, Herdman Fitzgerald (1862-1951) Peabody, Robert Swain (1869-1935) Arrhenius, Svante August (1845-1917) Davis, Harvey Nathaniel (1859-1927) Putnam, Charles Pickering (1881-1952) Baldwin, Simeon Eben (1844-1914) East, Edward Murray (1879-1938) (1840-1927) Righi, Augusto (1850-1920) Farabee, William Curtis Bauer, Louis Agricola (1865-1932) Root, Elihu (1845-1937) (1865-1925) Bixby, William Herbert Rugg, Arthur Prentice (1862-1938) Flexner, Simon (1863-1946) (1849-1928) Scott, William Berryman Folin, Otto Knut Olof (1867-1934) Boas, Franz (1858-1942) (1858-1947) Harper, Robert Almer (1862-1946) Bridgman, Percy Williams Thayer, John Eliot (1862-1933) Jackson, Dugald Caleb (1865-1951) (1882-1961) Thompson, Maurice deKay Knowlton, Marcus Perrin Brown, Ernest William (1877-1963) (1839-1918) (1866-1938) Tucker, William Jewett Leverett, George Vasmer Chapman, Henry Leland (1839-1926) (1846-1917) (1845-1913) Walker, Williston (1860-1922) Maclaurin, Richard Cockburn Chase, George Henry (1874-1952) Wolbach, Simeon Burt (1870-1920) Chittenden, Russell Henry (1880-1954) Matthews, Albert (1860-1946) (1856-1943) Metcalf, Joel Hastings (1866-1925) Woods, Frederick Shenstone Lawrence, William (1850-1941) Bowles, Francis Tiffany (1864-1950) Little, Arthur Dehon (1863-1935) (1858-1927) Wright, James Homer (1869-1928) Mallory, Frank Burr (1862-1941) Briquet, John Isaac (1870-1931) Munro, William Bennett Brogger, Waldemar Christofer (1875-1957) (1851-1940) Elected in 1913 Nichols, Edward Hall (1864-1922) Bumstead, Henry Andrews Nichols, Ernest Fox (1869-1924) (1870-1920) Birkhoff, George David Noble, Alfred (1844-1914) Burr, William Hubert (1851-1934) (1884-1944) Noyes, William Albert (1857-1941) Carrel, Alexis (1873-1944) Boltwood, Bertram Borden Okakura, Kakuzo (1862-1913) Chapin, Charles Value (1856-1941) (1870-1927) Pender, Harold (1879-1959) Clinton, George Perkins Bullock, Charles Jesse (1869-1941) Politzer, Adam (1835-1920) (1867-1937) Chadwick, George Whitefield Pratt, Bela Lyon (1867-1917) Conklin, Edwin Grant (1863-1952) (1854-1931) Rand, Edward Kennard Cushing, Harvey Williams Christian, Henry Asbury (1871-1945) (1869-1939) (1876-1951) Ritter, William Emerson De Normandie, James (1836-1924) Comstock, George Cary (1856-1944) Drisko, William Johnson (1855-1934) Seler, Eduard (1849-1922) (1866-1943) Coolidge, Julian Lowell Sheldon, Henry Newton Duane, William (1872-1935) (1873-1954) (1843-1926) Farnam, Henry

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