Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 28 AUGUST 1951 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Supply. [28 AUGUST.] Questions. 129 TUESDAY, 28 AUGUST, 1951. Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. H. Manu, Bris­ bane) took the chair at 11 a.m. APPROPRIATION BILL No. 1. ASSENT REPOR'l'ED BY MR. SPEAKER. QUESTIONS. ScHOOL BuiLDINGS NoT IN UsE. Mr. SPARKES (Aubigny), for ltir. HEADL'VG (Marodian), asked the Secre­ tary for Public Instruction- '' Will he kindly inform the House what State school buildings are not now in use for school purposes, from what elate in each case, and for what purpose (if any) each such building is now being used~'' Hon. G. H. DEVRIES (Gregory) replied- '' The buildings of closed St·ate schools are not removed when official reports indicate the probability of reopening within a reasonable period. When it is established that the school will not reopen, the building is recorded as available for removal to and use, if suitable, in another 130 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. centre. Many factors have then to be con­ these farms, because of shortage of water si~ered, for exampl,e, eond·ition otf t:b.e for irrigation, will, for a certain period, structure; size in relation to the enrolment be subject to a condition that no water to be accommodated and in relation to will be supplied during the tobacco growing other buildmgs to which it may have to season~ If so, for what period~'' be attached. Moreover, opportunity is not always presented for removal to a centre Hon. T. A. FOLEY (Belyando) replied- which is within a reaspnable distance. "Yes. The hon. member for Haughton, Owing to the migration of population during who has interested himself in this matter, the war years, few removals were effected. was recently informed that until storage is All closed school bui1dings are under established in the temporary weir which regular inspection by both district works will not be ready until 1953 season, water officers and district Inspectors of schools. can ·only be supplied on a usage basis from Of the 79 schools in the hon. member's .January to August (both inclusive), for electorate, only six are at present unoccupied the growing of crops other than tobacco. and not in use for school purposes. These If this policy had not been followed, are :-Ban Ban Springs, closed 12 Decem­ trainees could not have been allotted farms ber, 1947-Following a report obtained in in this area until the temporary weir had 1950, held for possible reopening. Brooyar, been completed in 1953. '' closed 8 March, 1940-Reported in 1946 as available for removal on suitable oppor­ tunity. Removal to another centre now CANE FIRES, TULLY HYDRO-ELECTRIC under consideration. Ginoondan, closed PROJECT. 15 .July, 1949-Held for possible reopening. llir. WATSON (Mulgrave) asked the District Inspector now investigating Secretary for Mines and Immigration- prospects of this. Nulla Creek, closed 1 May, 1947-Noted as available for '' In reference to the tests which have removal when suitable opportunity arises. been made by the Cairns Regional Elec­ Oakfield, closed 22 March, 1951-0nly tricity Board in connection with the Tully recently closed. Possibility of reopening Falls hydro-electric project with re·gard to will be investigated shortly. Rossmore, the heat generated by cane :fires, will he closed 5 March, 1943-Reported in 1948 as kindly supply details of the results of such available for removal. Now under con­ tests and the recommendations made, sideration for removal to another centre.'' particularly as to resumptions from cane farms, or any interference with existing sugar-cane assignments~'' SHORTAGE OF STAFF ON RAILWAYS. Mr. AIKENS (Mundingburra) asked the Hon. W. POWER (Baroona) replied- Minister for Transport- '' I am informed by the State Electricity '' In view of his public statements that Commission that, as tests have not been the Railway Department is desperately short completed, the results are not available, of staff, and because of this he is contem­ but the hon. member may rest assured that plating arranging for the mass immigration the matter will be the subject of discussion of European migrants and the provision with representatives of cane-growing of homes for them to overcome such short­ interests in the area before final recom­ age, will he discuss with the railway unions the possibility of retaining and re-employ­ mendations are made.'' ing in the railway service over-age employees who are physically and mentally ELECTRIFICATION OF BRISBANE RAILWAYS. capable of performing such work as they may be required to perform~'' lUr. KERR (Sherwood) asked the Minjs­ ter for Transport- Hon. J. E. DUGGAN (Toowoomba) '' 1. What was the cost, giving details, replied- of earthworks, &c., on the electrification '' The suggestion offered by the