1914. VICTORIA. -- --------------------------------------------- RESPECTING APPLICA~riOXS ANI> PROCEEl)INGS UNDER THE EL_ECTRIC LIGHT _A_ND PO,VER ACT 1896 FOR rrHE YEAR 1913. ~JJ .;tutltority: .&.LDERT J, MULLETT, GOVER:SJ\IENT PRINTER, MELBOURN:l!:, Al'PRUXIMATE COST OF REl'ORT. £ •. d. Preparati•rr-·Not~ g-i·•en. Pl·iiHin!.{ (500 coples) n 11 0 0 '~ ....... -... REPOR1\ The following Report for the year ended 3lst Decem her, 19 U1, is presented to Parliament in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of the Electric Ligltt rmd Power Act 1896, No. l413 :- LIST OF APPLICATI0~3 FOR ORDERS 1'0 AUTHOR[ZE THE SUPPLY OB' ELECTRICITY PLACED BEFORE THE Mr~ISTER. OB' PUBLIC WORKS DURING THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 1913. !\arua o! Applicant. Proposed Area of Supply. --·-····-~··-···~~-· -~~-~~~~----- The Conncil of the Shire of Gortlon Portion of the municipal district of the Hhire of Gordon The Council of the Shire of .Milunra Pot"tion of the municipal district of the Shi1 e of 1\hldum The Producial Elec:rie Development Co. Portion of the municipal district of the Borough of Mary- borough The India Rubber, Gutta Percha and Tele- The municipal district of the Township of Colac graph Works Co. Ltd. • The Council of the Shire of Nnmnrkah The municipal district of the Towuship of 'N at.halia. The Council of the ~l1ire of Ito.lney Portion of the rnnnicipal district of the Shire of Rodney, including the Tow'nship of .Mooroopna. The Council of the Shire of Gisborne Portion of the municipal district of t.he Shire of Gisborne The Council of the !::\hire of Dimboola Porilon of the municipal district of the Shire of Dirnlloola ORDERS GRANTED DURING THE YEAR 1913. Orders were granted to the Tungamah, Gordon, Mildura, :md .Maryborough Municipal Councils for the respective areas as ahove deser·ibed; to the Wycheproof Shire Council for the townships of \V ycheproof and Sea Lake ; to the Provincial Electric Development Co. for the township of Shepparton ; and the ~lelbourne Electric.f.lupply Co. for portion of the Shire of Corio. Since the passing of the Electric Lig·ht and Power Act in 1896. 92 01·ders in Council have been granted authorizing the ';;upply of electricity. Of this numher 4 5 were granted to -:\1 unieipal Councils, 46_ to companies or· persons, aml 1 to a Common­ wealth Department. Eight of these Orders have been canc(•lled, wholJy or in part, and 6 Municipal Councils have transferred all or portion of their powers under their Orders to private eompanies. : . ELECTRIC St'PPLY UNDERTAKINGS OPERA'fiNG IN VIC'l'ORIA UNDER 'rim I<~Ll<~CTRIC I,JGHT AND POWER ACT ON 3Is:c DECEMBER, 1913. Overhead Underground Condueto'". Conductors. Generating Station. Mileage mu. ~lileagc run. Total Capital Place. Undertaker. Supply System. Rates of Charge. :.:. expt~uded ~ =: to date. ~ ~ Geut•rntin~ Pl;l nt, &c. >'n -;a ~w .... Q o~ ~~ iilil:i ~~ I 1:-<.., £ The City of [ Conncil of the Low pmssnre direct .. ] ·131 140 2·i· ReeiprocaLing engines Lighting-(a) At 3~d. per 1<Ielbournc i City of Mol- current three-wire, and d.c. generators, unit for the first 3,000 unit~ houmc 230 and 400 volts ; and 3,750 k.w.; steam JWT month, and 3d. per Pxtra high pressure turbines and th•:ec- unit thereafter; (b) at 6(1. single-phase a.c., 50 phase generators, nnit for q1~antity equal cycles 4,000 volts ; and 11,300 k.w.; steam 4.'i boUJ•s' use per mouth three • phase, 6,600 turbines anti single- of eonsumPr's maximum volts; secondary, 200 phfLse generators, 1,500 demand, and l!d. per ltnit and 400 volts, three· k.w.: ro!Hry 0011· thereafter wire distribution Yertm~ and motor Power and HeMing-(a) At 7,500 k.w.; a fiat r:;te of l~tl. per unit; 284 eel ( &) at 2cl. per unit for 4,000 'amp-hours at qw~ 11 t ity <'qual t<J 75 hours' hour discharge rate use per mou1.h of con­ sumer's maximum demand, I and !d. per unit therea.ftc;r !lfdi'Opolitan JIIclbm~rne Elec- Extra high pressure, 443 I 1,250 4 9,IOo; Steam tu Lighting-( rt) l'J,~t rate of SnlmrlJs • h·ic Supply single-phase alterna- ratorH, 5~<1. per unit for all cl<'o ...... (vi<k pages Co. Ltd. ing currentr-primary I I'M I sing!