m -.-Aip ■ <>\ < >. > '^hV\\ < V ‘ jf 5^*1'. r •Xl fc-o-X,',; - NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION THE WBATHEH VuMnuit kr tl» *> S^MnB, for the month of September, 1928 * . ... Keiulilairui . 5,159 Probably showers and Member ot the Aadit Bureau ot < Saturday momiDE,„Idllow^ by lair. ' Clrcnlutiona_________ (Classified Advertising on Page 16) VOL. X U I., NO. 314. Ma n c h e s t e r , CONN., Fr i d a y , Oc t o b e r 5, i »28. (EIGHTEEN PA6B&) PRICE T%RJ^rCBN!fS YANKS AMERICA NOW MRST HOME RUN OP SERIES IN MAKING OF Tests Made of Weapons of TARIFF IS O E Y AD Calibres Proved This, Threatening WeaAer Cuts Down Attendance at Second Brings lit Army Officials Make REAL CAMPAIGN Game of World’s Series; Alexander aSd Pipgras 0 ^ Known Today. ISSTOAIIY posing Twirlers as Game Starts But “ Old Pete” is Re­ placed by Mitchell in Third— The Game Play by Play. Aberdeen Prdving Grounds, lyid., Horace B. Cheney, Silk Oct. 5.— “ The American Army could be supplied with guns, am­ New York .. St. Louis stole second. Ball one, outside. munition and material second to Finn's Economics Expert, Darst, cf / . Donihit cf Strike one, swung. Strike two, Koenig, ss High, 8b; swung. Strike^ three", swung. Bot- none in the event of a national Ruth, rf Frischt 2b tomley fanned; Ha^ey. up. Hafey. emergency.” Tells Why Manchester Gehrig, lb Bottemley, lb out Koenig.,to (Jehtig, Brlsch takr Major General C. C. Williams, Mehsel, If Hafey, If ing third. Harper up. Strike one, chief of ordnance. United States Should iFavor Republicans Lazzeri, 2b Harper, If called. Ball one, -wide. Strike two, Robertson, 3b Wilson, c foul back. Strike three, , called. Army, made this statement to In­ Bengough, c Mai*an-ville, ss Harper fanned. ternational News Service today in Pipgras, p Alexander, p l*to runs, one hit, no errors, one commenting upon the spectacular Horace B. Cheney, director 'of Here’s the finish of the first (home run of . the 19 2-^ World Series. Outfielder Meusel of the Yanks hit . .Umpires: At the plate, Rigler, left. and extraordinarily vivid demon­ Cheney Brothers, local silk firm, It, and h^s seen crossing the plate. Babe Ruth, w^o scored ahead of him after doubling, is seen over National; at first.base, McGowan, Yankees: Ruth up. Ball one in­ Catcher Wilson’s shoulders. stration given at the army proving today furnished The Herald with a American; at second base, Pfimian, side. Ball two low. Strike ope grounds here yesterday and last statement >vhich firmly advjocates National; at GiirA tiase, Owens, A swung. Strike two. called; Ruth pin-: night of The powerful guns that the erican. gled to center. Gehrig lip. Ball one United States cculd unleash on th(^ Manchester people voting the Re- BRITAIN’IS GOING wide. Ball two wide. Ball three enemy in the event of a war. , publican ticket in the fall Presiden­ SMITH PREPARING HOOVER WILL START wide. Strike one called. Ball four Big Audience tial campaign. Mr. Cheney offers a DRY WITHOUT LAW Yankee Stadium, New York, Oct. low. Gehrig walked, Ruth going to Every important weapon and table of wage comparisons showing 5— At the end of'the sixth inning second. Meusel up, -Strike one, artillery piece developed by the why manufacturers in this country FOR HIS NEXT TRIP Figures Show Big Drop in Con­ TONIGHT FOR SOUTH today in the second game of the swung. Ruth scored, Gehrig took liou GrlirTg army since the World Vvax:^ was cannot compete successfully with sumption of Liquor in Brit­ World’s Series, the New York Yan­ third on Meusel’s double to left fired amid deafening detonations foreign manufacturers of silk. Mr. kees were leading by a score of 8 field. Lazzeri up. Ball one wide. ish Isles. to 3. The feature of the game thus Strike one swung. Strike two side, Pasetial walked.' Koenig up. while more than 5,000 persons Cheney is an expert in economics Ball one outside. Strike one called. viewed the impressive spectacle and always represents the Silk As.so- far was a homer by Gehrig which swung. Ball two wide. Lazzeri out, Committee Keeps Various London, Oct. 5.