Teaple Beth El 10 TO -Orch&l"d Ave. -Ptt¥«~e, R. I. NEW-S Orthodox Leaders Criticize Toynbee tBAiRj,d On Recent Speech NEW YORK-Lay and spiritual FIFTY ARAB STUDENTS AT Graz University last week staged THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. leaders of the two largest Ortho­ an anti-Israel demonstration in dox Jewish bodies criticized Arn­ front of· the university carrying FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1961 16 PAGES old J . Toynbee, the British his­ banners attacking Israel and pro­ torian, last week for saying recent­ claiming, "The United Nations ly that intermarriage would break has no right to give Palestine to Temple Sinai To Conduct down "the traditional caste-bar­ the Zionists." Police arrested rier between Jews and non-Jews" several leaders of the demonstra­ according to Irving Spiegal of the tion but released them after Ground Breaking Ceremonies New York Post. questioning them and confiscating Temple Sinai, suburban Reform The Jewish leaders advised their banners. The rector of the temple for the Cranston-War­ Professor Toynbee "to study the university has ordered a full probe wick area , will conduct ground sources of Jewish history, re­ into the occurrance, saying that breaking ceremonies at their site ligion and sociology before pre­ disciplinary action should be near the Meshanticut Interchange tending to be an authoritative taken against the Arab students. on Sunday, June 4, at 2:30 P.M , expert on Jewish problems." They said, "The Jewish pro­ A MEM.ORIAL PLAQUE WAS The program will consist of a placed last week on the building presentation of the colors by the hibition against intermarriage is in Paris where Theodor Herzel Jewish War Veterans assisted by the basic gUarantee of Jewish sur­ wrote some of his major works. Dr. the Girl and Boy Scouts, Brownies vival of that Judaism which Jews Nahum Goldmann, president of and Cub Scouts of the congrega­ are perpetuating for the benefit the World Zionist Organization, tion; the National Anthem by of all mankind." and Israel Ambassador, Walter Ey­ Cantor Harold Dworkin of Tem­ The signers of the joint state­ tan, were among the speakers at ple Beth El; the Invocation by ment were Rabbi Charles Wein­ the ceremony who recalled the Rabbi Pesach Sobel of Temple berg, president of the Rabbinical prophetic activity of the founder Beth Am; a musical selection by Council of America; Rabbi Eman­ of modern Zionism, the Temple Sinai senior ·choir; a uel Rackman, a former president THE PRESS ATTACHE AT THE Welcome Address by Philip A. Se­ and Professor of Political Science Soviet embassy in Tel Aviv, Vlad­ Joseph W. Ress gal, Jr., president of Templt at Yeshiva University, and Moses imir Sokolow, left the country Sinai, and greetings will be given Feuerstein, president of the Union last week after two years of serv­ by Senator Pat Nero of Cranston; of Orthodox Jewish Congrega­ ice. He is not expected to return. Reelect Joseph Ress Rev. E. John Yuells of the Wood­ tions. Commenting on his departure, the ridge Congregational Church; The Jewish readers said: "There evening daily Ydelot Ahronot Rabbi Alexander Schindler, Direc- Rabbi Maurice Davis is no perceptible caste-barrier noted that during his stay In Is­ President Of GJC tor of the N. E. Council UAHC; I between Jews and non-Jew;, in rael, Sokolow revealeq. "great Rev. Carl A. Jones, Jr., of Mes- Following a musical selection, Joseph W. Ress, Rhode Island our American soc iety. Mii1tal se~-. activity." hanticut Park Community Bap- Rabbi M:aurice Davis, of the _In­ paration between Christians and THE CASA BLANC A NEWS­ industrialist and a trustee of Brown University, has been no­ tlst Church; Rabbi William G . 1 d1anapo\1s Hebrew Congregation: Jews is not responsible for any paper "Al Alam," organ of the ul­ Braude of Temple Beth El and will give the main address. Rabbi tra-nationalist Istiqlal Party, last minated for a second term as signs of animosity and ill-will president of the General Jewish Rabbi Saul Leeman, president of Davis ~erves as a member of th,e toward Jewry in the United week proposed in an editorial that the R. I. Rabbinical Association Executive Board of the Governors Committee of Providence. States." the death penalty be imposed on and Rabbi of the Cranston Jewish Youth Council, Governor's Com­ Moroccan Jews trying to emigrate Ira S. Galkin, Merrill L. Hassen­ Community Association. mission on Aging _and Aged, an_d to Israel. feld, Joseph K. Levy, Judge Frank Governor's Comm1Ss1on on M1- THE ISRAEL SUPREME COURT Licht and Max Winograd have A musical se~ec~ion wil_l be gratory Labor in Indiana. Rabbinical Association last week held secret hearings on been nominated for vice presi­ given by the Juruor Choir of I , . • the appeal from conviction flied by dents. Nominated