IIZ irjSiDE PAGE Hate e-mail aimeci at Asian students stirs two campuses EUabWMd 1929 PacificNotional Publication pt the Japanese /Unefican CitizensCttizeiiLeague (JACL) id (U^.. Can.) / $1.80 (JapanAh) I 2823 /Vol 124. No II une 6-19. 1997 17 more CLPEF grants made SAN FRANCISCO—Seventeen Curriculum Projects vehicle for project recipients to grants totaling $408,500 were an­ share resources and ideas and to nounced by the board of directors Fourteen projects were awarded develop strategies on bow to con­ ofthe Civil Uberties Public Educa­ in curriculum. will be included tinue work in this area long after mmm tion Fund on May 12. as part of the CLPEF Curriculum See GLPEF/page 7 Tbe grants are for support of Initiative. The funded projects in­ proje<& in two categories: clude: U.S. Attorney Vamaguchi • Fourteen grants totaling • Teacher training workshops so $288,500 in Curriculum. that K-12 teachers can effectively quits bid for judgeship • Three grants totaling $120,000 inform students on the lessons SAN FRANCISCO—In a brief in the Arts and Media. learned from the incarceration. *Teaching the lessons learned • The development and pubUca- written message to his co-workers and the media, U.S. Attorney from the incarceration of Ameri­ tion ofresource guidesto be used Michael Vamaguchi on May 23 cans of Japanese Ancestry is im­ by teachers and students on the abruptly withdr^ his name from portant,” notes Board Chair Dale incarceration. consideration for the vacant fed­ ©JEM LEW PHOTO Minami. ^These additional grants • Innovative projects such as per­ eral judgeship in San Jose. Sen. JAPANESE AMERICAN KIAs of the Korean War (1950-1953) are re ­ will enhA|^ the diversity of formances in schools and colleges membered on the memorial wall dedicated May 24 at Little Tokyo ’s projects we awarded in F^rua^." and thedeveiopmentofCD'ROMs. Dianne Feinstein had recom­ mended him last December to the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center front courtyard Eleven of the grants totalling As part ofthe initiative, project feopral bench.The senator regret­ $288,500 are i^t least nine differ­ redpientswill participate in aCur­ containing the recently dedicated rrionurpent for Nikkei killed or missing In ted his decision and “Wishes hipt'^ ent states ouUide of California. riculumSummit,whichwill beheld the Vietnam War ar>d the flagpole dedicated to the Nisei veterans of WWII. _ . the best,” Feinstein’s ofBcx; noted. later this year “The idea of the Ove,200partidpateda.theMay24j)premonies. See stoppage 11. The press reports iiteicated it Curriculum Summit is toprovide a was a position that Vamaguchi had covet^ since becoming U.S. attor­ Yonsei shares ney ^or Northern California in 1993. One San Francisco federal pros­ rience ofexperie Army seeks info on 57 DSC awardees ecutor surmised that “Mike was going to have an ugly battle* in the CCDCi confirmation process in a Republi­ can-controlled Congr^,the San BY CAROUNEinternship AOYAGI under consideration for Medal of Honor Jose Mercury News writer Howard Aaslttwit Editor The Departmerit of the\Army, Pfc.IrvingM. Akahoshi(Hq,Svc),S/ Okutsu (F), Pfc. Frank H. Ono(G), Pvt Mintz noted. Vamaguchi did not FRESNO — Yonsei Ross Defense Language Institute ofFor- Sgl. Henry Y. Arao (AJ, Pvt. Masao Thomas Y. Ono (B). '2nd Lt Masanao Otake (C). *S/S^ Kazuo Otani (G), offer an explanation for withdraw­ Kakinami's recent internship ^ cign Langu^ Center (DLIFTXl), Awakuni (C), Capt. Henry B. Farr (Ad­ jutant. 442nd), S/Sgt. Yoshimi R. Adj. Samuel M. Sakamoto. ing. ■ JACL's Central Cafifomia Regional is updating its list ofDistinguished Fujiwara (G), Pvt. Barney F. Hajiro (I). Pvt. George T. Sakato (E), S/Sgt. Office was, you, Could say, a real Ser^ce Cross awardees under con­ 'eye-opening experierv^ •Pvt. Mikio Hasemoto (B), *P^. Joe Itsumu Sasaoka (A), ‘Sgt. Togo S sideration for the Congressional Hayashi (K), Pvt. Shizuya J.Hayashi Sugiyama(H), Pfc. Yukio Takaki (B). Lit^ Tokyo ’s Nisei Week '- '"tf I didn’t do this internship I Medal of Honor, the 100th-442nd- (A^ P\'* M. Hirata (A) *S^. Ronald Takara (B). *Sgt. Shigeo wouldn’t have joined JACL," said MIS WWII Memorial Foundation a«gt. George S. Uda (G). 