Tomorrow's flight C-141 NAS Norfolk noon Guantanamo Bay 2:50 p.m. 4:45 p.m. Charleston, S.C. 7 :00 p.m. See page 3 GuantanamoDaily Gazette Vol. 46 -- No. 152 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Tuesday, July 31, 1990 Accord ends Trinidad's hostage siege AP - The prime minister of The prime minister said he in- Come on down to "Electric Avenue" Trinidad, Arthur Robinson and the structed the head of the Trinidad and chief negotiator for Moslem extrem- Tobago Defense Force, to make ists who tried to oust him say they necessary arrangements for the have reached an agreement to end a evacuation of hostages and rebels as four-day hostage siege. soon as possible. Speaking from inside parlia- The chief rebel negotiator, also Liberia -- The White House calls a re- ment, where the uprising began, speaking on the telephone, said he ported mass killing in Liberia a sense- Trinidad's justice and national wished to totally corroborate what less act of terror. Administration offi- security minister said the agree- the prime minister had just said. cials say Liberian troops broke into a ment calls for Robinson's imme- refugee camp and killed about 200 diate resignation with elections to people. Witnesses in Liberia have put Bennett makes the number at 600 killed. Liberian be held within 90 days. President Samuel Doe is denying re- Robinson is one of 41 hostages radical proposal sponsibility for the killings. reported held since Friday by Mos- AP -- The nation's anti-drug lem rebels. chief is making what he says is a London -- British leaders are urging The official also said the govern- radical proposal. William Bennett members of the government to employ ment had granted amnesty to the says childrenof drug-ridden families tighter security measures. Sunday, a Moslem radicals involved in the should be taken away from their Photo y J03 Lisa Petrillo carbombkilled theparliamentmember insurgency, which has reportedly families and neighborhoods and who chaired the Northem Ireland Gitmoite left at least nine people dead. placed in foster homes or other insti- Fitzgerald Carr tests out a pool table at Gitmo's new committee in the House of Commons. Speaking by telephone from in- tutions. Addressing the National game room, Electric Avenue. The room is located at NRA's old laundromat on Sherman Avenue. It's filled with video games, (Continued on page 3) side parliament, Robinson said the Urban League, Bennett said anti- agreement was reached after very drug efforts should focus on the pool tables, vending machines, a microwave, TVs, tables and difficult bargaining. young. chairs. If you need change, an attendant will be available to assist you. Electric Avenue hours are 6 a.m. to midnight, Congress addresses junk food, mail Sunday through Thursday, and 6 a.m. to 2 a.m., Friday and U-_EUSA Saturday. All fleet sailors and Gitmoites are welcome. AP - Lawmakers in the House Also, House lawmakers are tak- News have unanimously approved legis- ing steps against the electronic lation that would make nutritional equivalent of junkmail. A bill ap- House haggles over defense cuts labeling on packaged food more proved yesterday, would allow Hawaii-- Searchers may have found a AP - It's a small step but it is Also, the House has haggled prominent and easier to read. The bill businesses and individuals to keep cargo door that tore off a United Air- the first one toward destroying the President Bush's budget request for would require that specific infor- junk faxes and junk phone calls off lines jet over the Pacific Ocean last expensive and illustrious B-2 overseas military projects in a multi- mation about nutritional value - their lines. The measure calls for year, killing nine people. The debris Bomber. A House Subcommittee million dollar armed forces con- such as calorie counts - be high- establishment of a national register has been located about 90 miles from has voted to eliminate almost $4 struction bill. The vote yesterday, Honolulu, three miles down on the lighted by larger type of contrasting of phone subscribers who object to billion President Bush wanted for the shaves the Bush proposal by more ocean floor. The National Transporta- colors. It would also require that any such unsolicited messages. Charities aircraft in the fiscal 1991 military than $800 million. It also bans U.S. tion Safety Board has found that a claims about the food - such as its and political organizations would be budget. Further action is expected funding for a new NATO air base faulty design of the doors locking low-salt content - be consistent exempt from any phone-message mechanism was likely to blame for the today in the Full House Armed Serv- planned for Italy when other bases with government definitions. ban. accident. Officials say inspection of the ices Committee. are slated for closure. door could lead to better plane