M58 Mineral Production Tenement Holders 26 September 2021 Resources and Energy Group L4 11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5000 http://energymining.sa.gov.au/minerals GPO Box 320, ADELAIDE, SA 5001 http://energymining.sa.gov.au/energy_resources Phone +61 8 8463 3000 http://map.sarig.sa.gov.au Email [email protected] Earth Resources Information Sheet - M58 Printed on: 26/09/2021 M58: Mineral Production Tenement Holders A & MJ Musolino Pty Ltd Ariverun Pty Limited Benmat Pty Ltd 1201 Golden Grove Road 271 Renmark Avenue 20187 Renmark Avenue GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125 RENMARK SA 5341 RENMARK SA 5341 Ph: 08 8251 2577 Ph: 08 8586 6204 Ph: 08 8595 1092 Fax: 08 8251 2622 Fax: 08 8586 5922 Fax: 08 8595 1093 10,093 40 11,633 A.T Bolto & C.E Bolto & E.M Bolto Ausmin Development Pty Ltd Berry Sands Pty Ltd & K.T Bolto & L.M Bolto C/- Renascor Resources Limited 19 Park Street Keith Bolto 36 North Terrace SEFTON PARK SA 5083 RSD 96a KENT TOWN SA 5067 Ph: 08 8269 3333 KINGSCOTE SA 5223 Ph: 08 8363 6989 Fax: 08 8344 6346 Ph: 0427 311 754 10,955 83 11,551 AustralAsian Granite Pty Ltd BHP Olympic Dam Corporation Pty Acquista Investments Pty Ltd and 1 Glenhuntley Street Ltd Veolia Environmental Services BHP Billiton Centre WOODVILLE SOUTH SA 5011 (Australia) Pty Ltd 180 Lonsdale Street Lot 254 Hines and Wingfield Roads Ph: 0419 809 927 MELBOURNE VIC 3000 WINGFIELD SA 5013 1,288 Ph: 03 9685 6446 Ph: 08 8348 5100 Australian Graphite Pty Limited Fax: 03 9686 3569 Fax: 08 8243 1299 353 Burwood Highway 928 11,288 FOREST HILL VIC 3131 Billabong Valley Farm Pty Ltd Adelaide Brighton Cement Ltd Ph: 03 9191 4007 31 Wynyard Avenue Level 1, 157 Grenfell Street 11,409 LITTLEHAMPTON SA 5250 ADELAIDE SA 5000 Australian Tailings Group Pty Ph: 08 8391 1625 Ph: 08 8300 0300 Limited (Receiver and Manager Fax: 08 8391 4172 Fax: 08 8300 0597 Appointed) (In Liquidation) 11,340 12 BRI Ferrier (NSW) Pty Ltd Australia Square, Level 30 264-278 George Street Boral Resources (SA) Limited Adelaide Plains Council SYDNEY NSW 2000 Level 3, 40 Mount Street PO Box 18 Ph: 02 8263 2300 NORTH SYDNEY NSW 2060 MALLALA SA 5502 Fax: 02 8263 2399 Ph: 08 8425 0400 Ph: 08 8527 2006 11,335 Fax: 08 8340 3010 Fax: 08 8527 2242 99 529 Avenglen Pty Ltd 36 Port Road Boss Uranium Pty Ltd Agricola Mining Pty Ltd KADINA SA 5554 Suite 23, 513 Hay Street 341 Payneham Road Ph: 08 8821 3231 SUBIACO WA 6008 MARDEN SA 5070 1,826 Ph: 08 6143 6730 Ph: 08 8363 0663 Fax: 08 9388 8824 1,433 Bartsch Motorsport Pty Ltd 9 Second Avenue 1,975 Alawoona Dale Pty Ltd TANUNDA SA 5352 Bowjen Nominees Pty Ltd 33 Williams Road Ph: 0401 410 590 478 Rosedale Road MILLICENT SA 5280 11,433 ROSEDALE SA 5350 Ph: 08 8733 3562 Ph: 08 8522 3431 Fax: 08 8733 4047 Benagerie Gold & Copper Pty Ltd Fax: 08 8523 5097 1,454 180 Greenhill Road PARKSIDE SA 5063 11,180 Alvanos Earthmoving Pty Ltd Ph: 08 8088 2688 Bowman