MISCELLANEOUS INDEX This index contains unnumbered matters not in the main index. Numbers refer to page numbers in the House Journal. -A- Airline industry, travel agents, 485. Akin, Yarmouth Fire Chief David P.. 1133. Abilities Unlimited Kamp. Golf Tournament, 2093. Alarms, disorderly conduct, 1693. Abortions, Newton, state funds. 541. Alcoholic beverages Absentee voting, 2394. Convenience store sales commission, Senate Abusive parents, rights, 141, 1564. appointment, 91. Action For Boston Community Development, 2176. Identification, 2167. Acton, town of Intoxicated persons, sales to, 635, 1136. Caldwell, Bob, Tutt Award, 2692. Minors, sale or possession, 104, 1280, 1759. Graham, Attorney Steven R., 2036. Alcoholism, Governor's Advisory Council, reports, Lake, Norman, Board of Selectmen, 551. 540, 2630. MacLeod, John, Water Supply District, 2084. Alexander, Mark Robert, Eagle Scout, 1496. Robbins Stone, anniversary, 274. Alice T. Mulready Day, Weymouth, 1143. Acushnet, town of. Pelletier, Police Officer Charles, Allardice, Christopher M., Eagle Scout, 1531. 1790. Allen, Elizabeth, 462. Adams, Ann, of Woburn, guest of the House, 1698. Allen, Philip K., 1743, Adams, Dr. Raymond D., Shriver Center conference, Alliance for Education, 722. 567. Alpert, Julius, 1099. Adams, town of Altman, Peter, guest of the House, 737. Anthony. Ralph E., Jr., 2601. Aluminum containers, use, 2219. Burnette Bednarz V.F.W. Post, 136. Amaral, Oak Bluffs Fire Chief Nelson, 1483. Chittenden, Fire Chief William, 2001. Amaroni, Italy, 1078. Library, anniversary, 538. Ambrose, David P., Eagle Scout, 2688. V.F.W. Post, 1643. Ambulances, boxing matches, 662. Administration and Finance, Executive Office for Amendments, procedure, 2279-2280. (fees) Amendola, Leo, 2715. Assisted living residences, 661. America Festival, Fall River, 1006. Division of Banks and Loan Agencies, 2745. American automobile manufacturing, 1790. Fishing, hunting and other sporting licenses, 619. American Cancer Society, Celebration of Hope, 2628. Foreign corporations, 1101. American Legion Post 222, reunion, 2592. Hazardous waste site cleanup, 1083. Amesbury town of, Gaudette, Fire Chief Arthur R., Hospital architectural plan reviews, 1483. 1505. Lubricating oil retail dealers, 1219. Amherst, town of Private detective, watch-guard, and patrol agencies, Governmental housing, 2607. 225. Resident aliens, voting, 2394. Radiation control program, 1744. Room occupancy excise tax, 443A. Registry of Motor Vehicles, 1170, 1576. Tenant hardship relief, 1305. Revenue Department, 1295-1296. Amherst-Pelham Regional School, "World of Adoptions, information, 2004. Difference", 225. Adoptive homes, licensure, 1693. AMTRAK trains 448 and 449, Lake Shore Limited, Advertising materials, taxation, 1730. 2597. Agassiz School, Cambridge, 1251. Amusement rides, regulate, 1589, 2328, 2594-2595. Agawam, town of, Letellier, Walter T., 1493. Andersen, Barbara, 659. Agency privatization contracts, costs, 1765. Anderson, Cambridge Police Commissioner Perry L., Jr., Agganis, Harry, Way in Boston, 1313. 1468. Ahavas Achim Congregation, anniversary, 2120. Andonian, Reverend Raphael, 2062. Ahearn, Jack, Friends of St. Patrick, 1744. Andover, Collins, Richard J., 2165. Aid to families with dependent children, 103. Andras, Frank, pavilion in Westfield, 2685. AIDS and HIV information, pregnancy, 1549. Andrejczyk, Jeffrey, Eagle Scout, 2680. AIDS Awareness Day, holiday, 1532. Angelo, Paul, 1468. Aiello, V.F.W. Commander Carl C., 1200. Angier School, anniversary, 2692. Animals, cruelty, 2003, 2705. Curtis, Eileen, school service, 2679. Anna Maria College, Morteli Public Safety Institute, 1338. Dean, Kenneth, school system, 667. Anthem, designate official, 1549, 1556. Dentch, William, school service, 2679. Anthony, Ralph E., Jr., 2601. Deutchki, Frank, school committee, 2145 Anti-rabie vaccine, 1048. "Fire and Ice, the Last Night", 2733. Antkowiak, Jason, Eagle Scout, 1672. Joubert, Chairperson Jessie E., 2601. Antonangeli, James and Mary, anniversary, 1790. Kenyon, Arthur, school system, 667. Apostolides, Catherine, Peabody schools, 694. Leyare, Andrea, school service, 2679. Appellate Tax Board, fees, 2003. Mark Coogan Day, 1983. Apprentice training, benefits, 1456. Nerney, Jane, school system, 667. Ardinger, Kevin D., Eagle Scout, 264A. Oakhill Grange #212, anniversary, 2115. Arlington, town of Rice, Ira, school system, 667. Catholic, basketball team, 2017. Robak, Maureen, school service, 2679. Skitt, William, school service, 1005. Lodge of Elks #1435, 169. Ward, Drew, Area Chamber of Commerce, 2675. Nau, Dr. Otto, Arlington Kiwanis, 2663. Attorney General (L. Scott Harsbarger of Westwood) Armed forces Insurance fraud and related crimes, semi-annual Taxation of retirement compensation, special committee reports, 54, 1065. House appointments, 2001. Notified of election, 266A-267A. Senate appointment, 1757-1758. Recognized (Joint Convention), 1537. "Veterans", define, 105, 2328, 2397. Return of votes for, 265A. Armenian Genocide Attorney General of the United States, airline industry Day of Remembrance, 406, 1990. travel agents, 485. Turkish government, acknowledgment, 468. Auditor (A. Joseph DeNucci of Newton) Arnold, Principal Gurney, Newburyport schools, 632. Clean Environment Fund, local government report, Arrest warrants, probation violators, 2394. 