146 EAST BRENT. SOMERSET. [KELLY'S EDINGWORTH. ROOKSBRIDGE. Day William, farmer Board Robert, farmer Gilling Gilbert, farmer Day John Fry, farmer COMMERCIAL, Higgs John, farmer Fry Frederick, farmer Baker Arthur, tailor 0 Hooper Iver, farmer Gilling Oliver, farmer Brooks William, baker King Charles, saddler &; harness make:~~ Huett Ernest, farmer Cheddar Valley Dairy Co. Lim. (Ohas. & sub-postmaster Huett Jesse, farmer Emery, manager) Marks Frederick, blacksmith Huett Thos. farmer, Edingworth ho Churchill Charles Body, farmer Mason Albert, farmer Isgar Henry, farmer, White house Clothier & Denne, farmers Miller Samuel, carpenter Popham William (Mrs.), farmer Cook Margt. (Mrs.), draper &; grocer Salvidge Thomas, farmer Slade George Henry, farmer Counsel John, farmer Say Henry Edward, farmer Thomas John, farmer Curry William, Wellington Arms P.B BRENT KNOLL (formerly South Brent) is a parish field Brancker M.A. of Jesus College, Cambridge. Tiut and village on the road from Bristol to Bridgwater, with United Methodists have a chapel here. The charities: a station on the Great Western railway, and is 3 miles left by lsaac Phelps esq. William and George £ody­ north-north-east from Highbridge, 8 south from Weston- esqrs. A. K. Dean esq. and otheN, amount to £-:aS 7s. super-Mare and 142! from London, in the Wells division yearly. Brent Knoll, a lofty conical hill in this parish., of the county, Brent-cum-Wrington hundred, Axbridge is the most remarkable feature in this neighbourhood., petty sessional division and union, Weston-super-Mare and is visible many miles distant; on the~ summit, county court district, rural deanery of Burnham, arch- which affords extremely fine view.s, are the rem:llins of deaconry of Wells and diocese of Bath and Wells. The a. camp, with a double fosse; weapons and Roman church of St. Michael is a building of lias and freestone coins have been found here. Somerset Court is the­ in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of residence of the Misses Brain; the Manor Housoe is the­ chancel, nave of six bays, aisle, south transept or chapel, property and residence of John Cuthbert Hellthcote­ now a vestry, containing a trefoil-headed piscina and esq. M.A. George B. Northcote esq. of Cove,. Rant&,. aumbry, south porch and an embattled western tower, John Frederic Symons-Jeune esq. of Rnnnymede House,. with pinnacles, containing a clock and 5 bells: the Old Windsor, Sir Osbert L'Estrange Mordaunt and the­ south porch had formerly a parvise; the inner door- trustees of the late George Body are the chief land­ way dates from the 12th century: the bays of the owners. The soil is alluvial and the subsoil clay. The­ north aisle are marked on the exterior by pinnacles, land is chiefly in pasturage. The acreage is 3,339;: and on this side is a fine octagonal stair turret: rateable value, £12,253; the population in 1gn was: the roof of the aisle is of 15th century date, finely 803 in the civil and 822 in the eoclesiastieal parish. carved and panelled, carried on '!lngel corbels: the (which includes parts of East Brent and Mark civil east window is stained and represents the three arch- parishes). angels: the pulpit dates from the 17th century, and Sexton, William Webber. there is a modern brass lectern: the Norman font, which has been restored, has a quatrefoil-shaped bowl, Post, M. 0. &; T. Office. Miss Julia Barnstable, ub- resting on a square pedestal with angle shafts : the postmistress. Letters from Highbridge arrive at 7 most valuable and interesting features of the interior are a.m. & 2·25 p.m.; dispatched at 7·5 & 11.25 a.m. &. the finely carved bench ends, those in the nave illus- 7 p.m. ; •SUndays, arrive at 7 a.m.; dispatched at; trating the legend of Reynard the Fox; the various 9· 25 a. m carvings fall naturally into three divisions, viz. : Rey- Post Office, Benow Corner.