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Digitized from Box 23 of the Sheila Weidenfeld Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ,. The WasbingtOn Star ..» ' i - ... • -· - '17 '.' . Designers· HOnor. ·, ~ B.etfY. :_Fe-" ~ , /' ?t -----------------.....-----=--------------- ~' I .$ I !19J¥t f -.-. Betty on,.· rhCr:Boolc ' ... SHE DOESN'T HEM .& HAW AT PARSONS AWARD GALA By ANNA QUINDLEN celVtng lier J>rlze-a rril.ru&ture sterling, s1l The program read like a list of the finest. ver 'reJ)lica of .the Parsons table-the·,Firs' labels Seventh Avenue haste offer: Donald l:ady fielded questlone 11.bout. excerpts 'fton their new bOok, which portrays f~rme Brooks; Albert Caj>raro, Ka5~r. Calvin Klein, Shannon Rodgen, Chestel' Weinberg, . President Nixon u a'distraught ·and drlnl! Ing heavily' during his last months in offlC• Betty Ford- ~ ·.,.. ":il:J:'!t<.~ • ....- ; · ._ .:. - -. ."-- • • "I really feel very badly to ~ UJ,E Betty Ford? things that are past and are gone -are con "I never dreamed .•.• when I was work· lng out in a 'book that is • • • " · She pause< ing piany years ago on 8eventh ..\venue as then continued in a ha.rely audible vole a model," said the First ,Lady~ ~'that J woul~ "I believe it will be considered ficti~~ have the opportunity to be· standing h¢re to· "I feel a great . di,!~ of sympatlay f night.'' She was in the company of the Pat Nixon," . she ·added. And · what h: designers of Americ'an coutUl'e last _night Gerald_Ford thought.of reports in the bo< because she can still promote a dress just "The Fhial l:>ay9;'' that Nixon did not W1! by wearing It ~ so was chosen to·receive to j,».me hlin Vice Presl4~nt? the Parsons School ol Design award~ Again her voice was low. "He did Wearing a salmon pink Luis Estevez: lmow tt until the·.bciok came out," she sa evenklg gown with glitter at the neck, wrlstt adding that the Fords and the Nixons ha and waist, Mrs. Ford was halied for her always., been "good friends." promotion of the Amedcan fashion ind~. j,. ~ · Ford flnally relaxed when asl culture fo whether she· would object to a simll11r hf b~QCe r e;-1..· C.<»J~inued on Page "· ,-_: .•• Continued from Pag" 5 .... ,~ . ~~1 about her lite in the Whit House "Oh,, h e stude~'tsr~ alumni ~ I wow~· , s e laughed, "I tor outstan~ were honored '"'f a • t want anyone to do Th ·. gwork. book about me at all." au<ti e evenmg clothes fn the • ~en 1t· was on to the ·ac ence-on, among othera., A.~ar d s Sho w hf ~s Polly Bergen fashf . featured a faahfon 'sh w ch editor Diana V • on soeialite Mitzi reeNlandh, and ·f design,s done by - pow qt W'h ew OtJSe; , . students-th arsons. e clothes Will go · . o helped organJze . • - on sale toda . event-vied with th the. ... ,. school Y at the the center e garb on, t k'- - and exchanges of l ..,ses and gold and ·1 r&Jlged !rorn 7:r· which thimbles bet s1 ver bik1nJ to a Y Purple ..• - .. ·· ween some sue- mink Poncho made ot: . l~ sake that for practfcalfty's- '' reverses to lin mint-llned• of courseJ>Op - The biggest hanct. ot th evening came aft u . e when ?tr F er. '"'e ahow, th rs. - 0r!l approached e P<>dium in th "l:ft • Grand Ball e nJlton's stn.1ns ot ~ to HJ-.e Beautiful Gir1 'The ~ o ~.-t and a st.. ~->•- in Ute World" Sh ._.1UU1g ovatJon. e accepted th from H , e award of. the ::;/.oeb, _chairman the New Sebo! trUstees at ·parent fnstftutJool, ParSOl!ls' fn hi.! introd on, who saJd. w Uctfon "Th · ~Shnoho~r choiceJ• ere . e '18 COnscJ her own tastetuJ ously made Clothes from tb choices ot Amen - ose created by can de.signers ot them proud Par -some ni," Loeb added. sons alum. Mrs; Ford safd the award tn recefV!ng . "buyfng trfpilad~ her think ot When I o New York dlnator !o~a= ~ashJon coor­ department to rand Rapfds too-short s re, and those years when I 1· fn this great city,, ived To more ap la • eluded "Amp use, she conl • er1 can are fantast· clothes versatile tb le-they are and th ' ey are Pt'acticaJ ey are expressive.,, ' ...'~ Lfllll'H fl SH Are Dre-.al1~e1 _ -- . ~ Amonc,thoae pr~ at~ Luara .~-~ BilctYlAAd s• ~ lle•c•n, l1ie acent, bo&h w..,.r tbe •cit• ~ > ;Rhodes ; di-ea..