![Republic of Palau](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
0 Republic of Palau W @ r P tuFublic of Palau Stote Of the Environment Report 1994 USP [,i brary Cotalog;uing-irr-Publicarion data: Otobe{ Demei O. and Maiara, losefa A. Republic of Palau r $tate {rf tlte environm:ent. repol.t; Western Sdnroa: SPREP" f99al. -IApia, n'iii;89p.;99em "Prod,uced rsith firrancial assistaqc€ ['rom the United Ft$ations Developmerrt Progranme (UNDP) " r$BN 982-0+0097-X l. Ewlronmental policy-Palart 2. Enr4rtrmuelrtal prorection-Pslatr 3, Perlart-Ettvirorrmental condition,s t. Otob-ed, Demei O. II. Maiara, IosefaA. III. Srrtrth Pacific Regional Environnrent Prog,r'arrune M Title HCru.n5P2R46 3$3. 7r 5099{i6 Prepared fcr prb,licatiorl by the South Pacific Regio nd Erlvilonnrenl Prtrgrarrrrne, Apa, Western Samoa O Sourh Pacilic Rggional Environment Pro.gryaqme, 1994 The Sottth Pbcifie Regicrnal Entironrneut Prograli:lre authorises the reprodustion of textllal niaterial, whole,or part, in any fonn," provided apprOpriate ackno$ledgeflrcnt h girr€n. eoordinating editrry ,Strztn'ne'Crrano l-ditor Barbara Heuson Desigrr and production Peter Erarrs Artwork for qvmbols Crrtherine Appleton Drlg<rng drawings reproduced counesy of Divisiou of Marine Resources Photography Demai Otobedand Ertvironmerrtal Qpalitv Protection Board C<n'er desigrr by Feter Elzurs based ort an origi:ual desigrr by Gatherine Appletpn Map* suppliecl by MAP,graphisr, Btisbane, Australia Typert in New Baskerville und Gill Sarrs Prlnted on I l0,gsrn Tudor R. P (1007o rew,cled) by ABC Frindng, Brisbane,,rArulralia; Illustratilr nratefial.canRot be reprocluce<l'*,ilhout penr Lssion of lhe,artisr or: photcrgraBher. Produced with fuancial agsistance from tte Urritcd Nadqos Development Pr.ogramme'ruI{DF) Cm,rrfiltotogtartk: Ngn:ewarluu Bat, one aJ'lhr lnrgrt rnaa$al ba\ eeos't,;tpant i'n M'irmnesilt (phttto r'SrtotltnaX (uxrlry af (lral l)mtit:ozunm,lnl il-t hotetlian Bnatil ) Rcpublic of Palau St ate Of the Environment Re port r994 by Demei O. Oto bed and losefa A. Maiovo Produced with finonciof ossistonce from the United Notions Development Progrornrne (UNDP) r"ffi; Ta ^t' 'bqbr--r 6$dr{g lv Foreword This rlocunrent represents il c()ncise report on thc: culturul and arclrireological resources, trnd socir> Stirte of the Errvir onment firr the Republic of Palirtr. econornic ertvirortntenl, and orttlines envirotr- It llas prepared as a cornponent of'tlre Nationill rnental challerrges facing P:rlau. Tlre Sterte of the Enlir<lnment:rl Melnzrgernenr Stmregies (NEIUS) Lnviroument Report also provides an inrportant Project. The NEMS Project was instigatecl ro acl- vehicle {tlr rirising the arvarerress of the cornrrrtrniN clress srustainirblc en r.i r< tn rrlen tal clevek rprrrt.n t an cl to the inrport2lr)cr r,rl'enl'irottrrrerrtal issues irnd horv plarrning issrres in a nnnrber ol'Pacific lslancl court- tlrese slrotrld be integratecl into lirture decision- tries, namely Kirihati, Natrr-rr, Nitre, Palitr, Tokclatr, rnaking proccsses. Trrvirlu arrcl \,l'estenr Sarnoa. It n,as funclecl by the !