m - ' ■ ------------------------- M i n i t - E d There most be something about the v ib es in New Y ork C ity that red u ce* the '> resistance of its cith n ) to illegal acts. When yon watch (he beautiful Bess Meyersan, who was such a bright star (fotntnercial H eah cr in that dty, subject at a grand Jury indictment,-and the other luminaries marching like a parade into court to and SOUTH-BERGEN REVIEW defend themselves against all kinds of nefarious acts, one tends to lose faith Published At 251 Rldgt Road. Lyndhunt. NJ. Second-Class Postage Paid At Ruthertord. N.J. 07070 in our cultural capital of the world. V O L . 70 NO. 13 T H U R SD A Y , O CTOB ER 15, 19*7 Subscription $8.00 - ........................ Kean asks voters to approve baseball bond issue Governor Thomas H. Kean and support is convincing testimony to thority. In his statement, Cahill more jobs for our citizens ” we took office If we had been de­ become the symbol of the change in his three predecessors as Governor, th e benefits a m ajo r league b aseb all said, Governor Byrne’s adminis­ terred then. New Jersey would have New Jersey's image from that of a joined today in urging voters to ap­ franchise will bring to our state.” ‘‘When we first conceived the tration moved foward with develop­ been deprived of a complex that has turnpike state that people hurry prove the Baseball Bond Issue on Kean stated that; Meadowlands Sports Complex we ment of the Sports Complex and in been a catalyst for our State’s ren­ through to a state that is on the go the Nov. 3 ballot. “Our record of economic ac­ did so to enhance the image of New his statement, he recalled: aissance in both economic progress Baseball will help us to maintain complishment is the envy (rf the Jersey and to serve as a catalyst for “The arguments made by oppo­ and in pride.-' that momentum." Endorsements of the baseball nation. And, much of our new-found the future development of the entire nents of the Baseball Bond Issue “We must not be deterred now.” Governor Hughes, the only per­ referendum came from Richard J. pride and economic momentum has a r e a .” have a familiar ring They are es­ Byrne declared Not only has the son in the history of New Jersey to Hughes, a Democrat who served as revolved around the Meadowlands ‘‘Both of these objectives have sentially the same as those we Sports Complex been a success in serve as Governor and as Chief Jus­ G overnor from 1962-70; W illiam T. Sports Complex. Baseball will be a been accomplished! The area has heard against moving ahead on the dollars and cents, in fan support tice of the State Supreme Court, said Cahill a Republican who was chief welcome addition to the diverse been developed industrially, com­ Meadowlands Sports Complex when and in the creation of jobs, it has (C ontinued on Page 4) execute from 1970-74 and Brendan spots and entertainment offerings mercially and residentially and in T. Byrne, a Democrat who was in available to our state’s residents. ” addition to the football Giants and office from 1974-82. "Baseball also will mean anoth­ Jets, we have big league 1 b a sk et­ er boost for our state’s economy by ball. hockey and racing. That com­ Public input sought on stadium adding new jobs and additional tax plex adds som e $500 m illion a n n u al­ Their support was welcomed by revenues to our budget I urge all ly to New Jersey’s economy and Kean and Anton J. Campanella, provides thousands of jobs.” citizens of New Jersey to vote YES The Assembly Municipal Gov­ "Testimony will include a dis­ tion. among others.were being re­ president of New Jersey Bell and on Question No. 3 and help bring “The image of New Jersey has ernment Committee will meet in cussion of the impact the stadium quested to attend the meeting 1 chairman of New Jersey Baseball major league baseball to our major been enhanced greatly by our world Lyndhurst on Monday, Oct. 19, to will have on Lyndhurst and the sur­ hope that municipal and county of­ B oosters. league state,” added Kean class sports complex I believe the discuss the proposed baseball stadi­ rounding municipalities We have ficials will take advantage of the It was Governor Cahill’s admin­ addition of a big league baseball um The meeting is being held at invited a number of interested opportunity to hear what the people istration that came up with the con­ team will complete the job we the request