The Daily Register VOL. 97 NO.250 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1975 15 CENTS iiiiiiiiiiimniiiiiimiii NJEA head plans to act to bar rploy3 firings Bvy DORIDOHIS KKI'I.l I.M I\V\ name thee districts "until wwee I..^^.I -' •--..-- ... ., .... _,. ,._ ... *^ "J^ . •• . ^-"^ teachers' organization de black to hold its top post. come up with a money plan parity between rich and poor legislation, teachers are eli- have gathered all the evi- dared. Her election last Friday by and singled out the "inaction ASBURY PARK - The dence we need." districts to be as wide as it gible for unemployment com- That PERC bill, adopted a 4,459-vote plurality broke a of the state Senate" for the is now, but we aren't against pensation during summer va- New Jersey Education Asso- She expects teachers to last year, gives the commis- 37-year tradition of alternat- lion's share of the blame. local districts raising some cation. A bill by state Sen ciation (NJEA) will file un- continue the militancy that sion power to define unfair la- ing men and women to the The NJEA has supported extra money," Ms. Owens Frank J Dodd to exempt fair labor practices com- has propelled many NJEA lo- bor practices and extends the NJEA presidency. Gov. Brendan T. Byrne's pro- said. them from such coverage is plaints against school boards cal affiliates onto the picket number of issues that are Ms. Owens said she doesn't posal for a state income tax bottled up in the Senate edu- which (ire non-tenured teach- line, but is hopeful that the She believes that teachers negotiable. anticipate any difficulty in "and we feel there has to be cation committee ers as a "negotiations ploy," recent law expanding the who worked in previous sum- Ms. Owens cited the prob- getting a two-year leave of full-scale tax reform. No according to Judith M power of the Public Employ- mers but can't find jobs this Confronted with a shrinking lem of financing public educa- absence from her tl6,800-a- more potluck," she said. Owens, the Asbury Park ment Relations Commission year because of the recession job market for teachers, the tion as the major current con- year job as a fourth-grade Ms. Owens expects growing teacher who will assume (PERC) "will provide the should collect federal jobless NJEA is working on alterna- cern of the NJEA, but empha- teacher in Asbury Park's controversy over school fi- presidency of the 82,000-mem mechanism to move teachers benefits. tive employment programs, sized that protecting the job Bond Street School to serve in nancing as state aid is re- ber state teachers organiza- associations and school "The federal program was cooperating with the state De- rights of teachers and open- the NJEA spot. Her salary as distributed and wealthier dis- tion in September. boards smoothly through con- designed to help the unem- partment of Education in a ing up new job opportunities president will be three times tricts begin to feel the pinch ployed. Teachers are caught statewide "job locator ser- She said the NJEA "has tract negotiations without for unemployed educators the average New Jersey's confrontation." She pointed out that the in the same economic crunch vice," and hoping colleges reason to believe" that some also head her NJEA priority teacher's salary. The average NJEA doesn't oppose local as everyone else. They're will limit the number of edu- school boards, including some "No teacher wants to list. teacher's salary in the state school boards having "a rea- American citizens and they cation majors by setting strin- in Monmouth County, are us- strike. But if a strike is what Ms. Owens, who succeeds was 112,600 last year. sonable amount of leeway" to should be helped, too," she gent standards for admission ing staff layoffs "supposedly it takes to improve the sys- Kathryn Stillwell of Fair In targeting school financ- raise additional tax money commented on that con- to teacher training programs, for economic reasons" as a tem, then that's what we Lawn as NJEA president, is ing as the key issue of the for their schools when a state troversy. Ms Owens said. lever in contract negotiations. have to do," the president- the organization's second full- NJEA, Ms. Owens scored the financing plan is imposed. Under what some contend She cited community ser- Ms. Owens declined to elect of the state's largest time president and the first state legislature for failure to "We wouldn't want the dis- is a quirk In recent federal Sec NJKA, page 2 Judith M. Owns 'HI" Illl mini linn | || mi CIA overseer group in Congress is asked WASHINGTON (AP) - foreign leaders would be kept minican Republic jority of the committee's Creation of a joint congres- secret. Sen. Frank Church, chair- Democrats called for Nedzis sional