LEICESTER AND] GRA 594 [POST OFFICE Graziers-Continued

LEICESTER AND] GRA 594 [POST OFFICE Graziers-Continued

[LEICESTER AND] GRA 594 [POST OFFICE GRAZIERs-continued. Hutton John, Tixover, Stamford Knight Wm. Burrow, Melton Mowbray Heap Edwd. N orton-by-Galby, Leicestr Hyde W.ChurchLangton,Mrkt.Harbro' Knight William, Great Glen, Leicester Heap James, Burton Overy, Leicr~ter Idle Edward, Greetham, Oak ham Knott Mrs. Frances, Burton Lazars, Hemsley John, Grimstn. J\IeItn.Mowbry Iliffe Robt. R. Stretton Parva,Leicester Melton Mowbray Hemsley Mrs. Marill, Kirby Bellars, Iliffe J. Houghton-on-the-Hill,Leicestr Ladkin John, Leire, Lutterworth Melton Mowbray lliffe R. Houghton-on-the-Hill,Leicestr Lakin William Henry, Newbold-de- Henley Rchd.KibworthBarcourt,Leicstr IliffeW.r. Fleckney,MarketHarborough Verdun, Leicester Hensman Charlt's, Preston, U ppingham I mmons J acob, Countesthorpe, Rug by Lamin 1\1 iss J. A. Hose,Melton Mowbray HensonJ.H.Lodgf',Burtn.ovry.LeicRtr Isitt George, Belton, Uppingham Lane John, Burley, Oak ham Henton Barioot, Hohy, Leicester Jackson Mrs. Elizabeth,Teigh,Oakham Lane Samuel, Rearsby, Leicester Henton Thomas, Ragdale, Leicester Jackson John, Whissendine, Oak ham Lane Thonms, Thurmaston, Leicester Herbert Wm. & Son, Whetstone, Leicstr Jackson T. Burrow, Melton Mowhray Langham John, Whetstone, Leicester Herbert Th!lmas, Whetstone, Leicester Jackson W. Field ho. Ashwell, Oakham LanghamWm.Coventry rd.Lutterworth Herne Thomas, Walton, Lutterworth Jackson William, Greetham, Oakham Langton William, Hopyard, Lubbes- Herrick Sam!. jun.Whetstone, Leicester Jacques Thomas, Mowsley, Rugby thorpe, Leicester Herrick William, Whetstone, Leicester JamesS.BurtonLazars,Meltonl\Iowbray Large R.BurtonI.azars,Melton Mowbry He!;ilrige T.G.Ilston-on-the-Hill,Billsdn J arman W illiam, East N orton,Leicester Large WiIIiam, Halstead, Tilton-on-the- Hextal Thomas, Knaptoft, Rugby Jarvis H. Little Peatling, Lutterworth Hill, Leicester Heyward:\1rs.Cathrn.Braumtn.Leicestr Jarvis Henry, Willoughby Waterless, Laxton Mrs. :M. Cottesmore, Oakham Hibbett John, Brooke, Oakham Lutterworth Laxton Samuel, Langham, Oakham HicksonMissS.Brentngby.Mltn.Mwbry Jayes William, Enderby, Leicester Laxton Stephen, Cottesmore, Oakham Higginson Thomas. Leire. Lutterworth Jayes William, Kilby, Leicester Leadbetter P. Knossington, Oakham HigginsonWm.S. Lit.Ashby,Lutterwrtb Jesson T. Gumley, Market Harborough Leatherland John, Croxton, Leicester HiggsJ.Walton-in-Knaptoft,Luttrwrtb Jilson John, Burrow, Melton Mowbray Ledbetter John, Thorpe Satchville, Higgs William, Bruntingthrp.Luttrwrth J ohnson Charles, Langham, Oak ham Melton Mowbray Higgs Wm. Twyford, Melton ~lowbray JohnsonChas.Scalford,MeltonMowbray Lee John, Anstey, Leicester Hill Asher, Grimslone,Melton Mowbray Johnson Jacob, Dalby-on-the-Wolds, Lewin David, Tur Lang-ton, Leicester Hill (,harIes, Braunston, Oakham Melton l\1owbray Lewin Morley H. Great Glen, Leicester Hill John, Brannston, Oakham J ohnson John, Granuy lodge, Bisbrooke, Lewin