arrcrßTy, SPORTS. THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON. P. C. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 17; 1f)'J8~. 15 Big Foot Ball Games Are to Be Staged in Every Section of Country Today FOOT BALL STARS WHO WILL FIGURE IN THREE OF TODAY’S BIG STRUGGLES ELEVENS TECH, SCHOOL CHAMPION, BULLDOGS. TIGERS BIG TEN TO PLAY ONE MORE GAME TOP EASTERN LIST BATTLE FOR LEAD Conqueror of Eastern, 7 to 0, Likely to Make Trip If November 24 Is However, Clash at Princeton lowa, Wisconsin Also Fight to Tuscaloosa, Ala., Is Merely One of Many to Retain Place Among Acceptable. Unbeaten Teams. Attractive Frays. achieving the public high achool been batted down by Eastern, Drtssel foot ball title yesterday by defeat- came through with a toss that gave ing Eastern, 7 to 0, in Central Tech its touchdown. BY PAUL R. MICKELSON. eleven F.y the Associated Press. Stadium. Tech’s registered Eastern’s Defense November 17.—The Associated Press Bports Writer. INits second win in the championship Strong. YORK. fifty-second meeting between CHICAGO, November 17 <4>).—First series in the palt six years. The Mc- From this stage until the fourth peri- Princeton and Yale at Prince- place In the Big Ten foot ball champion- Kinley boys gained the title in 1923 od, Tech, though virtually always car- ton was Just one feature of ship race and membership In the Na- and in 1925, 1926 and 1927 finished in rying the fight to Eastern, was unable NEW Eastern foot ball card. tion’s circle of undefeated teams a tie for the crown. The 1924 series to pierce the Eastern defensive. How- today’s select Eastern found it harder There were also such alluring an- were at stake at lowa City today where when Central was the winner and Tech ever, even to as that between Colgate lowa and Wisconsin speed and finished second was the only campaign gain against Tech. nual duels match desperation and Syracuse at Syracuse; between Co- brawn before 35,000 spectators. during the six-year period when the In Eastern lashed out lumbia and Pennsylvania at Philadel- The battle, which may decide the McKinley boys have either not won or with its only real offensive of the game phia; Cornell and Dartmouth at Ithaca, championship scramble —barring upsets tied for the championship. in the final period, and, with the whole N. Y.; Williams and Amherst; Holy In next week’s final games—was easily ball team will backfleld alternating in toting the ball, and The championship foot smashed to Tech’s 12-yard line. Cross and Harvard; Penn State the outstanding attraction of the West- go to Tuscaloosa, Ala., to play the crack through Lafayette; West Virgniia and George- ern Conference’s schedule, which In- high school eleven there, it was an- Here the Tech defense became adamant town, Washington and Jefferson and in a final effort to score Oxley and cluded games between Chicago and nounced today by Elmer P. (Hap) Har- Bucknell. and flung a pass toward Smith. The bail, and . , J M Illinois Indiana. New and Northwestern den, Tech athletic director, if November however, was Intersectional games included Because of impressive triumphs over 24 is acceptable to the Tuscaloosa grounded and went into York University and Missouri at the Minnesota and Ohio, Coach Burt Tech’s possession on its own 20-yard Stadium, authorities. Yankee Fordham and unde- Ingwersen’s ponderous lowa machine line. The McKinley boys soon hats the Grounds, After winning the public high title danger feated Detroit at the Polo was the experts’ choice to win. Wis- ball out of and thereafter East- Carleton and Army at West Point. a game yesterday Tech was undecided at first ern never threatened. In the late stages Boston consin, however, packed passing to accept the offer, Navy, Brown and College with every team it has met this season whether Tuscaloosa Tech was again menacing the Eastern were decided favorites over Loyola of and was conceded a big chance. A which was made by Champ Pickens, goal, play ending with the Maroon and Baltimore, New Hampshire and Can- steady drizzle yesterday made the Southern sportsman. The Alabama Gray in possession of the ball on as was Wesleyan over play- has not been three isius, respectively, ing field soggy, and that was regarded eleven beaten in Eastern’s 15-yard line. Bowdoin. seasons. as an advantage for lowa, which has Line-Up and Summary. Fifty-second Annual Contest. an almost Invincible line attack. One More Game Left. _ Tech. Position. Eastern. November 17 (4»). With the crucial Eastern-Tech game Benner L. E Holland PRINCETON, N. J.