DJifrfbution 22,021 DIAL SH 1-0010 VOL. 85, d»HTT.. ito ftm* ttttai ikm dm P«uit 237 at JJwijMt.iw M a M«qaa«i tunic* oaten. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Case Worker Arrested for Forging Check PREEHOLD-In the first pub- The Welfare Board administers uation of merits of the requests guarded secret except that of- Bank Magistrate William L Mat- lic disclosure of what may be in-about $2 million a year in county often are the only check on ficials were forced to make a sky. The magistrate fixed the volved in an investigation of mis- money matched by federal and whether grants will be given. move when her release from the bail asked by the prosecutor's of- use of Monmouth County Wel- state grants under a variety of Payments are made monthly on State Hospital became imminent. fice. fare Department funds, a former formulas. a basis of continuing'need and County Warrant The prosecutor's office said case worker was arrested yes- The county is divided into areas are subject to periodic checks by She was taken in custody by that in addition to the forgery terday and was held in $10,000 and case workers are assigned to case workers. County Detective Andrew Man- count, Miss Gist also faces a bail. investigate requests for aid with Suspicion of Miss Gist probably ning, under a county warrant, charge of attempted suicide. Miss Annie Gist, 34," of 25 Loin their boundaries. Their eval- would have remained a well- and was arraigned before Red (See WORKER, Page 2) cust Ave., Red Bank, was ar- raigned in Red Bank Municipal Court on a charge of forging needy family's check for $432 last Nov. 2, 1962. Her arrest was made at Marl- boro State Hospital, where she had been a patient for twto months since attempting suicide Hope Birmingham following her resignation and thi opening of a probe. "One of Many' Prosecutor Vincent P. Keupei said the charge upon which Misi Gist was arraigned in Red Ban! was but one of many which have Situation Will Ease been presented to the Grand Jury BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - nine councilmen, confirmed yes- lations," said Rev. F. L. Shut- 'Birmingham's image has al- and upon which action is awaited. Progressive leadership in this terday as the legal government tlesworth a key figure in a ready improved." He would not say when a report sprawling steel' city's racial trou- by the Alabama Supreme Court, lengthy desegregation drive Boutwell and the council took may be made. Nor would he sa; 1 how much money is involved. bles has been pledged by a new were hailed by a Negro leader which landed about 2,400 Negroes over the government when the RACIN© PILOT — Mri. Howard J.Bschner of 90 Gltnwood Dr., New Shrewsbury, government which also must as symbols of a new era. in jail for demonstrations. court ousted a three-commission- with map on the cowl of fier Cessna 150 plane, named Timothy, plots her course for The prosecutor's investigation grapple with serious economic "The Negro people look to the Image Improved er system dominated by Polics began.after a special meeting in Keene, N.H., where she will be a contestant in the All-Woman New England Air Race problems. Boutwell administration for direct "Justice and progress have Commissioner Eugene Connor, a March with the County. Welfare Mayor Albert Boutwell and progress in the area of race re- triumphed," said Shuttlesworth. bitter segregationist who person- tomorrow. Her home base is the Red Bank Airport. Board. That meeting was widely- ally directed policemen in han- publicized when Freeholders Mar- cus Daly, director of welfare, anc dling demonstrations. Charles I. Smith, a welfare, boarc The new mayor, considered a member, were excused from moderate, said he would appraise freeholders' session to attend an the city's racial problem "and Flying Gfandmom"urgent" conference With M work toward its harmonious solu- Keuper. tion." Almost simultaneous with the But since then officials hav legal victory for the mayor-coun- Ready to Enter 300-Mile Air Race been tight-lipped. The freeholi cil, a Chamber of Commerce erg have said they could ni committee warned that the city'i By JANE E. MORROW in Denver, Colo., and Suffers, The flying grandmother got her comment because all of their in- NEW SHREWSBURY-A Glen- N.Y., one grandchild in Suffern pilot's license in 1952 in Spring formation had been presented to economy had been severely dam- wood Dr. housewife is flying her and two more expected, one inValley Aiiport, N. Y. Since then the prosecutor for Grand Jury aged by racial,strife. red and white two-placed Cessna each daughter's, household. She she has logged 1,140 hours of