I ^ I lr L-.. IB -, ^ =m •;.<•• -:,.„ •-- . '-L i,,;' I STATENS RÅD FÖR ATOMFORSKNING Swedish Atomic Research Council 1 I I"' ,' f ' ' . '/ I I I IB HE I) 0 G Ö E E L S 'budgetåret 1970/71 EEP01I r of the year 1970/71 lo i 1 1 r (contents in English see page III) 1. The Swedish Atonic Research Council 1 I 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Administrativa uppgifter 5 1 1.2.1 Rådets ledamöter, delegationer, kansli m m 5 1.2.2 Rådets representanter i internationella organ samt vissa kommittéer, arbetsgrupper m m 10 1.3 Remisser och utlåtanden 16 1.4 Brief notes on atomic scientific research in some institutes of the universities and other organizations for research in Sweden 18 Å reservationsanslag till atomforskning an- visade och utbetalade medel under budget- åren 1946/47 - 1970/71 53 Tabell 2 Av reservationsanslaget till atomforskning disponerade medel "7-7"...-. 54- Tabell 3 Specifikation av förvaltningskostnader 1970/71 '56 m Tabell 4 Sammandrag över den 30 juni 1971 utestående m förskott å forsknings- och reseanslag., "57. Bi.-s/-'l Tabell 5 Eör budgetåret 1970/71 beviljade forsknings- och reseanslag . '.' • -. 58 Tabell 6 a Fördelning på clika.^ämnesområden samtpå löner och : . Övrigt äv ur årslaget tili aiönfprskhing under = budgetåret 1970/71 beviljade medel ,. - 86 Tabell 6 b Anslag till forsknings-. c^chjstudierésor", -könfe-- rehsrespr, gäs-jforskarej,'kommittéer, 'anordnande :av II konferenser, uiidér budgetåretM970/7i:i;;: 87 Tabell 7 forskningsanslag fördelade på'-..löhér. öch,r övrigt,, I fl uppdelning efter lärosäte:..(mptav) för budgetåret 1970/71 88 Tabell;8 Antal AMi-beiostade manår fördelade på befatt- ningstyper och på lärosäten (laotsv) under budget- året 197O/7-: \ 89 g Tabell 9 Sammanställning över beviljade medel (fördelning på löner ooh övrigt) samt personal under perioden 1949/50,-1970/71 -*_ _ ,---- 90 Tabell 10 a Innehavare av professur (Ue 27) 91 II Tabell 10 b Innehavare av en extra biträdande professur vid rådet (Ug 22:25) . •• . - ^_ 91 Tabell 10 o Innehavare av arvodestjänster som bitr professor vid rådet (Ug 22:25) 91 Tabell 10 d Innehavare av särskilda forskartjänster (Ue 21 med avlöningsförstärkning) 91 Det europeiska samarbetet inom kärnforskningen (cms) 92 2.1 Sammanträden i CERN under tiden 1.7.1970 - 30.6.1971 vid viljfca svenska representanter del- tagit . 92 2.2 CEEOJ Annual Report 1970» Foreword 93 2.3 GEM Annual Report 1970. History 94 2.4 GERE Annual Report 1970. Introduction 96 2.5 CERH Annual Report 1970. Organization 109 Tabell 11 Council of the organization 110 Tabell 12 Internal organisation as at 31 December 1970 Tabell 13 Total number of persons at OEM on 31.12.1970 112 Tabell 14 Svenskar anställda i CERIT 31 juli 1970 113 Tabell 15 1970 expenditure, basic programme 114 Tabell 16 1971 budgetj basic programme -. , -' - :. '.-•.',. 115 Tabell .17 ,1970 expenditure and 1971 budget} supplementary" programmes •-- . , : • 116 Tabell 13 k tprslagsahslaget; till europeiskt samarbete inom . kärnforskningen anvisade/ocK'.utbetalade medel .117 Tabell 19 Specifikation av;å förslagsanslagetvtill.:eraopeiskt samarbete inom-kärnforskningen:^undér/budgetåret\; 1970/7.1 "disponerade.: och ^utbetalade, medélVf: ,": ,'/'. 118 fel 3- Nordiska institutet för teoretisk atomfysik (NORDITA) 119 3.1 Utdrag ur direktörens för KORDITA redogörelser C nr 27 och 28 119 II 3t2 Driftsräkonskap och revision för NORDITA 1970/71 ,128 Tabell 20 K förslagsanslaget till:bidrag till nordiska insti- tutet för teoretisk atomfysik anvisade och utbo- taladc medel * 130 D III Tab Tab 1. Tne Swedish. Atomic Research Council. 1 Tab! t- 1.1 Introduction 1 Administrative notes 1.2 5 Tab! 1.2.1 Members of the Council, delegations, secre- tariate Tab: 1.2.?, Representatives of the Council in inter- national organs and certain committees) Q working groups etc 10 1.3 Statements by the Council 16 O 1.4 Brief notes on atomic scientific research, in some institutes of the universities and other i organizations for research in Sweden 18 Table 1 On extended grant for atomic research ordered and paid out means during the financial years 1946/47 - 197O/71__ ; '•".'• Table 2 Of the extended grant for atomic research o disposed means i , , • _-. _54 Table 3 Specification of administration expenses 1970/71 _56 D Table 4 Summary of' June' 30, 1971 outstanding advance on research and travel grants- - . "'.•-• _57 I Table 5 ;Awardeä grants 1970/71.. 58 Table 6a Distribution, for .different disciplines: :ahd on salaries" and".other accounts ,'of 'granted- means. I from the .grant for atomic. research:: during• ; the''financial-;yearVi9'7Ö/7r V/Vx/'A Ä^i:-:'''--.'• '" 86 Table 6b Grants- for research^; and'educational" travelsj B conference travels, .visiting- scientists, •. > cbmmitteesiand organization of conforénces Sfeft i during the financial year 1970/71 87 Table 7 Eescarch grants disposed on salaries and other accounts classified by educational and fab research institutions during the financial year 1970/71 88 Table 8 Full', time equivalents of ATE-paid manpower it. different positions olassificd by educational and rosearcbTinstitutions during the financial I year 1970/71 ' 89 I I ^^——^—^—™^—^^ ... — — _^ ^ *,i' [i i ' * * *T* i '• . ;V -v:1.