IRELAND IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY OR THE IRISH MASSACRES OF 1641-2. LOIfbOIl': PIlIX'I'BD 111' :lPO'ft'UWOOD. IoIID 00., nw-IJTDft 8Qt1&JU1 .&JID Pti.LUlIb'I' BTUft IRELAND IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY OR THE IRISH MASSACRES OF 16H-2, THEm CAUSES AND RESULTS. IUwflrated by 1htrtu!t.j'rrnn the uopub!iIhed Stat. Paper., the unpubIi.Vw1d MSS in the Bodleian Library, Lambeth LiInwry, and u: LiInwry of the Royal Dublin Society relating to the Pkmtatiom of 1610-39; a Seledion from the uopub!iIhed D<!pOOitions relating to the M ........... with fao-simile<; and the Rtports of the Priala in the .HifJh Court of JuafJico in 1662-4, from the uopub!iIhed MSS in Trinity eou.g., DubUn. BY MARY HICKSON. WITH A PREFACE BY J. A. FROUDE, M.A. VOLtJlfE II. tOur anCMton were pUt,. of abominable and atroolou crimea, to wbioh the pnlI(Int. gtmeratlon, thank God, loob back witb aU the horror IIDd indipatloD they dl!Wf'6.' (HWOfi1IcaJ .Add"" 10 1M IrWA CatAolic:l II' BeY. O. O'OonoB, D.D.) • LONDON: LONGMAN~ GREE~ AND C~ 1884. .CONTENTS OP THE SECOND VOL U ME. -- DEPOSITIONB-ccmIi.....a M.4as.wB.& OJ' PBODBtilft CoLOlfl8:rB 4'1 SuaULJ:-ccmtinuea • 1 ERGUSB CAT'rLI: 'IBIKJ) IN CoUBT, 41m ALLoWBD BBRIili'lT 01' C!&BGY • 6-7 12 .. AT AGlULOlI 20 Tn MtnmBB 01"'1'BK RBv. MD. MOR'MOIEBlL'I. 28 DBPOSI'l'ION 01' DBd' BAl\l'LBy'a ~BBBVAlft' • 86 Hduou OJ' pBO'fB8'U1fT CoLONISTS ~ SILVBB Mnue 87 .. U CA.8BEL 40 MUlLDBBS 01' CHILDBBN IN CARLOW 51 ltUs8AOB.B OJ' PBOHS'lAN'r CoLON18'l'8 HBAB KILuNNY, AND AT Ross 58-61 DBSBClU.'1'ION ·OJ' PBO'lBS'1'ANTB' GBA.VZS Df ]{mO'S Co'ONTJ 69 ~8 01' PBO'l'BS'l'AH'l' CoLONIS'l'8 DI KINa's CoUNTY • 70 r.iuGLDfG 01' '1'BB CoBl'SBS 01' PaouSTAlft'B III KILKBNHT 75-78 nnOSITION 01' BARNABY DutnnI, ESQ., 01' BBl'l'TAB 80 DBBBOBHION 01' PBonB'1'Ai'1'8' GBAVJftI DI' Kn.nABB B4 • MtJ1lI)D 01' Ma. AJm MM. NICBOLSON AT MOON1'B.ATB 90 MAseJ..cmfOF IIGU TW.N. A. H~. PBo081'ANT CoLONISl'8 Of TO CBlJBOB '&'1' LouclkG.A.LL • • 91 MA88A.CV 01' PROTESTANT CoLONI8T8 AT lUTBUALB 98-95 DU08lTlOB 01' DAb BABB6.B.l BROWN. ANCESTBEBB OF ~ EARL 01' XElfIWlB 96 MABSACU 01' PaOnSTAN't CoLONlBT8 IN 99 • CURB VI CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. DEPOSITIONS-conlinued P'&'OE DBPOSlTIOH 01' LADy RAmus, Wmow OF 8m TBOUAS lLuuus,.A.ND MO'rBBB 01' 8m E»w.um DBNJrfl' 01' TBALBB CASnJI lOll MAs&oBB 01' PBoftSTAR'l' CoLONISts .A.'l' Ku..x..&mm'l' 106 SmOH 0. TBALBB CuTLll • 107-121 M4SP"CBB OJ' PBoDS'IAN'r OoLONIBm nAB NKWlWUtBT 122 .. IWB MAcmoo.. 187 .. A'l' CooLB. 189 .. AT CAPPOQUIM 141 144 .BECORDS OF THE mall COURT OF JUSTICE Taw. o. 8m l'BBLDr O'NBlL • 181 TBUL CD' LOB» Mmnaumy 192 a.... 00 CoLoNBL MAoSWlWI'f 206 Taw. 01' VIOAB GENERAL EDKUND O'RmJ.,y • 219 W'l' 01' EXWINA'l'IONS !rAElIN AGAINSt' 0AP'l'ADf S.urnrr DB SANX:B'r FOB MOBDBB OJ' AN IBIsmwr • 280 . Lz1"'l'D 01' CAPT. S'l'OPWBD ON DBlULl' 01' LIEUT.