VeaOier Distribution 1 «JB. temperature M. Fair tofay, fanlifat tad Today High today jjrf tomorrow In Me. BEDMNK 2^,075 Low tottlght, 40 to 47. -Sunday, tacreutag doudUwtt, nUWer. See weather, page t • I DIAL 741-0010 lime* Mir, Konlur thronth Vrldijr. 9»cotul CIMI Poitaga PAGE ONE VOL. 86, NO. 70 Pil~ 'd" tl BM Bin* «pd it MdttlonU T5«lllug OWcm.' RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1963 7c PER COPY East, West to Pledge Ban On Nuclear Space Arms UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP)and British Foreign Secretary The big three foreign mini- communique, the three saw po- ussia will soon follow through -A new East-West agreement in Lord Home last night as they sters put off for later negotiation tential accord in space. ith a formal public declaration principle to outlaw nuclear-armed wound up a week of talks here. the whole collection of earth- Noting that Kennedy and Gro- ;ainst orbiting nuclear weapons. space satellites will be translated Gromyko has an appointment bound disarmament plans on myko in their U.N. General As- 'hey predicted it would not be soon into a public U.S.-Soviet •with President Kennedy next which they have been unable to sembly speeches last month both lifficult to work out an agreed pledge, U.S. diplomatic sources Thursday. He is expected to talk agree. These plans, including a endorsed a ban on orbiting nucle- wording. They gave this explanat- iredicted today. •with Kennedy and Rusk in Wash- proposed East-West honagression ar weapons, they said "There is ion: "Agreement on policy. ington about this and other pos- pact and observer exchange, got agreement on policy which it is The United States and the (against) nuclear weapons in or- sible follow-ups to the limited tangled up with the thorny. Ger- hoped can be given appropriate oviet Union will be the only Wt" was announced by Secretary nuclear test ban treaty, plus many^Berlin issue and have yet form in the near future." lations making the pledge now of State Dean Rusk, Soviet For- items of direct concern between to be sorted out. U.S. diplomats said today they tble to send objects into onbit. sign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko the United States and Russia. But in a joint four-sentence expect the United States and )ther states can join as they jain capability for space shots. Not A Treaty A full-fledged treaty would not to because it could not be po- Raceway iced. Neither nation is ready to FLAMING RUINS — This was the scene early today as fire of unknown origin de- the other's inspectors see stroyed a 25 by 40-foot two-story frame barn and storage shed in the rear of Lovett'i /hat is inside an object whirling Nursery, Inc., Church St., Little Silver. Fire companies from Red Bank and Shrews- Stock Bid . space. A public promise will be suit- bury were called to assist the Little Silver department in fighting the blaze, which able because, according to U.S. broke out at 12:14 a.m., and was brought under control at 12:27. Firemen were military opinion, an orbiting still on the scene at 8:30, wetting down the smouldering ruins. A van and nursery Aired weapon would have little military purpose. Earth-based missiles are equipment were among the contents destroyed. TRENTON (AP) - The state much more efficient. Racing Commission resumes a The ,,nation which orbited a public hearing today into.a con- mass-destruction weapon Would troversial application by two have a primarily psychological brothers to buy half the stock in (See PLEDGE Page 2) Freehold Raceway. Erosion Program Start Abraham and Sigmund Som- mer, Woodbridge builders, want to buy half the stock in the Want Length state's only harness betting track for a reported $4 million. Of Runway Scheduled Next Month The Racing Commission re- jected their application at /Work is expected to start next plans and specifications for the been estimated at $350,000 and closed hearing two months ago. Before, After month on the Army Engineers' first step of the project—Mor- will take about a year to com The brothers then requested a gan Beach to Matawan Point- plete. NEW SHREWSBURY - How $4,691,000 beach erosion project public hearing. ong is the newly paved runway. -in the Bayshqre end of the coun- are about complete. The work will involve construe- When the public hearing He said the department hopes ion of a hurricane dike—15 feel at Red Bank Airport? And how. ty. ' opened last month, the commis- ong was it before it was paved? to seek contracts for this work high at Morgan Beach—and sion was told that unless the A spokesman for the Engineers next month. sandfill varying in height from These questions concerned present owners of Freehold pay Mayor