R E P O R T R E S U M E ED 015 410 AC 001 828 CATALOG OF RESOURCE MATERIALS FOR ADULTBASIC EDUCATION. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE DEPT. OF EDUCATION,COLUMBIA PUB DATE 67 ERRS PRICE MF-$0.53 HC-$3.04 74F. DESCRIPTORS- *ADULT BASIC EDUCATION, *AUDIOVISUALAIDS, *CATALOGS, *RESOURCE MATERIALS, *READINGMATERIALS, INSTRUCTIONAL FILMS, INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAMDIVISIONS, INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS, SUPPLEMENTARY READINGMATERIALS; SOUTH CAROLINA, THIS CATALOG OF RESOURCE MATERIALS FOR ADULTBASIC EDUCATION WAS PREPARED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENTOF EDUCATION IN SOUTH CAROLINA FOR USE BY AUDIOVISUALCOORDINATORS IN SCHOOLS. PART ONE LISTS FILMS (1)ALPHABETICALLY DY TITLE WITH ORDER NUMBER, GRADE LEVEL, LENGTH OFFILM, AND WHETHER IN BLACK AND WHITE,(2) BY SUBJECT AREA WHICH INCLUDES BIOGRAPHY, BUSINESS EDUCATION, GUIDANCE,HEALTH, READING, SAFETY, LANGUAGE, SCIENCE, AND GENERAL SOCIALSTUDIES, AND (3)BY SERIES SHOWING INDIVIDUAL FILMSWITHIN SERIES, INCLUDING AMERICAN LITERATURE, BASIC EARTHSCIENCE, DEVELOPING READING MATURITY, ENGLISH LITERATURE,AND EXPLORING. ORDER FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONSFOR COORDINATORS ARE BOUND IN. FART TWO LISTS PRINTEDMATERIALS ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY PUBLISHER. IT INCLUDESTEACHER MANUALS, PRACTICE READERS, PROGRESS TEST BOOKLETS,WORKBOOKS, SPECIFIC SKILLS AND BASIC CONCEPT SERIES ANDSUPPLEMENTARY READING. READING LEVELS ARE INDICATED BYONE OFTHREE CATEGORIES-GRADES 1 TO 3, GRADES 4 TO 6, ANDGRADES 7 AND 8. PUBLISHERS' ADDRESSES AND PRICES ARE INCLUDED.(RI) 002100 CATALOG OF RESOURCEMATERIALS .0....71111.11tAirjr- zegialti.,- 'FL irg-441* ,40 For ADULTBASICEDUCATION STATE DEPARTMENTOF EDUCATION Jesse T. Anderson State Superintendentof Education Columbia, SouthCarolina U.S. DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. CATALOG OF RESOURCE MATERIALS FOR ADULT BASIC EDUCATION I DEVELOPED BY DIVISION OF ADULT EDUCATION STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD PART ONE-FILMS INFORMATION ON USE 1-1 ALPHABETICAL DESCRIPTIVE LIST 1-5 LISTING BY SUBJECT AREA 1-35 ORDER BLANKS PART TWO-ABE PRINTED INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION ON PRINTED RESOURCES 2-2 LISTING OF PRINTED RESOURCES 2-4 i i i I ... n .y # A r es - $ ... e ^, s Ilk a. ess t ,,,, s 14 1' ''... A4. FOREWORD This bulletin presents a new list of resourcematerials for use in adult basic education instructional programs. Itis an outgrowth of the concentrated efforts of the staff of the Division ofAdult Education, with the helpful cooperationand constructive suggestions of asubstantial percentage of representativeSouth Caro- lina public school personnel, withoutwhose thoughtful assistance this publication would not have been possible. In N..vember, 1965, the StateDepartment of Education began an exhaus- tive study of available adult basiceducation resource materials thatwould reflect the emerging trends as well as theadvances that had been made in thedevelop- ment and adaptationof adult oriented basic educationmaterials.Time and space will not permit a complete list ofmaterials reviewed or of those which areavail- able; therefore, the materials listedherein are film and study materialsthat have been used successfully in one or more programsin the state. The St( Department