Earthmovers Pty Ltd 162 Teal Street 10,578 65-67 Adelaide Road RENMARK SA 5341 MILLICENT SA 5280 Ph: 08 8595 3533 Benara Pastoral Pty Ltd Ph: 08 8733 3900 11,629 642 Carpenter Rocks Road Fax: 08 8733 3900 MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290 Amulet Holdings Pty Ltd 1,498 Ph: 0429 446 790 PO Box 532 11,565 Brady Sand Nominees Pty Ltd ANGASTON SA 5353 96-108 Belair Road Ph: 08 8564 2227 HAWTHORN SA 5062 5,397 Ph: 08 8272 8346 Fax: 08 8373 4001 1,274 L4 11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Telephone: +61 8 8463 3000 Facsimile: +61 8 8463 6518 Page 2 of 9 GPO Box 320, ADELAIDE, SA 5001 http://energymining.sa.gov.au/minerals Earth Resources Information Sheet - M58 Printed on: 26/09/2021 M58: Mineral Production Tenement Holders Brooksby Civil Pty Ltd Challenger 2 Pty Ltd Consultancy Services Pty. Limited 172 Smith Street 21/22 Railway Road Suite 6 NARACOORTE SA 5271 SUBIACO WA 6008 116 Rundle Street Ph: 0429 655 282 Ph: 0425 226 649 KENT TOWN SA 5067 11,723 11,728 Ph: 08 8362 5722 11,588 Bruce Teagle Nominees Pty Ltd Cheetham Salt Limited Private Bag 6 Level 6 Crossfield Farm Pty Ltd KALANGADOO SA 5278 565 Bourke Street PO Box 17 Ph: 08 8734 8263 MELBOURNE VIC 3000 CLEVE SA 5640 Fax: 08 8734 8063 Ph: 03 8624 6817 Ph: 08 8628 5068 10,982 Fax: 03 8624 6505 Fax: 08 8682 6938 1,973 10,259 Buckland Dry Creek Pty Ltd Tilbrook Rasheed Chesini House Pty Ltd CTP Operations Pty Ltd 13 Greenhill Road Lot 10 Angle Vale Crescent 2 Hamra Drive WAYVILLE SA 5034 BURTON SA 5110 ADELAIDE AIRPORT SA 5950 Ph: 08 8244 8156 Ph: 08 8256 6666 Ph: 08 8229 6600 10,370 5,012 11,621 Bull Bros Pty Ltd City Of Tea Tree Gully Cu-River Mining Australia Pty 23 Kingston Ave PO BOX 571 Limited Level 8, 19 Grenfell Street NARACOORTE SA 5271 MODBURY SA 5092 ADELAIDE SA 5000 Ph: 08 8762 1715 Ph: 8397 7444 Ph: 0432 422 738 Fax: 08 8762 1730 968 11,030 11,448 Clare Quarry Pty Ltd D & L Blackwell Nominees Pty Ltd C & J Dicker Earthmoving Pty Ltd 172 Fullarton Road 93 McDouall Stuart Avenue PO Box 220 DULWICH SA 5065 WHYALLA STUART SA 5608 KINGSTON SE SA 5275 Ph: 08 8843 4250 Ph: 08 8645 9086 Ph: 08 8767 2207 Fax: 08 8843 4361 Fax: 08 8767 2172 769 11,553 10,226 D Miller & JC Miller Clarke Bros - Kingston 320 Jarrett Road C A Leenders & Co Pty Ltd Lot 12 Railway Terrace MUNDALLIO SA 5700 130 Old Cooltong Avenue KINGSTON SE SA 5275 Ph: 08 8643 64630 RENMARK SA 5341 Ph: 08 8767 2229 Ph: 0408 853 200 Fax: 08 8767 3080 11,695 Fax: 08 8595 3405 11,253 D.G. Pitt Pty. Ltd. 11,604 Clay & Mineral Sales Pty Ltd 265 Smith Street NARACOORTE SA 5271 Camberwarra Pty Ltd Lot 1 Hancock Road 08 8762 2333 Box 4 GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125 Ph: Post Office Ph: 08 8251 4000 5,178 LOWER LIGHT SA 5501 Fax: 08 8289 5279 Direct-Screens Holdings Pty. Ltd. Ph: 08 8520 2034 166 Level 1, 157 Grenfell Street Fax: 08 8520 3000 Clinton Quarries Pty Ltd ADELAIDE SA 5000 