December 13, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7579 We took our first step today. In an our responsibility which I believe we survivalist. It was a pleasure to read historic moment, the U.S. Senate voted will regret. about his excursions to small, distant to suspend military support for the For these reasons, I have placed a islands with only a few key survivalist Saudi-led operations in Yemen. The ad- hold on S. 1010, and I encourage my col- tools in tow. As an Eagle Scout, I un- ministration should heed this clear sig- leagues to give serious consideration to derstand how important these skills nal and end all military support, in- the concerns I have expressed about are to have, and it is always fun to cluding supplies of U.S. spare parts and this bill. hear about others putting these crit- technical support. We must refocus our f ical skills to use and what they learn along the way. If he would like to con- efforts to help broker an end to the TRIBUTE TO JEFF FLAKE conflict. tinue participating in survivalist ad- Second, the United States must send Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, at the end ventures after leaving Congress, I a clear message to Saudi Arabia or any of each session of the Congress, we, the would be happy to recommend some other autocratic regime: We do not tol- Senate, take a moment to express our places in Wyoming that he might enjoy erate the slaughter of political dis- appreciation and acknowledge the ef- camping in for an extended period of sidents. We must hold accountable all forts of those Members who will be re- time. those responsible for murder of Jamal tiring in just a few weeks. This year, We both have a strong western heart- Khashoggi. That means we must im- one of our colleagues who will be leav- beat that we express every day in ev- pose sanctions on the Crown Prince ing is Senator JEFF FLAKE. erything we do. Diana joins in sending JEFF will be leaving us after a career himself. our best wishes to JEFF and his family The Senate’s vote today sends a clear of nearly 20 years in Congress. He has and we thank him for his hard work message to Saudi Arabia and President impressed many of us with whom he and dedication to the State of Arizona Trump: We will hold you accountable, has worked with the strength of his and this country. I appreciate his will- we will not trade away our Nation’s views and determination to fight for ingness to serve and work so hard for values, and we will not abdicate our re- those things in which he truly believes, what he believes in. He has helped en- both as a Senator and a proud husband sponsibility in decisions of peace and courage and inspire another generation to his wife Cheryl and father to his five war. S.J. Res. 54 reins in the Presi- of leaders. In that way and so many children. He has been a reliable advo- dent’s largely unencumbered war-mak- others he has made a positive dif- cate for what he sees as the best inter- ing powers and ends unconditional U.S. ference. ests of Arizona and the future of the military support for the Saudi cam- Nation. He leaves behind a legacy of f paign in Yemen without an authoriza- which he should be very proud. TRIBUTE TO BILL NELSON tion from Congress. For these reasons, JEFF was born in Snowflake, AZ. His I was proud to vote in support of this Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, family name was well known to the today I wish to pay tribute to someone resolution. people in his neighborhood in part be- f whose passion for service is literally cause it was named for his great-great- out of this world. REGISTER OF COPYRIGHTS SELEC- grandfather, William J. Flake, an early As a payload specialist, BILL NELSON TION AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT pioneer. His family played an impor- spent 6 days orbiting our planet aboard OF 2017 tant role in the founding and day-to- the Space Shuttle Columbia. day life of their town, and JEFF always Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I am When he looked down on Earth, he embodied the pioneering spirit through placing a hold on S. 1010, the Register didn’t see blue States or red States. his work in Congress. of Copyrights Selection and Account- Instead, he saw green land, blue After graduating from Brigham oceans and lakes, including some big ability Act of 2017, out of deep concern Young University with a bachelors of for the implications of this bill for the ones in Michigan, and a whole wide arts in international relations and a world worth protecting. Copyright Office and its administration master of arts in political science, he of U.S. copyright laws. The Constitu- A decade and a half later, BILL NEL- took a 2-year leave of absence to serve SON was sworn in as U.S. Senator for tion delegates to Congress the power to as a missionary for The Church of ‘‘promote the progress of science and Florida. Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in His previous experiences in space, as useful arts, by securing for limited South Africa. a U.S. Army captain, as a State legis- times to authors and inventors the ex- JEFF’s early career work as the exec- lator, and in the U.S. House of Rep- clusive right to their respective utive director of the Foundation for resentatives have shaped every deci- writings and discoveries.’’ Currently, Democracy in Namibia and executive sion he has made since then. the Librarian of Congress appoints the director of the Goldwater Institute I remember Senator NELSON’S swear- Register, who acts under the Librar- helped prepare him for the House of ing-in, because it was my first day, too, ian’s direction. The Librarian is Representatives. He became a strong and we have been serving together ever uniquely positioned to bring to bear voice for the political views of the peo- since. the interest of the public and concerns ple from back home. Senator NELSON has been such a around freedom of speech, scholarship, Several years later Arizona’s Senate forceful advocate for technology—no access for the disabled and other soci- seat was open and JEFF took up the surprise given his time at NASA—and etal values, as well as incentivizing challenge. The people of Arizona and for protecting consumers. creators to continue to innovate and our Nation were fortunate to have him He has fought every day to do right produce new works. to rely on for so many issues. He has by our seniors, keeping Medicare and At certain times, I have been deeply been a steady and dependable force for Social Security strong, working to concerned that rights holders have tackling difficult, complex, and occa- eliminate the Medicare Part D ‘‘donut seemed to capture the Copyright Of- sionally unpopular issues in the Senate hole,’’ and expanding access to home fice. Politicizing the appointment of while remaining respectful of his fellow healthcare. the Register and reducing the influence colleagues and loyal to Arizona. He has been a strong voice for pro- of the Librarian would only cement As a Senator, JEFF worked tirelessly tecting our environment, particularly that tendency. The voice of the public to reduce the deficit and control gov- from oil drilling, an issue close to the will always be more diffuse than those ernment spending. As chairman of the hearts of people in both Florida and with vested interest in locking up Senate Budget Committee, I sincerely Michigan. works for as long as possible. Congress appreciate his efforts and share the One of my favorite memories of Sen- must ensure that all voices are heard, same goal of reducing waste and ensur- ator NELSON actually took place in and the structure of the Copyright Of- ing the government operates effi- Michigan, during a 2016 codel. fice is integral to achieving that goal. ciently. His keen insight and attention Senator NELSON came to Michigan to Again, this is Congress’s responsibility, to these critical issues will surely be tour our Coast Guard installations as and ceding ever more power to the Ex- missed in Congress. ranking member on Commerce. ecutive, as this bill does, over matters While serving with him in the Sen- He got the full tour: Station Grand within our purview is an abdication of ate, I also learned that JEFF is an avid Haven, Air Station Detroit, Station St. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:40 Dec 14, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13DE6.021 S13DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE.
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