UNIVERSITY OF ,DELAWARE ne d rc NOV 3 1961 +NEWARK, DELAWARE tUl¢W VOL. 85 No.8 NEWARK, DELAWARE, NOYEMBEH iJ, 1961 Gals Get Guys At Dogpatch Dance Truslees Urge Wright.Field Hosts 'No Comment' Clambake, Tonight Come on gals, grab your guys -- It's Sadie Hawkins• On Race Issue Weekend! Friday, that's this evening, The Board of Trustees of the head on over to the Wright university recently issued a Field (behind the married stu­ statement calling on university dent's apartments) between 5 :30. officials to refrain from com­ and 7 :30 p.m. where a clam ment on the 1ssue of restaurant bake will be under way. Wear discrimination in Newark. bermudas, slacks, casual type Backing up the statement things; bring your blankets and made several weeks ago by your appetites for the two Dean John E. Hocutt, the trust­ course feed. ees resolved that "the proper Here's the menu: first cour­ function of the university in­ se, cup clam chowder• one dozen stitution is not to be con­ THE SUZANNE BLOCH LUTE TRIO: from left to right; Margot Ward, Miss steamed clams, saltines. idaho fused with the functions of social potatoes, swee't potatoes, lots of Bloch and Stanley Buetens. and welfare groups, political butter; second course, lobster parties or religious organiza­ or one-half barbequed chicken. tions", which have the "avow­ corn on the cob. eel purpose of winning people The damages to the women to particular points of view." will be $2.35 fo .r the chicken While it was made clear that Suzanne Bloch Trio $'2.65 and for the lobster. A oo public stand should be taken great big bonfire will provide by university officials, it was the necessary light and heat. pointed out that "the university If it should rain. the clam bake administration should continue Featured In ·Mitchell will be held in Agricultural to allow all reasonable latitude Suzanne Bloch Players and votes part of her annual con- been heard in New York and Hall. Dorm parties, hay rides, to students and faculty with re- Singers, a trio of lutenists- cert season to trio performan- eastern solo and ensemblecon­ and similar activities will end spect to their personal declar- singers, will perform next Wed- ces while continuing her coast- certs, and Stanley Buetens, who (Contimicd to Page 11) ations." nesday in Mitchell Hall at 8:15 to-coast solo concert tours and in addition to concerts in Bel- Daniel W. Wood, administra- p.m.. as the second concert festival appearances. gium and England is heard as tive assistant to the pre.c ident of the University Artists Ser- Associated with Miss Bloch lutenist in background music Students To Get ooted that the university would ies. are two of her former lute for various American radio (Continued to Page 13) Miss Bloch traditionally de- pupils- -Margot Ward, who has broadcasts. - -·--- ---- · --- ·--~=-----------·------=-------------------j For many years Miss Bloch Train Transport ~~o st: k~~e~~~~ ~~~ i~~;~~·:~ ope. The daughter of the late AI Thanksgiving composer Ernest Bloch, she State Colleges Choose Special arrangements have has won honors here and abroad been made for those -persons desiring to travel home on Thanksgiving holiday by train. r:'' ·ns, Pres·lde·nt ~~~~::rEts:r~:R~;.r~~~~~ A northbound train will stop Program for the trio will Dr. Perkl in Newark ami a bus will go be selected from medieval, re- from the Student Center to the Dr. Jofm A. Perkins, presi­ naissance and baroque music . '}1 Pennsylvania Railroad station dent of the university. has been for vocal trios , lute and related ~ in Wilmington on Wednesday, elected president of the Ameri­ instruments including record­ can Association of Land -Grant Nov. 22. er, virginal a~d tambour. The The Pennsylvania Railroad Colleges and State Universities. program will include music by During Dr. Perkin's term, has agreed to stop northbound ·' Monteverdi, Frescobaldi, Nico­ train No. ' 132 at Newatk at the Association will celebrate la s Vallet and John Dowland, the centennial of the Morrill 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, "Nov. played with various combina­ 22, to make a special pick -up Land -Grant Act of 1862 which tions of instruments and voices. was signed by President Abra­ .of passengers provided 15 or The program is as follow s : more reservations are made for ham Lincoln. (Continued to Page 10) According to the act, a grant this train. of land was provided by the fed­ Persons wishing to make a eral government to each state Semina_r Program reservation for this train, in amounts equivalent to 30,000 should obtain and complete a acres for each senator and re• special form at the Student Center main desk, A firm com­ presentative in Congress. Pro­ Starts Next Month ceeds from the sale of