RRecreationalecreational ActivitiesActivities vegendLegendLegend andand FacilitiesFacilities inin St.St. LawrenceLawrence CountyCounty IH H IH PH wiles x o2wontrel Additional Information RHI IH H IH PH QH RH uilometers Locator NumberFacility Name Town Map LocationBoatingBoat LaunchCampingFishingGolf CourseHikingHistoricHunting SiteNatureNordic StudyPicnicking SkiingPlaygroundScenicSnowmobile AreaSwimming Trail e P gyxevv 3 = Activity Available N = Activity Nearby 1 Brasher State Forest Brasher E-15 333Horse trails tF2vwreneEpFhFF 2WQ ower2rojet IHP gy x 2Brasher-Stockholm Community Center Brasher E-15 N 33 Ball fields, horseshoes, ice skating oert2woses 3 P frnhrt wssen 3 Helena Museum Brasher C-15 ower2hm sslnd oint 4Riverside Campgrounds Brasher E-15 3 hm 2WS sxixesyxev tF2egis2wohwk2eservtion IHQ oert fshqi2h @ekwessneA 5Walter Pratt Memorial Park & Forest Brasher D-16 3 trems282ivers woses2tte nell2 RS RS rk vok ywyx sslnds 333333 rospitl ewy 6 Bend-In-The-River Park Canton I-10 N Bicycling iisenhower h groil2sslnd si vwrene ooseveltown Æ vok usxxsi tF 3 tte2rk frnhrt2sslnd yyiivyx 7 Canton College Canton H-9 IHS h sxhsex RHI @ ndevelopedA ult gmpsite reiygueggi2h h h 33 3 hyxeqr i rognsurg 8Grasse River State Boat Launch Canton H-9 sslnds yvh wssen reiygu QU h f ewy2ril2eni2oute piqyi 33333 UW vong ei2h h genter iver 9Indian Creek Nature Center Canton I-8 FFrighwy ry h iver groilwssen IQI Eweixe qei vke siyxyyx yx h 33 gountry hixxsyx gixi h yyiiv 10 Morley Gristmill Canton G-9 Under restoration tF22vwrene 2WV yvh fshqiillge2of wsr revv2h glu y rsi h h RPe revv i gexehe VR h h 11 Oswegatchie Museum & Art Gallery Canton I-8 3 h rovinil2righwy VI weixe 2WW sex rsqre tte2od h h wssen RP pegy weixe weixequette 33 33 3 gityD2ownD2illge2rllD2wuseumD2hool y9xsiv 12 Remington Recreational Center Canton H-10 Bicycling, Restaurant (AKA Partridge Run Golf Course) feh h Ewiwysev pyfi 7 yx greek 2WI sex2h iver h QUg IHR h ve i gedr2iew IQI 2WT i RQ xyr P h wg2sxi 13 Silas Wright Museum Canton I-10 3 Part of Historic District wesx evgye qolf2gourse wiehy VQ fyxsxq Evy ssvvi h weixe QUg h h r rsqrvexh wssen fyri si Ee ii uiixex gui si 2WR h h vsxi 14 St. Lawrence University Canton I-10 3 Last 2 chestnut trees in county gounty2od i Æ h eirport h h h yxesy wesx gmping h I VS revix h iver o2fomy h hodge 2Q2 svyx wevi e ii ilson2 RT h 3 333 3 RI 2WP xisx ErivixeE 15 Taylor Park Canton I-10 ge iersvv ys xi2yurill wesx QU h S xyr h vsxi si usxqvi fevi Q h xyr gy x QI frdford weixeErivixe svyx sslnd h ie 33 hyi R weixeE 16 University Golf & Country Club Canton I-10 QUf exhi h sslnd rsvv svveh IHI gei h vol2od i vsxi Epexuvsx h h qrsse Eyui weixe gy x QU relen 33 333 2WU 17 Upper & Lower Lakes WMA Canton H-9 sxivv weryxi ev wsx w QU IF2f guyx2h Epexuvsx g vvsx uiixex uli2fot2vunh xsgryvsvvi h IQI h quette evy hiy ilson2rill svyx QU eiyxVP y r rewwsvv PF2vivsi2h 33 3 3 rsvv h ivhshqi pexuvsx 18 Grasse River Canoe Launch Clare M-11 Carry-in canoe launch ST ieqex xihols tte2ildlife VT h QF2esesyx2h h wesx g h e ii rill wngement2ere h h pyi wssen RF2rexqi2h h rsh wssen h h h 33 3 rF2righ SF2ehwsxsesyx h h 19 Lampson Falls Clare L-11 winor2vol2od sslnd iver e heer gyyu h shqi h