Proceedings of ... annual session of the Department of Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic. Grand Army of the Republic. Indianapolis : Sentinel Printing Co., 1910-1922. http://hdl.handle.net/2027/inu.30000080374410 Creative Commons Zero (CC0) http://www.hathitrust.org/access_use#cc-zero This work has been dedicated by the rights holder to the public domain. It is not protected by copyright and may be reproduced and distributed freely without permission. For details, see the full license deed at http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. _ m- L flu“ ‘-3."—-... , i 1 EROCEEDINGS THIRTY-F IFTH ANNUAL SESSION 1 I I ' I OF THE I . I DEPARTMENT OF INDIANA V oi the Qrand Anny Republic; HELD AT 8, 7, I. INDIANAPOLIS, lND., MAY 6, l9l4. \_,. " LI’I£.:?)I\ .11; \1."’>‘s/' VOLUME XXXI. \\‘\\I\ LIBRARES INDIANAPOLIS: EVTINEL YBIN TIN G CO., PRINTERS AND BINDEKS i9i4 c.\.I Z ,< .; :..,::',, -A . .-*_..,‘, .. .. O . ‘ ". '‘ _: 1' ‘ " 9; ' Q " . : . - . ..‘-Q . £ 214423 I O. .. O O.. O. DU . OOOU. O .‘ . ' ‘ . .. O .. .. n.‘ O. r ’ . A P OD "‘C‘ H: . .0’ '.C _. O. .. .. -’..D O."? Y;--4\L» ."Q“ COQ. ." IOU ...r. Q I O. 1% OO.F‘ 32” . ‘. .. ‘.0 . >") O O.-‘C. .O“ ’. ‘DOC ' ' ._ . “/W . .O.QO ‘..O. - _.. ‘ ....-_. “.\ .. ‘ .. O . .’ . ' a ‘ . O . - - ..‘.. Q D . -JOURNAL Thirty-Fifth Annual Session DEPARTMENT OF INDIANA Grand Army of the Republic The first general meeting of the Thirty—fifth Annual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, De partment of Indiana, was held in Tomlinson Hall, Indian apolis, Indiana, on the evening of May 6, I9r4. The meeting was called to order by Hon. Chas. Book walter, who presided; Rev. E. I. LaRue delivered the in vocation, followed by the song “Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean,” by Mrs. James L. Gavin. Addresses of wel come were given as follows: “Welcome to Our Honored Guests,” by J. E. Martin, Commander Ben Harrison Camp No. 356, Sons of Veterans; address of welcome to the city, by Mayor ]oseph E. Bell, and greetings by Gov ernor Samuel M. Ralston. Responses were made by Judge D. WV. Comstock. Department Commander Grand Army of the Republic; Mrs. Estella Irwin Huffman, De partment President Woman’s Relief Corps; Mrs. Eliza beth Howard, Department President Ladies Grand Army of the Republic; William H. Hansche, Division Com mander Sons of Veterans, and Mrs. Emma Stuart Finch, 4 TH1RTY—FIFTH ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT Division President Sons of Veterans Auxiliary. Music was furnished by the Indiana Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Or phans’ Home Band, Mrs. James L. Gavin, Mrs. Laura S. Burr, Dwight A. Murphy, and the famous “Logansport G. A. R. Quartet.” FIRST DAY’S SESSION—TOMLINSON HALL. Thursday, May 7, r9r4. The convention was called to order by Department Commander Daniel W. Comstock. Comrade Chas. W. Wheat was announced as Officer of the Day and Com rade —i Downey as Officer of the Guard to serve during the sessions of the Encampment. The Encampment was opened in clue form according to the ritual. Comrade E. L. Semans, Department Chap lain, being absent, Comrade W. P. McKinsey invoked the divine blessing: . God, our Father, we thank Thee for Thy loving goodness. For