Pup weight gain vs. time in water reserves to survive for quite some time while perfecting its food-gathering and predator-avoidance abilities. Over evolu- tionary time, there has probably been strong selection for fast and large transfers in weight between mother and pup during lactation. However, pups who learn to swim well while still under the protective influence of their mothers may have an 4, advantage over those who do so while on their own. a This research was supported by National Science Foundation grant DPP C 83-18473 to D. B. Siniff, and with the able and energet- 4, a ic assistance of D. Garron and K. Prentice. a References Doidge, D.W., J.P. Croxall, and C. Ricketts. 1984. Growth rates of Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gaze/la pups at South Georgia. Journal of the Zoological Society of London, 203, 87-93. Kaufman, G.W., D.B. Siniff, and R. Reichle. 1975. Colony behavior of Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddelli, at Hutton Cliffs, Antarctica. Rapports et Procés-verhaux des Reunions, Conseil international pour lEx- Proportion of time spent in water p/oration de la Mer, 169, 228-246. Reiter, J., N.L. Stinson, and B.J. LeBoeuf. 1978. Northern elephant seal Figure 2. Relationship between Weddell seal (Leptonychotes wed- development: The transition from weaning to nutritional independ- deli,) pup weight gain and proportion of time spent in the water ence. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 3, 337-367. during the period of nursing. Data are from Hutton Cliffs colony in Siniff, D.B., D.P. DeMaster, R.J. Hofman, and L.L. Eberhardt. 1977. An eastern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. ("kg" denotes "kilogram:) analysis of the dynamics of a Weddell seal population. Ecological Monographs, 47. 319-335. Testa, J.W. 1986. Long term patterns in life history characteristics and popula- The size of a seal pup at weaning is probably important in tion dynamics of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddelli) in McMurdo Sound, determining it subsequent survival. At that stage, pups are left Antarctica. Doctoral Thesis, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, on their own to find food, and a fat pup would have sufficient Minnesota.) Second cetacean survey of eastern and observation of living animals. Beaches checked in 1981 would be resurveyed for new material, and we hoped to reach Tierra del Fuego beaches inaccessible at that time. Periodic beach surveys offer and Isla de los Estados one of the best ways of accumulating data and specimens of the cetaceans of a given area, especially those that are least known (Geraci and St. Aubin 1979). Those participating in this study were: Natalie Goodall, Alejandro R. Galeazzi, Margarita Godoy, R.N.P. GOODALL and Gustavo MarfIa, all of Ushuaia. Adrian Schiavini assisted us on some beaches, and we accompanied him on seal surveys. Prograrna Cetdceos Australes During the 22 days of the cruise, we were able to survey 33 Centro Austral de investigaciones CientIficas (cADic) beaches in 18 bays and coves (figure), as well as checking others Tierra del Fuego, Argentina visually from a zodiac when conditions made landings impossi- ble. Table 1 lists the beaches surveyed. Extensive coastal sur- veys from the zodiac made in Bahia Aguirre, Bahias Franklin, Flinders, San Juan de Salvamento, York, and Blossom and the As part of a U.S.-Argentinian program of cooperative area from Puerto Vancouver west to Cabo Webster, as well as the research organized by the National Science Foundation and Islas Dampier and Menzies. Other members of the expedition CADIC, we took part in an expedition aboard the R/V Polar Duke (geologists Ian Dalziel and assistants) examined the shores of from 12 May to 2 June 1986 to the Peninsula Mitre of eastern Islas Elizalde, Zeballos, and Goff re and collected one specimen. Tierra del Fuego and Isla de los Estados. This was the second Areas which were surveyed in 1981 but could not be reached in such project, the first being carried out aboard the tIv Hero in 1986 for climatic or other reasons were: western Bahia Aguirre, 1981 (Goodall and Galeazzi in press-b). Very little work had Bahias Valentin, Capitán Cánepa and Puerto Cook. been done on the marine mammals of this rather inaccessible Collections were made of 18 cetacean specimens. Incidental and seldom-visited area (Pine, Angle, and Bridge 1978). to the cetacean work, we also collected specimens of 12 pin- The objective was to further scientific understanding of the nipeds, two otters, once guanaco; notes were taken on the distribution and biology of marine mammals in eastern Tierra presence of marine birds and 47 collections were made of skel- del Fuego by surveys of beaches (on foot) for stranded material etal material of dead birds. 