-William .Adams, sull-post- nard hanged by the birds; second, Reynard on his trial; master. Box cleared at I I. 15 a.m. & 6.45 p.m. Brent; third, Reynard arrayed as a bishop preaching; the Knoll is the nearest money order &; telegraph office remaining benches exhibit various devices and gro- Wall Letter Boxes. Burton row, cleared at 11.5 a.m. &;. tesques: in the church is an altar tomb, with effigies, to 6.-40 p.m.; Fox & Goose inn, cleared at 7·35 & John Somerset, gent. and his two wives; below are u.30 a.m. & 7·5 p.m.; sundays, 9.30 a.m. Lmters: carvings of himself and his wives kneeling, and of "The for Wick should be addressed via Lympsham Resurrection," and there is a rhyming epitaph: there Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1861, fo ... are sittings for 350 persons. The register dates from 150 children; average attendance, g8; John Gri:ffith,. the year 1678. The living is a vicarage, net yearly ma&ter value £356, with residence, in the gift of the Archdeacon Great Western Rwilway, Brent Knoll railway station~ of Wells, and held since 1907 by the Rev. Peter Whit- Samuel: Jwmes Harvey, sta.tion ma.ster BRENT KNOLL. Body Francis, clerk to the Parish Mugliston Henry Roves M.R.C.S.Eng.,. Council & collector of rates, Manor L.S.A.Lond., L.R.O.P. & S.Edin. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. farm physician & surgeon, &; medical Aubrey Reuben, Hill side Bowles William, farmer officer & public vaccinator No. n: Bennett Ferdinando H. Lauriston Brooks Geo. shopkeeper, Burton row district, Axbridge union, Coo-ee Body Edwa.rd, The Larches Buckton Jsph. corn factor, Wortley ho Puddy Frank George, farmer, Burton Body George Henry, Sunnylawn Butler John. Fox & Goose inn Row farm Body The Misses, Elm cottage Carpenter Ernest, farmer, Table Land Puddy George Albert, farmer, Battle- Brain Misses, Somerset court farm borough grange Brancker Rev Peter Whitfield M.A. Carpenter George Slade, farmer, The Puddy Hy. cattle dealer, Victoria eo\ (vicar), Vicarage Hollies Rich Wm. Radford, farmr.Burton row Fitzgerald Miss, Thorncote Carpenter Willie E.farmr.Burton row Sandy Frank, farmer Frost Mrs Cox William, farmer, Ham farm Sandy Waiter, farmer Heatbcote Jn.Cuthbert M.A.Manor ho Curry Fredk. Geo. farmer, The Firs Scobell John Henry, beer retailer Hclt William Skinner J.P. Ball Dimmock Archibald. farmer S.heppard George, carpenter Copse hall Dimmock J emima (Mrs.), oil mer Sheppard Richard, haulier Lax Mrs. The Cottage Dyer Tom, advertising agent Steer John, builder Maggs George Emery George, cattle dealer Stephens Percy, pig dealer, Battle- More Mrs. Winsterdene Frost Ambrose Harris, farmer borough cottage Mugliston Henry Boyes (barrister at Frost Oliver Thomas, farmer, Park fm Stiling Alice (Mrs.), beer retailer law), Coo-ee Frost Sidney, farmer Tucker Waiter W. milk contractor Papillon James William, Gosmoor Ham John & Son, saddlers Waddon Richard Slocombe, registrar Harding George, farmer, Chelsea frm of births, marriages &; deaths for COMMERCIAL. Hardwidge John, boot & shoe maker the district of Burnham &; relieving A:iams William, shopkeeper, Post Harris Wm. farmer, Woodbine farm officer No. 4 dist. Axbridge union office. Eerrow Corner Hatcher George & Sons, pork butchrs W elland Georg-e D. blacksmith Arney Geo. farmer, Lower Battleboro' Hawlrings John, farmer York John William, dairyman Barnstaple Gilbert J.grocer &; builder, House Albert, farmer, Burton row Young Henry, contractor Post office Howe Albert & Son, bakers Body & Son, auctioneers, surveyors, Hutson John, farmer WICK. land, estate & insurance agents, Jennings Henry, shopkeeper (Letters should be addressed via Manor farm. Telegraphia address, Lynham Ashley I. cycle dealer Lympsham, Weston-super-Mare.) "Auctioneers, Brent Knoll;" & at Lynham Percy, stone mason Highbridge Minifie Mark &; Son, milk dealers Bennett Hedley Hicks, farmer Body Albert Ernest, farmer, Sunny Morris William Pickering (late John Cary Reginald, farmer htwn Williams), grocer & provision CDck John, farmer Body Anthony, farmer, Manor farm dealer, ironmonger & general Ooome Albert Cox, farmer stores, The Stores Tucker John, farmer .
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