h prings f svhsxq2h evy wysf q hool wsr h h RH QW h wevv 20 Tooley Rd: Canoe Carry-In Launch Sites Clare N-13 Canoeing - See "Tooley Pond Tract/Northern Flow River Area (NYSDEC) wrin RPH hev h svveh greek wevi qrsse h wi Erivixe ry qr ixivv egis ryyx yyhvexh2h h h w h gy x h rsvv IHH h 21 Tooley Pond Mountain Clare N-13 333 wsr evvegi wiehy2 goles2greek vouisville QT h vegvesh vevyxhi ISV h tF frsher 33 tte2rk h ex h 22 Cat Mountain Clifton Q-13 See "Trails of the Cranberry Lake Region" (NYSDEC) h VH Evy ssvvi gy x2h h h sron2orks eirportD2heduled2ervie eirportD2vol goles h Erivixe c h wsvv e ii h f r 3333 3 3 3 3 xtionl2foundry h xhe shqi wsr 23 Cranberry Lake State Campground Clifton P-14 N Trail to Bear Mountain c grei h gy x gyvi vy ssvvi h w xyx SQ QT resq h i P iver h ewy 333 ruthins h qvehhsxq SS 24 Peavine Ski Trail Clifton P-13 See "Trails of the Cranberry Lake Region" (NYSDEC) veixgi QU is xyr yvsi pevv glrks xhsvvi 3333 3 ISR Evy ssvvi y9xisv 25 Carry Falls/Parmeter Campsite Colton M-15 N Automobile camping oint ygden IR xesyx h h h gollegeD2 niversity h frsher h sslnd iver illge2of fy i 33 3 sy ys h h peii h 26 Carry Falls Reservoir Colton L-15 NN gounty2foundry frook genter giiu ST svvi h h h SS QV feri 27 Colton Boat Launch Colton J-13 33 3 Cartop boat launch win2frooks ehhsxqyx Evy ssvvi h vittle s r vi qolf2gourse x ghse III lum ix Evy s QW h x psri Egixi veishmn s QT sui h 33 3 q ymondville h wsvv 28 Five Falls Boat Launch Colton J-14 h oint sixex h w ssr iviw wills h qolf2gourse feri own2nd2gity2foundry si greek h reh ISS h wsvv 3333 3 3 33 33333 qolf2gourse vegywf Eferi 29 Higley Flow State Park Colton J-13 frook gs2h h w greek iver h fy weryxi h h xypyvu f gu xypyvu uxsqr grei sgi hsre h WS 33 3 3 xsgryvsvvi 30 Higley Pond Picnic Area Colton J-13 N frook i feri 2S2 qexsvvi tF wgger IST h gexehe ISU Eehhsxqyx heshEwehsh wer h h rivixe FF h fyri Ehii SH si lter2rtt2wemoril 31 Jamestown Falls Colton M-15 3 N sroquois h evvsyx h ymondville xypyvu frook illge2foundry h hm rehgeffvi rk2nd2porest hitehouse wsvv h h h RR h h hivvh w rexvyx QQ eu h egis 3 h lum 32 Moody Falls Colton N-15 N uker svvi SQ ex edwter sroquois h rll ty rk h h sgi grswex QRS frook pevv ge grei 2I2 vok QIe uker ry i frook h pevv SS 33 3 Eehhsxqyx pixgr shqi 33 Rainbow Falls Reservoir Colton J-14 N fyx gyxxsi h h h gehsxev piiwex ghmerlin xypyvu h r vi qyyhxy fvexgreh nd2tte2oute h sex RPH ie o2woir gorners Erivixe PV h h xew2ork2tte h h i 33 3 3 vieex giwii Egixi frook SH gyi gyi 34 South Colton Canoe Launch Colton J-13 gr gr h h iver gonsevtion Eehhsxqyx QIH yvh h vie h f ui h h weui ex2uixxix h hivyr exi QV ryusxyx fyyuhevi frsher heprtment pvsx h 35 S. Colton Handicap-Access Fishing Facility Colton J-13 33 pevv h revpe r xi sixex h heer h ehhsxqyxEehhsxqyx f x h SP h h giwii h h plls h Ewyse h h xorth 33 3 edirondk2rk2egion2of2tF2vwF2goF rlfwy IR yx quek feri 36 Stark Reservoir Colton K-15 N yu frookdle h vvie uiyxi si weryxi tF2vwrene xyr Eyyh rouse hh xorfolk Eferi h fei vwrene h gewfivv rix h gFF h 33 h o2woir prrowhwk r xi h h feh RR RW 2P2 veixgi 37 Stone Valley Colton I-12 vittle yvh h h e h wsvvih gorsF h f gu IIg we vix oint h h h h nd2wlone h revverex i qievh