1st LL Joe Takata (B), S/Sgt Larry Taday^ Festival set Aug. S-17 the 19-year-oldFresno State sopho­ reported in an April 14 memoran- Daniel K. Inouye (E), S^gt. Buddy Tanimoto (I). T/S^. Ted T Tanouye LOS ANGELES—The 57th an- more atthe May 18 CCCX^ quarterty (K). dgin. Kagawa (K). Asst Adjutant Hideo Dual Nisei Week Japanese Festi­ session. “I'd never heard of JACL Scott Welch (Commander, Kajikawa (100th), 1st Lt Young O. Pfc. Jim YoshioTazoi (K). “Pfc. Tho­ val, periiaps the nation’s premier mas 1. Yamaoaga(A), •S/SgtGordon before except when they sponsored DUFLC, atta: ATZP-MH (Scott Kim (B), Pvt Yeild Kobashigawa (B), Nikkei Aznerican matsuri, gomes basketball tournaments. Now I un­ •Pfc. Kiichi Koda (A), Tec/4 Moichi K. Yamashiro (K), •Pfc. Fred Yasuda Welch), Presidio of Monterey, CA Aug. 9-17, with the grand para^ derstand what these guys do.” Kubo, FYc Haruto Ronald Kuroda (B), (K), Pfc. Robert Hiroshi Yasutake (C), 93944-5006;408^2-7864, fax 40^ •/SgtRobert Toshio Kuroda (E). •Pfc MatsuichiYogi(C)|Pfc Matsukhi on Sunday afternoon, the 10th, in Kakinaml isn't a‘JACL baby. ” He 242-5414], who is completing the •Pfc. Harry F. Madokoro (K). “S/ Yogi (K). S«gt Yukio Yokota (B). Little Tol^. never teamed about the organiza­ search, has these questions of the SgtKazuo Masuda (F), S/Sgt.“Rocky" Alan Furuta, seniorassistantto tion growing up and in fact, no or>e 57 names listed below. (* Posthu­ Shinyei Matayoshi (G). S/Sgt. Fujio (Heretofore, the 442nd chronicles the president of the Sumitomo from his family is a JACLer except mous award.) Miyamoto (K). 2nd Lt Takeichi T. showed 52 D^s being awarded, Bank of California, is this year’s his grandmother (West Valley Chap­ (1) Is the individual still alive? If Miyashiro (C), Pfc. Kaoru Moto (C). 23 of them po^umously. The ad­ general chairman, a post he ter). But he's teamed a lot about the so, do you know how to reach him? •Pfc. Kiyoshi K. Muranaga (F), •Sgt ditional five names to the 100/ filled in 1987. JoyceShimazu, a dvii lights organization in a short Hiroshi Nagami (C), Pvt. Masato (2) If not alive, do you know how 442nd list comes as a revelation to partner at an architecture and de­ time. Nakae (A), *Pvt. Shinyei Nakamine to reach his family? When did he theuie P.Cr.v^. ArcWves.njcuivwj. Theyloeyore are Capt signstudio, has been apjMinted to Kakinami recently attended the (B). pass away? Henry Farr, S^Sgt Buddy Kagawa,iwa, the newly-created full-time posi­ California Legislative Leadership •Pfc. William K. Nakamura (G). (3) Whether they or their fami­ •Sgt Robert K. Nakasaki (A). *Pfc. Joe Asst A4j. Wdeo Kcgikawa,. Tec/4rec/4 tion of executive secretary. Forcal- Conference in Sacramento spon- lies have records regarding the M. Nishimoto (G), S/Sgt. Allan Moichi Kubo,ibo, Adj. Samuel M. endar information, call the Festi­ See INTERN/page 10 DSCs? Masaharu Ohata (B). T/^. Yukio Sakamoto. — HKH] I val Office. 213;«87-7193. ■ COMMENTARY: Defemlt iielssefclix Disabled may be spared Little Tokyo's newest; Casa Heiwa WBifare reforai cuts to welfare benefits sparkles at 'Night ui;ider the Stars' BY ALBERT Y. HURATSUCHl PKffic SoulhwMt ftogionw OtrKtor BY CAROUNE AOYAGI President Bill Clinton and Con­ A Nisei man recently attended a Assistant Editor gress have agreed to restore $9.7 JACL-cosponsored Little Tokyo “How many of us really want to billion in SSI and Medicaid benefits community focum onwelfare reform. see the eteeily. who've worked re ­ over a five-year period, but this He was wonted about his 97-year- ally hard, lose their benefitsr agreement will not restore food old Issei mother, who was a legal It was a question Beth Osthimer, stamps tolegal permanent residents. immigrant but not an American citi ­ a senior attorney at the San SSI benefits are paidto poor per- zen. His mother received a tetter Fernando Valley Neighborhood Le ­ sor$s who are elderty, blind or dis­ from the- Social Security Adminis­ gal Services, posed at an immigra­ abled. If the budget agreement tration sa^r>g that the (fisabiirty tion arte welfare workshop at Little passes into law, all legal permanent benefits of noncitizens will be cut off Tokyo Towers on May 10. residents who are dsabted arte en ­ by August of this year. But it's also a question many tered the U.S. before Aug. 23.1996, As a result of federal welfare re ­ merrteers of Cortgress have had to would continue to receive SSI, ex- form passed in August of 1996, le ­ ask themselves lately, because in planed Osthimer. But those who gal immigrant noncitizens became two months hundreds of thousands arrived after Aug. 22 and elders ineligibte for disabiHty aid and food of legal permanent residents, many who are r>ot disabled would still have stamps. Congress also gave states of them elderty. are scheduled to their SSI benefits cut, she sate. the optiori tocut nor>dtizens offfrom lose their Supplemental Security Approximately two-thirds of the Medicaid, orlow-income health cov ­ Income (SSI) benefits and food legal permanent residents who are erage. starrtps. 65 and over may be able to apply for Visitors get a birds-eye view of the Casa Heiwa courtyard. In respo^ to weffare reform, Arid the government ’s answer has legal disability and continue receiv ­ many Issei have been anxiously fice complex in Little Tolyo.
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