![Catalogue Or the David Jones of Wallingon MSS at Cardiff Central](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Catalogue or the David Jones of Wallingon MSS at Cardiff Central Library and at The National Library of Wales Compiled by Howard P Llewellyn, October 1982 Digital version by permission of Howard P Llewellyn, Sept 2013 L).l IITAIJ'INGTO}'I CATAIOGI]E OF fIlE DAVID JONES OF C43DIhT' cltiTIAr, LBRAtr A]'ID AT ntlYTl{ nEfl NATIOI.IAI LTBRAHT u_! /r.A.t-rAD AT AB$ITS 0c?oBln. CL'\trEILED 3r H(]ri'AlD P IfiEtffl.LYN Intro.luction A Note on David Jones of traLU4glS4 Davi-d Jones of YJalliIgton, Surrey, tras born in 13J4' the son oil fhomas Jones: maLster 3nd farmer of Great House, Llarrbldtir-i-an, Glanorgan. In 1356, Dav-id Jones left Gla.morgan to seek work i:r England. and by 1879 had nade enough money to retire to Surrey. Fron 1879 r:niil kis death j-]1 1B!o; David Jones researched and collecied. geneaiogical and. his torica-l materia-f on C ar.r:ar ihensh-ire, Cardiganshi.re, Penrbrokesitire, dtro1orgilsfri"e, Breclceockshire, Monnouthshire, Gloucestershire, Berl:shire, i'{iltshire, Surreyi qqrhao Cor:ntJr, Somersei a:rd lfarrcichshlre. The greatest bu-lh of this matelial j-s or:- Glanorganshire a:nd Carn,erthenshii-re. Unfortunately, Darrid. Jones died before publisliing ejnjr of his major rvorks. The t al- Col"le b D Jones A Ja.rge lart of t]ee roaterial ,consists of extracts ctr lrills of welsir fanilies rfor the ttre oeriod. approri-mate1.r, 14OO - 18OO. Tvrenty eight vol-lroes of extracts a.re for wi-Lls resiltered. u.1- tft" r'.6"ocltive Court of Calterbu:1r and. ni-ne voltanes of extracts ate foi prowi-ncial w:ills rEgistered. ma:irr-l-y at llandaff and ca:sarthen. In 1888 a:rd 186!, David Jones collected mom:nental- i-nscriptions fron neaff:r errery pari.sh chttrch in Glamo.rgan a5i1 these recordi:rgs fi1l t-reniy five exercise books. Dav-id Jones was also a proficie4t artist and seven albr:ns coi:tajn four hrl-ld-red and fifty ni.::e Pen and fu1c sketches by him of vievs of Glamorgar. l'lee rest ql the tlaterial, wh-ich is most\r for Carnurthenlhire and Glernorgansir-ire, ls a vast ass orbrent of notes and ertracts on tJre foLlolriJ1g I Hearth Tax 3.etu:ns, Lqy Subsj-dies, Proceedi-ngs of the Star Chalb er, Plea Ro1ls, Close Ro11s, Patent RolJ-s, Gaol !liIes, tr5les ald. RecoVeries, nXchequer Bi-1ls arrd- Depositions, signet office Dockets, chancery Froceedllgs, state Pa-cers, t Parish Registe.:'s and. 3 j.shop s Tralsctipts. For the Corrlties of Carrrartl'en and Glamorgan, David. Jones ixdexed. this rnaterial parish by p ari- sh,?-ith the i:rltention of ya'itjng a pel.ociria.l tr-istory of the tifo cou:ties '. this rro:'k seens to have been the naja goa-l- of h:is eLeven yeajs of resealch. The G,\:antitv ard. Location of Da.rid Jongs 9l{EE Yfhen David Jones died i.n 1 8!o, he left ttre l'4ss -,]-isted jn ttr-is cataf ogue, to -.Iliyd. j.choIl jor, Over yea-rs Dav-j'd. Jones had N of Ha-rn House, Llantrsj-t-illtyd Ila Glanorga;r. the , d.eveloped a friendship with Nichollrvrho shared. b:s lr-i-storj-ca1 and genea.logica-l j:nterests i-n Gla-rnorgan anC si-rrce Davi-d. Jones had. rereined sj-nglerit rJ"as to the }TichoJl fa:dly that he l-eft krjs notebooks.In 19J8' an. fltyd. lVicholi of Ham ilor:se,gave- the :' greater portion of the David. Jcnes l,iSS, to Cardiff Central- I.',ibrary and dur5:rg the period. 19J9-44, TLre National. IJibra-ry at Aberys buyth purchased. tte renaid:rg MSS from Mr. E.P.W.NichoIL of L,laliriaes lior:se, llannaes, Glanorgan rrith T.C.Ewans( lCadravd') of Llan6rr:ra'rd, Davi d. Jones had. al-so been friendly ts Gla11organ a-nd. because Ca::diff CentraL Library has some of David- Jones I1SS appearjng r:nder .Cadrawd.r LIS. Nos.,it s eerns as iJ T.C.Dva.:ns lra-d. al-so aco-uj-red some of Da'rid Jone: notebooks. Four vol-r.:raes of David Jc,nes I s wjl-I extracts cane to C ardj-ff Central- llbra-ry from a Mr. Gabriel of Caerleon . but I d.on t t lmow ho'vY these were acquired. by the latter person. Unfortunatefy, s ome ctr ttre Darrid. Jones ISS' irave gone r::issi:rg frcnn Cardiff C entra-l- Library a:rd s ome of the liSS. listed. jl Davi-d. Jones's Glarorgan Ind.ex !iS".