and Council last night, . said yesterday that detailed The cost of the first step has five to 10 feet depending on off a $4 million mortgage by the beachline topography. and the borough engineer, Henry middle of next month, the opera- Labrecque, was directed to ascer- The spokesman said no deci- tors of Yonkers Raceway of New sion has been-made on when the tain the two figures and report York would claim ownership of o the Planning Board and to Act to Curb Parking second step of the project will the track. start. MOREAU STILL MORASS — More sinkholes, like this one at South St., line Moreau council. The present owners, Harold Councilman Robert Daridsop' No Date Ave. in Freehold Township on either side as the result of recent water main breaks. and B. J. Sampson of Milwau tated that a number of citizens ByRegionalStudents He said it could start next yea kee, contend that something else Residents find it "pretty sticky" getting in and out of driveways. while first stage work is under have reported to him that th« could be worked out to meet the length of the runway has been NEW SHREWSBURY - An or- parking limit was set between way. It all depends on when $4 million mortgage payment if extended. dinance designed to keep Mon- Congress appropriates the mon- 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and a $50 the commission refuses the Som- Since the western part of the mouth Regional High School stu- fine for violations was set. ey, he said. mers' application. Water Firm's Head Says He\ airport is a non-conforming use dents from parking in streets The second step involves about Councilman Edmond Norris Iftey told the commission they in a residential zone, such an ex- near the school property was $650,000 in work. The area in- suggested that the high school are awaiting a ruling on the ap- tension would be prohibited/by passed by Mayor and Council last should open its own grounds for volved has not exactly been dfe- plication by the Sommers. Th( borough zoning regtrtsttons, Se night over the objections of Coun- termined. Anxious fa Start Street Repairs student parking. At present, stu- Sampsons support the Sommers' pointed out. cilman Daniel Arnold. dents are fort>idden to bring Union Beach is slated to gei application. FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP—"We breaks would recur. In addition, interruption of service to 205 cu; about 3,000 feet of beachfill. Councilman. Davidson, long an "This is aimed entirely at high cars on the school grounds, in a would love to start early next the utility plans to take test bor- tomers, except in one case." outspoken foe.of any extension of The Keansburg - East Keans- cchpol students, and is therefore policy designed to discourage stu- week," Sidney L. Jaffe, board ings and call in experts on roads Information concerning the uti the airport, recently proposed burg portion of the project'wl Market Strike discriminatory," Councilman Ar- dent driving. chairman of the Freehold Water "to get the job done right." ity's plans for Moreau Ave. waiconferences with Federal Avia- cost $3,693,000. It involves a levee nold said. "The police department Eat Lunches, Too and Utility Company, said yester- "We may do even a better job given to Township Attorney Ar tion Agency executives to make or hurricane dike on Waackaack Not Settled is enforcing the parking limit in Mr. Norris said that not only day. than the township is demanding," nold Tanner earlier this week clear that there is no room In Creek, construction of three NEWARK (AP)-Representa- that area, and the regional school do students park on New Shrews- He referred to the repair of Mr. Jaffe t»mmented. Mr. Jaffe added. the borough for the larger airport groins and beachfill in Keans- tives of 5,800 striking retail board has taken steps to close bury streets, but they eat lunch Moreau Ave., where breaks in He expressed the utility's "wil- Mayor Carl B. Schanck told Thi that a recent FAA report says Is off the school driveway from in their cars ai\d litter the area burg. workers and 188 supermarkets the water mains have turned the lingness to co-operate in every Register that neither he nor thi The East Keansburg portion in- quit the bargaining tables with- needed Heed's Rd. Therefore this partic- with wrappings. dirt surface of the street into way possible," and pointed out Township Committee has re The council is seeking such a ular ordinance is unnecessary and volves beach fill and a levee out a settlement this morning what Township Committeeman that he had tried to meet with ceived a reply from the wate "This whole thing is, after all, after 21 hours of negotiation.
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