— Great Brit­ First nin e Since Civil War brought in three runs in the first High to Bottomley .both runners Ball-two high. Strikefwo. foul back. from vantage places, steep hills, ciation of. America in presenting, ain appears to be voluntarily Strike three swung,’ Koenig- fanned. buildings and barracks. Sixteen- that body's arguments before the inning,. The game, play by play holding their bases. Robertson up. going “ dry” without the assist­ follows: Ball one'/low. Ball two wide. Ball Ruth up. Strike, one'called. Strike inch guns constructed for sea coast Tariff commission. Dates Secret But AI Starts ance of prohibition, according two swung. Ball one low. -/Strike' defense roared as projectiles weigh­ His Letter That G. 0. P. Candidate First Inning three low. Strike one called. - Ball to published" official figures. four, Robertson walked filling the three called, . Ruth fanned'. Gehrig ing over. 2,000 pounds were hurled Mr. Cheney’s statement follows: In 1900 the consumption of St. Louis — Douthit up. Strike up. Ball one -wide. Gehrig out on a miles into the air. Anti-aircraft Next Week. ^ one, foul back. Ball one, outside. bases. Bengougti up. Strike one caU­ THE INTERESTS OF MANCHES­ spirits in England was 32,2R9,- Speaks There.' ed. Gehrig scored on Bengough’s fly to Doutiit. ' 105-niilimetre guns that attained a 522 gallons. In 1913 it had de­ Strike two. foul right. Douthit out No runsv^BO. hits, no errors. One vertical range of 12,000 yards TER IN THE POLITICAL at first, Gehrig unassisted. iSlgh up. single to right,,.Meusel,agoing,,to CAMPAIGN clined to 22*004,432 gallons. third, Robertson-to secopd. Alexan­ left. ■ . poured forth heavy projectiles at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 5.;— Goverijor Today it has fallen to 10'412,- Ball one, inside. Strike one, called. the rate of fifteen shots pr.r Washington, Oct. 5,— Facing his Strike two,foul left. Ball two, wide. der was removed at this juncture. “ The whole of New England de­ Smith’s plans to invade the south­ 9|21 gallons, and is growing less Mitchell now: pitching for .St., Louis. minute. Demolition bombs weigh­ -dally. V. big bid ■ for electoral votes from Bali three whle. Pp.ul back. Foul pends for its prosperity upon the ern border states, which have been Right. Foul left. Foul/ back. Ball Meusel on third, Robertson- on sec­ Yankee Stadium,. New York, ing 600 pounds were dropped from Protective Tariff, but the Town of ; The figures for Scotland, states below the Rfasou-Di.xon line, ond, Bengough,,on first. Pipgras up. occupying most of his attention' four low, H i^ walked, Frisch *;p. Oct. 5.r<-Another bumper crop of Martin bombers. Tanks of all sizes Manchester is particularly and pe­ ‘‘the home pf whiskey,” are Herbert Hoover today was prepared Ball ope outside,, Ball twoi.outslije; and descriptions executed maneu­ since his retnrn from the west,- have siill more significant. Con­ Strike one fouL rlgbti-'l strike-two haseMir zhMalh rioted Into the culiarly situated in this respect. It for an invasion of the happy valley called. Foul back. 'Ball one wide. Strike one called MeuseU scored vers up hill and down dale. Troops ewes its existence and its contin­ provided some knotty problems In sumption of spirits in Scotland when Pipgras was hit with a pitch­ Stadium today, like so much cattle went into action and fired gas and was 8,632,092 gallons in 1900 of Tennessee for a speech to the Ball two wide. Ball three Inside, uance not only to a Tariff, but in the matter of arrangements, and an­ Foul back, foul left. Ball four out­ ed ba.ll. Robertson took third, Ben- hBipg chivvied through the chutes smoke shells a distance of 2,500 the most'extreme manner to a Pro­ against 6,709,34B^in 1913 and Solid South. gpugh going to second, the- bases re­ yards at machine *gun nests. Caval­ nouncement of the- definite Itiner­ 2,456,200 last year. side. Frisch walked. High going at the Chicago stQckyexds, pud with tective Tariff. The entire silk busi­ The Republican nominee- will •Iti’-second! Bottomley Up. Strike one maining filled. Paschal battlnftllti ry men dashed into battle while a ness would die a sudden and vio­ ary may be delayed a feV decline'in beer drinking leave late tonlgtit'.o'n a. special train place o f piirst. Paschal up. Strike’ the niated rPar^^sp-ty^cal o^ the oc- fleet of bombardment planes simu­ The governor, however, plans to has been equally striking. The swung. Ball one wide. Ball two lent death if the tax on importa- to keep tils speaking engagement at wide. Bengough tried to nip Frisch onei called. Robertson scored, op casiop, they grerth^/the; emtiattled lated actual warfare from the air. tions of silk goods from foreign Albany early nbxt /Week. As leading btewerS; are contem­ single to center but Bengdugn. was heretofore indicated his Itinerary plating a joint advertising Elizabethton, Tenn., , tomorrow off first and failed. Strike two Yankees and Cartiihals'.as the two All in all, it was an inspiring and | countries was even materially re- swung. Ball three wide. Bottomley out at the plate, Douthit to Frisch impressive show. I ciuced. will probably embrace Raleigfi, N. campaign in order to implant ahernooii. Enroute he will stop at to •'Wilson. Pipgras went,' to second champipus^steppea themselves out C., Chattanooga, ’Tenn;, Louisville, the Idea that“ beer _ is the out on foul to Bengough.
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