of Education suggests thatthese materials will pro- vide a basis for sound, practical,and effective programs of instructioninadult basic education. Jesse T. Anderson State Superintendent of Education PART ONE - FILMS IN FORMATION ON THE USE OFFILMS STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AUDIO - VISUALLIBRARY AUDIO- VISUALCOORDINATOR One person in each school serves as the audio-visual coordinator.This person is to be responsible forordering and distributing films from the school. The audio-visual coordinator should notify ALL teachers of the dates films are scheduled (when he has received confirmation of his order) so that all may have the oppor- tunity to use films during the week they are in a particular school. USE OF FILMS Films may be kept in a school an entire week. Heavy demand necessi- tates limiting a school's use of each film title to once a semester. The audi o- visual coordinator is responsible for letting all teachers know thedates films are scheduled. HOW TO ORDER 1. All film requests must be made out IN DUPLICATE by the appointed coordinator on the request forms provided by the State Departmentof Education. Request should be made at least two weeks in advance. 2. Be sure to give correct titles and assigned numbers of films.Use lat- est catalog. 3. When ordering, please list the films in NUMERICAL SEQUENCE. Films listed in the catalog without numbers (those owned by BELL Telephone) should be placed at the end of the order, leaving blank the space for the film number. 4. In DATE WANTED column on the order blank, please list the Friday before the week the film is to be used. 5. Orders received which are not made out IN DUPLICATE or which do not show the films listed in NUMERICALSEQUENCE will be returned without be- ing processed. 6. Phone requests may be made between 9 and 5 Monday through Friday by calling Columbia 758-2687. Please ask for the booking department. SUMMER SCHOOL AND SPECIAL ORDERS Please designate on the first page of order whether thefilms are to be used for SUMMER SCHOOL or whether the films are needed for use onparticular dates (in-service training, assembly programs, etc.) and cannot be used at other times.Orders will then receive special handling. CONFIRMA1 ION OF ORDER The DUPLICATE COPY of each orderwill be returned as a confirmation. If date requested is not available,closest available date will be indicatedin the right column AVAILABLE.Date given will be the FRIDAYBEFORE the week film is scheduled to be used in theschool. CANCELLATIONS Please notify us immediately if it isimpossible to use films on the dates available, and we will cancel the bookings.When requesting a cancellation, please list FILM NUMBER and DATE SCHEDULED. SHIPPING Films are mailed at least two days beforethey are scheduled to be used by the school.They should be mailed back to theAudio-Visual Library NO LATER than the RETURN DATE shown on the shippinglabel.If films are held over, other schools may lose the use of the material.The packing label INSIDEthe shipping case liststhe FILMS TO BE RETURNED INTHAT CASE. Please check this label carefully before returning the films. MAILING LABEL A special mailing label is used inshipping films,When returning films, turn this label over.The correct amount of return postage andthe address of the Audio-Visual Library will be found on this side. POSTAGE Schools will be billed in May each yearfor the amount of postage used. Postage is approximately as shown below. Films numbered 1 - 599° 0 0 . :4 each 6000-11999. O 0 .. 