Thos.Keythorpe,Tugby,Leicester HiIlMrs.Matilda,NorthKilworth,Rugby Upping-ham LoomesThos.Twytord,Melton ~Iowbray Hill Richd. EastLangton, Mrkt. H arboro' J ohnson J onn.Tebbs, Evington,Leicester Lount:\1 rs. Eliza, Whis8endine, Oakham Hill Samuel John, Shankton, Leicester Johnson Jsph. Cottt'sbach, Lutterworth LoveSaml.LittleDalby,l\leltonMowbray Hil1l\Irs. Sarah Ann, Thorpe Langton, J ohnson J. N ol'ton-by-Galby, Leicester Love SI.ThorpeArnold,lH eJtonMowbray Market Harborou!!h J ohnson Parker, Dalby-on-the-Wolds, Lovett Wm. Fref'by, l\Ielton Mowbray Hill William, Great Ashby, Lutterworth Melton Mowbray Lovitt Samuel, WaItham-on-the-Wolds, Hill Wm. Saddington, Market Harboro' Johnson Robert, Dalby-on-the-Wolds, 1'1elton l\Iowbray Hill William, South KiIworth, Rugby Melton Mowbray Lowe Chas. Con~'ers, Ryhall, Stamford Hincklry Edwd.Jas. Dray ton, Rocknghm J ohnsonSml.Gt.Dalby, lHeltonl\Iowbray Lucas Charles, Kimcote, Lutterworth Hind Joseph, Ryhall, Stamford JohnsonWm.Gt.Dalby,l\feltonMowbray Mackley William, Lyntion, Oak ham Hind Robt.TheGrange, Whetstn.Lei(';;tr Johnson William, Hallaton,Uppingham Mackley Wm. '""elby, Melton Mowbray Hinman Alfred, Teigh, Oakham Johnson Wm.Saxelby,Melton Mowbray MacknessO. P. lUoor barns, LuHerworth Hinman Jolm,}larket overton,oakhamlJOhnSOIl William, Waltham-on-the- McTul'kJ. Cranoe,Market Harhorough Hipwell EH, Arnesh~', Rugby WOII);;, Melton Mowbray McTurk Wm. Cranoe, Market Harboro' Hipwell.John. Swinf,.rll, Rughy Jones Edward, Halstead, Tilton-on-the- Mann William, Wymondham, Oakham HitchcockR. W. Leicstr. Forst.Ea.Leicstr Hill, Leicestt'r l\Lant]e Matthias, Langham, Oakham HitherleyWm.Grimstn.Melton Mowbry Jones John, Cold Newton, Leicester March Geo.Wartnaby,Melton Mowbray HobsonW.WilloughbyWatrlss.Lutrwrth Jones Thomas, Brooke, Oakham Marcltant Thos. Great Easton, Leicester Hockney George, :\lanton, Oakham Julian Wm. Twyford, i\1elton Mowbray MarIow Edward, HHllaton, Uppingham Holland .John, Great Easton, Leicester Keen Charles, Empingham, Stamford Marrllbel Samuel, Sewstern, Grantham Hollick Thoruas, BrauTlston, Oakham Keightley James & Charles, Duke of Marriott Edward, Dalby-on-the-Wolds, Hollingshead Reunen, Newbold Sancey, York wharf, Loughborough Melton Mowbray Melton Mowbray KeIlam Mrs. Jane, Walth:tm-on-the- ManiottFrdk.Saxelhy,MeltonMowbray Holmes John,Scalford,MeltonMowbray Wold~, Melton Mowbray Marriott Hy. Seagrave, Loughborough Hopkins Edwarll, Nether Broughton, KellamJ.LongClawBon,MeltonMowbray Marriott Lee, Ryhall, Stamtord Melton Mowbray Kellam T.LongClllwson,iVIeltonMowbry Marriott Mrs. Robert, Dalby-on-the- Hornbuckle Thomas, Frisby-on-the- KempF.Saddington,MarketHarborough Wolds, Melton Mowbray Wreake, Leicester Kemp Geo. Barbv, Melton Mowbray Marriott Stephen, Thistleton, Grantham Horspool Alfred, Goadhy, Tugby Kempin Henry, East Norton, Leicester Marriott William, Nether Broughton, Horspool Robert, Billesdon, Leicester Kendall George, Thorpe Langton, Mar- Melton l\lowbray Horton Jas. Burton Overy, Leice.ter ket