-."-•'•1'":lkiii '-^ ^l.-fcfcX-yilii^y-^ "''lj '"''""* ^^^"^"^•u-*""--1 IV Table 9 List of awarded means (distribution on salaries and other accounts) arid the number of staff during-the period 1949/50 - 1970/71 _90 Table 10 a Holder of professorship 91 Position as associate professor at the. Table 10 b Council , ••• .: ' - .-•••,. 91. Holders of associate professorships at the Table TO c Council ' • , • 91 Table Holders of assistant professorships at the Table 10 d Council., .-'•••'• 91 2i The European organization for nuclear research 92. 2.1 Meetings at CERE during the period U7.197O - 30*6.1971 in which Swedish representatives have participated . ""-•."' 92 2.2 GEEK Annual Report 1970. loreword 93 2.3 CERIT Annual Eeport 1970. History, 94 2.4 CERF Annual Eeport 1970. Introduction 96 2.5 CERN Annual Eeport 1970. Organization 109 Table 11 Council of the organization 110 Table 12 Internal organization as at 31 December 1970 111 Table 13 Total number of persons at CERN on 31.12*1970 112 Table 14 Swedish employees in CERCT 31 July 1970 113 Table 15 1970 expenditure | basic programme 114 Table 16 1971 budget, basic programme 115 Table 17 1970 expenditure and 1971 budget, supplementary- pro grammos 116 Table 18 On the estimated appropriation for European colla- boration in nuolear research ordered and paid out means- 117 Table 19 Specification of, on the estimated appropriation for European collaboration on nuolear research during the financial year 1970/71 disposed and paid out means - 118 3. Nordic institute for theoretical atomic physios in Copenhagen (KORDITÅ) 119 n li^uirfWiH BifltUiVJ LI r s* f V 3.1 Extracts from the manager'6 of UOEDITA reports Uo 27 .and Ho 28 119 3.2 Accounts and revision for NOEDITA 1970/71 128 labls 20 On estimated appropriation as contribution ordered and paid out means for NOEDITA 130 X- to allocate grants to institutions and scientists for the purchase of instruments or other materials, or for the remuneration to scien- tific or other assistants, or for the defrayal of costs for research work, such as travelling costs, loss of income, etc or for living allowances, . to promote and take the initiative in the co-operation with other countries,, especially ITordic ones, within the research field of the Council, to support the publication of results of scientific research and the writing of text-books within the research field of the Council. 1.1.3. Organization The Swedish Atomic Research Council consists of the President and eleven members. The President of the Council is appointed by the Government. The Secretary, also appointed by the Government, is a member of the Council by virtue of his office. Six members are elected by the Faculties of Natural Sciences at,the Universities of Jppsala, lund and Stockholm, by the Board of the Research Institute of National Defence, by the Board of the Swedish .Atomic Energy Com- , pany and, jointly, by the Faculties of the.Royal Institute of Tech- nology in Stockholm and Chalmers University of Technology in Gotheh- burg.. The remaining .four members are appointed by the GovernmentM .. _.--•',• according to, proposals made by= the Council. ••'. ,-,.-.'.' >j ..' The term of-/office, for. a member, of the-Council is'three yeasäis ••'•'-" -: 7 /;'? A member who has; served for two consecutive periods may not be appoin- ted for. a further period., Thiis limitation does not apply to the " "j .>". President or to the Secretary. A number of committees have been set up to advise the Council on various subjects. The Council has thus set up permanent advisory delegations for physics, for chemistry and for biology and radiation safety research. The Council is also advised by a permanent working group - The Committee of the Council. 1.1.4. International relations The Swedish Government has instructed the Council to be the Swedish coordination organization for the European Organization for Nuclear J. I -*• 1 ••*„ __: Al if Research in Geneva (CERK') and for the Horåic Institute for Theore- tical Physics in. Copenhagen Wiita|: The Council has also made an agreement with the corresponding Danish Authorities concerning scientific co-operation in the use of CEEN. 1.1.5. Grants Applications for major research grants referring to the following budget year (July 1 - June 30) should be presented tc the Council before February 1. According to its classification an application is then transmitted to one or more of the advisory delegations. Applications for minor projects and applications for urgent research projects and for travelling expenses are dealt with throughout the year by the Council. Information about research grants and application forms are supplied by the Office of the Council.
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