-vy-*-«-XTJ.VyXT J_/j r J.V.f UJiJ. VJ JH>XJJ.\. J. , UX.VX1 t/iXJ-IU, ÚUj ¦¦ ¦ ¦ '«.¦ '¦¦¦ ¦--" - '. ¦¦-:^.1-2-^=22.., . asa bad a ptinit tnlk with hor nt Murphy's. "Berry'a foi* Shoes." BliO received the limn of Hews very cordmlly nnd expressed admiration ror O 111« full tepolls of tbo pendln« tflBI, Bho nnld tho now dovtlopmont* of tho day Pure, Healthful, were no surprise fo her. She Is looking Refreshing for moro, nnd nomo of them she thinks In O/gg her preseii,-o Hlrli- f&g necessitate "Best. mpy #/ timo than she had Very mond for a longer »xptctcd to stny when she came from Phl'ttdelphia. She intends to romain its For variety, entertainment, information and to-morrow's long as necessary. instruction, The Mayor's Mail. issue of The Times-Dispatch will be one of the best ever printed. Two full Mayjr McCarthy yesterday received a Buster Brown and other for le,ter from Phllndolphla from Charles A. pages.q£ Sports, Comics, Physical Culturo Men jlrown, who styles himself the grnnd and "Women, Lincoln Steffens' letter on President Frank rnlei of the Fraternal Mystic Clrclo. Mr. Roosevelt, Carpen¬ "The Table Drown nays that Burton was expelled ter's letter on American Farmers in Mr. Charles M. Queen of Waters" from that order on account of his finan¬ Canada, Wallace, Sr.'s, cial transactions with the circle. Mnyor Reminiscences of Richmond in Olden Whims of the Fair- McCarthy's mall Is greatly enlarged by Times, Idler, Ihe many letters he gets concerning tho Good easy shoes that "will let brother's Fancies, Talcs of the The Confederate and JJ Town, Page, Queries positively rejects the matter l noto lone slide alono without you what was In fine JÍ a Valentine Romance in say about. Webb, and I, hope you Tne Mayor spirits yestor- thought of effort. Answers, pretty Day Richmond, James Barnes' "will get him. I flny. Seid lie, speaking to Tho Times-Dis¬ That is one of the never heard you swear, strong § clever "The One "Who on but you must liuvo thought cuss words patch man: "Didn't I tell you ten days .points of our Shoes.another story, Fought," Rostrup's cartoons the week's WOULD NOT YIELD ¦when tho meíttg. came out from the ttza that before this thing wns over I strong point is that they are doctor. nonld convince and everybody else features for men, women and and all the news of all you strong shoes. events, special children, Mr, Oeborno rend a letter from T.eu.1 that 1 was not such a rattle-brain fool And a specially strong point §the world, will combine to make this issue of the to WpoHter, in which he said: ?.-¦ some people In this town were dls- just now is the price 1 Sunday Times-Dispatch ROASTED I Inelorn a letter to Commodore I ANDWRS Gerry, -« to think 1 was?" All broken lots Hanan's $6.00 one of exceptional interest. Every member of every household in Ihavn now touched tho botton, nnd t Detective Gibson yosterdny went before patent leathers.$4 45. Virginia expect you to do Ihn rest, i think you .' n riitcnfleld nnd swore out a war¬ Other $3.88. and North Carolina will be interested in this home Town Uncomplimentary can explain to him that I believe that rant ngalnst Burton, charging him with leathers, great paper. Topics tho man Whose fa»1_ and fancies take In nnother misdemeanor. Just when this tho of the warrant will be If will Q Best Full of Best for the Best to Oliver Belmont After He. betterment community and served. ever, dé¬ When $12.73 will b u y an Paper Things People. th ewell bflng of Hie human race should pend upon the future developments. or or to ntnnd nt Hie Thre are four more warrants in the $18.00 $20.00 Berry suit Refused Subscribe. head In a matter of tills hands of the ofllcers now, charging tho overcoat it's time every man kind. Mr. Astor, Mr. Vanderbllt und Mr. accused man with obtaining money un¬ j was looking his wardrobe over Whitney have been approached to nee der false pretenses, warrants that were Then come here. liow the project would be received, sworn out nt tho same time as the one PLEASANT WORDS FOR PERRY Mr. Osborne then road a letter from Which Is now being tiled on the appeal Jimllco Deuel to Woo.ter, saying: "You from Justice Crutchfléld's decision, it is have some Individuals In Philadelphia. not yrl known what will become of theso Baltimore nnd to GENERAL WRIGHT to "Given " Washington keep you documents. He is Said Have U|>." occupied Trial Resumed To-day. ' Col. Mann Shown Not to Justice Deuel testified that Town Topics The trial before Judge Witt andtho Hus¬ QgEem^ WILL GO TO JAPAN hud acquired $160X00 or more In loans tings Court jury, which was commenced (Continued from First Page.) Have Good Memory. from tin» Equitable Life Insurance so¬ Thursday, will he resumed at 10 o'clock ciety on a niortiL-nge on unimproved New this morning. in CongresH some years back, used to York property held In the name of Emma Of the m t;-.