Harborough MarshWm. Husbands Bosworth, Rugby Horton J. Saddington,Market Harboro' KendalI John, 'l'horpe Langton,Market Marshall Mrs. Ann, Withcote, Oakham Horton Samuel, Ormesby, Rug-by Harborough Marshall Mrs.J . Buckminster,Grantham Horton Samuel, Mowsley, Rugby KendaIl John George, Goadby, Tugby Martin John (exors. of), .Marefield, Horton Thomas, Great Glen, Leicester Kendall Thomas, Goadby, Tu~by TiIton-on-the-HiIl, Lt'icestcl' Hou~hton H .Asfordby ,Mt'ltonMowbray KendallThomas,Stocker~ton, U ppinghm Martin J onathan. Marefield, Tilton-on- Houghton W .Asfordby ,Melton :\<Iowbray Kent Mrs. Frances, Ryhllll, Stamf'ord the-Hill, Leicester Howard John, Dalby-on-the-Wolds, Kestin John, Frisby. Billesdon l\Iartin Peter, Walton, Lutterworth Melton Mowbray Kestin S. Twyford. Melton Mowbray Martin Thomas, Knossington, Oakham Howett Geo. Burrow, Melton Mowbray Kew J. M. Market Overton, Oakham Mason Geo. Cla~ brooke, Luttel'worth Howgill W. T. 11 Blue Boar la. Leicester Kew Mrs. R. Market Overton, Oakham Mason Hy. Twyford, Melton Mowbray Hubbard James. Langham, Oakham Key Wm. H. Enderby grange,Leicester Mason J .Kibworth Beauchamp,Leicestr Hubbard Mrs. Jane, Wyiordby, Mclton Kidger EI'jah, Onston, Oak ham Mason Mrs. Mary, Stathern, Melton Mowbray Kilby Felix, Croxton,.Leicester Mowbray Hubbard John,GreatAshhy,Lutterwrth King George Robert, The Grange, East Mason Thomas, Bisbrooke, Uppingham H ubbard John, Twyford, Melton Mowbry Norton, Leicester Mason W .Ah Kt'ttleb\"', l\Ielton Mowbray Hubbard Thos.Great Asllby,Lutterwrth King Joseph, Holwell, Melton Mowbray Masters Wm. Gihnorton, Lutterworth Hubbard Thomas, Northampton road, Kin~ton William, Brooke, Oakham Matthews A. Gillllol'ton, Lutterworth Market Harborough Kinton Joseph, Gilmorton, Lutterworth Matthew8 Georg-e, Braunston, Oakham Hubbard William, Langham, Oakhllm Kinton William, Narborough road, MatthewsJ. Beast market, Lutterworth Huckerby J. Scaltord,Melton Mowbray Leicester Matthews WiIliam,'fhornton, Leicester Hull Albert, Billesdon, Leicester Kirk William, High street, Uppingham MawsonMrs.C.Bruntingthorpe,Lutrwth Humberston WilliB.rn,Thurllby,Leicestr Kirkby William, Leesthorpe, Pickwell, Maydwell William, Sornel"by, Oakham Humphrey Williarn, Owston, Oakham Melton Mowbray MaSfipld William, Burton Lazars, Mel- HumphreyWm.D.E'llpingham,Stamfrd Kirke Wm. 8calfurd, 11elton Mowbray ton Mowbray Hunt Hutchinsun, Caldecot R.S.O Knapp John, Knaptoft, Rugby Mayne Thomas, Burton Overy, Leicestr Hunt Samuel, Kettoll, Stamford Knight Mrs. Catherine, Newton Har- Meadows-,Kil'byBellllrs,Mltn.Mowbry Hunt John, Kilhy Leicest~r court, Leicester Meadows Samuel, Braunston, Oakham Hunt Thomas, Sh~al'sby, Rugby Knight Chas. North Kilworth, Rugby Meadows William, Melton rd. Oakham Hurst Henry, Hungerton, Leicester KnightChas.SI.LitdeAshby,Lutterwrth Meadows Wm. 'l'hrussington. LeieesteJ H urst J obu, Arnesby, Rugby Knight J oho, Great Casterton, Stamford Medwell Skillington,Clipsham, Oakham .

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