Subject index References to figures are in italics. ablastin 64 152-4, 157, 205-7, 217, 225 acquired immune deficiency syndrome cytopharynx 34 (AIDS) 142, 150, 157 cytopyge 32, 217 aerobic respiration 34 cytostome 34, 90, 98, 217 African sleeping sickness see sleeping sickness definitive host xix agglutination test 151 deme 81-2 amastigote 46-51,52,59,68 deutomerite 125 ameboid movement 30-1 diagnosis of trypanosomes 86-7 American trypansomiasis see Chagas dictyosome 17-20 disease dye test, Sabin-Feldman 151 anaerobic respiration 34 dyskinetoplasty 85 anatomy of protozoa 12-30 antigenic variation 80 endocytosis 33 apical complex 28-30, 123 endodyogeny 39,147,152 autotroph 32 endoplastic reticulum 17 axoneme 22, 165 endosome 35 axostyle 98 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) 177, 194 balantidiosis 216 epimastigote 49, 62, 64, 76-7, 81 basal body 7, 49, 62, 95, 102, 215 epimerite 125 blackwater fever 177 espundia 55 blepharoplast 22 evolution of protozoa 6-9 bradyzoite 148 excretion 35 budding 36, 187 centriole 22 fission, binary 36 Chagas disease 68, 88 multiple 36 chemotherapy see treatment flagellar movement 41 chromatoid bodies 109-12, 115, 225--6 flagellum 20-2, 49, 62, 68, 73-8, 90-5, 97, cilia 20-2, 105, 215 102, 140, 165 ciliary movement 31 fluorescent antibody test 151, 177, 194 classification of Protista 2-5 coccidia and coccidiosis 130, 142-5 gametes 41, 126, 128, 146, 165, 193 commensalism xvii gametocyst 126 complement fixation reaction 151, 194 gametocyte 126, 128-30, 137, 146, 165, 174, conjugation 39, 216, 217 183 conoid 30, 147 see also gamont contractile vacuole 27, 217 gametogony 130, 137, 146, 152, 159 costa 98 gamont 193 cutaneous leishmaniasis, diffuse (DCL) see also gametocyte 55--6 glycocalyx 22-6 New World 52 Colgi apparatus 17 Old World 55--6 gregarin 124 cyst 24, 39, 95-7, 104, 109-16, 126, 147-50, gregarine movement 32 236 SUBJECT INDEX hemogregarines 128 plasmalemma 22-6 hemozoin 35, 160 polar capsule 203-6,209-10 heterotroph 33 polar filament 203-6,209-10 heteroxenous parasites xix polar ring 30 hypnozoite 164, 171, 175, 179 posteronuclear (PN) trypomastigotes 80 post-kala azar dermalleishmanoid 87 intermediate host xix promastigote 46-9 protomerite 125 kala azar 52 pseudocyst 148, 209 kinete 194, 199 pseudopodium 107, 114 kinetoplast 43,46,62, 68, 73-6, 80, 85 kinetosome see basal body ray body see Strahlenkorper Koch's blue bodies 199 redwater fever 194 reproduction, asexual 36--40 Leishman-Donovan bodies 51 sexual 39--41 locomotion 30--2 respiration 34-5 lysosome 33 rhoptry 22, 147 ribosomes 16 macro gamete 165 rumen ciliates 5, 219-22, 10.4 macrogametocyte 140 malaria xix, 171-80 salivarian trypanosomes 68-86 Maurer's clefts 174 sarcocystin 153--4 median bodies 95 schizogony see merogony merogony 39, 126-30, 137, 146, 159-64, Schiiffner's dots 173 171, 173, 175, 177, 183, 196,212 skeletal structures 27 merontl26, 137, 164, 174-5, 182-3, 196-9 sleeping sickness (African) 82, 88 