>- witnesses originally sum¬ frank his laundry homo cvory week anil \i_innn Vlniiè. The loans wero ma.le by moned by the, t'.'mtr.nnwealtli. only two have It dono by the family washer¬ (Bpeclnl to Tho Tlmes-Dlspatch.) James H. Hyde before the disclosures remain to., ¡ht» 'aa-.mined. When court up ».-Oliver 11. P. concerning the ndjourned Thursday night, Rev, Mr. Wes¬ woman, and then have It irankeil back NRW YORK, January Equitable. Mr. to thus exorbitant tho standing was witness examined HARD escaping city Belmont, highest ten, who the first ITCIIL him, wearing In the case, had been recalled, and «ill laundry bills. It Is reported also that collnr ever seen In public, and with an resume the witness stand when court an member of some Indiana Congress air of determination, went on tho wit¬ meets tills trrornlng. Others of the origi¬ years ago tried to frank a cow through nal list may be recalled and new wit¬ ness stand In Justice Fitzgerald's court bo WESTERN IMS the malls, but was hold up. nesses for the Commonwealth may CASTRO William HOW Colonel COOL how summoned, but It Is not likely. The testi¬ It was discovered yesterday that a to-day and told mony yet to 1" Introduced by the Com¬ member of Congress from a Southern D. Mann, editor of Town Topics, tried 10 monwealth will be alontr th" same lines Federation in State hud actually franketl from Wash¬ him to subscribe to $5,0U<> of the stock as that out. Severely Arraigns a get already brought ington to his home large book-caso. and when Mr, Bel¬ Nobody except the counsel knows bow Tho was and he went of that corporation OUR fact io the out, mm Opposing- Acceptance brought many witnesses the defense will call, to the depnrtment and tho postage, mont declined how Colonel Mann tried nnd ono that Is paid probably very few. thing of Cards. which amounted to a few more than nor would believed to be certain Is that tho alleged cents to "louch" hlhi for Î2.000 cash, Mr.- Horton and Misses Hnmerslv and .72. Hereafter he will probably patronize he subscribe to "Fads anil Fancies." Seems to Resent the Efforts of Edwards not be on list. -i- the express companies more freely, will the The banker refused to subscribe or to Mr. Russell to Effect a Peace¬ The case will probably be concluded It should be stated, however, that that Town be¬ RACE QUESTION CROPS UP and senators In the bo touched. After Topics to-day. members are main to about Mr. ilel- able conscientious in the use of gan print paragraphs Settlement. very the priv¬ mont, which were uncomplimentary. Per. which allows them the free uso of MAJ. POWHATAN ELLIS. ilege ry Belmont. brother of Oliver II. I'.. Proposition to Give the Negroes the malls. Public documents nnd letters It appears, "gave up." The Colonel's Death Late Last of This concerning the public business nre un¬ sheet printed nothing but kind notices FRANCE DEMANDS APOLOGY Night Representation in stamped, but private communications about tho Perry Bolmonts. Honored Richmond Man. almost always bear the ordinary postage. Oliver H. P. Belmont was called for the Major Powh'fcign Kills died at 11:5. Unions. or Crook. defense In the trial of Editor Norman Honest Man who Is Treatment of M. Con¬ o'clock -last night at the residence of of the Hapgood, of Collier's Weekly, Taigny bis niete?»- tho Misses Munford, -07 West Officials Treasury Department accused of criminal libel by Judge Joseph In tho seventy-seventh (By Associated Press.) are In doubt whether they have discov¬ who Is also vice-president strued As An Act of War. FrankJnk'-Street, ered the most honest man In the United M. Douel, yetr of his ace, after a Ionic Illness. and one of the directors and stockhold¬ INDIANAPOLIS, IND., January 19.. States or a crook who Is wait¬ Naval Demonstration. In tho death of Major Kills Richmond great big ers of tho Town Topics Publishing Com¬ The convention of the Unite.1 Mine Work« for a to make a haul. loses one of li, r oldest and most promi¬ ing chance heavy pany. nent citizens, and t..-- South one of its er.s ot America to-day continued consld- A letter was received at the department Poor.
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