m m * * * * * * * -wsmwf p m — — i — RPHW V THE MAIL FIRST SECTION THE HOME PAPER EIGHTEEN PAGES VOL XL, NO: 4 PLYMOUTH, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1927 $1.50 PER YEAR Let’s Hope For A Good Brood - By Albert T. Reid 1A1Y ATTEND CHAMBER higJ debaters OF COMMERCE BAIf ET WIN FROM RIVER ROUGE New Board of Directors Was Chosen Local Team Wins From the Visitors By for Ensuing Year. a Two to One Decision at High School Auditorium Last Week Annual Event Held at Hotel Mayflower Thursday Evening. Last Tuesday Evening. Plymouth Needs Only Six I^ore Points to Enter State Elimination Con­ Thursday evening. December S, Plymouth’s debating team defeated LEAGOE WOMEN VOTERS tests Next February. River Rouge with a decision of 2 to •1. The debate was held in Plymouth HELD DECEMBER MEETING high school auditorium, where in spite of the intense cold, those- who are I-ast Tin*sday evening the Crystal really interested in the problems of The December meeting of the room of the Hotel Mayflower was the better government gathered to hear FIRE IN SMITTY’S SMOKE Plymouth League of Women Voters seene of the annual minting of the the verbal conflict. was held in the kindergarten room of SHOP DOES MUCH DAMAGE Chamber of Commerce, when nearly The question was, "Resolved, that the high school building gt 2:30 Mon­ one hundred members and friends of the direct primary should be abolished day afternoon. The president. Mrs. the organization sat down to a typical in the United States.” The River A. B. VauAken came from Detroit to A lire at Glenn Smith’s Smoke Shop Mayflower chicken dinner. After the Rouge team which upheld the affirma­ preside. Inasmuch a.s the subject of on Main sireet. caused considerable dinner. President George II. Roblnsoa tive, consisted of three girls,, Nedra the day was related to their study of damage last Wednesday evening about of the Chamber of Commerce, called 8mlth, Ruth Eder and Marian Thorn­ government, the VIII hour history 9:39 o'clock. A valve broke on a pop the mi'oting to order. Reports of the ton. Their strongest point was their class came to the meeting to hear corn maehinc, which allowed a flow secretary and treasurer were given by pep which was present in all three D r. U pson. of gasoline from the tank, which ig­ Harmon A. Smith and Paul G. Lee, speakers in varying degrees. The complex subject of county nited. and the place was in flames in respectively, after which nominations Plymouth upheld the negative, with government was handled in a most a moment. Considerable damage was were called for to fill the offices of Harold Hubert, Leona Beyer and interesting talk by Dr. Lent D. done to the interior of the store and nine directors for the ensuing year. Franklin Atkinson. The team showed Upson, government expert of the De­ the stoek of goods. An entire new After the ballots were counted, the fol­ improvement over their debating in troit Bureau of Government Research. front will have to lie installed. Tlie lowing gentlemen were declared elect- the first debate at Fordson, and did He presented members of the league building is owned by W. T. Conner. : Paul J. \ Vied man. Alan A. Horton, some splendid thinking. Harold Hu­ with charts which showed most Both building and stoek were insured. Paul J. Nutting. Perry W. Itichwine. bert's pleasing voice, his personality, graphically the enormous number of Cass S. Ilougli. Carl G. Shear. P. H. and his friendly, conversational man­ VILLAGE WATER DEPART­ FORMER PLYMOUTH BOY NEW FORD CAR ATTRACTS county officers, the relationship that Deal. William Wood. George H. Rob­ ner pleased the audience. Leona they bear to each other, and the inson. The newly elected board will Beyer, although handicapped by a cold, salary for each office. Disgruntled MENT RONNING IN DEBT ROAD P R IZ E MUCH ATTENTJON HEBE hold its first meeting next Monday did effective debating in rebuttal, and MANY GHRISTMAS taxpayers would have profited much night, when officers and i-ommitteea spoke in a convincing manner. by hearing Dr. Upson's enlightening will In* selected. Kranklin Atkinson gave four-fifths of A clever grou$Bg of words made The new Ford ear which was on exposition of the rising cost of gov­ It may not be generally under­ SHOPPERS IN STORES During the meeting some time wat his ten-minute constructive argument Elbert E. Seger, genior at Kulamazoo exhibition at the salesroom of the ernment, of the difficulty in gaining stood among the property owners given to Messrs. De Belles and Jones extemporaneously, and thereby won college, winner the first prize of Plymouth Motor Sales Co., local agents improvements, and of the present of