% _ lowa Line Is Heavy. Cole L. T T. Nally —Thousands of visitors were here today now history only one more title series Oyster L. foot The lowa line, averaging close to 10 O C. Miles for the fifty-second Yale-Princeton Wisconsin's, match remains to be that be- L. Winston Center Miller ball game. pounds more to a man than played, Oehmann (Capt.). R. G Montague houses fewer and its two line smashers, Mayes Mc- tween Central and Western Tuesday in Edwards R. T Wade A town that normally carried the Edelblut R. E E. Chalkley than 10.000 people had to handle five Lain and Willis Olassgow, Central Stadium. It will be a battle Drlssel Q. B Oxley times that number. The town fire- Hawkeye hopes, while Wisconsin de- Fountain L. H McCullough pended line's aggressiveness, the for third place, as Central and Western Florence R H <Capt.) Wood men and a detail of State troopers on its Goss ...F. B McCarthy Princeton's throwing arms of Bill Lusby and Sam- are tied for that position with one win were neded to help police of Score by periods; force in controlling the rush of motor my Behr and the uncanAy ability and two defeats each. midget Tech 7 0 0 o—7 traffic. “Bo” Cuisiner, Its quarterback, Tech outplayed Eastern yesterday and Eastern 0 0 0 O—O Princeton, with a somewhat better to spear passes. to wm, but the Lincoln Park- Touehdown—Edelblut. Point after touch- FIVE 0. C. COLLEGES deserved down— (placement). record for the season, reigned favorite Favored Over Yale; In vindictive mood because of Its de- ers offered the Maroon and Gray the Driaael Substitutions: Princeton by Michigan ago, Eastern—Smith for Chalkley. Clow for Mc- in the pre-game predictions by a slight feat two weeks Illi- most desperate opposition. Though Carthy. Tech—Norwood for Ooas. Referee— Eli were ad- nois, 1927 invaded Chicago Mr. Magoffin (Michigan). margin, but no sons of . champions, Hap boys only Umpire—Mr. Tow- BIG CLASHES IN GRID STRUGGLES Coach Hardens scored ers (Columbia). Linesman—Mr. FOUR Coach Amos Alonzo Daniels mitting whistle. bent giving aggres- defeat before the final Are Sized on one touchdown, they were the (Georgetown). The memory of last year’s contest when Other Contests Up Stagg’s men their fifth straight Con- sors virtually throughout, and witn the the Tigers, conceded even more of an Foot ball teams of the District ference licking. Chicago was in good exception ot one splurge, when it reach- SERIES STATISTICS. edge than they are given today, lost physical shape for once, but wasn’t 12-yard line, Eastern was un- Team Standing. group were to figure In live games turn ed lech’s 14 to 6. Defeat remained in the minds BY WALTER TRUMBULL. fer a natural let-down after the Har- this afternoon, three on home grid- conceded much of a chance to able to gain consistently. _ W. L. Pet. of CARDED ON COASI its Tech 4 o 1.000 cer- of the supporters both colleges. vard game. Penn, at peak, irons and two on alien Helds. back the Illinl. the hand, the McKinley Eastern 3 i .?so to detract and Yale are meeting lost this At Northwestern and On other Central l Both teams had injuries tainly would not have a game In encounters here, Georgetown Bloomington, employing spectacular * 3 .333 from their chances. Johnny Garvey, today in a game with tradi- season. Indiana, were to do battle. Off to a comoinauon, a Western 1 3 .333 tions back into the and West Virginia were to meet passing game ana a ciever determined Business 0 4 .000 star Yale back, remained out of the Southern California Meets stretching Although It will make me unpopular in Griffith Stadium, Maryland and start, Northwestern has snapped dim distant past. The Tiger rushing attack, contrived to advance Yesterday’s final practice, limping along the side- and with my friend, MaJ. Corum, honesty Virginia in Byrd Stadium, at College Korto a powerful aggregation with vic- Result. lines heavily PRINCETONand the Bulldog have fought Purdue the oau ox ten ana ior substantial yard- Tech. 7; Eastern, 0. with his sprained ankle compels me to say that I think the Park, and tories over Minnesota and and Washington Team many thrilling bitter battle, and and American University age. The forward passing combination swathed in bandages. Ed Decker, State a and New York University should belt the George Washington in Eastern todav was pointing to a first-division Tuesday’s Game. rarely previous been any true High Bradley Edelblut mainstay of Yale’s defense, also took has form daylights out of Missouri. The N. Y. U. School Stadium. berth In the final conference rating. ox Homer Drlssel to Central vs. Western, Central Stadium, things easy, fearful of doing further in Main guide to the result. looks it emerged Brook- Indiana was badly crippled. The field accounted lor Tech's lone touchdown, 3:13 o'clock.
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