W{/{slIlIia 23: 553-592 (200 I) 553 Plant Records Records for publication must be submitted to the appropriate Vice-county Recorder (see BSBI Year Book 2001). and not to the Editors. The records must normally be of species. hybrids or subspecies of native or naturalised plants (listed in Kent (1992) or Stace ( 1997)). belonging to one or more of the following categories: I st or 2nd v.c. record; I st or 2nd post-1930 V.c. record: only extant v.c. locality. or 2nd such locality: a record of an extension of range by more than 100 km. Such records will also be accepted for the major islands in v.cc. S. 102-104 and 110. Only I st records can normally be accepted for Ruhus. Hieraciulll Tart/.raclIllI and hybrids. Records for subdivisions of vice-counties will not be treated separately: they IllUst therefore be records for the vice-county as a whole. Records for Ta/"(/xaculII must normally be additional to those in Dalldeliolls or er!'{/{ Bri/aiu alld Irelalld by A. A. Dudman & A. 1. Richards (1997). Records are arranged in the order given in the Lis/ o(l'asclllar plall/s (!l/he Bri/ish Isles and its supplements by D. H. Kent (1992). from which the species' numbers. taxonomy and nomenclature are taken. Taxa not in that book follow Ne\l' Flora o( /he Bri/ish Isles Ed . 2 by C. A. Stace (1997). The Ordnance Survey national grid reference follows the habitat and locality. With the exception of collectors' initials. herbarium abbreviations are those used in Bri/ish alld Irish herbaria by D. H. Kent & D. E. Alien (1984). Records are field reco,'ds if no other source is stated. Records from the following vice-counties are included in the text below (su~erscript figures indicate x 7 2 2 2 7 2 number of taxa): 12.2). 3 . 4'". 5). 6). 8". 9".10 .11 ". 12 '). 13'.15'). li • 21'. 23.25'.26',28'",28 ,33 . 2 23 2 Y Y 2 34'. 35;11, 37',h 39".40 .41 42 ", 43 • 44·1(,. 45 • 46'2,). 47)) . 48.). 49"'. SO.)". 51 '.53', 54', 581(,. 59). 60'. 61 ". 64".67' .682.69'.70'.71 ).772' . 7S" . 79). SOli. SI')2. S3.). 89'2. 911(,. 93' . 94'".95"', 97'.99'.1007.101 2.104'. 10S'". 109). li~'. HID'. H16'. H21'. H272. H302. H312. H352. The following signs are used: '" before the ,:Cc07'd: to indicate a new vice-county record. -r before the species nUlllber: to indicate that the plant is not a native species of the British Isles. t before the record: to indicate a species which. though native in some parts of the British Isles, is not so in the locality recorded. 11 enclosing a previously published record: to indicate that the record should be deleted. 1/3.1. LYCOPODIUM CLA VATUM 2R, W. Norfolk: One small plant on floor of extensive gravel pit. formerly heath, Leziate RSPB Reserve, TF682 195, S. Fisher. 1997. conL G. Beckelt. 1st post- 1930 record. 1/4.1. DIPHASIASTRUM ALPINUM 80. Roxburghs.: NE facing bank, old forestry quarry, Ramsaygrain West Forest. Teviothead, NT332022, R.W.M. Corner, 1996. 2nd extant site. 1/'+.2a. DIPHASIASTRUM COMPLANATUM subsp. ISSLERI *l08. W. Sutherland: Stony ground. Canisp. NC2216. A.G. Kenneth, 1985, conf. A .C. Jermy. t211.2. SELAGINELLA KRAUSSIANA *50, Denbs.: Naturalised in mown grass by stream. Bodnant. SH799721, J.A . Green, 1997. 