132 08 8223 8000 26 Pentland Road Ph: Cave Civil and Environmental SALISBURY SA 5108 2,014 Services Ph: 08 8522 4323 District Council Of Coober Pedy 22 West Terrace Fax: 08 8523 1931 PO Box 425 TUMBY BAY SA 5605 169 Hutchison Street Ph: 08 8688 2235 COOBER PEDY SA 5723 Fax: 08 8688 2235 Constance Nominees Pty Ltd Ph: 08 8672 5298 11,297 1150 Golden Grove Road 08 8672 5699 GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125 Fax: Cave Quarries Pty Ltd Ph: 08 8251 3382 187 6 Excell Street Fax: 08 8251 3435 District Council Of Loxton TUMBY BAY SA 5605 10,772 Waikerie Ph: 08 8688 2247 PO Box 409 Fax: 08 8688 2217 LOXTON SA 5333 11,298 Ph: 08 8584 8000 117 L4 11 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Telephone: +61 8 8463 3000 Facsimile: +61 8 8463 6518 Page 3 of 9 GPO Box 320, ADELAIDE, SA 5001 http://energymining.sa.gov.au/minerals Earth Resources Information Sheet - M58 Printed on: 26/09/2021 M58: Mineral Production Tenement Holders District Council Of Renmark Fitzgerald Quarries Pty Ltd Gambier Earth Movers Pty Ltd Paringa 180 Greenhill Road 29 Avey Road PO Box 730 PARKSIDE SA 5063 MOUNT GAMBIER SA 5290 RENMARK SA 5341 Ph: 08 8558 3295 Ph: 08 8725 4093 Ph: 08 8586 6609 11,673 Fax: 08 8723 0049 Fax: 08 8586 6542 302 720 Fladon Nominees Pty Ltd PO Box 47 Garden Grove Pty. Ltd. Dunnit Nominees Pty Ltd VICTOR HARBOR SA 5211 1150 Golden Grove Road PO Box 437 Ph: 08 8552 2530 GOLDEN GROVE SA 5125 ROBE SA 5276 Fax: 08 8552 5363 Ph: 08 8251 1111 Ph: 08 8768 5053 3,178 Fax: 08 8251 3435 Fax: 08 8768 5040 2,030 10,587 Flinders Earthmoving & Blue Metal Supplies Pty Ltd Garwood Contractors Pty. Ltd. Earea Dam Mining Pty Ltd 8 Heller Court 41 Callington Road Suite 3, 339 Cambridge Street PORT PIRIE SA 5540 STRATHALBYN SA 5255 WEMBLEY WA 6014 Ph: 0427 180 088 Ph: 08 8536 2566 Ph: 08 9429 8829 11,425 Fax: 08 8536 3484 11,205 Friedrich A. Lucas Nominees Pty. 3,180 Eichler Earthmovers Pty Ltd Ltd. Gary Radford & Sons Pty Ltd 10 Greenhill Road 112 Adelaide Road 480 Union Street WAYVILLE SA 5034 MANNUM SA 5238 BROKEN HILL NSW 2880 Ph: 08 8522 6282 Ph: 08 8569 1108 Ph: 08 8363 7220 Fax: 08 8569 2131 10,548 Fax: 08 8363 7221 260 Futuretop Developments Pty Ltd 11,575 Emillia Group Pty Ltd 11-13 Ferry Avenue Gaskell Contractors Pty Ltd MELROSE PARK SA 5039 27 Gawler Street PO Box 3541 08 8277 2718 NURIOOTPA SA 5355 Ph: PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 08 8374 0562 0409 679 151 Fax: Ph: 0 5,600 Ph: 11,759 11,015 G & T Traeger Pty Ltd Epic Energy South Australia Pty Gawler Craton Resources Pty Ltd Ltd PO Box 858 Level 5, 80 Flinders Street PO Box 2450 GOOLWA SA 5214 ADELAIDE SA 5000 DRY CREEK SA 5094 Ph: 08 8555 1533 Ph: 08 8389 8249 Ph: 08 8343 8138 Fax: 08 8555 1544 Fax: 08 8389 8150 Fax: 08 8349 6493 10,231 1,396 307 G L Hausler Pty Ltd Gemstones Australia Pty Ltd Eric Ashby Nominees Pty.
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