of Assemblywoman p a rtie s at the s ta te and local level to th ey serve have to say and th e kinds “These four leaders have helped cept of the Meadowlands Sports started out to do and will further K athleen A. Donovan. voice their opinions 1 also e n ­ of questions they ask regarding this to write a quarter century of pro- Complex and initiated its develop­ enhance our image as a pro­ "The purpose of the meeting is to courage the residents of District 36 referendum" Donovan stated gressive history in New ment through creation of the New gressive. ‘can do’ state, will add to elicit public comment on the refer­ to attend and to listen and to give The meeting of the Assembly Jersey,’’said Campanella. “Their Jersey Sports and Exposition Au­ our economic progress and create endum which will be held in Novem­ their views." Donovan explained committee is scheduled to begin at 1 ber,” Assemblywoman Donovan The Assemblywoman went on to p.m and end at 5 p.m It will be said. ‘‘I have requested that the say that representatives from the held in the Lyndhurst Municipal Condo speculators m ake ‘fortunes’ committee meet and hold a public Hackensack Meadowlands Develop­ Building, Valley Brook Ave., Lyn hearing in Lyndhurst so that the ment Commission, the New Jersey dhurst For more information, call voters here will be able to make an Assemblywoman Donovan's office Granting variances to build con­ transactions for the last two years Another application is from Y.B Sports and Exposition Authority, educated decision regarding the No­ dos and two-family houses is m a k ­ will be made by The Leader. and the Department of Transporta­ a t (201)933-1404 Tomm, an architect with a proposal vember referendum. ing small fortunes for speculators Applications to tear dow n exist­ to tear down a one-family house and who appear before the Board of ing houses and replace them with g a ra g e at 432 Kingsland A v ti/je and Adjustment and the Planning multi-fairily houses are pouring in divide the lot into two lots 45 feet B oard approves donations B o ard . Ihe value of a building lot to the Lyndhurst Planning Board wide by 125 deep. The proposal does for a two-family house was set m o re for approval. All of them need vari­ not mention what is to be built on than a year ago at $133,000. This ances because they are in violation the two lots pending an application By Carol McCarthy The Board's members approved expressed concern over the expense was the amaunt nrid for each of the oT the lynhurct Zoning Code. for permits from the Board «.' Ad­ a 1 p.m. closing for the high school involved in the hiring of a P R. Donations in the amounts of three tat* purchased from the justment. on Wednesday. October 14. for Back person, and they felt that the money Bool?) of Equation. Dominick Ons.JW ttutiep from Stanley 000 to the Township’s Police Re- and Sharon Albanese Is to demolish to School night, and a I p.m. closing could be better used in the public Nott*, Lyndhunt k m m v f, a»ya for the elementary schools on T u e s­ school system Board President. that the mice hat cone un since ' a house * 111 Stuyvesant Avenue g en cy Squad, an d $500 to the that the price haa gone up since ^ ^ a five<lli. garafje ^ at t » Pagei Avenue into two 37‘fe- day, October 20. also for B ack to Richard DiLascio. said that he did Township’s Fire Department were then. ots for tl School night not see the hiring of such a person build a six-unit condo. Violations approved by the members erf the There have been applications th e Planning B oard is a sk ed to o v e r­ building two-family houses on them. as "critical " Lyndhurst Board of Education at look are insufficient lot width, front T he applications dfcrill be co n ­ Annette Bortone. who has served Parents present at the meeting being made on a plea of self use and their last meeting after granting the variance the yard set-back and parking within sidered by the Planning Board at its as a member of the Board of Educa­ expressed concern over the shorter Effective October 1, substitute owner sells the lot to a builder for five feet of the lot line and also curb meeting Wednesday nigty, October tion since April 5. 1977. was con­ lunch hour provided for students in teachers’ salaries were raised w ell over $100,000. A review of th ese cu t width 14, a t 8 p.m at the Town Hall.
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