{.88J, neither appear at The l{atj-ona]. Ltbrary at Aberys t"ryb]n,,or at Cardjff Centraf Llbrary" A list of these m-iCsing j-ierls is given i-n thi-s cataJ.ogue. If we take into accou-rt the totaL numbef of iloividual- parts for the one h'.rnd-re, end sixteen d.:iff erent liss j:r the David. Jones of !,'/a]'l i ngton collect:on at cardiff ,we fi-nd two.hundred and, tvyelve iteres i-n the Collect:.on. Forty t;ro iiems are contai:red i-n the forty one different Dalrid Jones MSS. in the Llanmaes Col-l-ection at The Nati-onal Libf,ary at Aberystwyth, so makjng a total- frm both Llbraries, of t-wo hundred ad fifty four j-tetrs. Sj-nce some of the notebooks run to over a huldred pages each, it can be seen that a large anount of inforsatic,n is contaisea in the t-?ro col-Lections of Darrid. Jones MSSrwhen taken as a vdrol-e. (r) Introduction ContI d. The lacksrorrld to the Production of thls Cataf ozue Jones of T{allington col-lection I fil.st came to Lesrn of the ex.i-s tence ctr tbe David. rVale at Cardiff Central Library, through rea&i.ng a nunber of articles i-n tle of Glaroorgan Seriest and tThe Glamorga;l Hlstoriant, published by Stevrart iYilli'ras. It wasn r t unti-l I ncas in a desperate need to find. more i:tfornati-on about ry f amily tree that I thought of sctu.al-fy consulting the ColLection. I t[ought it .wouli be a fJrly stra-ig]rt forward busjness to consult the l,'Fi but thi-s or". not to be so. By means q1 2 specia.L Read.er t s Ticketrit \ras easy enough t gain access to the MSS,but it proved a]Jnost i.rpossible to make sense of the w4y Jn i1,ich.they had been catalogued. Several years ago, t5e Library Prgpargd a typescript index for the col-Lection lut tr,-i,s proved. to be 'vdeolly i.Ilad.e qr:ate in that it only very bri-efly d.escribed the contents of tlre MSS. and. jJ1 some cases this descri.ption fiE^s even The great with the ca.r&iff Library index of tl-re collec misleiing. faplt !4rescript I was that it did. not correlate tjae Cardlff Librarlf lvIS ' nr'mbers lv-ittr David' J6nes s own peculiar system of i-ndering. tr'rom an ilspection of David Jonesrs Glamorga]1 Inaei, luS 4. 88-J, one coul-d. jrrai*'idrrrf docrrpnts being referred. to by a variefir 'was of n -uobers assigned. by Dawid.".. Jones but there no irnmediate Y'qy of fjndfu€ out what exactly thJy rrere, or wirat Cardj5f Library l'1S. nun:bers h"a-d. been assigned. to the j-f the Libra:y. or even tltey were in rSook In pariicular, I was 1ook5.ng for David Jonesrs 8 ',but nowhere i:r Daui Jonesrs indexes could I find. out wbat rBook 8 t was al]d' nozrirere iI the Cardi:ff cafliiff Library }'ls. nuaber for a r3oo$ Br. Library typescript index coul-d. I fjnd. a tBook'8r there was no iro..*iu.t. wa.y of being able to differentiate from the other tyo hundred od.d. notebooks in the Coll-ection and the only a.lternative l-eft to me was { go through then aaf one by one. Th-is task ,took ne severaf months after nteich I tho ag loi_ght as vel1 comp5J-e a catalogue, especially so after a south Tr'ales Femi ly History- soJ:.ety friend., BL.ry Davies of li-svane, had to1d. me tha-t f wouLd. fino some David. J9r I'1SS, Collection ttre Naiional- Libra:y. At Ab erys fqrbh, I f ourd' f ortJ il the Llamaes at rBook one more David. Jones of Y{a-J.lington uss., i:rcluding 8r utrich I hed. long searchei for. unfortunately, now that th:is catalogue is fi:nished-, it has becc,ne obvious titat some of David. JonLs's l'1S. a-re neither at Cardjff Central- Libra-ry or at the National Libra:y at Ab erystwyth arrd. a-re either j:r private ha:rds or el-se lost. AclgrorvLed-oents LJlbra-r5' I would fike to take this .. ogportrr:-i@ to thank the staff of Cardiff CentraL for their help a-nd the i.I. patience j.11 assisti-ng ne with [{r oEjly enq[iries. I wou]-d a- l-ihe to tha-nk-Mr. G.Thomas, Assistant Archivist at thre Department of tr{anuscripts at the NationaL Llbrary, Aberystnyttr nho prov:ided t,hre i::formation on hort the Library came to acqr:-1re the LLarrnaes CoLlecti-on. Finally, I should.
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