2668. Arseneault, Norman Joseph, 2022. Notified of election, 266A-267A. Art, Massachusetts College of. Higher Education Recognized (Joint Convention), 1537. Endowment Incentive Program, implementation Return of votes for, 265A, 266A. report, 2642. Audubon Society, centennial, 1611. Asadoorian Parking Facility, Worcester, 2701. Automatic teller machine banking, 2004, 2113. Asbestos dangers, instruction, 2093. Ayer, town of Ash landfills, Saugus, RESCO site, 2569. Anniversary, 1611. Ashirov, Rafail Zakievich, guest of the House, 2522. Boisseau, Police Chief Arthur J., 2036. Ashland, town of Devens Enterprise Commission, land bank, 1533, Anniversary, 1622. 1536. Carey American Legion Post, 1643 Azar, David William, Eagle Scout, 634. Softball team, 2566. Assabet public safety department, 2616. -B- Assassinations, arrest rewards, 1298. Assaults, corrections officers, HTLV-III testing, 2394. Bader, Kathleen D.. 694. Assebet Valley United Way, anniversary, 467. Bailey, Anita Marie, Miss Massachusetts finalist, 169. Assisted suicide, profit, 1253. Bailey, Deputy Chief Robert E„ 659. Association Notre Dame de Cambridge, anniversary, Baker, Florence E., Newton-Wellesley Hospital, 2183. 1208. Baker, Kevin J., Eagle Scout, 2026. Athletic trainers, etc., regulate, 1765. Baker, Richard, Swampscott schools, 2145. Attleboro, city of Ballroom Dance Week, 660, 2577. Bishop Feehan High School Ban, Michael, Eagle Scout, 2311. Cross country team, 54. Banda Senhora da Conceicao Mosteirense, 608. Football team, 28. Bangladesh Literary Circle of New England, Medford, Boucher, City Treasurer Richard V., 2647. 406. Camire, Maurice, school service, 2679. Banking, electronic, 2004, 2113, 2023. Castro, Marjorie, school system, 667. Banks Copes, Theresa, school system, 667. Co-operative, reports 29, 1463, 2606. Crowe, Thomas, school system, 667. Division of Banks and Loan Agencies, fees, 2745. Financial services, commission. Senate Bennett, James R., Eagle Scout, 1100. appointment, 90. Bensetler, Chairman Patricia G., of Bolton, 353. Savings banks, reports, 761, 2620. Bergart, David J., Eagle Scout, 694. Trust companies, report, 703. Bergeron, John D., Eagle Scout, 2258. Barbers and cosmetologists, working conditions, 2003. Bergstrom, Gladys E., sick days, 635. Barnes, Richard H., Lexington schools, 709. Berkley Lions Club, anniversary, 197. Barnstable Berkshire Community College, Delory, Joan M., 702. Cliggott, Edward, schools. 2099. Berkshire County lyanough Memorial Statue, 1052. Bashevkin, Alan, Northern Coalition, 2134. Barnstable County Jail and House of Correction, Grey lock Center, amended reports, 197, 2010. inspections, 1201,2712. Jail and House of Correction, Pittsfield, Barnstable District Court, Curley, John P.. Jr., 666. inspections, 860, 2624. Barre, town of Regional Employment Board, employment and Players, anniversary, 2380. training plan reports, 2785, 2786. Saint Joseph's Church, anniversary, 2634. Tornado, disaster relief, 999. Smith, Gordon F., 2668. Berlin, town of, Assabet safety department, 2616. Barre, Franciose, Dominique and Dorothy, anniversary, Bernard, Suzanne, Gold Award, 1313. 2172. Bernier, Marie Delina, birthday, 2172. Barrett, Carolyn, Citizens Award, 1460. Berry, William J., Stoughton schools, 2115. Barrett, former Representative David L., of Boston Bertera, Aldo, West Springfield Citizenship Award, (Brighton), adjournment in respect to the memory of, 1672. 1495. Bertocchi, Clara and Randy, anniversary, 2585. Barrett, Lieutenant Charles F., Franklin County Bessone, Alice and Joseph, anniversary, 1692 Sheriffs Department, 2601. Beston, Reverend William J., retardation service, 2327. Barrow, Tom, of Worcester. 467. Betts, Isabelle M., birthday, 2196. Barry, Lillian, 539. Beverage containers, aluminum, 2219. Barry, Winifred M., Wilmington schools, 660. Beverly, city of Barton, Doris, Library in Taunton, 618. Cahill, Jeanne P., school systems, 1151. Bashevkin, Alan, Northern Berkshire Community Goggin, Teasie F., schools, 2172. Coalition, 2134. Nuccio, Pietro and Rose, 2560. Basile, Joseph R., Eagle Scout, 1751. Biagiotti, Roger, birthday, 2605. Basteri, Jennifer, Gold Award, 1691. Bianchi, Donna, memorialize, 1200. Bates, Joy Ellen, Gold Award, 1691. Bidding laws,
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