BETWEEN CULTURE AND NATURE Bicycle route: Cathedral SquarePark of EuropeCathedral Square Route length: approx. 46 km Route starting point: Cathedral Square GPS 54.685911, 25.286885 Route end point: Cathedral Square GPS 54.685911, 25.286885 Vilnius is a perfect city for cyclists. It In the beginning of the route the takes merely a dozen of minutes from al- Cathedral Square you will be greeted most any part of the city to leave the ur- by the monument of the Vilnius founder, ban bustle and escape into the retreat of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas nature even from the very centre. You (1275-1341) , the most important Cat- can bypass almost the entire city avoid- holic shrine of Lithuania, St. Stanislaus ing busy streets, riding along comfort- and St. Vladislav Cathedral , the re- able, greenery abounding traits. Espe- cently restored residence of the rulers of cially it can be said about the route from Lithuania the Royal Palace , and the the Cathedral Square to the Park of Eu- impressive hill with Gediminas Castle on rope. top of it . Do not be discouraged if you do not ha- In fact, you could spend half a day in ve a bike. In Vilnius, it's easy to get it the- the Cathedral Square alone there are re are a number of bike rental stations, so many points of interest here. How- and the city bike rental system operates ever, you are going to have an interesting during the warm time of the year. and long journey, so waste no time and The route can be divided into two turn towards Mindaugas Bridge. First, parts: Cathedral Square Trinapolis you will have to cross the square, with the Church and Trinapolis Church the Park monument to the first and only Lithuanian of Europe. The first segment length is 7 King Mindaugas (1253-1263) , which km each way. Almost the entire route con- was built to commemorate the 750th an- sists of bicycle trails, you have to cross niversary of his coronation. Note the pe- the street only in a few places, so it will be destal of the monument surrounding the a safe and easy ride even for small chil- Solar calendar, marking the most impor- dren and elderly people. The second part tant pagan and Christian celebrations. of it to the Park of Europe will require bet- Behind the King Mindaugas monu- ter physical fitness, as you have to pedal ment there is a large light building the more than 20 km one-way, on diverse sur- New Arsenal, one of the oldest structures faces (gravel, stone-paved road), some in the Vilnius Castle complex. Now, the rather steep hillsides, and part of the New Arsenal hosts the Lithuanian Na- route will stretch on the car road. tional Museum, with expositions of the So put your doubts aside and embark Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Lithuanian on a memorable journey, which will offer peasant household, cross-making, and everything: interesting cultural heritage other displays. objects and natural eye catching images! Cross the River Neris by Mindaugas Bridge, at the end of which, on the left side, you will see a building with a sculp- ture of a woman holding a lantern in her hands. It's the Energy and Technology Museum . Behind the bridge, turn right and de- scend along a great bike path by the river. This marked bicycle path belongs to the European Eurovelo 11 track. It is equi- pped with resting areas and information 5 boards, and for quite a long stretch you will follow the River Neris on the right, so this section is highly enjoyable and fun. After driving for a little more than a ki- lometre, stop for a while at Tuskulnai Se- renity Park . It was created to honour the victims of the Soviet regime. In 1944- 1947 resisters who fought against the Soviet government have been tortured, murdered and secretly buried there. It is difficult to imagine these tragic events while walking in the tranquil park, or look- was founded in this hilly terrain of extra- ing at the elegant classicistic former Tus- ordinary beauty in the seventeenth cen- kulnai mansion, equipped with the Tus- tury as a sign of appreciation to the God kulnai Estate Secrets exposition. for the victory against the Russian army. Move forward for another kilometre The place is visited not only by pilgrims. and you will see a small bay on the right, It's a favourite venue of urban resident }irmknai winter harbour. In the 3rd de- walks, strolls and picnics. You will find it cade of the last century it was excavated especially beautiful near the Cedronas by an entrepreneur who planned to