for secretary Temple Sinai and the prayer serv- He 1s a . vice president of the Announces Ad·option is Arthur J . Levy and treasurer, i ·11 be I d b Rabbi Donald I Ind1anapohs Council on Human Kurt Sitte, former head of the ~e ; 1 f Tempie Sinai. IRelations , and is the_ Founder of physics department of the Tech­ Sidney A. Kane. es ins O e Ithe bi-weekly telev1s10n program Of New Requirements nion-Israel Institute of Techno­ The slate of officers and 32 new Those who will participate in SCOPE, in which clergymen at­ The Rabbinical Association of logy. Professor Sltte was given a members to the board of directors the ground breaking are Rabbi Itempt to evaluate news of the day. 5-year prison term for spying for will be presented for approval by Rhode Island, in cooperation with Donald Heskins, Philip A. Segal, A reception by the Sisterhood of the Bureau of Jewish Education a foreign country. Burton A. Finberg, chairman of Jr., Stanley Gilbert, Dr. Albert Temple Sinai will follow the bene­ A FRIDAY EVENING PERFOR­ of Greater Providence, announces the nominating committee, at the _Goodman, Mrs.· Stanley Gilbert, I diction by Rabbi Jerome S. Gur- the adoption of a new and impor­ mance at Petach Tikvah was pick­ (Continued on Page 2) and Allen White. I land of Temple Beth El. eted by some 1,000 Orthodox Jews tant standard and requirement for although the police turned down _____:__ ____~- - ---=-=--=--~--- --- Bar Mitzvah on a Sabbath morn­ an application for a permit to con­ ing in the Synagogue. The Bar duct the demonstration. The pick­ Eichmann Trial Causes Revaluation Of Position Mitzvah Resolution adopted by eted theatre in Tel Aviv last week the Rabbis and the Congregations gave a jazz concert. The Ortho­ Of Israel With ~espect To Ability To Survive is as follows: dox pickets said they would carry "In view of the fact that we are deeply interested In elevating on . demonstrations until the By Mort Blender <Special To The R. I. Jewish Herald) theatre yields on the issue of not Jewish educational standards in giving performances on Friday JERUSALEM - We were standing raelis feel about the Eichmann possible 1of comprehension, too re­ our community and In view of the evening. in front of Canada Hall at· the trial? mote' to personally affect young role that the Bar Mitzvah service POLICE IN THE STYTIAN VILL­ campus of Hebrew University in It should first be pointed out people and disturbing to their plays in the educational develop­ age of Galshorn have arrested Jerusalem. The beautiful lecture that among Israel's adult popula- normal habits of living. But the ment of youth, the Rabbis of Franz Murer on charges of having hall with its sheaves of corn in tion only about 30% were wholly trial had· hardly passed the first Rhode Island make the following k1lled 80,000 Lithuanian Jews. stone formed a beautiful backdrop in accord with the idea of the trial week when Eichmann and his in­ recommendations regarding pre­ Murer was arrested on the basis in the brilliant sunshine for a sub- of Eichmann _ this was before it famous "Einsatzgruppen" became paration for Bar Mltzvah in our of evidence developed at the trial ject charged with . horror and started. After the first week o{ the major subject of conversation. Rhode Island congregations: of Eichmann in Israel. When the death I was talking with Joel the trial, the figure was more The Hebrew University encom­ "Beginning with September 1, police came to arrest him, some Braude, the son of Rabbi William nearly 95% . Among the younger passes students of many and 1966, every candidate for Bar 1,000 villagers gathered- In pro­ G. Braude of Temple Beth El in Israeli . elements, most of them varied shades of opinion but all Mltzvah on a Sabbath morning in test under alleged belief that the Providence; Sue Levine, a comely said before the trial began, "we these opnions . relate strongly to Rhode Island shall be required to arresting officers were Israeli student who hails from Greens- couldn't care less." They were very the fact that every third person in be enrolled as a student at a rec­ ognized mid-week Hebrew School, agents. boro, N . C. and with Marvin much in the position of the vast Israel is in some way connected YESffiVA UNIVERSITY FINISH­ Wolfe, a young man of searching majority of people outside Israel. with events in a concentration in accordance with existing re­ ed among the top 10 In the 21st character whose home is Sche- The events being unfolded in the camp and the trial's revelations quirements for Jewish education In the Congregation where the annual William Lowell - Putnam nectady, N. Y. These young Ameri- cow·troom of Jerusalem's Beit have sifted much personal infor­ Mathematical Competition con­ Bar Mitzvah will take place.
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