\ie also rrish to acknowledge that the Rcport Unitccl Niltions Developnrenr Pnr{rranrme (tINDP) clralvs ir subst:lntiitl irrrtorrnt of in<leptlt inforrna- :urrl inrplemente(l thrutrgh the Sonth Pacilic Rt- tion fi-orn thc Cornprehensive Conserlation gional Enrinlnnrent Prrrgr.unnre (SPREP,) as part of Stratcgv- (CCS) fbr the Republic of Palau, authored a broader :rssistance project callecl Pacific Multi hy Demei Otoberl,.|ocli Cassell and Harrro Aclelbai. Islarrd (PN{l): Planning arrd Inrplenrenurli(,n of SPREP kxrks lbnvarrl to rvorking rvith the Re- Paci-fic Resional Environrncut Prosraltrrne. which prrblic of Rrlarr ancl with other regional :urd interna- c()rlcentriltes orr reg'iontrl :urcl irr-conntry instittr- tioni{ organizirtions in tackling the environrnental tional stretrgthening an<l trainiug of' environ- issues identifiecl in this State of the Enlironrnent nrental lniln:lgers. Relxrrt. The State of the Errvironnrent Rcport fbr the Reptrblic of'Palatr is a cornprehensivc reference docunrcnt on the current sttttrls of'Pnl:rtr's envirorr- nrerrt lvhich should act :ls a benclutrark against rvhich chernges to the environnreuI can be gatrged. The Rcpclrt strnrntarizes the crrrrent stirte ol'knorr. Vili A Frr:n,ao leclge irborrt the envir<lnnrent of Pirlarr in arr:ars strclr Divcktr' as the terestrial environrDent, rnat"itre res()llrces. South Pacil'i c Regional Envi ron rrten t Prcr gr arnme Contents Map of Republic of Palau iv Foreword v Acronyms xi Glossory xii Executive summary xv I lntrcduction I l.l General I 1.2 Scope of report I 1.3 Major issues 2 1.4 Sources arrd metltodologv Part I Noturul environment 5 2 Physical choracteristics 5 2.1 Cliurate 6 # 2.2 Geolngy and landmarks 5 3 lerrestrial environment I 3.1 General I M 3.? Soils I 3.2.1 Classification and distribution 3.2.2 Suitability for agriculture I 3.3 E:trth and rnineral resorrces l0 3.3.1 General l0 3.3.2 Implications lbr resource use TO 3.4 Fresh-water resortrc€s I0 3.4.1 Sreams 1l 3.+.2 Lakes aud ponds I I 3.4.3 Seepage springs I I 3.4.4 Fresh-lsater Ienses I1 3.+.5 Other fi esh-lvater resorlrces II vl 6on rB 3.5 Habitat/vegetation 12 3"5,1 Overview 12 3.5.? Indigenous forest 12 3.5.S Seqondary vegetation 12 3.5.4 Agrotbrcst 12 3.5.5 Nonfkrrest lanels 14 3,6 Terrestrial fauna tr4 3.6.1 Insects 14 3.6.2 Reptiles and amphibians 14 3.6.3 Avifamra 14 3.6.4 Terresrial rnammals 16 c. t. Terrestrial reriorlrces: signifi cant issues 15: 3.1.1 Overyiew 16 3.V.2 Large*cale developrnent 18 3-7.3 Detnand fcrr water l-esources 18 3.7,+ Pollution 19 3,7-b l-fse of vegetadon 19 3.7.0 Introclrrced species 1g 3.7.7 Value of enclemic species 2A 3,7,8 Value of terr'estrial habitat 20 3.7.9 Ecological significance 2l Marlne enyJronment 23 4.1 Geueral 2J 4,2 Marine habitat 23 4.2.1 Rarrge and distribution 2J 4,2.2 Frructicrns of mangrol'es 24 4.3 Marine habitat: significanr issues 25 4.3.I General 25 4,3.9 Development arrd population pressures 25 4.3.3 Need for environmental planning 2V 4.d lnsh<rre finfish 28' 4,4.1 General 28 4.4.2 Data issues 28 4.4.3 Desurrctive fushing pructices 28 4.5 Offshore finfish 28 4.5.1 General 28 4.-b.2 O.flirhore fishing industry 28 4.5..9 Potential fbr tonrism 29 4.6.4 Datn issues 29 4.6 Deeprvater finfish 29 4.6.1 General 29 4.6.9 Potential value 29 4.7 Lr!'ertebrates 29 4,7.L Geneml 29 4.7.2 Population levc'Ls 30 4.8 Aquaerrlture issue* 3A 4.