Copyright © United Nations, 2011. All rights reserved ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF SUBSTANCES AND ARTICLES Copyright © United Nations, 2011. All rights reserved Copyright © United Nations, 2011. All rights reserved NOTES TO THE INDEX 1. This index is an alphabetical list of the substances and articles which are listed in numerical order in the Dangerous Goods List in Chapter 3.2. 2. For the purpose of determining the alphabetical order the following information has been ignored even when it forms part of the proper shipping name: numbers; Greek letters; the abbreviations “sec” and “tert”; and the letters “N” (nitrogen), “n” (normal), “o” (ortho) “m” (meta), “p” (para) and “N.O.S.” (not otherwise specified). 3. The name of a substance or article in block capital letters indicates a proper shipping name. 4. The name of a substance or article in block capital letters followed by the word “see” indicates an alternative proper shipping name or part of a proper shipping name (except for PCBs). 5. An entry in lower case letters followed by the word “see” indicates that the entry is not a proper shipping name; it is a synonym. 6. Where an entry is partly in block capital letters and partly in lower case letters, the latter part is considered not to be part of the proper shipping name. 7. A proper shipping name may be used in the singular or plural, as appropriate, for the purposes of documentation and package marking. - 365 - Copyright © United Nations,INDEX 2011. All rights reserved Name and description Class UN No. Name and description Class UN No. Accumulators, electric, see 4.3 3292 Acid mixture, spent, nitrating acid, see 8 1826 8 2794 8 2795 Acraldehyde, inhibited, see 6.1 1092 8 2800 8 3028 ACRIDINE 6.1 2713 ACETAL 3 1088 ACROLEIN DIMER, STABILIZED 3 2607 ACETALDEHYDE 3 1089 ACROLEIN, STABILIZED 6.1 1092 ACETALDEHYDE AMMONIA 9 1841 ACRYLAMIDE, SOLID 6.1 2074 ACETALDEHYDE OXIME 3 2332 ACRYLAMIDE SOLUTION 6.1 3426 ACETIC ACID, GLACIAL 8 2789 ACRYLIC ACID, STABILIZED 8 2218 ACETIC ACID SOLUTION, more than 8 2790 ACRYLONITRILE, STABILIZED 3 1093 10% but not more than 80% acid, by mass Actinolite, see 9 2590 ACETIC ACID SOLUTION, more than 8 2789 Activated carbon, see 4.2 1362 80% acid, by mass Activated charcoal, see 4.2 1362 ACETIC ANHYDRIDE 8 1715 ADHESIVES containing flammable 3 1133 Acetoin, see 3 2621 liquid ACETONE 3 1090 ADIPONITRILE 6.1 2205 ACETONE CYANOHYDRIN, 6.1 1541 Aeroplane flares, see 1.1G 0420 STABILIZED 1.2G 0421 1.3G 0093 ACETONE OILS 3 1091 1.4G 0403 1.4S 0404 ACETONITRILE 3 1648 AEROSOLS 2 1950 ACETYL BROMIDE 8 1716 AGENT, BLASTING, TYPE B, see 1.5D 0331 ACETYL CHLORIDE 3 1717 AGENT, BLASTING, TYPE E, see 1.5D 0332 ACETYLENE, DISSOLVED 2.1 1001 AIR BAG INFLATORS 1.4G 0503 ACETYLENE, SOLVENT FREE 2.1 3374 9 3268 Acetylene tetrabromide, see 6.1 2504 AIR BAG MODULES 1.4G 0503 9 3268 Acetylene tetrachloride, see 6.1 1702 AIR, COMPRESSED 2.2 1002 ACETYL IODIDE 8 1898 Aircraft evacuation slides, see 9 2990 ACETYL METHYL CARBINOL 3 2621 AIRCRAFT HYDRAULIC POWER 3 3165 Acid butyl phosphate, see 8 1718 UNIT FUEL TANK (containing a mixture of anhydrous hydrazine and Acid mixture, hydrofluoric and 8 1786 methylhydrazine) (M86 fuel) sulphuric, see Aircraft survival kits, see 9 2990 Acid mixture, nitrating acid, see 8 1796 - 366 - Copyright © United Nations, 2011. All rights