another year we thank Thee that Thou hast brought us through the vicissitudes of the winter. We thank Thee that so many of us are here, as well as we are and able to be here. God, bless us in all the deliberations of this meeting. Bless us in all of our relations that we sustain to the Grand Army of the Republic and bless us in all the relations we sustain as citizens; and we pray Thee to bless these comrades; take care of their families while they are away. We pray Thee to bless other old soldiers of In diana and the whole United States. Bless our beloved order. Send Thy blessings upon our country; bless Thy servant the Governor of our own State, and Thy servants, the Governors of all the States of our great country. Bless the army and the navy and the courts and the municipalities; bless all our legislators; God, bless our country in every respect. May this cloud of war that has . been hanging about us be driven away and peace come to all the nations of the earth. J The Encampment repeated the Lord s Prayer in unison. THIRTY—FIFTH ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT 5 The following report of the Committee on Credentials was read: . INDIANAPoLIS, IND., May 7, 1914. To the Thirty-fifth Annual Encampment, Department of Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic: The Committee on Credentials would respectfully report that we have examined the roll call as prepared in the oflice of the Assistant Adjutant-General and find the following to be a cor rect and complete roll of the Department. Respectfully submitted, " HARLAN P. MILLER. Chairman. GEo. W. SUMMERS, J. T. ELLEB, Oomzm7ftee on Credentials. It was moved and seconded that the calling of the roll be dispensed with. Carried. \ 6 'i‘iIIRTY—FIFTH .\NNL'.\L ENC.-\.\IP)IlINT DEPARTMENT OFFICERS. ‘Department Commander _____________ _..DANIEL W. CoMsToox. *S0nior-Vice Department (Iom/mander____JoHN H. HoFFMAN. ‘Junior-Vice Department Oommamlm-____D.l\viD H. OLIVE. Medical Director ____________________ __W. W. BLAIR. Chaplain ___________________________ __E. L. Srrmns. ‘Assistant Adjutant-General and Assistant Quartermaster-GeneralJ. R. FrstnR. ‘Chief of Staff ______________________ __l\I. M. LACEY. Department Inspector _i _____________ __W. J. ALLEN., ‘Patriotic Instructor _________________ __ Iawnv B. ARnoLD. ‘Judge-Advocate _____________________ __JosEPrr M. RABB. ‘Chief Mastering Ojficcr _____________ __ CnAauss I§RETCHMAB. ‘Color Bearer _______________________ __CIIAS. W. WHEAT. ‘Chief Bugler _______________________ __JAS. T. B. HoLLETT. NATIONAL OFFICERS. ‘Council of Administration __________ __Wisr. H. AausTRona. PAST NATIONAL OFFICERS. ' iOommander-in-Chief _________________ __IvAN N. WALKER. ‘i"Sen-ior-Vice Commander-in-Clzirf _____ __IB\'IN RoBBINS. *Seni0r-Vice C-om/rrumder-in-Chief _____ __WM. H. ARusTRone. 'iJun/ior-Vice Commander-in-Chief _____ __RoBl:BT S. FosTEa. "wlzaplain-in-Chief ___________________ __DANIEL R. LUCAS. 'l'Surgeon General ____________________ __WABBEN R. KING. ‘Chaplain-in-C-hief ___________________ __DAN RYAN. Jurlge-Adizocate-Genernl _____________ __WM. A. KETcHAM. DEPARTMENT COUNCIL OF ADMINISTRATION. *AUeUsT Lmcn. *LEwis KING. ‘ALEXANDER HEss. *DANIEL WApen. U. L. 1\Io1\IAsTi-:Rs. PAST D EPARTMENT COMMANDERS. iRobert S. Foster. -l'Charles M. Travis. ‘iBenjamin Starr. 