safety. New York -- Eastern Airlines officials Navy news Guantanamo Bay residents can use are not the only ones being criticized for the airlines alleged falsification of SEAWOLF - Senior Navy offi- advances in Soviet submarine tech- voiced his concern over drastic de- refueling exercises with fighter air- maintenance records. The New York cials, congressional leaders and De- nology and that country's unabated fense cuts in light of the Soviet Un- craft from the Persian Gulf's United Times says a federal prosecutor is pre- fense Department officials met on construction of multiple classes of ion's modernization of its strategic Arab Emirates (UAE). Assistant paring a report critical of the Federal Capitol Hill July 24, to discuss the modern submarines as an absolute forces. "We must remember there Secretary of Defense Pete Williams Aviation Administration. According to future of the Navy's new SSN-21 need for the new SSN-21. have been few changes in Soviet confirmed U.S. Navy ships were also the Times, the report says the FAA did Seawolf Submarine Program. PERSONNEL, WEAPONS CUTS strategic forces," Bush said. "On the involved in a support role. not act on complaints from the airlines Secretary of the Navy H. Law- - President Bush met with 14 key contrary, they are continuing to The exercise involves two Stra- pilots and mechanics, dismissing them rence Garrett III, asked the House congressional leaders July 25, to modernize their entire force and will tegic Air Command KC- 135 Tankers as the result of Easten's labor dispute. Armed Services Committee's slow the drive for deep cuts in strate- enter the Strategic Arms Reduction and one Military Airlift Command Houston-- A weekend collision in the Seapower Subcommittee to look far gic weapons and military personnel Talks (START) negotiations fully C-141 with maintenance support Houston ship channel spilled lots more down the road, past present political programs. modernized." cargo aboard. Six U.S. Navy ships oil than the Coast Guard thought. Au- changes and near-term budget pres- Inhis firstmeeting withcongres- TENSIONS IN PERSIAN GULF are currently in the Persian Gulf thorities say 500,000 gallons of refin- sures, to a long-term strategy for the sional leaders concerning the fiscal -According to the Department of ery oil poured into the water. The oil future. In his remarks, Garrett cited year 1991 defense budget, Bush Defense, the U.S. is conducting air- Please see NAVY NEWS, page 3 slick is now 15miles long and the Coast Guard says no matter what direction it takes, it's likely to hit wetlands. Gitmo residents enjoy dependent cruise aboard USS Caron Midwest -- Federal authorities and eluded a simulated man overboard NATO Sea Sparrow Point Defense police throughout the midwest say they recovery using the ship's motor Missile System, and the RIM-7M expect a bumper harvest of an illegal whale boat, as well as a shipboard Sparrow Missiles delighted all crop -- marijuana. Police say the com- recovery demonstration. Maneu- guests. bination of hot weather, rain and verability drills included a high The design of the close-in air tougher efforts against smuggled drugs speed demonstration followed by a defense system cancounter the threat has driven up the price which has full power all back "crash back of enemy aircraft and anti-ship prompted growers to grow more. drill." cruise missiles. The Mark-15 Pha- Among the states expected to have big Visitors were able to view tracts of marijuana by fall are Illinois, and lanx "Gatlin Gun" or MOD 2 Close- Texas and Wisconsin. photograph all evolutions from the In Weapon System (CIWS) was also ship's bridge and signal bridge and on display. The CIWS is a fully auto- Pennsylvania-- A fight over the coun- included getting underway from a matic air defense weapon capable of try's toughest abortion law is being pier, maneuvering in restricted wa- firing 3000 rounds per minute. watched by activists on both sides of ters, and mooring to a pier. A static display of the SH-60B the issue. Doctors and abortion clinics The ship fired its five inch 54 "Seahawk" helicopter offered visi- in Pennsylvania formally asked a fed- caliber guns during a practice fire tors a close up view of the Light eral judge yesterday to throw out key demonstration. The Mark 45 guns Airborne Multi-Purpose System sections of a restrictive law, the tough- allow a single man in the Combat est of any state. One thing, they object (LAMPS MK III). The LAMPS MK Information Center (CIC) to fire a III is a twin engine helicopter that to is requiring women to tell their hus- OfficialNa, phdao load of 20 rounds unassisted. bands before getting an abortion. A Gitmo child gets assistance carries a crew of two pilots and a from a USS Caron sailor as she Caron also demonstrated how sensor crewman.
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