-GEN. O'FABBBL 231 LIar 01' PBBSONB TBmD Df HIGB CotJR'l' .um VEBDIC'l'B • IS2 Owo OJ' CBOHWBLL BBBPBO"l'ING 'rJm WIDOW AND ORPHANS OJ' TmLoG .. O'BnINlI • 266 OBOD 01' FLuTWOOD, Comm'l' AND JOlmB ()lIf :rBB PBTlTION OJ' DiNIEL O'&G.Uf 237 LsT'l'BRB 01' CaOHWBLL ON BBIIAU' 01' JADS B.uLBr AND TmaoT Boom! 238 Ls'f!ZB CoXOBBNINO Low M'08KBBBS AND CoL. CALL!OIWl. 239 CATHOLIO AoooUN'rB OJ' 'rD MAssAOBBS AT Sn.VBB Mums, FBTu.a.J.ID, 240 • APPENDIX • • .. 267 PIITmON 01' WBDOlID IBIm AGAINST• PLABATIONB 238 Tim CoIDOBBlONIlBB' B:iPOBT 'ON TO WBUOBD PL&NTA.'l'ION8 266 PBODO'l' rOB '1"9 PLANTA'rION OJ' LoNO:roRD • 276 haunN':. o.r 'rBB LONGI'OBD wsu AGADl'S'1' PLANTA'l'IONS ~81 AnnoIdis .um CoNDITIONS 01' I'D LoNOfORD PLorrA'1'IOH 288 • CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. vu , APPENDIX-conti.. ued HBIIOBUL 01' GBtEVANCllS 01' TIDI LONG~BD lmsH 29B TBB KINo's InmB WABD8 • BOO LBnBa 01' rm: LoDDS JUSTICES ON '1'BII PLANTATIOHB 01' ELy Q'~. Lmum, j]iD rBB M&oCooJlL1lll"S CoUlf'lBY 80s SlILBC"I'IOKB J'BOK DoanI::BNm CoNDBBBING PII&LIK O'BnNB 806 Tim EBTiBLISHBD <hroBoB IN ULBTBB • 924. DISOO'OBBB CoXCBBNINO 'HIB BBTTLBJrlBN'I' 01' TO NATIVBS IB ULSDB S27 LBT'l'EJL 01' LoBDS JU8TlCBS ON 'l'BB ImsB PABLUIIlllr.t' .um Amn. 12m 01' MA.Y, 1641 SS2 LETrBB 01' 8m W. PASSON'S ON PODING'S Ac:r, 12TH JULY, 1641 3M Imsa PIan ComnJIl. TO VUE, 80Ta Jt1NB, 1641 • 886 PABSOBB m V4DI ON P~N'r AND GRACES, 81'11 AUGUST, 1641 S39 :BmJ.nOB 01' '1'BB PL01"l'llfo 01' '1'BB RXBBLLIOR By LoB» MAoUIU 841 BBLl.noJl OJ' TBB B.um BY A FBANaIBCl.Uf FBUB 356 8m W. OoLB '10 TO LoBDB JUSTIOBS, 11m Oar., 1641 . 369 TaB LoRDS JUSTIOBB '1'0 TBB LoRD LIEUTENANT, 26TH Oar" 1641 861 E:umHA'l'ION 01' OWEN O'CoNNOLLY " 867 EUJlDfATI05 01' HUGH M.w:M.uiON 868 I>Bcw.BA.TIOK OJ' DEAN KBBB 870 BBODD'S NOR ON !.'BB RoYAL ComD'BSION 'to Sm PBBLDI O'NBIL 878 OtrrBlUWl: 01' I'D RBSELLIOlf Dl' '1'lIB CoUNTY Cou I'BO)I A CoN" TBKPOBABY bOliYHOnS MS. 879 OtrrBBB!.l[ OJ' THB REBBLLIOH IN hoy I'BOM TBB MS. AUTOBIO. GB&PB'J' 01' TBB RBv. DsVBBBU".I: SpBU"l' 884 ADDENDA: Ex.UmtA1'IOll 01' RBv. GBOBaa CBBIOBTO'OR 8SS EX'l'lW:'r8 I'BOJI OBoHWBLLUN CoUNCIL BooKS • 897 EXAJltRATIOlf OJ' NICBO~SDEPSOR, !d.Po_ 898 id:'l"l'BB 01' DB. boB.Ul:, FoT.C.D., ON TIm O·B'! ... DBPOBlTIONS IN THB •CoLLBOB LmIw'iy• o. .. 405 • NOTE OM DBPOBlTIONB AND- FA8CUIlLB8 407 FACSIMILE To face page 141. APPENDIX. A. (D. vol. i. p. 17.) EXAllINATION OP DmwOT OaR MCDONNB. TAKBN DEPODE TBB LoRD OP MEATH. 