deve- (Baltupis) stream. lop trade in the port. In a few hundred me- Turn left to the gravel road behind the ters you will reach }irmknai beach , so 17th station of the Cross Road and reach it is a great opportunity for refreshment a paved road. After a short drive of 200 m on a hot day! turn right. Pass the St. Discovery of the In 2.4 km, after passing under the Va- Cross Church , usually called simply lakampiai Bridge, look out for the natural the Calvary Church (18th century), whe- monument }irmknai oak of over 200 re the good quality, marked bicycle trail years old. Indeed it is difficult to miss it starts again. When travelling this path because it is about 35 meters in height! near Jeruzals street you will see the Take a brief rest under the old oak and Customs Museum on the right side travel further Trinapolis Church is not presenting the Lithuanian customs acti- far away. Here you will have to leave the vities from the times of the Grand Duchy seclude of nature for a while, and return of Lithuania. to the city to cross the busy Verkis The route then continues along Jeru- street and then you will see the white tow- zals and }alisjs E~ers streets to Verkiai ers of the Blessed Trinity, or otherwise manor . This is truly a special place sur- the Trinapolis Church (18th century). rounded with many legends. It's main at- If you chose a shorter route, this is the traction is the palace of the 17th century end point of your trip. Meanwhile, if you famous of its luxury. Only the wings are considering a longer hike, turn left survived to our days. No less impressive near the Trinapolis Church and you will are the surroundings of the manor: huge find yourself in the Calvary Cross Road trees, shady park alleys, and the Neris track. About 1 km of this section the route River panorama of extraordinary beauty will stretch along a forest trail, which is opening up from the panorama deck. not in the best condition at some points. Although it is difficult to leave the won- It's not a problem! While driving your derful Verkiai palace, let's proceed to Bal- bike, you can admire the beautiful nature sys Lake. It is 7 km away. Go back to }a- and the Stations of the Cross Road. You lisjs E~ers street, and cross it. The paved will see them even without turning out bicycle trail will start on the left side of the from your trail. The Calvary Cross Road road. In 2 km it will end. Turn to the forest and take good quality forest trails. Along the way, you will likely notice a lone gra- vestone dedicated... to the human con- science . It was built in 2002 after so- meone dumped a large load of concrete waste in this place. Drive to Balsys lake, it is time to relax. You will find a recreation place on its southern bank. Here you can rent boats and water bicycles, and relax in a beach . The eastern part has an observation deck. Swim, cool down, have a snack, be- 6 cause now you will go straight to the Park the most impressive museums in the of Europe, 9 km are left to it. From this world under the open sky. It is even in- point to the Park of Europe the major cluded in the top 50 of the most exciting part of the route will pass along the road- artistic places in the world. way }alisjs E~ers and Europos Parko After seeing the Park of Europe, turn streets. around and return back to the Vilnius city You can spend almost the entire day centre along the same way. in the Park of Europe. It's 55 ha open air contemporary art museum with more than 100 works of art, with authors from 34 countries of the world. This is one of PLACES TO VISIT: Monument to Grand Duke Gediminas GPS 54.685316, 25.288642 Vilnius Cathedral Basilica F Katedros a. 2, Vilnius GPS 54.685815; 25.287437 ) +370 5 261 1127 * [email protected] }irmknai Beach 8 www.katedra.lt GPS 54.723474, 25.311992 Palace of the Grand Dukes of }irmknai Oak Lithuania GPS 54.727596, 25.308293 F Katedros a. 4, Vilnius Holy Trinity Church (Trinapolis GPS 54.685877; 25.289068 Church) ) +370 5 212 7476 F Verkis g. 70, Vilnius * [email protected] GPS 54.731034; 25.291165 8 www.valdovurumai.lt * [email protected] Gediminas' Hill St. Cross Discovery Church of F Arsenalo g. 5, Vilnius Kalvarijos GPS 54.686609; 25.290731 F Kalvarijs g. 327, Vilnius ) +3705 261 7453 GPS 54.740406; 25.279868 ) * [email protected] +3705 269 74 69 * 8 www.lnm.lt [email protected] 8 www.vilniauskalvarijos.lt Monument to King Mindaugas GPS 54.687514, 25.288753 Customs Museum F The New Arsenal Jeruzals g.
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