merozoite 39, 126, 137, 146, 159, 162-5, sporadin 126 174, 190, 196 spore 39--40, 123-6,203-13 metatrypanosomes (metacyclic sporoblast 140, 205 trypomastigotes) 59-62, 63--4, 68, sporocyst 126, 128-30, 134--40, 147 76-8,81 sporogony 128-30, 140, 152, 165, 173,212 microgamete 140, 165 sporokinete 128, 194 micro gametocyte 140 sporont 194, 205, 209 microneme 30,47 sporoplasm 203,205-13 microtubules 17, 98 sporozoite 123-6, 128, 134-40, 147, 161, mitochondria 16, 35, 43, 80, 85, 140 164, 165, 180 monoxenous parasites xix stercorarian trypanosomes 62-8 mucocutaneous leishmaniasis see espundii Strahlenkorper 193 mutualism xviii symbiosis xvii syzygy 126, 128 nidus 218 nucleus 12-13, 49, 80, 93-5, 98, 100--2, 105. tachyzoite 148 109-15, 125, 140, 152, 165, 196,205, termite flagellates 93 216,226 transmission xix nutrition 32--4 treatment of leishmaniasis and trypanosomiasis 87-8 oocyst 126, 128, 134-40, 142-50, 165,226 of malaria 177-80 ookinete 128, 165 trypanosomiasis, African human see sleeping sickness parabasal body 17, 98 American human see Chagas disease parasitism xvii trypomastigote 49,59-62,64, 73-6, 78, 81 pellicle 24 phagocytosis 33 undulating membrane 49, 77, 98 phoresy xvii uroid 34 physiology of protozoa 30--41 pigment, malarial 35, 39 variant antigenic type (VAT) 80 pinocytosis 33 variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) 80 237 SUBJECT INDEX vector xix Ziemann's dots 173 vestibule 217 zoite 147-8, 151, 152 visceral leishmaniasis see kala azar zygote 126, 128, 140, 146, 193 238 Index of generic and specific names References to figures are in italics; references to tables are given under genera onlyI not species. Acanthamoeba 4, 7, 121-2 Crithidia 3, 44, 3.2 A. castellanii 2.15 Cryptobia 3, 43, 3.1 A. culbertsoni 122 Cryptosporidium 5,132,142, Tables 6.1,6.3 Adelea 4, 9, 6.3 Cyclospora Table 6.1 Aegyptianella 201 Cytauxzoon 5, 196, 199, Table 8.2 Aggregata Table 6.1 C. jelis 199 Akiba 5,185 A. caulleryi 185 Dactylosoma 5, 201 Allantosoma Table 10.1 Dasytricha Table 10.1 Amoeba proteus 107 D. ruminantium 10.4 Anaplasma 201 Dientamoeba 3,96, 100 Angeiocystis Table 6.1 D. fragilis 100, 4.6 Anthemosoma 5, 201 Diplodinium Table 10.1 Dorisiella Table 6.1 Babesia 5,187-95,199, Table 8.1 B. bigemina 194 Echinospora Table 6.1 B. bovis 194 Eimeria 5, 9, 35, 130-40, 142, 228, Tables B. canis 194, B.l, B.4 6.1,6.2 B. divergens 195 E. acervulina 6.11 B. equi187, 194, 196 E. necatrix 142 B. microti 190, 194, 195--6, 2.5, 2.12, 2.20, E. stiedai 142 B.l, B.2 E. tene/la 142, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14 B. rodhaini 191 E. truncata 142 Babesiosoma 5, 201 Elytroplastron bubali 10.4 Balantidium 5,215-16,228 Encephalitozoon 5, 209, 211 B. coli 216-18, 228-9, 2.4, 10.1-10.3 E. cuniculi 209,211,9.2,9.4,9.5 Barrouxia Table 6.1 Endolimax 4,107, Table 5.1 Bartonella 201 E. nana 118, 5.13 Besnoitia 5,130-2,155,6.22, Tables 6.1,6.3 Endotrypanum 3, 46, 3.4 B. bennetti 155 Entamoeba 4,35,107-18,225, Table 5.1 