C "L, t.L�L!i ·L-LL­ :[L ,,Ll i "LtLL� 1 l ii > 'i I > ·�1 I • • ff I • »; lll t ft "' ij f: Ji tuu\, 7 i1'1 ,. :''1· if' -- C,,Q l•, ,, '" 1 H {N(aGT tni UtH NOW! YOUCAN GET THOUSANDSOF FREE PROGRAM� AND PUT YOUR TELEPHONE TO WORK WithThe New ATARI Modem/Software Package ForOnly S79.95! To get more out of ,<JurATARI, whether and more ... News Retrieval SeNice (get stock quotes ,<Ju·re a brand-new ovvner or a database 'ibu'IIIOJe the hi-tech design of the I 030 as fast as }')Urstock broker), with expert-this offer isfor,<JU.The AlARI 1030 modem. It'll look great next to ,<JUrcom­ FREE TIME ON EACH! is the easiest-to-use modem on the market. puter and peripherals! And hidden inside is And since the expertsat AlARI designed it, the most sophisticated circuitry on the Now ATARI qualityat a lowerprice ,<Ju·re guaranteed that it vvorks with }')Ur market. This means I OCJOA, accurate file THAN ANY OTHER MODEM! ATARI Computer System. transmissions the first time-even OJer \A'.Jice-gradephone lines �ere in the Theperfect modem package for e,,e1y0ne. country.'ibur I 030 modem is built almost to it has all the necessarysoftware built right military specs-guaranteed to have less in.All ,<Ju need is a 16KATARI computer than I bit-error out of every 100,000 bits­ and a telephone line to get started!lf,<Ju're the lowest in the industry. a disk driveovvner, this package includes additional software(on disk-selected by And, ,<JU'IIalso receive ANTIC Magazine) that will give }')Ur I 030 free introductory all the power ,<JU'IIe,,er need! subscriptions to Compuserve(access to NEW! hundreds of great free • Upload/Dovvnload Files With Your programs),and Disk Drive Dow Jones . Auto Dial Telephone NumberDatabase • EasyDovvnloading Of Programs From Compuserve's ATARI SIG. • EasyAccess To All Bulletin Board Systems YES! 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Send coupon to: ADD-ON S�tems 524 2nd St 5anFrancisco, CA94107 • Works with Atari,400, 800, 600XL and 800XL •Replaces Atari 850 Interface Module •compatible with all software • 5-foot cable with Centronics plug (compatible with Epson, NEC, Prowriter, etc.) • Connects to serial bus on computer • 2 Year Warranty • Auto Answer/ Auto Dial • Direct Connect to Phone Line • No Atari 8501nterface SOFlWARE ON CARTRIDGE Module Needed FEATURES: • Includes AC Adapter/ Power Supply DSupports XMODEM Protocol • Free CompuServe Demo Pait DASCII/ AT ASCII Translation • 1 Year Warranty DAI lows Transfer of Files Larger than Memory • Connects to Joystick Port • Works on ALL Atari Computers OUpload/ Download of Text and Programs 0100% Machine Language 0Loadsa65Co1umn Screen Driver OMu ltiple Buffers OOff-Line Editing OVariable Baud Rate DParity Options DFull/Half Duplex mo«:ffl©@i'ii'$ 11ilmfflol1il�mffllP,)l 11ilffl©@ll!lm 225 Third Avenue, SW• Albany, OR 97321 ORDERS :1-800-624-7532 CUSTOMER SERVICE:1-503-967-9075 Atari and CompuServe DemoPak are trademarks of Atari Corp. and CompuServe. ® FEATURES FIRST LOOK AT THE NEW SU PER ATARIS by Nat Friedland 11 Inside the new 16-bit 512K Atari computer - and mor e! ROBOT UPDATE by Michael Ciraolo 24 Latest robot-Ata r i inte r face news EXPERT SYSTEMS by Larry Levitt 28 Antic's fi r st look at artificial intelligence THE EIGHT QUEENS PROBLEM by Angelo Giambra 33 You r Atari's brute st r ength solution TYPE-IN SOFTWARE '84 TAX SPREADSHEET UPDATE by K.w. Harms 34 SynCalc tax p r epa r ation follow-up TYPE-IN SOFTWARE SECRET AGENT by John Smith TYPE IN S 37 Reaching into the future of robotics .. 24 �A=ut=o=m=at=ic�s=e=cr=et�c=o=d=e�p�ro�g'--'r a"-'m"-! --------� � = ·= � =OFTW� �AR= _=E _ DOT MATRIX DIGITIZER by Charles Jackson & Steve Chapman 40 Your printe r can digitize photos! TYPE-IN SOFTWARE SPLASH IN ACTION! by Paul Chabot 43 Demo of ACTION! vs. BASIC TYPE-IN SOFTWARE SPEECH EDITOR by Mark Giambruno 45 Menu-driven S.A.M. talk! TYPE-IN SOFTWARE PICTURE SHOW by Patrick Dell'Era 46 "P r ice's Pictu r e Painter" gets friendlie r ! TYPE-IN SOFTWARE DEPARTMENTS COMMUNICATIONS WELCOME TO ANTIC ONLINE by Michael Ciraolo 11 Match witswith your Atari! . .56 STARTING OUT WHY YOU WANT DOS 2 by Jack Powell 14 PROFILE ATARI'S FOUNDER GOES ROBOTIC by Nat Friedland 20 TOOLBOX PAR ALLEL BUS, REVEALED TYPE-IN SOFTWARE by Earl Rice 49 GAME OF THE MONTH MANEUVER TYPE-IN SOFTWARE by Will Woodard 55 BONUS GAME CR AZY EIGHTS! TYPE-IN SOFTWARE by Princeton Chan 56 SOFTWARE LIBRARY TYPE-IN LISTINGS SECTION 59 1/0 BOARD 6 SHOPPER'S GUIDE._____ _ 87 Secret Asent simplifies cipher secrets . 