these Another new program, des­ mitment must be given the rail­ lands was used to establish the igned to enrich student's ed­ road as to the number of pass­ colleges. ucational experiences. is being engers for this train not later than Monday, Nov. 13. Land -grant colleges were ~unched by SG A next month founded as a protest against the under the title, "A Cause for A bus will go from the Stu­ limited opportunities for high­ Courage--the Future. •• dent Center to the Pennsylvan­ er education then availableonly Dec. 2 will be the date for ia Railroad station in Wilming­ to the wealthy. a day-longstudent-faculty sem­ ton to meet train number 170 At a recent reception held at inar featuring 12-16 disting­ (northbound express) departing the American Home Economics uished professors. The pro­ Wilmington at 4:41 D.m. on Nov. Association headquarters in gram will be held from 10 a.m. 22. Washington. D. c .• to celebrate Cutting the Centennial cake at the AHEA reception to 2:30 p.m. in the Harrington The bus will depart from the opening of the centemlial • are (left to right) Dorothy S. Lyle, AHEA president; John A. Complex and will be open to the Student Center at 4 p.m. year, Dr. Perkins and Dr.Dor• Perkins, president of the university and the American Asso· the students. Fare to be charged for this othy s. Lyle, president of AHEA ciation of Land-Grant Colleges and State Universities; and "1bis seminar proposes to bus transportation will depend received guests. · Mrs. Stewart Udall, wife of the Secretary of the Interior. (Continued to Page 12) (Continued to' Page 11) PAGE 2 THE DELAWARe REVIEW, NOVEMBER 3, 1961 Visiting Logician Says E-52 Presents 'Abe Lincoln' That There Is No God ~~~~~E~~~~fu~E~·~,~~di~~p~d~1_e ion of the 1961-62 season. which will be Robert Sherwood'~ By BETSY PILAT "Abe Lincoln in Illinois." The play is being presented in Branding himself as an "agent of the devil," Professor Michael Scriven spoke on the commemoration of the current Civil War Centennial. It will necessity of :Atheismt Tuesday, to an attentive but sweltering, standing room only crowd. be performed Dec. 7. 8. and 9. Three hundred students and fa culty members filled the Student Center's Morgan Room Cast in the demanding role of Abe Lincoln is Jack Eartha!. to hear Dr. Scriven, Professor of Hi story and Logic at Indiana University, argue for who was seen by Mitchell Hall audiences last year as Mal­ the "Non-Existence of God." volio in "Twelfth Night" and as Tony in ''The Boyfriend." The tall, blond philosopher, originally from Australia, touched on nine invalid argu­ Another major role. that of William Rousch as Robert Lin- ments po sited for the existence of God during the forty-five minute address. My purpose Ninian Edwards, has been coln. in refuting these arguments," he said, "is to increase rational evaluation of religious beliefs." assigned to Jeff Losee. a soph- ------=s-­ "Before one. should profess a belief in God," he continued, "grounds for faith should omore drama major. Jeff ap- Grumbaum peaks peared in last month's product- be examined." itself from nothing, there is or religious experience in the ion of the '"Madwoman of Cha- In Scl·ence Debate The mos t powerful argu- nonetheless no reason to believe sense of 'I have communed Ulot" as Pierre. ment for the existence of God, this was God in the traditional with God,'" he said. ''I can Jim Kohl, a graduate assis­ Prof. Scriven declared, is the sense--a being of super-human only judge experiences of this tant to the English department Dr. Adolf Grumbaum will be cosmological argument, or powers, with higher moral qual- sort as delusion or the result will play Bowling Green. Jim the second speaker and first ''First Cause" theory. "Every­ ities then the rest of us, and of colossal conditioning from was seen in "The Madwoman•• rebuttal speaker of a tripartite thing existing stems from a somehow imbued with benevel- society." as the President. debate on sciE'lltific explanation prior existence until you come ~nt feelings of mankind... The submittal of miracles Another veteran ofthe "'Mad- and prediction for the seventh up against an initial cause, call "Perhaps we could call it as proof of God's existence woman. .. cassandra Williams. lecture of the Philosophy of it the first atom if you like, 'god' with a small •g,'" he can ·be rebutted for lack of will play the role of Mary Todd Science seminar, 8 p.m., Tues­ he said, which did not have added, in re ~ ponse to a phil- sufficent proof, Prof. Scriven Miss Williams was seen last day, Nov. 7, Wolf Hall Aud­ prior existence.' osophy major's question. continued. "Contemporary mir- vear as tbe Vicaress in "Cradle itorium.
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