'l'Nathan Kimball. *Gil R. Stormont. George W. Grubbs 'iOliver M. Wilson. ilvan N. Walker. l‘Daniel R. Lucas. ‘l'Louis Humphrey. Uoseph B. Cheadle. TMarine D. Tackett Uonathan B. Hagar. tJames T. Johnston E. R. Brown. 'iSaml. E. Armstrong. 'lAlbert O. Marsh. Wm. A. Keteham. 'iWil1iam W. Dudley. l'Harvey B. Shively. *John D. Alexander flames R. Carnahan. Henry M. Caylor. ‘Orlando A. Somers Edwin Nicar. James S. Dodge. Alexander P. *David N. Foster. ‘Daniel Ryan. Asbury -iThomas W. Bennett. t'William L. Dunlap. *Daniel Waugh. "l'Ira J. Chase. ‘David E. Beem. 'i'Frank Swigart. Argus D. Vanosdol. "Milton Garrigus. *Wilber E. Gorsuch ' Present. + Deceased. IDied since the Encampment. THIRTY-FIFTH ANNII.\L ENCAMPMENT 7 Morton Post No. 1, Terre Haute. CoM.—Wm. A. McClure. P._C.—Jas. F. Murphy, Lawrence Burget, Carl Kritenstein, Nicholas Filbeck, Jesse Robertson, James Neeley, David Denny, Nelson Evans, Jas. F. Nosler. Hiram Steele, S. Hamlin ‘Jaggers, Oscar Rankin, Thos. C. Williams, John R. Coflin, James H. Crabb, Hamilton Elliott, Edward O’Neil, Zalmon Ruddell. DEL.—John T. Slaven. John Dobbs. ALT.—James Hogan, Wm. M. Mcllvain. General Canby Post No. 2, Brazil. CoM.—Solomon Conder. P. C.—Sylvester E. Couch, Sylvester C. Bishop, Benj. V. Rec tor, Geo. W. Geren, Wm. W. Decker, Jos. E. Sherfey, Benj. F. Hedges, Thos. M. Robertson. M. V. McClure, Solomon Conder. Dr:L.—Jesse A. Decker, Smith L. Gasaway. ALT.—Wm. F. Sulladay, Alford P. Turner. John A. Logan Post No. 3, Lafayette. Co1\r.—Andrew Jackson. P. C.—A. L. Stoney, E. G. Black, J. H. Mitchell, D. C. Rankin, John W. Graves. John W. Mitchell, B. K. Kramer, G. W. Wash burn, T. M. Davis, Geo. Dexter, A. A. Jones, H. A. Miller, W. H. Friend, I. H. Cannon, Martin Lucas, I. S. Wade, Samuel Walker, W. W. Alder, C. C. Callahan, Harry B. Canfleld. DEL.—A. C. McCork1e, Jas. H. Jones. ALT.—Hull Itskin, Thos. McDowell. John C. Fremont Post No. 4, Covington. CoM.—Jehu D. Martin. P. C.—Jack McCoy, W. W. Evans, Geo. W. Martin, Sam Martin, W. l\-. Remester, Oliver Boord. Peter Harmon, Oliver Blakeley, Jas. F, Bell, C. W. Bowman, J._ D. Marteis. DEL.—l\-. G. Nebeker. ALT.—Sam Martin. CoM.—Comma.nrler. DEL. Delegate. P. i3.-Past Commander. .-\l.'r.—Alr.ernate. 8 THIRTY—FIFTH ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT Pap Thomas Post No. 5, Greensburg. I CoM.—Alonzo Murphy. p P. C.—J. F. Childs, A. S. Creath, W. W. Dixon, W. M. Bruner, T. 0. Havens, John S. Shaw, D. Lyons, J.‘ N. Annis, Jasper Cobb. O. C. Elder, Chas. Schuh, B. F. McCoy, Jacob Tice, H. C. Snell, ' F Ketchum. DEL.-—J. W. Taylor, Wm. G. Tremain. ALT.—Henry Short, I. D. Waits. James H. Emmett Post No. 6, Wabash. CoM.—'H. H. Wheeler. P. C.—W. M. Henley, A. F. Spaulding, W. W. Woods, Alex Hess, J. W. Depuy, S. J. Payne, Daniel Jackson, J. B. Tyer, Naamon McNamee, Alvah Taylor, B. F. Williams, Wm. Green, W. F. Lines, W. H. Bent, R. F. Blount, E. G. Burgett, T. C. McClure, Samuel Sholty, J. P. Ross, T. R. Brady, A. H. Plummer, J. P. Noftzger, A. H. Baker. DEL.—R. J. Abbott, John Webber. ALT.—-F. C. Whiteside, A. H. Baker. McPherson Post No. 7, Crawfordsville. CoM.—E. H. Cowan. P. C.—Edward C.
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