210 ANTARCTIC JOURNAL I., C. Bahia Thetis C7 A C,QO 9 I 1 / - C) j ;(S G< I cz,, :rc.Mauricic San ,,• Peninsula Mitre c 1- 1 c-- r- r— at cJ1 FI_içj B. Buen B. Crossley Suceso 1frt.i.p0 I , ,C. •., Bahia \_ASahia / Aguirre (7 Valentin C 1 Bahia Sloggett Areas surveyed during the expedition. Strandings (Mysticetes) of identification. Photographs were taken of a large mandible on the upper beach at Bahia Blossom. Ribs of a large whale which Beach-worn vertebrae of large whales were found at many sites. These were not collected due to size, state, and difficulty had been cut by natives (probably Yahgan or Yamana) were found at Beach C, Bahia Aguirre. Eubalaena australis. An unreported beach-worn skull, proba- Table 1. Beaches surveyed in the U.S.-Argentinian bly of this species, was found at the western side of the un- cooperative research program named beach (Beach A) at the northeastern corner of Bahia Aguirre. No specimen was collected. Sightings and strandings Peninsula Mitre Isla de los Estados of this species off southern South America have recently been reviewed (Goodall and Galeazzi in press-a). Bahia Sloggett Bahia Crossley (3 beaches) Bahia Aguirre (4 beaches) Bahia Flinders (3 beaches to the Strandings (Odontocetes) east, and 1b to the west) Bahia Buen Suceso Physeter catodon. A broken skull and several vertebrae of a Caleta San Mauricio Bahia San Antonio (2 beaches, subadult animal were found at the northeastern beach of Bahia east and south) Flinders (Belgrano). Two vertebrae were collected. Although Caleta to the north of Bahia Colnett, Puerto Roca San Mauricio Caleta San Luisb many strandings of sperm whales, all males, are known for Puerto San Juan de Salvamento Tierra del Fuego, this is the first record of a stranding of this (3 beaches)b species on Isla de los Estados. The specimen was no there in Bahia Blossom,b Puerto 1981. Vancouver Berardius arnuxii. A large skull and part of a flipper of Ar- Primera Bahia, Bahia Grantb nouxs beaked whale were found at Beach A, Bahia Aguirre. Bahia York [Caletas, Heredia, This is an interesting find because only three other specimens Brent, and Llanos (zodiac)] are known from Tierra del Fuego (Goodall 1978). Bahia Franklin (2 beaches)b Mesoplodon layardii. On 18 January 1986, a fresh specimen of Layards beaked whale stranded at Bahia Buen Suceso, where a Three of the four beaches were not checked in 1981. personnel of the Museo Territorial Tierra del Fuego were study- b Not checked in 1981. ing. Although standard data were taken, they could not bring 1986 REVIEW 211 the skeleton back to the museum. We were able to collect part of Hydrurga leptonyx. A leopard seal skull and part of its skeleton the specimen but were unable to return for the rest as planned. was collected at Bahia Sloggett and a mandible with a few It was noted that sections of 4 or 5 vertebrae held together by vertebrae at the northeast beach of Bahia Franklin. These add to cartilage floated in salt water. the list of antarctic seals which reach Tierra del Fuego and are Undetermined Ziphiidae. Vertebrae of large ziphiid whales, ei- important because both speicmens have teeth for aging (Good- ther Hyperoodon or Tas?nacetus, were found at Caleta Llanos and all and Schiavini 1985). Bahia Colnett. Otaria flavescens. The southern sea lion is the most numerous Orcinus orca. A large skull and one vertebra were collected at pinniped off Tierra del Fuego at present. Skeletal material was the northeastern beach of Bahia Franklin, where it had been seen at many sites. Specimens were collected at Bahia Aguirre seen by a CADIC expedition in 1985. This skull showed evidence (Beaches A and C), Caleta Llanos, Bahia Colnett and San Juan of bone erosion in th area of the prenarial triangle, as did pilot de Salvamento. Living animals were seen at Bahia Colnett and whale skulls from Caleta San Mauricio collected in 1981 (Good- San Juan de Salvamento. all and Galeazzi in press-b). Killer whale vertebrae were found Arctocephalus austraiis. One southern fur seal cranium was at Bahia Colnett and Puerto Roca. collected at Caleta Heredia and a postcranial skeleton was Globicephala melaena. A beach-eroded skull and other bones found at Bahia Sloggett. Once plentiful, then decimated by were collected at Bahia Colnett; cervical vertebrae were found scalers, this species is making a comeback on this remote island. on Isla A. Goffre to the north of Colnett; a scapula at Caleta Living animals were seen on a number of occasions and three Brent (where a skull was found in 1981); a mandible was col- new colonies were identified (Schiavini 1986). lected at Caleta San Mauricio, where 32 crania were found in 1981 and thereafter (Goodall and Galeazzi in press-b), and vertebrae were found at Puerto Vancouver and the east side of Sightings Bahia Flinders. Observations for marine mammals were carried out from the No remains of pilot whales were found at the SW corner of bridge during daylight hours, but these were reduced due to Bahia Flinders where nine whales were seen in 1971 (R!v Hero the late season of the year (daylight from about 0930 to 1700 cruise 71/5).
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