reserved Name and description Class UN No. Name and description Class UN No. AIR, REFRIGERATED LIQUID 2.2 1003 ALKALINE EARTH METAL 4.3 3402 AMALGAM, SOLID ALCOHOLATES SOLUTION, N.O.S., 3 3274 in alcohol ALKALINE EARTH METAL 4.3 1391 DISPERSION Alcohol, denatured, see 3 1986 1987 ALKALINE EARTH METAL 4.3 3482 DISPERSION, FLAMMABLE Alcohol, industrial, see 3 1986 ALKALOID SALTS, LIQUID, N.O.S. 6.1 3140 1987 ALKALOID SALTS, SOLID, N.O.S. 6.1 1544 ALCOHOLS, N.O.S. 3 1987 ALKALOIDS, LIQUID, N.O.S. 6.1 3140 ALCOHOLS, FLAMMABLE, TOXIC, 3 1986 N.O.S. ALKALOIDS, SOLID, N.O.S. 6.1 1544 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, with 3 3065 Alkyl aluminium halides, see 4.2 3393 more than 70% alcohol by volume 3394 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, with 3 3065 ALKYLPHENOLS, LIQUID, N.O.S. 8 3145 more than 24% but not more than 70% (including C2-C12 homologues) alcohol by volume ALKYLPHENOLS, SOLID, N.O.S. 8 2430 Aldehyde, see 3 1989 (including C2-C12 homologues) ALDEHYDES, N.O.S. 3 1989 ALKYLSULPHONIC ACIDS, LIQUID 8 2584 with more than 5% free sulphuric acid ALDEHYDES, FLAMMABLE, 3 1988 TOXIC, N.O.S. ALKYLSULPHONIC ACIDS, LIQUID 8 2586 with not more than 5% free sulphuric ALDOL 6.1 2839 acid ALKALI METAL ALCOHOLATES, 4.2 3206 ALKYLSULPHONIC ACIDS, SOLID 8 2583 SELF-HEATING, CORROSIVE, with more than 5% free sulphuric acid N.O.S. ALKYLSULPHONIC ACIDS, SOLID 8 2585 ALKALI METAL ALLOY, LIQUID, 4.3 1421 with not more than 5% free sulphuric N.O.S. acid ALKALI METAL AMALGAM, LIQUID 4.3 1389 ALKYLSULPHURIC ACIDS 8 2571 ALKALI METAL AMALGAM, SOLID 4.3 3401 Allene, see 2.1 2200 ALKALI METAL AMIDES 4.3 1390 ALLYL ACETATE 3 2333 ALKALI METAL DISPERSION 4.3 1391 ALLYL ALCOHOL 6.1 1098 ALKALI METAL DISPERSION, 4.3 3482 ALLYLAMINE 6.1 2334 FLAMMABLE ALLYL BROMIDE 3 1099 Alkaline corrosive battery fluid, see 8 2797 ALLYL CHLORIDE 3 1100 ALKALINE EARTH METAL 4.2 3205 ALCOHOLATES, N.O.S. Allyl chlorocarbonate, see 6.1 1722 ALKALINE EARTH METAL ALLOY, 4.3 1393 ALLYL CHLOROFORMATE 6.1 1722 N.O.S. ALKALINE EARTH METAL 4.3 1392 ALLYL ETHYL ETHER 3 2335 AMALGAM, LIQUID - 367 - Copyright © United Nations, 2011. All rights reserved Name and description Class UN No. Name and description Class UN No. ALLYL FORMATE 3 2336 ALUMINIUM SILICON POWDER, 4.3 1398 UNCOATED ALLYL GLYCIDYL ETHER 3 2219 ALUMINIUM SMELTING 4.3 3170 ALLYL IODIDE 3 1723 BY-PRODUCTS ALLYL ISOTHIOCYANATE, 6.1 1545 Amatols, see 1.1D 0082 STABILIZED AMINES, FLAMMABLE, 3 2733 ALLYLTRICHLOROSILANE, 8 1724 CORROSIVE, N.O.S. STABILIZED AMINES, LIQUID, CORROSIVE, 8 2735 Aluminium alkyl halides, liquid, see 4.2 3394 N.O.S. Aluminium alkyl halides, solid, see 4.2 3393 AMINES, LIQUID, CORROSIVE, 8 2734 FLAMMABLE, N.O.S. Aluminium alkyl hydrides, see 4.2 3394 AMINES, SOLID, CORROSIVE, 8 3259 Aluminium alkyls, see 4.2 3394 N.O.S. ALUMINIUM BOROHYDRIDE 4.2 2870 Aminobenzene, see 6.1 1547 ALUMINIUM BOROHYDRIDE IN 4.2 2870 2-Aminobenzotrifluoruride, see 6.1 2942 DEVICES 3-Aminobenzotrifluoruride, see 6.1 2948 ALUMINIUM BROMIDE, 8 1725 ANHYDROUS Aminobutane, see 3 1125 ALUMINIUM BROMIDE SOLUTION 8 2580 2-AMINO-4-CHLOROPHENOL 6.1 2673 ALUMINIUM CARBIDE 4.3 1394 2-AMINO-5-DIETHYL- 6.1 2946 AMINOPENTANE ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE, 8 1726 ANHYDROUS 2-AMINO-4,6-DINITROPHENOL, 4.1 3317 WETTED with not less than 20% ALUMINIUM