hon. of the suburban railways to 30 '.June lasU member has been in operation for some '' 2. What number of men were employed considerable time. Its extension to classi­ in this work~ fication not already covered is receiving consideration. ' ' '' 3. What plant was used and what was the cost of same~'' NEW TOBACCO FARMS, CLARE. Hon. J. E. DUGGAN (Toowoomba) Mr. COBURN (Burdekin) asked the replied- Secretary for Public Lands and Irrigation- '' 1. The total expenditure on electlfifica­ '' In reference to the opening of new tion and associated works as at 30 .June, tobacco farms at Clare, is it a fact that 1951, was £71,417, comprising:- £ Earthworks, bridges, &c. 13,966 Drainage . · · · · · 188 Resurveys, construction of refuge sidings (earthworks, drainage, platelaying, hallast­ ing, signalling, &c.) at Petrie, Zillmere and Goodna, and,raising and lengthening of certain existing piatforms .. 34,462 Purchase of land . · . · · · · · · · 20,630 Hire of plant . · · · 1,679 Miscellaneous expenditure (including water services, electric light, sanitary services, &c.) 492 £71,417" Questions. [28 AuousT.J Questions. 131 "2. 99." '' 3. The following plant was used:­ (a) Hired from Commonwealth Handling Equipment Pool- £ 1 " Osgood " shovel . 1,119 1 " Buckeye " shovel .. 560 £1,679 (b) Plant bought for work- 2 Tractors .. 7,051 1 Concrete mixer 233 2 Air compressors 6,196 2 Motor trucks 2,405 1 Jinker for truck .. 577 1 Pile frame and winch 1,273 Tools and equipment, &c. 2,895 £20,630 (c) Existing Departmental Plant-- 1 T.D. 18 tractor with dozer 6,400 1 10-yard scoop 3,039 1 4-ton ripper .. 675 6 Concrete mixers 2,000 £12,114" GOODS TRAFFIC, KYOGLE AND W ALLANGARRA years 1941 to 1951, inclusive-(a) Tonnage into Queensland; and (b) tonnage out of RAILWAYS. Queensland~ ~Ir. KERR (Sherwood) asked the Minis­ .'' 2. What were the tonnages carried via ter for Transport- Wallangarra in the same years~'' '' 1. What was the tonnage of goods Hon. J. E. DUGGAN (Toowoomba) carried on the Kyogle Railway during the replied- ''1. and 2.: Vw Wallan~arra. Via Kyogle. - To From To From Queensland. Queensland. Queensland. Queensland. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 1940-41 .. .. .. .. 26,085 29,502 84,250 83,441 1941-42 .. .. .. 97,698 31,935 170,683 104,794 1942-43 .. .. .. 159,493 65,238 505,620 154,014 1943-44 .. .. .. .. 183,524 93,776 552,680 179,565 1944-45 .. .. .. .. 78,417 67,117 387,207 172,210 1945-46 .. .. .. .. 33,135 75,457 187,016 187,652 1946-47 .. .. .. .. 61,747 56,976 201,006 134,838 1947-48 .. .. .. .. 23,598 56,547 156,929 132,687 1948-49 .. .. .. .. 26,725 31,542 171,727 121,6R3 1949-50 .. .. .. .. 23,942 41,937 166,356 117,473 195D-51 .. .. .. 25,118 42,974 179,747 136,572 Total .. .. .. .. 739,482 593,001 2,763,221 1,524,929" dated 27 June, 1951, said that the Spanish BREAK OF RAIL GAUGES. Scheme is not an answer to Australia's lUr. KERR (Sherwood) asked the Minis­ gauge problem.'' ter for Transport- '' 1. Has his attention been drawn to a report in the ' 'Sydney Bulletin' ' of LIFE INSURANCE, PURCHASERS OF STATE HousEs. 1 August last, that a new type of axle to enable freight trucks to cross the break Mr. DECKER (Sandgate) asked the of gauge at the French-Spanish frontier Secretary for Public Works, Housing and is in use, and that the same trucks are Local Government- running smoothly over both systems~ '' In reference to the free life insurance '' 2. Will he inform the House if he has scheme of the State Housing Commission,- any knowledge of this, and would he be '' 1. What is the total amount of good enough to give the House his premiums paid to dateq comments'?" '' 2. How many claims have been made, and what is the total amount of such Hon. J. E. DUGGAN (Toowomba) claims'?'' replied- " 1. Yes. Hon. P. J. R. HILTON (Oarnarvon) replied- '' 2. Insufficient information is available to· enable a considered opinion to be given '' 1. £48,167 13s. 9d. net has been paid at this stage, but I note that Sir Harold by the Treasury Department to the State Clapp, Direct-or of Rail Standardisation, Government Insurance Office to 22nd Federal Department of Transport, accord­ instant. ing to the ''Sydney Daily Telegraph,'' "2. Nil." 132 Inspection of Machinery Bill. [ASSEMBLY.] Address in Reply. WESSEX SADDLEBACK BOAR FOR QUEENSLAND­ '' 2. What price was paid for this boar BRITISH FOOD CORPORATION, and what was the cost of transport to the Mr. V. E. JONES (Callide) asked the piggery at Bajool ~ '' Premier- '' 1. In reference to the report that a Hon. V. C. GAIR (South Brisbane­ Wessex saddleback boar has been obtained Acting Premier) replied- from Melbourne for the Queensland-British Food Corporation, will he kindly give the '' 1. The boar's pedigree is- details of the breeding of this animal~ ( Charity Oak 21st (Windrest Jaques (imp.
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