Plymouth that for several years of the De Selles Studios of Detroit, the praise of the audience and judges $250 in the rican Railway for Ford products, last Monday and The merchants of Plymouth in all needs of county government. The our water works expenses have who presented their plans to organise alike. As usual, he spoke with force, t o r school and Tuesday, was the center of attraction lines of retail business are reporting ! .1 sj»eaker pointed out several changes increased to such an extent association's cop a corjkirntion among Plymouth people emphasis and fluency. ‘ best essay on for hundreds of Interested people. a heavier than usual holiday trade which must be made before county that relief must be sought some­ college students and establish a plant here for the The chairman for the evening was * d e er< The new car drew forth many exclam- this season, due no doubt to the public government can be efficient. What where. The expenses are exceeding th e p r e v e n tio n jj manufacture of bronze eastings in the ilpg educated to shopping earlier . Lester UadtBtefcsSt -the Sigh- mgg* are the- -member* of the th e in c o m e b y -m a n y — ffoITitTS.1 n e w ' art field.. commercial department. The time­ from those who viewed' the wonder­ TO the various thrift and -:i - ’j m league who were present know. Those mains being the larger item of outlay. The topic chosen, “Cross Crossings Tlu* new board of directors Is Christmas saving clubs which enable keepers were Clare Lewis for River Cautiously.” was selected ' from ful value which it represents. Every who missed this splendid talk will have The present bonded indebtedness of jh)s<h1 of all well known and progres­ Rouge and Wilbur Murphy, who de­ detail of the ear was thoroughly gone Santa Claus' pack to he filled to its to gain their information from their the waterworks department is $180,- thousands of essays ns the best by a sive citizens of Plymouth, who win bated so well for Plymouth last year. over by the interested crowds. People utmost capacity. friends who were present or else hear 0 0 0 . We have to pay over $14,000 on committee comprised of Secretary of give their best efforts to the affairs of Before the debate the high school got into the car and under it, raised W hile there still remains eight shoji- Dr. Upson the next time he is invited these bonds every year as principal Oonuner<*e Hoover. Thomas P. Henry, the Chamber of Commerce. orchestra furnished their usual good the hood and inspected the engine, and ping days until Christmas, trade has to Plymouth. and interest. president of the American Automobile been unusually brisk; in fact the gen- m u sic. association, and Walter G. King, past the invariable verdict was that it. was The next meeting of the Plymouth The operating statement taken from The judges for the debate were a dandy alright. The Plymouth Motor oral nsiKM-t as one goes about the league will be Monday afternoon. president of the National Safety last year's audit made by Miller, Bailey stores is that of two or three days l>e- Miss Houser, the debating coach at cou n cil. Sales Co. have booked many orders Bli­ January 9th. & Co., the public accountants employ­ foi-e the holidays with prosperity A PLEASANT OCCASION Dearborn. Mr. Page, the superinten­ Elbert is a former resident of the new ears already. ed by the village, shows a total in­ ab ou n d in g. dent of schools at Howell, and Mr. P ly m o u th an d a g r a d u a te o f th e j --------------------- COCHRANE-BAKEWELL come for the year of $15,744.01. The It is said Christmas presents ran Sawyer, a math instructor at Redford Plymouth High school with the class* iiTniAT t a r i p r A very pleasant occasion took place total expenses for last year from this a lw a y s Ik* taken as an index to the high school. Last Saturday evening at 6 :30. a of 1923. His many Plymouth friendsfl U iU lbl IU InUL in the crystal dining room of the Hotel operating statement is $20,471.05. interests and standards of the people Plymouth’s next debate at home very pretty wedding took place at the will bo pleased to learn of his sue- Mayflower Wednesday evening, when will be January 27th. Plymouth now This shows a net loss exclusive of at. any particular in-riod. Until re- home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Itakewell the Plymouth Rotary Club entertained depreciation, of $4,727.04. The depre­ eeut years the frivolous, the dxtruvo- has seven points toward the thirteen HOMICIDE CHARGE the memlKTs of the latdies* Aid So­ on Plymouth road, when their daugh­ ciation for last year equalled $4,811.14.
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