CHLORIDE 8 2581 water, by mass SOLUTION 2-(2-AMINOETHOXY)ETHANOL 8 3055 Aluminium dross, see 4.3 3170 N-AMINOETHYLPIPERAZINE 8 2815 ALUMINIUM FERROSILICON 4.3 1395 POWDER 1-Amino-2-nitrobenzene, see 6.1 1661 ALUMINIUM HYDRIDE 4.3 2463 1-Amino-3-nitrobenzene, see 6.1 1661 ALUMINIUM NITRATE 5.1 1438 1-Amino-4-nitrobenzene, see 6.1 1661 ALUMINIUM PHOSPHIDE 4.3 1397 AMINOPHENOLS (o-, m-, p-) 6.1 2512 ALUMINIUM PHOSPHIDE 6.1 3048 AMINOPYRIDINES (o-, m-, p-) 6.1 2671 PESTICIDE AMMONIA, ANHYDROUS 2.3 1005 ALUMINIUM POWDER, COATED 4.1 1309 AMMONIA SOLUTION relative 8 2672 ALUMINIUM POWDER, UNCOATED 4.3 1396 density between 0.880 and 0.957 at 15 °C in water, with more than 10% ALUMINIUM REMELTING 4.3 3170 but not more than 35% ammonia BY-PRODUCTS ALUMINIUM RESINATE 4.1 2715 - 368 - Copyright © United Nations, 2011. All rights reserved Name and description Class UN No. Name and description Class UN No. AMMONIA SOLUTION, relative 2.2 2073 AMMONIUM NITRATE GEL, 5.1 3375 density less than 0.880 at 15 °C in intermediate for blasting explosives water, with more than 35% but not more than 50% ammonia AMMONIUM NITRATE, LIQUID 5.1 2426 (hot concentrated solution) AMMONIA SOLUTION, relative 2.3 3318 density less than 0.880 at 15 °C in AMMONIUM NITRATE 5.1 3375 water, with more than 50% ammonia SUSPENSION, intermediate for blasting explosives AMMONIUM ARSENATE 6.1 1546 AMMONIUM NITRATE with more 1.1D 0222 Ammonium bichromate, see 5.1 1439 than 0.2% combustible substances, including any organic substance Ammonium bifluoride solid, see 8 1727 calculated as carbon, to the exclusion of any other added substance Ammonium bifluoride solution, see 8 2817 AMMONIUM NITRATE, with not 5.1 1942 Ammonium bisulphate, see 8 2506 more than 0.2% total combustible material, including any organic Ammonium bisulphite solution, see 8 2693 substance, calculated as carbon to the exclusion of any other added substance AMMONIUM DICHROMATE 5.1 1439 AMMONIUM PERCHLORATE 1.1D 0402 AMMONIUM DINITRO-o- 6.1 1843 5.1 1442 CRESOLATE, SOLID Ammonium permanganate, see 5.1 1482 AMMONIUM DINITRO-o- 6.1 3424 CRESOLATE, SOLUTION AMMONIUM PERSULPHATE 5.1 1444 AMMONIUM FLUORIDE 6.1 2505 AMMONIUM PICRATE dry or wetted 1.1D 0004 with less than 10% water, by mass AMMONIUM FLUOROSILICATE 6.1 2854 AMMONIUM PICRATE, WETTED 4.1 1310 Ammonium hexafluorosilicate, see 6.1 2854 with not less than 10% water, by mass AMMONIUM HYDROGEN- 8 1727 AMMONIUM POLYSULPHIDE 8 2818 DIFLUORIDE, SOLID SOLUTION AMMONIUM HYDROGEN- 8 2817 AMMONIUM POLYVANADATE 6.1 2861 DIFLUORIDE SOLUTION Ammonium silicofluoride, see 6.1 2854 AMMONIUM HYDROGEN 8 2506 SULPHATE AMMONIUM SULPHIDE SOLUTION 8 2683 Ammonium hydrosulphide solution 8 2683 Ammunition, blank, see 1.1C 0326 (treat as ammonium sulphide solution), 1.2C 0413 see 1.3C 0327 1.4C 0338 AMMONIUM METAVANADATE 6.1 2859 1.4S 0014 AMMONIUM NITRATE BASED 5.1 2067 Ammunition, fixed ) see 1.1E 0006 FERTILIZER 9 2071 Ammunition, semi-fixed ) 1.1F 0005 Ammunition, separate loading, ) 1.2E 0321 AMMONIUM NITRATE EMULSION, 5.1 3375 1.2F 0007 intermediate for blasting explosives 1.4E 0412 1.4F 0348 Ammonium nitrate explosive, see 1.1D 0082 1.5D 0331 AMMUNITION, ILLUMINATING 1.2G 0171 with or without burster, expelling 1.3G 0254 charge or propelling charge 1.4G 0297 - 369 - Copyright © United Nations, 2011.
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