3/1.1. ISOETES LACUSTRIS 94, Banffs.: Sandy bay, Loch Avon, NJ025032, J. Edelsten, 1989. Not seen at this site since 1867. Pool by Loch Avon. NJO 18026. D. Law. 1989. Not seen at this site since 1866. Both BM, det. A.C Jermy. I st and 2nd recent records. 3/1.1 x2. ISOETES ECHINOSPORA x I. LACUSTRIS (I. x HICKEYI) *46. Cards.: NE corner of L1yn Pendam. SN709839, A.O. Chater & A.C. Jermy, 1997. BM, conL D. Britton. I st British record. 411.3. EQUISETUM VARIEGATUM 64. Mid-W. Yorks.: Riverside marsh, Dunsop Bridge, SD655 I, P. Jepson. 1997. 2nd record . .+11 Ax8. EQUISETUM FLUVIATILE x E. PALUSTRE (E. x DYCEI) *46, Cards.: With both parents on peaty mud of summer-dry leadmine reservoir, Bog Pond. 2km NW of Ponterwyd, SN732824. A.O. Chater. 1994, NMW, conf. A .C Jenny. I st record for Wales. 411 .5x8. EQUISETUM ARVENSE x E. PALUSTRE (E. x ROTHMALERI) *73, Kirkcudbrights.: Shoulder high rushy area, Southness, Gillfoot side, NX977546, O.M. Stewart, 1994, E, det. CN. Page. Presumed I st record . *80, Roxburghs.: Flushed bank, Crookedsike Head. Cheviot Burn, Cocklawfoot. NT87 I 183. C. Dixon. 1997. herb C.N.P., det. C.N. Page . 411.6x7. EQUISETUM PRATENSE x E. SYLVATICUM (E. x MILDEANUM) *89, E. Perth: Road verge, N side of minor road I km E of Loch of Lowes. N0064439. C.1. Pogson. 1996. det. CN. Page. 5/1.1. OPI-II0GLOSSUM VULGATUM 81, Berwicks.: Parkland. Newton Don, NT71 1374. M.E. Braithwaite. 1995. 2nd extant record. 554 PLANT RECORDS 5/2. 1. BOTRYCHIUM LUNARIA 28, W . Norfolk: Dune slack, Wells-next-the-Sea, TF909454. E. Banham, 1996. 2nd record since 1973, a new area. 7/1.1. CRYPTOGRAMMA CRISPA *95, Moray: Only four plants on rocky outcrops on mountain, N facing, Creag an Tarmachain, Grantown-on-Spey, Nl 154312, LP. Green, 1997. 811 .2. HYMENOPHYLLUM WILSONII *89, E. Perth: North facing mica schist cliff, Kindrogan Crag, N0049628, H.S. McHaffie, 1985. L 9/1.1. PILULARIA GLOBULlFERA 47, Monts.: Three populations on lake-edge, shall ow (c.30cm) and deep (1 ·6m) water, Llyn Gwyddior, SH9307, R.A. lones, E.l. Lomas & T. Teearu, 1997. I st recent records. 51, Flints.: Mud, edge of lake, Uyn Helyg, SI I 15775, W. Hay, 1993. I st record for 20 years. ~ 1012.1. TRICHOMANES SPECIOSUM (gametophyte) *44, Carms.: Abundant in dry rock cavity, under overhang on NW facing slope in wood, by track along bottom of Allt Penrhyn wood, Forge­ Cych, SN254413, A.O. Chater, 1994. I 111.1 x2. POL YPODIUM VULGARE x P. INTERJECTUM (P. x MANTONIAE) *37, Worcs.: Mossy bank, West Malvern, S07645; North Quany, Malvern, S07646; both P.G. Garner, 1989. del. R.H. Roberts. I st and 2nd records. *58, Cheshire: Wooded bank, Barnston, Wirral, S1279837, E.F. Greenwood, 1995, LIV, det. R.H. Roberts. Mixed with P. vu/gare. 15/2.5a. ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES subsp. TRICHOMANES 50, Denbs.: Roadside wall, Capel Garmon, SH8157, J.A. Green, 1996. 2nd record. " 15/2.5c. ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES subsp. PACHYRACHIS *42, Brecs.: Limestone rocks near Pontneddfechan, SN9108, M. Porter, 1995, del. 1.C . Vogel & A.C. Jermy. *58, Cheshire: Sandstone cliffs, Maiden Castle, Bickerton, S14952, l.P. Guest. Sandstone cliffs, Bickerton Hill, SJ5053, G.M. Kay; both 1997, del. 1. Vogel. 1st and 2nd records. 15/2.5x8. ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES x A. SEPTENTRIONALE (A. x ALTERNIFOLlUM), , 89. E. Perth : Stenton, Dunkeld, N004, 1.H. Penson, 1966, herb. J.H.P. Volcanic rocks. Craig Tronach, N0053402, 1. Castle-Smith & N. W. Taylor, 1991 , E. I st and 2nd recent records. 15/2.6. ASPLENIUM VIRIDE *47, Monts.: In crcviccs on vertical rock face in rocky stream gorge, Lake Vyrnwy, SH996205, P. Parker, 1997, NMW, del. P.M. Benoil. "I" 1611 .1 . MATTEUCCIA STRUTHtOPTER IS 6, N. Somerset: Over 50 plants under trees in marshy area of wood on stream edge, Vobster, ST710489, P.R. Green, 1997. 1711 . 1. POLYSTICHUM SETIFERUM 67, S. Northumb.: Wooded slope above stream bank, Doveerag Burn, NT945024, G.A. & M . Swan, 1997, herb. G.A.S. 2nd confirmed record. 17/l.lx2. POLYSTICHUM SETIFERUM x P. ACULEATUM (P. x BICKNELLlI) *2, E. Cornwall: With both parents in woodland by the River Tamar, Lamerhooe Ford, W of Latchley, SX398732, M. Atkinson, 1996, conf. A.M. Paul. *37, Wores.: Park Wood, Malvern Hills, S07644. R. Maskew, 1991, conf. A.M. Paul. *50, Denbs.: Bank of old railway, Pwllglas, SI 125551 , M . Keene, 1995, del. A. Paul. "l"17/l.lxmun. POLYSTICHUM SETIFERUM x P. MUNITUM *17, Surrey: One plant of several fronds with both parents on bank of B.P., Winkworth Hill, SU996403, A.C. Leslie, 1995, herb. A. C.L. 17/3.2x3. DRYOPTERIS FILlX-MAS x D. AFFINIS (D. x COMPLEXA) *37, Warcs.: Streamside wooded bank, Southstone Rock, Teme Valley, S07063, P.G. Garner & R. Maskew, 1989. det. A. C. Jermy. 17/3.3a. DRYOPTERIS AFFINIS subsp. AFFINIS *S. Channel Islands: Frequent in wooded valley near stream, Dixcart Valley, Sark, WV467754, R.M. Veall, 1996. del. M. Gibby. 17/3.3b. DRYOPTERIS AFFINIS subsp. CAMBRENSIS *2, E. Cornwall: Two plants only in unshaded roadside hedge on granite, Kit Hill, near Callington, SX383714, R.J. Murphy & M.G.C. Atkinson, 1999, del. A.C. Jermy. I st confirmed record. *11, S. Hants.: Beside main ride in wood, Crowdhill Copse, Fair Oak, SU487198, P.J. Selby, 1995, herb. R.P. Bowman, del. H. Corley. "I" 1911 . 1. AZOLLA FILlCULOIDES 41, Glam.: Settling pond, Aberthaw Cement Works, ST0367, M. Hampton, 1996. Only extant locality. PLANT RECORDS 555 "1"2011.1. ABIES ALBA *81. Berwicks.: Maturing saplings established at plantation edge, Woodhead, Lauder, NT53 1468; Plantation edge, Blinkbonny Hill, NT566395; both M.E. Braithwaite. 1996. 1st & 2nd records as self-seeded. t 20/1.nor. ABIES NORDMANNIANA *46, Cards.: About IS self-sown trees 2-4m tall in estate woodland. L1anerchaeron. SN47960 I. S.P. Chambers. 1996. "1"2012.1. PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII *46, Cards.: Shingle by Afon Ystwyth 2km W of Pontrhyd-y-groes. SN72072I. A.O. Chater, 1990. Estate woodland, Coed Ffynnon Caradog, L1angorwen. SN617831, A.O. Chater, 1991. I st and 2nd records.
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