(•-phase tricity eommnwd; (b) at JO, ll, and 4,000 volts, secondary 7d. per uuit for quantity 12) 200 and 400 volts, Cflll'tl to 450 hours' use per three-wire distribution annum of consumer's Hlaximum demand, and 3d. per llUit thercaft,er (c) at 6d. per tmit for first 500 units per month, a.nd 3d. per unit thereafter Power and Heating-{a) For all consumption up to 1,000 units per month, 2d. per unit; for next 4,000 Id. ver nuit, for next 15,000 ·lld. per m1it, and for all further consumption 0.65d. per unit; (b) at Zid. per unit for qnantit.y equal to 80 hours' use per month of consumer's maximum demand, and ~d. per unit thcrmtfter; (c) for all con­ " sumption between 11.30 p.m. and 7.30 a.m. ld. per unit, and 2d. per unit\ thereafter North Mel· J,mv pre~~ure direct 48 Hi;.rh speed red]>l'(l(:a.ting 1,0001 Nil *226,000! Lighting 5d., power 2d. per honrne Electric tmrrent, three-wire • ngines, 4SO and 5(..0 unit Tramwa.vs and H)'St<'IU, 230 and 460 ynftR, d.~. generators J.-igh~ing" Cn. Yolt• •tnd balnncf':rs .Amrat .. I Council of th<' 1'hr<>e-phasC' altcruatin[( 1 tl -4 I 30 . j •• I J 10[ Two euclimt gJ.s. J>ro- I 120 (iJ 26! 9.'! 1 Nil I 8111 5,8771 Lighting li<L, power 3<1. per Boron,<"h of current, 240-415 volt~ i 1 I clucers, t'l\·o 80 h.p. gas I I I unit At·arat I : I engine~. two 4.'\ k.v.a. altf'rnators, one 20 k. w. motor gene­ rator. and accuml\lator • bttttc~y 8l0amp-homs' discharge BairnsdalP Arthm Hn!'din;;, Low pn·~~m·c dirrr;t 14 NI 40 . Suction gas-cngim• plant, 1721 5] 311 58 . 731 1,2001 Lighting 7d., power ~cl. per Wood curmnt., tb.rl'e-wil·"· 2:10 driving d. c. gem•rators, unit and 460 volts with battery Ballnrat .. I F.lf•ch·ic Supply Ln\\· ]"''"'nre diree1 4!>·2 . 3ii·7 .. i12·3 J.:lOO High-Apcf'd stf!atn- .. 2;i()l I,l01[ 823·4: :m· 81 . : Lighting-Flat rate6d, nutxi- Co,ofYi<:to· i t''!!Tl'IJ', th•·eP-wir.·, 220 [ I engiuc:; din•et eonpl!•d j j • mum r~cmaml 9d. ami 3~. (l9I2) lllld 440 ,-olts 1 1 to cl.c gmlf'mtors 41!0 ' ! Pown--Flat rat~· 8d., ma:n- ' i ami 550 voltR, with ! mum dmnRml 3d. and I !-d. ! 1 balancers I i Bendigo -. [ J<~l('<•tric Supply ! Low pr<'""ttrt- dirr•et I132 · 7 I . J 12 ·I .. [42 · :l 1.300: Hi~h-st>eed steam- . 172 841J 80t; J 28; . i Lighting-~Fhtt. rat-e 6~d., direct coupled : nmxinmm dcm»nd 9tl. and generators 480 i 4d. and 5f~ volts, with , I Pml'<ll'· J<'la.t ml~ 4d., m>ni· j 1 1 1 balancers mum dPmand 4d. and l!d. Beulah • . I Conucil of the Lm1• ]Jl'<''Hill'<' direct ;) · ,) . 7 . 141 :Suction g.. ns-enghl<'. plant, 21 10 14 Nil 2,230[ Lighting 8tl., p01rer .(d. per Hhirc of eun<·n~. th,·e<·-wirc, 230 , rlrivinp: d. c. three-wire I , unit Karkarooe Rnd 460 l'olts I gcm·ratot· . I . I Brnybrook Hu.Q·h. Vio~or Low pre,.~ure dirt•ct 4 . ;, . t900i Steam I'lant driving d. c. , 97i 31 9[ 60 Nil l ,9001 Ligh~ing 7~<1., power ad. per Mcl\.a;r cm-rent, 2.l0 volts ! genemtors I [ : umt 1 ()ampcrdown Council. ot \he Low pressure direct 8·5 .. l7 .. .. soli On.es_ue.t-iongasp.•roducer, I l6i :!s 1 .. .. .. Lighting, sliding ~calo, 8d. te Shin• of CUl'l'<'llt, 2:30 volts two (il>-b.h.p. engines, I lid. :md_ 4?· per um!- Cl1. lhmpdt'u two 44 k.w. gt•nerators, I Power, shd1~g ""ale, -td. and boost-er, and accumu.la- 1 2d. per umt tor battery 400 honrs' ma~imum . , charge . -<Jastcrton .. i Castcrtou]i'rc<·z. Low pr<'F8ure .'lircct I 5 I .. 1 Hi .. I . ·1 :~01 One. suctiougaApro_ ducer, I IOOI 41 41 , . Nil 8,0001 Lighting 7d., power ~d. p11r ing Worb Co. cmrmt, 2:30 Yo!ts il I I and engine of 50-b.b.p. Prop~'· Ltd. , I one 29 and one 7 k.w. · . generator, and hattery of 270 UlllJ}·honrs' maximum discharge , . Char!ton .. I Charho.n El<'<.'· i Low P''.I,RRnre direct I 4 .. I 8 j .. I . ·1 One suction gas producer ];j()] J! 2[ 32 . 4111 3,0401 Lighting Sd., power 6d. and tric Light aml I euucut, 230 volts ! ! andmgin" of 81-b.h.p., 1 Pow.-r Co. I I i one 4-5 k.w. generator and battery of 270 ---------,- maximum I I 1 Coleraine -. I Colerainc aml Low pr<'Mlll'e direct 4 . 1()·5 • . • • 301 One gas producer, one 85 30 Nil !)(i: 2,2001 Lighting 8d., J>owcr iiu. per Western Dis- ennent, 230 volts ! c_,nginc 50.-b._h.p., one . nnit tric;t Butter I ao.
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