committee to oversee Evidence on assassination man of the Senate in- resignation last week after a the Central Intelligence will be turned over to the Jus- telligence committee, said af- published report that he had Agency is among the 30 rec- tice Department for possible ter the news conference that been Informed of alleged CIA ommendations made by the prosecution and to both the '"it is obvious that the Senate assassination plots and other Rockefeller Commission to Senate and House intelligence committee will have to deal wrongdoing more than a year prevent future wrongdoing by committees, Ford said. with the assassination issue." ago but had not called for a the agency, according to au- "There's not going to be any Robert A. Maheu, a former congressional investigation. thoritative sources. possibility of a cover-up," the aide to billionaire Howard In the course of the 30-mm- In addition to a congres- President added. Hughes, appeared before the ute news conference in the sional panel modeled after Allegations about assassina- Senate panel Monday but he White House Rose Garden, the Joint Atomic Energy tion plots date back to the Invoked the Fifth Amend- Ford also siad: Committee, the commmission Eisenhower and Kennedy ad- ment. A committee spokes- -Despite the 0.2 per cent headed by Vice President ministrations, according to man Indicated the panel has unemployment rate In May, CF wlr«M»U Nelson A. Rockefeller calls one White House official. tentatively decided to grant he is optimistic the economy VANCOUVER PRISON - An aerial view of the center shows the area In which three prisoners for the establishment of a Ford said that "under no Maheu Immunity in return for has "bottomed out." maximum-security British Columbia Penitentiary with knives were holding 14 persons hostage. separate oversight organiza- circumstances do I want to testimony on alleged links be- — "The time is getting in New Westminster, B.C. not far from the city tion within the executive sit in 1975 passing judgments tween the CIA and the Mafia closer and closer to a. specific branch, the informed sources made by honorable people 15 in efforts to kill Casto. announcement" of his candi- said. or more years ago under un- Meanwhile, Democrats on dacy for a full four-year pres- President Ford told a na- usual circumstances. I think the House Intelligence com- idential term in 1076. tionally broadcast news con- it is better to let history tell mittee were promised a sepa- —One of the lessons learned ference Monday night that the story" of the alleged rate subcommittee to In- from Vietnam is that, while Inmates demand exile the commission report on CIA plots. vestigate the CIA in return the United States must work domestic activities would be The alleged plots have been for abandoning their demands with other governments that ser River. Stationery and office supplies were stored in the NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. (AP) - Three life-term in- made public today but that said to include plans to kill that Rep. Luden N Nedzi, I) believe in protecting their room which has only one door, no windows and two air vents. mates demanding free passage to a foreign country holed up evidence dealing with alleged Cuban Premier Fidel Castro Mich., step down as chairman own freedom, "we cannot Bultitude said until a year ago prisoner files were stored with 14 hostages in a storage vault at the British Columbia assassination plots against and Rafael Trujlllo of the Do- of the full committee. A ma- fight their battles for them." Penitentiary for the second day today. there but "we changed that situation because of the possi- Meanwhile, prison officials awaited a decision from feder- bility of this happening. That would be disastrous because we al authorities on the demands of the rebel inmates, two of had all the warrants in there." whom were convicted of murder. Inmate demands were relayed through several reporters, a lawyer and a member of the Communist party in Canada. "They've been fed and watered and made as comfortable One go between was newsman Gary Bannerman of radio sta- Azzolina defeats Stanley as possible," said B.J. Bultitude, assistant director at the tion CKNW in Vancouver. He said during each of his two vis- maximum security prison. "We've complied with them as far its to the storage vault Monday one of the convicts was hold- as humanly possible within our authority." ing a knife to the throat of a woman hostage. Prison Director Dragan Cemetic said that before the in- The inmates demanded pain-killing drugs and Bannerman mates could be flown out of Canada some country must agree said they were given demerol and a tranquilizer, valium.
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