fly- attention. Mr. Keuper said he Cites Turmoil 15D, named Timothy, to Keene, say? she plans to fly to each ing time, and flown across the had agreed with the Welfare "Something must be done," N. H., today to enter the All-daughter In time to welcome the continent six times. Board to make no comment until said Caldwell Marks, chairman Woman New England Air Race. new additions to the family this Her husband, who does not fly, the Grand Jury disposed of th of an industry-hunting commit- Tomorrow, Mrs. Howard J. fall. (See FLYJNG, Page 2) case. tee. He said prospective indus- Elschner, a sKm dark-haired pi- tries have refused to consider lot in high heels, will.fly a 300- Birmingham because of the tur- mile round robin cross country moil, air race, over a course that will be kept secret until the briefing New Try by Post Office Boutwell said he would be sym- tonight. pathetic toward a biracial agree- RED BANK-TJie U.S. Post Office De- On May 6, Borough Council adopted the Iment. But he said he had re- The AWNEAR, she explained fused to recognize a May 10 set- yesterday at Red Bank Airport, partment is going to try again to win bor- P-l ordinance. It allows a variety of profes- where her plane is based, is a ough approval of its plan to build a new post sional office uses in the area which includes tlement between Negro leaders proficiency race, with each con- office building on Broad St., next to the the southern portion of Hudson- Ave. and white businessmen because testant flying against handicaps J. H. Kelly building. It also lists a number of uses which, upon "I was not able to act with au- for both air speed and gas con- The move will begin at Tuesday's meet- issuance of a special permit, are allowed. thority." • sumption of her craft. ing of the Planning Board where an appli- Among them are agencies, banks and lend- His office door is open to any Thin! Try ing institutions (including drive-in facilities), Birmingham citizen, Boutwell cation for a special permit will hi pre- KHRUSHCHEV WARNS U.S. ON CUBA-Soviet Promier Nikita Khrushchev, in This will be Mrs. Elschner's sented. It will be the first under the provi- public utility offices, "and other like busi- said, but added: third year as. r contestant In sions of the recently adopted P-l professional nesses providing services or administration shirtsleeve* and protected by an umbrella from tha broiling tun, addresses farewell "I will not, however, receive fills event. She has placed seventh oftica wning ordiflance, . as distinguished from retail business." Post anyone who shows disrespect for offices are not specifically mentioned. meeting for Cuban Premier fidel Castro In Moscow. He warned the United States local, state or federal laws." and eleventh In the past two Board president Bernard Kellenyl said ; The ordinance requires review by tin that any future crisis over Cuba wou(j)>e harder to solve'than ths blockade crisit That referred, he said, to in- years. The first five iii the race last night that Piostmastert>'Fred Crine will get trophies. She says she has appear Tuesday as an agent of the depart- Planning and Zoning Boards before a decl- of 1962. .',...-.-•••/• . IAP Wirephoto) tegration leader Dr. Martin Lu- ". sjon is made by the governing body. ther King Jr., who helped stage no special ambition to place, mem; - • ;i -,£• • '••> .',- / -t ._ "Of course;", she said, "every- The new.petition will probably be heard street marches protesting segre- The Post Offica Department is looking at public meetings of all three boards. gation. The Atlanta'Constitution body races to Win, but the main for a rear access driveway to the Broad thing is the good fun of the con- Interested parties have laid the failure reported that King said his south- St. tract on which it holds options. of the Post Office Department's bid for a Claim Parkv^foll Increase ern Christian leadership confer- test." In March, the Zoning Board of Adjust- zoning variance to a lack of public support. Yesterday Mrs. Elschner spent ence collected and spent more ment denied a variance which would have Hudson Ave. residents protested the driveway than $300,000 in the Birming- a busy day cooking casseroles permitted the use of property at 92 Hudson plan at a Zoning Board hearing. for her non-airborne husband to Ave., belonging to Philip J. Martinez and ham integration drive. The new bid - has the announced support Council Chairman M. E. Wig- eat while she is gone this week- located in an A-2 residential zone, for a of the Red Bank Community Chamber of end, getting her plane waxed, and driveway.
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