B. besnoiti 155 E. bovis 113 B. jellisoni 155 E. chattoni 113 Blastocrithidia 3, 44 E. coli 112,5.5,5.6,5.9 Blepharocorys Table 10.1 E. gallinarum 113 Buetschlia Table 10.1 E. gingivalis 107, 113 E. hartmanni 112-13, 118 Carinamoeba 160 E. histolytica xviii, 7, 107, 112-18, 228, Caryospora Table 6.1 2.1B, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.7, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12 Caryotropha Table 6.1 E. invadens 112, 5.2 Ceratomyxa 5, 206 E. muris 113 Charon ina Table 10.1 E. ovis 113 Chilomastix 3, 4.2,.·able 4.1 E. polecki 113 C. mesnili 90 E. suis 113 239 INDEX OF GENERIC AND SPECIFIC NAMES Enteromonas 3, Table 4.1 Lankesterella 5, 9, 132, 6.9 Entodinium Table 10.1 Laverania 160 E. gibberosum 10.4 Lecudina fluctus 6.1 Eperythrozoon 201 Leishmania 3, 7--8,46-56,233,3.5,3.9, Epidinium cattanei 10.4 Tables 3.1,3.5 L. aethiopica 55-6,3.13 Frenkelia 5, 130 L. braziliensis 55, 88 F. microti 141 L. b. braziliensis 55,3.14 L. donovani 52-9,87,3.11 Giardia 3, 90--6, 228, Table 4.1 L. d. chagasi 52 G. canis 93 L. enriettii 59,3.15 G. duodenalis 93 L. major 55-6 G. intestinalis 93 L. mexicana 52,2.9 G. lamblia 93--5, 4.3, 4.4 L. m. amazonensis 52 Giovannolaia 160 L. m. pifanoi 52 Glugea anomala 234 L. peruviana 59 Gonderia 196 L. tropica 55-9, 88,3.6,3.12 Gregarina 4 Leptomonas 3,44-9 Leucocytozoon 5, 185, 231, 234 Haemamoeba 160 L. simondi 185, 7.12 Haemobartonella 201 Hameocystidium 5, 183 Mantonella Table 6.1 Haemogregarina 4, 6.6 Megatrypanum 62-3 Haemoproteus 5, 183,234, 7.11 Merocystis Table 6.1 Hammondia 5, Table 6.3 Metadinium medium 10.4 Haplosporidium 5 Minchinia 5, 213 Henneguya 5,206 M. nelsoni 213 Hepatocystis 5, 182 Monocystis 4, 125 Hepatozoon 4, 130 Myriospora Table 6.1 H. balfouri 6.7 Myxobolus 5, 206-7, 9.1 H. muris 130 M. cerebral is 206-7 Herpetomonas 3, 44 Myxosoma 206 Herpetosoma 64-6 Naegleria 4, 7, 5.15 Hexamita 3,90-3 N. australiensis 121-2 H. columbae 93 N. fowleri 118-22 H. meleagridis 93 Nannomonas 76-7 H. salmon is 93 Nicollia 187 Histomonas 3, 90, 96, 101-3 Nosema 5, 207, 211 H. meleagridis 101-3, 228, 4.7 N. apis 207, 211 Hoarella Table 6.1 N. bombycis 210 Huffia 160 Novyella 160 Nuttallia 187-90 Ichthyophthirius 5 Nycteria 5, 183 Iodamoeba 4,107, Table 5.1 Nyctotherus 5, 216, 228 I. buetschlii 118,228,5.14 N. cordiform is 216 Isospora 5, 130-2, 140-1, 145, 152, 155, Tables 6.1, 6.3 Ochoterenaia Table 10.1 I. buteonis 140 Octomitus 3 I. felis 6.15 Octosporella Table 6.1 I. hominis 140 Opalina 3, 105, 216, 229 Isotricha Table 10.1 Ophidiella 160 Ophryoscolex Table 10.1 Klossiella 4 O. caudatus 10.4 Kudoa 5,207 Ovivora Table 6.1 K. thyrsites 207 Parahaemoproteus 5, 183 Lamblia intestinalis 93 Paraisotricha Table 10.1 240 INDEX OF GENERIC AND SPECIFIC NAMES Pentatrichomonas 97 T. glugeiformis 210 Pfeifferinella Table 6.1 Tetrahymena 5, 7, 215 Phytomonas 3,8,44,49,3.3 Theileria 5, 196--9,8.7, Table 8.2 Pirhemocyton 201 T.
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