16 each 12000-15999 .. .20 each 16000-19999. ....... 24 each 20000- (rewind reel included) 44 each 40000- OOOOO .304 each Southern Bell Telephone pays postage foran their films (indicated by BELL). FILMS KEPT OVERTIME If telephone calls are necessarybecause of delay in returningthe films, schools will be billed for these calls. DO NOT REWIND FILMS ! At least one reel of each of these sizes --400' - 600' - 800' - 1203' - 1600' - is needed for each projector in aschool in order that films do not have to be rewound.This saves time for both school andAudio-Visual Library, since films can bechecked as they are rewound. 1-2 FILMS BRING INTO THE ADULTCLASSROOM: awareness ofjob opportunities ;....encouragement for self- yr:argil 11*. K evaluation No E OGr PE t E E ....guidelines for happy R E family living ....health and safety practices ....knowledge about organization and function of American government ..,.the privileges and responsibilities of ....anunderstanding of basic economics 1.3 citizenship [ ALPHABETICAL DESCRIPTIVELISTOF 16MM EDUCATIONALFILMS FOR USE WITH ADULT EDUCATIONCLASSES 40010 ALCOTT, LOUISA MAY G556 ADAMS, JOHN JH-SH, 18 MIN. B/W SH, 50 MIN. EVENTS FROM THE LIFE OF MISS ALCOTT JOHN ADAMS RISKS HIS FUTURE BYACCEPT- REVEAL HER OUTSTANDING CHARACTER ING THE DEFENSE OF BRITISH SOLDIERS TRAITS - DEVOTION TO HER FAMILY, SENSE ACCUSED OF MURDER AT THE BOSTON MASSA- OF HUMOR AND INDUSTRIOUSNESS. SHOWS CRE, INSISTING THE RIGHT OF THE ACCUSED THAT LITTLE WOMEN, LITTLE MEN, JO'S TO A FAIR TRIAL, " OR ELSE OURCAUSE IS BOYS WERE BASED LARGELY ON HER OWN TRACES EVOLUTION OF OUR BLACKENED." EXPERIENCES. HERITAGE OF JUSTICE, LAW, FREEDOM. 40C32 AM7RT1A'S FOUNDATIONS OF 6290 ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY LIBERTY EL-JH, 11 MIN. JH-SH, 50 JIN., ti/ti THIS FILM IS DESIGNED TO CREATE AN FREEDOM OF THE SEAS, FREEDOMOF TRADE; UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONCEPT OF NEW INDUSTRIAL THE BILL OF RIGHTS; THE "LIBERTY" AND THE IMPORTANT ROLE IT REVOLUTION; THE OPENING OF THEWEST; PLAYED IN THE FOUNDING AND DEVELOPMENT THE FIRST THREATS OF SECESSION;THE WAR OF OUR COUNTRY OF 1812. A FUTURE PRESIDENT RISKS HIS POLITICAL CAREER TO SUPPORTPRINCIPLES OF THE FIRST 10 AMENDMENTS. AMERICAN FLAG 6110 ADV7NTUR.ES OF !!UCKLTBTRRY 10006 EL -JH -SH -A, 14 MIN. FINN EL-JH-SH-A, 40 MIN., B/W WITH ACTUAL LOCATIONS AND DRAMATIZED MARK TWAIN'S MEMORABLE CLASSICBROUGHT EVENTS, THE HISTORY OF OUR NATIONAL FLAG TO LIFE WITH ALL THE PATHOS ANDHUMOR IS REVIEWED. VARIOUS EARLIER AMERICAN SET IN A OF THE ORIGINAL MASTERPIECE, FLAGS, BEGINNING WITH THE ROYAL PLAG OF CAREFULLY RE-CREATED MID 19THCENTURY SPAIN, BROUGHT BY COLUMBUS, ARE SHOWN. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY WORLD. HOW THE AMERICAN PLAG WAS FIRST DESIGNED AND PUT TO USE IS DESCRIBED. AMERICAN LITERATURE: 3171 AG7 OF SP7CIALIZATION,THE 6555 COLONIAL TIMES, JH-SH, 11 MIN. SH -A, 13 MIN. B/W SHOWS THAT THE BEGINNINGS OF LITERATURE CONTRASTS WHAT A FARMER,SHOEMAKER, IN THIS COUNTRY TOOK THE FORM OF PRAC- STOREOWNER AND COUNTRYDOCTOR DID IN TICAL, USEFUL DOCUMENTS, REFLECTING THE 1900 TO THE MULTITUDEOF NEW SPECIAL- HARD PIONEER LIFE AND SETTLER'S DEEP ISTS AND MACHINES OFTODAY. WE SEE RELIGIOUS FAITH.
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