h Esxry h r xi ehew geewy x h RR ellen xypyvu shqi frsherE2tokholm 38 Sunday Rock Colton J-13 333 QQ wdridEddington h tte2rkD2porestD2ildlife2wngement2ere h ixivei Esxry sxx rei gorners QV igyxh rexvyx yqhixf q trFErF2 weui gommF2gentF psxxsqex sxx 33 h inthrop 39 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Wetland Project DeKalb L-7 hh fexeqi righ2hool wehsh vswi h ryusxyx 2R2 h ryvvy vxgr QVe h h h ry greek usxxisvvi II 3 esx h yyu gysxq h 40 Civil War Gen. Newton Curtis Birthplace DePeyster I-6 exhevv RU h gounty2porest2ere Egrswex QI h QV y9fsex gexi IIg uingston eqqe RPH qeyxh h o2yttw h h h h i ST fvsxh qiix wie IIg qlop2sslnd uiyxi QRS iver RW 3 hsgyvv h uiyxi ghipmn feh hixon eix 41 Town Hall - Octagonal Building DePeyster I-6 h h h xorwoodExorfolk esrsvvi hy tte2rk sslnd tixxi qyvhsi h h h h h ine wehshyx wehsh ve gorners vsxgyvx x wsr gFF gyyu @ ndevelopedA yfi fshqi h vwreneville 3333 33 3 qrove gyxi iui h rsi II fyyuvx 42 Wolf Lake State Forest Edwards M-8 yi h ryusxyx h isement2vnds2@peifi2estritions2epplyA fye f vv h wggerwedow wsvv h xye h h h h rivs IT RVe hiwyxh h h h UV ew2h vex si2h w r frook wiwens 33 3 3 33 33 own2 quw IR ripyh fe h rout h 43 Aldrich Pond Wild Forest Fine Q-11 h h Exypyvu h qlop h h xfe hixxs iF evisvvi vvery xsgryvsvvi fehGrk h f gu h sevsex xorth qFgF gorner h ylors RHI iver ivv h h h gyxi vex iqex ie h pyi frook wgiix gorners reh h wgger gorner 33 33 vsxi h h tokholm h PV wirepp h h h RU gexi gevxyx 44 Brown's Falls Fine O-11 h QIH resq leville pis QI gyq yvvygu ry h esyx @unpps2ttionA h py porest2reserve2tte2vnd greiv Eeqepp Eveixgi h fexh Egrswex h egis UU psiwsvi xivyx sguvi h SR 3 weqsvv h quette RV tokholm ist 45 Clifton Fine Municipal Golf Course Fine P-11 N vsxi h gihe e h w vvix rout rsxxygu frndy genter ed h2i fy wdrid ripyh yvh h h h teguyx h gyxi illge2of hixxs yguryvw 33 Eehhsxqyx iiv weui 46 Flat Rock Hydro Dam Fine O-11 h h yu h h wills y h Euxeyxh PU h h hiivv h h ivvsy hy qve yvh tF h frook h evui xyr h weui II fei Esxry geh 33 3 33 h f guyx gryyv h Erivixe 47 High Falls Fine R-13 xyr 2WH ivvsy yguryvw iih h xyyyh eeqi h p PU y 2 resq h xyyyh h wsvvi grswex wdrid iver h esvyeh wqsxxs ivv sxq h h fyyu2h ixyvh frnh h h psi ii qolf2gourse sivexh h SI o2woir 48 Little River Fine S-11 Canoeing pvegu Ewehsh shqi h h h h reegu gyxi f gu wdrid h yguryvw sgrehyx psxi h fFyFgFiFF sishi ghimney gr gr h xsgryv nd2wlone h VW h h gy h h wsvi wsvv prings h28 Euxe fukton 3 ri ivyx hesvi h hh 49 Star Lake Picnic Area Fine R-11 N oint esyx exhev h xyfvi RW sivexh ryi sguvi yvh rsvv shqi h iF rout RU hixyx yxisv QH h QS si h h h h uii gyvh 33 h h frnh 50 Streeter Lake Fine S-11 Lean-to; canoeing tF2vwrene e sx veui yyh weshix nfordville yvh h veixgi h vison h r qri h ixyvh h h IR h IIR tte2rospF ve Egexyx Eevvi yqhixf q vison2gFF tyxi weui h 33 vsxi h IQW we h pyqi 51 Sucker Lake CFA Fine P-10 h revv si qyui PV vsfyx gyvvsxExyyyh h gity2of fy gu pyri gyh ehew ei ryvvexh h h fvexgreh h ieqex ivvsy h h h QRS h SS Exypyvu fei h h 3333 h w h SU h h 52 Wanakena Ranger School Fine S-13 Fire tower open to public; diorama of microburst effects h e f guyx h h r gyfsi
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