37 HELP! 8 ATARI SERVICE CENTERS 88 PRODUCT RE VIEWS__ ___ 80 NEW PRODUCTS 90 i/o board Publisher James C:1pp:udl SELF-DELETING TYPO The second number in line 2006 from Editori:1\ Department 176 to 182; Na1 Friedland. fali1or The second number in line 2007 from Jack Powell. ·1cclmical Edi1or Thanks for the fine utilities in the January ,\-lid1:1dCiraolo, Associate Editor 186 to 192, and Charks Jackson. S1aff Writer 1985 Antic, "BASIC Searcher" and Melissa Rnckliff. Editorial Coordin:uor "TYPO II." After use, ''BASIC Searcher" The last number in line 2007 from 86 Contributing Editors is self-deleted in a very ne..u two-line to 92. Carl fa�.ms. Ken Harms routine. I have adapted those lines to Or, to do the same in the assembly J,,..rry While, Suzi Subcxk language listing, insert the following lines: Anila Malnig ''TYPO ll" so that it will remove itself after Art Departmem doing its work. All you have to do is type 451 ROLA Marni Tapscrnt, Art Director GITTO 32230outside the program proper. 452 BPL Pl.I Diane l.indlcy, Production Supervisor l.inda hpsc:ott. Ad Produnion Coordinator Te d Solomon 453 AND 'BF l'',ltrida Fost:1r, Production Assistant Toledo, OH 454 Pl.I RORA Cover Artist 32230 ? .. l'l'i .. :FOR ZZ=3199 Alan Okamoto ALTERNATE REALITY LIVES! 0 TO 32120 STEP 10:? ZZ Comributing Illustrators :NEKT ZZ Pt·ter McDonnell 32210 ? "CLR:POKE 812.,.1 Rosalind Solomon Many readers have been anxious to know Circulation Ocpartmem 2:CONT"; :POSITION 2,0:P how soon they can get Alternate ks ·1orok, M:mager OKE 842,13:STOP Reality, the fantasy role-playing game l't'ter Walsh. Shipping 32250 ? """:FOR ZZ=3212 with superb graphics that we previewed Hun-sik Kim, Shippint,t 0 TO 32260 STEP 10:? ZZ in November 1984. The game was recently Mqnica Burrell. Subscriptions ZZ Eve Gowdey, l"kakr Sales :NEKT licensed by Darasoft (19808 Nordhoff Doug Millison. Dealer Saks 32260 ? "CLR:POKE 842,1 Place, Chatsworth, CA 91311, (818) 701- Ur:mdt/Klingle. Cin·ulation Consultants 2:?CHRSC1251"; :POSITION 5161.) Datasoft plans to market the entire Accounting Department V.J. Driggs, Manager 2,0:POKE 842,13:END seven-disk series. The firstdisk, ''City," will Un·nda Oliwr, Accoun1s Receivable be priced at S39.95. J.orent'. Kaa1z. Credi! Manaf,ter TYPO II KUDO Marketing RE-RUNNING FROM RESET Garr Yost, Manager. Markctinf,tServices Sieve Randall, Advertising Sales Director I think TYPO II is a miracle worker. No Maria E. Ch:1vcz. Rcccp1ionis1 more staying up late at night trying to find Is there any way to make a program re­ run automatically if the [SYSTEM RESET] Ge11eml U/fiCl'S(415) 95-.0H86 a small error. Ath>ertisi,11t&lies (415) 661-J·iOO James Stephens key is pressed?. Cre,lit Curt/S111>uri/1lio11s Timothy Hawkins 011tsi<11•C"lifomia (8(XJ) .l.!"'·1611 ,,.\·t. 133 Jacksonville, FL f,ufrf<, Ct1l/fim1it1(800) 77.l-3545l',..:t. 133 Kentville, NS S11bscrlJ1tf,,n Problt•ms(415) 397·188I NOT SO BITTY INFOBITS li>s. \i:i>'ve included a few suggestions April 1985, \'olumt·.t Number 12 from the AB Cs of Atari Computers by Antic-Tht· At:.iriRt"SOUrct· is puhli�hed tweh·e time:, per ye:i.rhy An1ic Puhlbhing. l(dimrial We've received quite a few letters about Davitt Mentley, reprinted here by permis­ offin·san: locak-d a1 524 St·cond Stn:ct. San "lnfobits" (December 1984). Our readers sion of Data most. -ANTIC ED Fr:n1cisrn.C..-\ 9-1107. ISSN 07·i"i·2527. Scrnnd Ct:tss Postaite paid :u S:m l'r:mcis,o. Californiaand want to know how to erase information This BASIC progr:1m below will POKE addi1ion:1I mailini,:office s. POSTMASTER, send after it's entered. This seems to be more addn:ss d1ani,:e!O Antic. 52·l Sc:cond S1ret·t. in a machine language routine which re­ S:.in Fr:mcisco. CA 9-1107. complicated than it sounds, but we've sets the disk boot pointer to a new pro­ Editori:.il submissions should illClude progr.1.m turned the problem over to authorAndy gram that essentially types RUN when you listing on dbk or elSSt1te.and texl file on nwdi:.i Barton and we'll be sure to let you know and papc:r if tt1tt wai,prc:p:.in:d with a word push [SYSTEM RESET].
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