- -\!.' That waa a signt to see. Veronique (Mrs. Gregory(Peek was in still _· ~ '- anothe.r Zandra Rhodes. Marlo Thomas ca.me wi-th David Gef,fen, the · _ '- , record \yeoon. Diane von Furstenberg came with Barry Ditl,er. Joan ~ .Collirus came with Ro11 Kass because she's .married to him, Audrey Hepburn came with Dr. Andr~ Dotti because lik~s~no DN&tter what you hear or what interesting pictures you ~ in ·th!! London """'- papers. Clay Felker, the New York publisher, was the~e and Gene , . ·J Kelly and Audrey and-Billy Wilder, Joann& and Johnny Ca~on, Roz ' ~Russell,_ Suzanne and Mark Goodson, Mary_ Margare and - Jack Valenti, Judy and Bill Green from New York, Portland Mason, Carol Xane of the "Hester Street'' Kanes and so on into the night. They all stayed until 2. An autograph hunter would have' freaked, a,.o... rt-­ Betty Ford reminisced about her days •• aSeventh Ave. _model and her stint as fashion director of a Grand Rapida s~ore -at the ashion Critics Award Sho" honoring her at the New York ~ton. · Mrs. For~ in a pink-crepe Luis Eatevez, at with the Henri 'Loehlt (he's chairman of board of Parsons) and August' Heckscher (he's chairman of the board of ovetseera). At Alb~rt Capraro's table (~'s Betty Ford's favorite de!ligner) were such as Luciana Avedon in~ green chiffon by Albe~ Caprai:o, Polly Bergen in a black chiffon by Albert ~praro, ()atberine-Gl2bl· ness in black crepe, Delfina Rattazzi in an a21alea print .(S'he ~ --. of ·the queens of·the Azalea Festival along wHlh Susan Ford) and Diana Vreeland who had shown Mrs. Ford •ll around the :Metro­ politan Museum tha.t afternoon and was so tired that her Clhic little pink .tongue was hanging out, • Lexington Ball Down tire Stretch This year's Lexington Ball on Apn1 22 will -be' held In the Lions .Circle at Spendthrift Farm, Leslie Combs' far-flunc breeding establishment, the biggest of its kind in the country - let alone Kentucky. Col. and Mn. Cloyce Tippett are the honorary chairmen. Mrs. Tis, of course, the former Liz Whitney, legendary llorsewom· an, improyer of the breed and what have you ••. Walter Florell, who used to make those perky hats for rich ladies, is havinc an e:1hibition of his recent paintings at the Bodley, Gallery beginning April 6. - - Mrs. Bop ~Dolores) Hope is this year's USO's Woman of ,the Year and will be duly honoroo at a gala luncheon in the Grilnd. Ballroom of the Plaza on l\lay _13. They're giving her "a magnifi- 3ent diamond award" (the lunch is traditionally known as "The Diamond Affair") and Bob might pop in to see her pick it up. The honorary chairmen are Vice President and Mrs. Nelson Rockefeller. and Mrs. Harvey S. Firestone Jr. Mrs,. Herbert Brownell is chair­ man and Mrs. Andrew McBurney is chairman of the USO Women's lliviaion. Mrs. Nelson Rockefelle also will be -the honored guest at the Girl Scout dinner at the Waldorf on April 12. saluting Mary Wells Lawrence, the brilliant advertising head of Wells, Rich, Greene Jnc. ud David Mahoney, the dynamic chairman of Nerton Sinwn !De.i Gustave L~y, the financial. brain, is dinner chairman. It will all ~t the Girl Scout Council of Greater New Yer • _ "" ~'l-~ <t '!"'!' ""'~ • ..,. ~ .. !f'-'~ - ~ - - 'l - 'l"I" 11;. ' ... ~. ' •, \. "' ----- ~;: ... .. ,."' l ,_. Betty Ford ...J the. cri~: (back rOID: ,LI$ Claiborne, Slaan- -, 110ft Rodgen,'t.o 1{,,,.dqccl (1aidclaa), Anthonv Muto, Cal­ . ·- ojn Klei"1 Piero -Jlltnitri,'. Mm Keagy of Ponou (hiddeo). F.., row;. noftna KiWan, 'DOnald Brooki, Albert Capraro, ~FMcl. Ka1pei'.~ KAti Vncn) claalef' Wein"1'«· ' A l ~ .. ·" ' ... r .••'" .1 ~ • . ~ EVE@ VIEW . ' ' ... ..... ·:~~ttt;.., .... ,-.~~- Parsons 10.~:ptffsons . .......: • ,• • • • w .. ...~~ ~<;· .·~ .. ;~,· :- ·N .;t:t~t;;::::~~~~0c~~'=i~~: fei,:rjng io ~he Parsons School of Design's guest of honor jlt Monday ni~t's show ~d dinner­ dance. While most of the guests were impressed with Fprd's ;i\V,arm charisma. Peggy Butler, t.· ·. Anne Klein's ·~house model". thought .this was the Elrst Lady- she could finally rel~te ·to.f'be· cause.we both graduated.tl'Qm.tbt-Jobn Robert ' ., • "°") rowers Modeling School.,.
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