8m TOBY CAULPIBLD. CAPTAIN DODDING· TON. AND FB.uiCIS ANNBSLBY. TBB 8BD OP APmr., 1615.' .. ABOUT a Cortnight after the summer assizes held at Dungannon, A.D. 1614. this deponent. with one Dermot McRedmond Moyle in his company, came to the house oC Art Oge McDonnei O'Neil chanceably at a time when those therein were at maee. They Cound the door shut, and two men keeping it, called Hugh Moyna McGillpatrick and Hugh Moyna MacArt, who know. this deponent and his companion, and let iliem into the house, where they found the friar O'Mnllarky saying m..... who was la:eIy come thither out oC Tyrccnnell. The hearers were Brian Crossagh O'Neil, Art Oge O'Neil McDonnel, and his two broth... ; Owen McPhelimy. 8heelr ity Hosye, wife to the said Art. ' Ould' Donnel O'Neil, rather to the said Art, and the priest MacMurphew. Emmt. only stayed within while he said his pray.... and came out oC the house within a litUe while. and Cormac MacRedmond Moyle followed him BOon after. At this emmt.·. going out oC the house the priest MacMurphew called after him, saying, • Dermot. y"" are maki7I!J great halte oot of the hoose.' To which this examt. answered him that he had some busin8BB without, and that he could stay no longer in the company. The priest then said to this examt-, 'II is flO matter whethBr we ."er , .. any of ytnJr malter', ...... or fIOl,' meaning the king'•• as this deponent expounded it. Then said Brian Crossagh to ilie priest. which words this deponent overheard. 'H. .hall a ......... for this anolhBr day.' • MSS. .T.e.D. FoI. 3, 16. YOL, D, B t. \ 258 TilE ImSII MASSACRES OF H141. Then this examt. went on his way with Cormac McRedmond Moyle towards the house of Brian Crossagh, and on the way met Owen McFerdoragh Ony Maguire, who, after holding some short communication with them, they telling him what they were doing at Art Oge's house, went &long with them to Brian Crossagh's house, but before they got there Brian himself overtook them, and said to this examt. that • tMy did ill to flu from God'. .e7"l1ic6; to which this examt. answered, that· they did not flee from God', service, but from the troubles of this wewld, which he Juul lae.ly ttuted enough of.' And this the examt. said further to Brian, • If thou wilt gwe me a I>wieng I to be thy friend, I will gwe thee a I>wieng to be my J"r'Wnd.' Then Brian Crossagh answered, he would take no buieng of this examt., but then presently after gave him hi. sword, bidding this examt. say, if he were asked how he came by it, that he got it at play: whereupon this examt., taking the sword, said he would refuse nothing that came to him in God's name. And so taking his leave this examt., with Cormac McRedmond Moy.le and Owen McFerdoragh Boy, went to the house of one Brian Maguire, which was not far off, where they had not stayed long when Brian Crossagh O'Neil sent for them to come back again, and on their w.. y back this examt. said to his companion, • I am afraid Brian will take back the swewd from me, and therefewe I will hide it; and so this examt.
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