U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PREPARED IN COLLABORATION WITH ALASKA DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS, RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, AND GEOLOGICAL COMMITTEE OF NORTHEASTERN RUSSIA METALLOGENESIS OF MAINLAND ALASKA AND THE RUSSIAN NORTHEAST By Warren J. Noklebergl, Thomas K. Bundtzen^, Donald Grybeck1, and Richard D. Koch1 1-U.S. Geological Survey ^-Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys Roman A. Eremin^, Ilya S. Rozenblum'*, Anatoly A. Sidorov,^ Stanislaus G. Byalobzhesky^, Gleb M. Sosunov^, Vladimir I. Shpikerman^, and Mary E. Gorodinsky^ -Russian Academy of Sciences ^-Geological Committee of Northeastern Russia OPEN-FILE REPORT 93-339 1993 This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards or with the North American Stratigraphic Code. Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR EXPLANATION TO SHEET 1 OF 3 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OPEN-FILE REPORT 93-339 PREPARED IN COLLABORATION WITH ALASKA DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS, RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, AND GEOLOGICAL COMMITTEE OF NORTHEASTERN RUSSIA EXPLANATION FOR MAP SHOWING SIGNIFICANT LODE DEPOSITS AND PLACER DISTRICTS FOR MAINLAND ALASKA AND THE RUSSIAN NORTHEAST By Warren J. Nokleberg1, Thomas K. Bundtzen^, Donald Grybeck*, and Richard D. Koch* 1-U.S. Geological Survey ^-Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys and Roman A. Eremin^, Ilya S. Rozenblum^, Vladimir I. Shpikerman^, Anatoly A. Sidorov3, and Mary E. Gorodinsky'* ^-Russian Academy of Sciences ^-Geological Committee of Northeastern Russia WITH A TECTONO-STRATIGRAPfflC TERRANE BASE MAP By Warren J. Noldeberg*, Thomas K. Bundtzen^ 1-U.S. Geological Survey ^-Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys and Stanislaus G. Byalobzhesky^, and Gleb M. Sosunov** -Russian Academy of Sciences ^-Geological Committee of Northeastern Russia Scale 1:4,000,000 EXPLANATION - LODE MINERAL DEPOSITS AND PLACER DISTRICTS EXAMPLE OF LODE DEPOSIT SYMBOL (Deposit number 2; lode deposit related to marine felsic to mafic extrusive rocks; Cu- Zn Cu and Zn major metals) SYMBOLS FOR LODE AND PLACER DEPOSIT MODELS Symbol Deposit Model + Deposits Related to Marine Felsic to Mafic Extrusive Rocks Kuroko Zn-Pb-Cu massive sulfide (Ag, Au, Cd, Sn, Sb, Bi, barite) Besshi Cu-Zn massive sulfide (Ag, Au) Cyprus Cu-Zn-Ag massive sulfide (Au, Pb, Cd, Sn) Volcanogenic Mn T Deposits Related to Subaerial Extrusive Rocks Au-Ag Epithermal vein Volcanic-hosted Hg (Plamennoe type) Hot-spring Hg Silica-carbonate Hg Volcanic-hosted Sb (Au, Ag, As) Rhyolite-hosted Sn (felsic volcanic Sn) Stratiform Deposits in Fine-Grained Clastic and Siliceous Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary exhalative Zn-Pb Bedded barite 4^j Stratabound Deposits in Coarse Clastic Sedimentary Rocks and Subaerial Basalt Sediment-hosted Cu (Kuperschiefer and redbed) Basaltic Cu (volcanic redbed Cu) Kennecott Cu Clastic sediment-hosted Hg (Nikitovka type) Sediment-hosted U ^ Deposits in Carbonate and Chemical-Sedimentary Rocks Kipushi Cu-Pb-Zn Mississippi Valley Pb-Zn Ironstone Chemical-sedimentary subtype Prikoklyma subtype Stratabound W (Austrian Alps-type) Iron Formation (Omolon type) Carbonate-hosted Hg Deposits Related to Calc-Alkaline and Alkaline Intrusions I Veins and Replacements Polymetallic vein Sb-Au vein (simple Sb) Sn quartz vein Sn silicate-sulfide vein (Cornish type) Sn polymetallic vein (Southern Bolivian type) Co-arsenide polymetallic vein Skarns and Greisens Cu (± Fe, Au, Ag, Mo) skarn Zn-Pb (± Ag, Cu, W) skarn and associated Manto replacement W skarn Fe (± Au. Cu, W, Sn) skarn Sn skarn and greisen Porphyry and Granitic Pluton-Hosted Deposits Porphyry Cu-Mo (Au, Ag) Porphyry Mo (± W, Sn, Bi) Porphyry Sn Granitoid-related Au Felsic plutonic U-REE W vein Deposits Related to Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks Zoned mafic-ultramafic Cr-PGE (± Cu, Ni, Au, Co, Ti, or Fe) (Alaskan PGE) Gabbroic Ni-Cu (synorogenic-synvolcanic; irregular gabbro pipes and stocks) Podiform Cr Serpentine-hosted asbestos Deposits Related to Regionally Metamorphosed Rocks Au quartz vein (includes concordant vein and shear zone Au) Disseminated Au-sulfide (Maiskoe type) Clastic sediment-hosted Sb-Au Cu-Ag quartz vein (vein Cu) 3 ______ Deposits Related to Surficial Processes: Placer, Paleoplacer, and Laterite Deposits ^ ~? Placer and paleoplacer Au ^^ Placer Sn Placer PGE-Au Placer Ti BASE MAP Planimetric base from Arctic Sheet of the Geographic Map of the Circum-Pacific Region by George Moore (1990) Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources. Map Center Point: 70° N., 164° W. Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection EXPLANATION FOR TECTONO-STRATIGRAPHIC TERRANE BASE MAP MAP UNITS - MAINLAND ALASKA POST-ACCRETION CENOZOIC AND UPPER CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Czs Chiefly continental sedimentary rocks, undifferentiated (Cenozoic) Ks Sedimentary rocks (Upper Cretaceous) KJs Sedimentary rocks (Jurassic and Early Cretaceous) POST-ACCRETION CENOZOIC AND UPPER CRETACEOUS VOLCANIC ROCKS (Note: Siliceous includes felsic and intermediate igneous rocks.) QTvs Siliceous volcanic rocks (Quaternary and late Tertiary) QTvm Mafic volcanic rocks (Quaternary and late Tertiary) mTvs Siliceous volcanic rocks (middle Tertiary) mTvm Mafic volcanic rocks (middle Tertiary) eTpm Mafic plutonic rocks (early Tertiary) TKvf Felsic volcanic rocks (early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous) TKvi Intermediate volcanic rocks (early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous) POST-ACCRETION UPPER MESOZOIC SEDIMENTARY ROCKS GN Gravina-Nutzotin belt (Upper Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous) KA Kandik River overlap assemblage (Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous) KH Kahiltna overlap assemblage (Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous) POST-ACCRETION LATE JURASSIC AND YOUNGER PLUTONIC ROCKS (Note: Siliceous includes felsic and intermediate igneous rocks) QTps Siliceous plutonic rocks (late Tertiary) mTps Siliceous plutonic rocks (middle Tertiary) TKpf Felsic plutonic rocks (early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous) TKpi Intermediate plutonic rocks (early Tertiary and Late Cretaceous) Kps Siliceous plutonic rocks (Cretaceous) Kpm Mafic plutonic rocks (Cretaceous) Ug Granitic plutonic rocks (Late Jurassic) PRE-ACCRETION MIDDLE JURASSIC AND OLDER PLUTONIC ROCKS mjg Granitic plutonic rocks (Middle Jurassic) JTrg Granitic plutonic rocks (Early Jurassic and Late Triassic) JTru Ultramafic and mafic plutonic rocks (Early Jurassic and Late Triassic) IPzg Granitic to mafic plutonic rocks (late Paleozoic) mPzg Granitic plutonic rocks (middle Paleozoic) ePzg Granitic plutonic rocks (early Paleozoic) P_g Granitic plutonic rocks (Proterozoic) CRATON MARGIN AND OCEANIC ROCK UNITS NAM North America plate PAC Pacific plate TECTONO-STRATIGRAPfflC TERRANES [Arranged alphabetically by map symbol; inferred tectonic environment in parentheses] Arctic Alaska Superterrane AAD DeLong Mountains terrane (passive continental margin) AAE Endicott Mountains terrane (passive continental margin) AAH Hammond terrane (passive continental margin) AAN North Slope terrane (passive continental margin) AAT Tigara terrane (passive continental margin) AM Angayucham terrane (subduction zone - dominantly oceanic rocks) AP Aurora Peak terrane (continental margin arc) AX Alexander terrane (island arc) BP Broad Pass terrane (metamorphic) Chugach terrane CGM McHugh Complex and correlative units, and adjacent blueschist and greenschist (subduction zone - dominantly oceanic rocks) CGV Valdez Group and correlative units (accretionary wedge - dominantly turbidites) CH Chulitna terrane (ophiolite) CO Coldfoot terrane (displaced continental margin) CW Clearwater terrane (island arc) CZ Crazy Mountains terrane (passive continental margin) DL Dillinger terrane (passive continental margin) GD Goodnews terrane (subduction zone - dominantly oceanic rocks) KI Kilbuck-Idono terrane (cratonal) KY Koyukuk terrane (island arc) LG Livengood terrane (oceanic crust) MA Manley terrane (turbidite basin) MK McKinley terrane (sea mount) ML Maclaren terrane (continental margin arc) MN Minchumina terrane (passive continental margin) MNK Minook terrane (turbidite basin) MY Mystic terrane (passive continental margin) NX Nixon Fork terrane (passive continental margin) NY Nyac terrane (island arc) PC Porcupine terrane (passive continental margin) PE Peninsular terrane (island arc) PN Pingston terrane (turbidite basin) PW Prince William terrane (accretionary wedge - dominantly turbidites) KB Ruby terrane (displaced continental margin) SD Seward terrane (displaced continental margin) ST Stikinia terrane (island arc) SM Seventymite terrane (subduction zone - dominantly oceanic rocks) SU Susitna terrane (sea mount) TG Togiak terrane (island arc) TK Tikchik terrane (island arc) YE Venetie terrane (turbidite basin) WM White Mountains terrane (passive continental margin) WR Wrangellia terrane (island arc) WS Wickersham terrane (passive continental margin) WY Windy terrane (metamorphic) YA Yakutat terrane (accretionary wedge - dominantly turbidites) YO York terrane (passive continental margin) YT Yukon-Tanana terrane (displaced continental margin) MAP UNITS - RUSSIAN NORTHEAST POST-ACCRETION CENOZOIC AND UPPER CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Qs Sedimentary rocks (Cenozoic) QTs Continental and near-shore marine sedimentary rocks (Neogene, mainly Pliocene, Pliocene- Quaternary and Quaternary) eTs Continental sedimentary rocks (early Tertiary - Paleogene, Eocene and Eocene-Oligocene) eTvs Continental volcanic,
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