(| Seaweeds aud aquariunr fislr: significant issues 30 4-10 Other nrarine r€source issues jl Yil 6ontents Port 2 Human environment 33 5 Populotion 34 s.a 5.1 Ove n'ierv )4 ir.? Ctrrrerrt isstres 34 5.2.1 Rece nt trel'lds 34 5.2.2 Pnttterns of charrge jl 5.2.3 Implicarions of filttrre grorvth Sl Educotion and informotion 35 6. I Erwirortnrenurl rclucirtion 36 6.2 Inforrnation on natural systerns Jb C ulturol, hi sto ri cal a nd a rch a e o I ogi co I reso urc es 37 7.1 Cultural rcsorlrces 37 7.1.1 Kinship J7 7.1.2 Strbsistence lifbswle J7 7.1 .3 Tradition;rl conserration practices 37 7.1 .4 Conrlnunic:rtion: legend.s, songs, chants, and clances J8 7 ,1.5 Crrlttrral resolrrces: signilicant issrres 39 7.2 Historical nncl archrreological resorlrces 40 7.2.1 "Tirne of the Gods" 10 7.2.2 Pre-contact pedocl 40 7.2.3 (irntact period 1I 7.2.1 Mode rn period 1I 7.2.5 Present value of sites 42 7.2.6 Threats to sites 42 Part 3 Economic and built environrnent 43 8 Economic framework 44 8.I Economic silnctrlre ancl rlevelopment potential 44 8.1.l Gener:tl 44 8.1.2 Llnitecl States fiurding 44 8.I.3 Local revenues 14 tl.l.4 Interuational and rcgionirl support 41 8.1 .5 Present challenges 15 ti.2 Econonric developnrent fiamervork 45 8.2.1 Palarr National Master Developrnent Plaur 45 8.2.2 Integration of econornic ancl environrnental goirls '15 9 lnfrostructure ond industry development 47 9.1 Geueral '17 9.2 Torrristn '17 9.2.I Strong grort"tlr 47 9.?.2 Potential impacts 47 9.2.3 Need for balance 48 9.2.4 Commitrnent to planning 48 vill 6ontenF 9.3 Fisheries 4'8 9.3.1 Irrshore fisheries 49 9.3.2 Offshore frsheries 49 9.3.3 Other fisheries developrn:ent 50 9.4 Agriculture 5A 9.4.1 General 50 9,4.2 Ctrrrent problerns 5A Water and sariitation 5I 9.6.1 Present concerns 5l 9.5.2 f,'uture Reeds 5l 9.5.$ Developing appropriate $ystems 5l I0 Pollfiian 52 l0.l General 52 10.2 Solid u*aste 52 Part 4 Manogement ofthe enyinontnent 55 I I Legislotlon ond poficies 56 I1.1 General 56 11.2 Enforcement issues 56 11.3 Resource issues 56 11.4 Pennit process 56 11,5 Need forlaud weplanning 57 I [.6 Procedural issues 57 | 2 Gov ernment odminl'slrution 58 I2.l General 58 12.2 National government: overview 58 12.3 State governrnents 5E 12,.3.1 Stnrctrre 58 12.3.2 Resource,/environmentrole 59 12.4 Traditional leadership 5'9 12.4.I Overall de*ription 59 12,4.2 Present challenges 60 I 2.5 Governtuent mtlistries, bureaus, divi$ions, departrnen ts and statutory bodies 60 12.5.1 l{ey agencies 60 12.5.2 Trends in government spending 6I 12.6 Specific govemment agencies 62 I2.7 Nongovernrnenr organizations 72 x 6ontenb Psn 5 Prlortty programs 73 I3 Pdority, issues ond prcgrams 74 l3.t Enforcement of e;isdng lalvs and regulations 74 l3.l.l General 74 6 19.I.2 Resource conserlation laws 74 13.1.3 Environmental proteetion lai,rs V4 13.2 Control over large-scale development 75 13.2.1 General 75 13.2.2 Establishment of ,a planning framework 75 13.e3 EQPB regulaticrn of large-*cale develropment 75 13.2.4 Foreign investment permitting procedures 76 13.3 Nanrral and historical or archaeological resources 76 13,3.1 General 76 13,3.2 Regulatiqn ol'small-scaledeveloprnenr 76 13.3.3 Gontrolling
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