Oral Roberts University Digital Showcase Oracle: ORU Student Newspaper Oral Roberts University Collection 10-20-1972 Oracle (Oct 20, 1972) Holy Spirit Research Center ORU Library [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/oracle Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, and the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation ORU Library, Holy Spirit Research Center, "Oracle (Oct 20, 1972)" (1972). Oracle: ORU Student Newspaper. 100. https://digitalshowcase.oru.edu/oracle/100 This Periodical is brought to you for free and open access by the Oral Roberts University Collection at Digital Showcase. It has been accepted for inclusion in Oracle: ORU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Showcase. For more information, please contact [email protected]. rhe VOLUME 8, NUMBER ó ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY, TULSA, OKLAHOMA ocToBER 20,1972 At first public Mobee Center event Bi ly Grqhqm qddresses Tulsqns "Until you're ready to die, you're not In a T\resday press conference at the "What we call poverty would be woal- G¡ab,am was first introduced to the ready to live!" said Evangelist Billy Gra- First Baptist parlor, the evangelist appeared thy in any o,ther na,tion in the world. But ORU student bod,y Tluesday nþht when ham, speaking rWednesdaY night to î completely relaxed as he fielded questiono we are in real danger of moral decay he spent the evening taping a dlalogue crowd of over 9,000 at the ORU Mabee ooncerning world and religious affai¡s. througtr our permissive,society." with President Roberts fo¡ tfie next tele- vision speoial. Center. The service was the first public Viefnqm wqr soon over In an electi,on year where many clergy- event in the new center and in recognition men are running for office, Gratram said Graham said he never was more sur- "The be over in the of the 75th anniversary of the founding wa¡ in Vietnam will he would "rather figtrt the problems of prised than when he d¡ove to up to regardless who of the First Baptist Churcùr of Tulsa. Gra- the very near future of Washington than the devil anyday. The university and saw all the new buildings. presidential predicted ham's address was televised locally on wins the election," devil is a very tough opponent," he re- The last time he was in Tirlsa was in attend- Channel 8. Graham. rninded," and you've got to get up early 1967 whe¡ a standing-room only Appropriate for a college setting, Gra- "I think P¡esident Nixon is doing all and stay on your knees late to stay ahead ance was reoorded when the evangelist ham's topic for the evening was "the uni- he can. I don't think Sen. McGovern of him." made the principal address at the ORU could do anymore." dedication. versity of life' with its requirements and Grqhqm no golf Pro electives. Requirements include being Graham's personal friendship with the Leaving Tulsa Wednesday night, he born, dying, and facing judgement. These' P¡esident has earned him the title of the "Something terrible happened this after- embarked on a world tour which includes joked Graham emphas2ed, no man can escaPe. "White House Chaplain." noon," Graham as he referred to a major crusade in India, a stop in Switz- rWedn€sday Heaven or hell, the broad or na¡Tow Graham said he believes ttre United his golf game with Oral Rob- erland to plan the next world evangelism way, and the question, "What will you do States is "gaining on" its racial and eco- erts and the pastor of the First Baptist conference, and a visit with his son in with Jesus?" a¡e life's electives. nomic problems. Church, Dr. Warren C. Hultgren. England. Rennoissonce duo sloted Thursdoy In this a The Duo Perret-DeZayas will apP€ar at Oral Roberts University, Thursday, Octo- ber 26, at 8 p.m., in Zoppelt Auditorium. ,ssue oo The concert is sponsored by the Culrural Affairs Committee of the Student Senate, Thom Weaver, chairman. Mezzo soprano Anne Perret and classi- Letfers 2 cal guitarist Rodrigo De Zayas devote their talents to the music of the Renais- sance, returning directly to the original Cut' toke 208 2 texts instead of using "transcriptions" as do many musicians today. Bottr artists are Stoff vs. stoph 3 accomplished linguists. De Zayas speaks unaccented English, French, Italian, Span- ish, a¡rd Arabic. Anne Perret speaks all First Holloween bozoor ---3 the languages in which she sings, as well as her own ProvencáI, the language of the ABA bosketboll 4 Troubadour poets. Ms. Perret is the daughter of a prom- Brotherhood nips'Bunch' inent landowner in the south of France. --4 The De, Zayas family traces its origins back to.the first Moorish invasions and Titons begin proctice ----5 is therefore one of the oldest existing families ür Spain. Ms. Perret began her Figlet's Finds 6 singing éaseer in opera. When De Zayas heard her'sing he thought her voice and style were Þeffe.otly suited to the music of AWRT forms chopter ----6 the Renaissàäce. They gave their first joint recital in Seville in 1968, and made Student on their North American debut in Lincoln Center in November 19'11. Methodist boord 7 instruments tned the' concerts Rodrigo De Zoyos qnd Anne Perret will presenl on evening of lute ond song, October 2ó, The in 'Coptive' oudience 8 a¡o ttre guitar, tlre lute, the theoÈo, and of I p.m. in oppeh Auditorium. The duo speciolizes in lhe music of the Renoissonoe ond the vihuela. The specialized instn¡ments uses ihe originol fexts. ORU studenls trre encouroged to ottend lhis evenl which is spon- were specifically made for De Zayas by sored by the Student Senqte Culturul Affqirs Committee. Admission is free with the stu- the great Vera Brothers of Màdrid. denl ID cord. Poge 2-THE ORACLE, October 20, 1972 Letters to lhe ed itors Ed itorio I Orqcle reqders sound-off: Cut: tqke 208 politiGS, heqdphones, Cut: take 208. Cut: take 209. For so,me students six hours on Ms. Tuesday was spent learning patience. But for all students it was Republicon cloims eral. McGovern is probably the nothing to do with femininity. spent learning how a television special is filmed using a live audi- rnore honest of the two. Role differentiation (srrch as Therefore in the .,interest of making a distinction between ence. Probably '. r,,OrFGle ,biosed never before has an enti¡e student body had been fair play, I request the Oracle married and unmarried) among also provided with such a learning experience. Dear Editors: run an a¡ticle on the cam- women does breed mistrust, im- paign of John Schmitz. personality, inequal.ity. My letter is in'response to the and I am only 19 years All the glamour and excitement of Hollywood was eviden;t. as articles printed in last week's -' A disenchanted Republican old but I found that out fast! such well-known Oracle on President Nixon and personalities as Billy Graham, Raþh Car- Senator McGovern. Our offices Ms. does not affect femininity women; were called early last week by Reqder wqnts of role differentiation maechal, Gov. David Hall, and others were on hand. Reporters breeds the Oracle staff requesting ma- mistrust; and use of the from the local papers as well as a staff member from the New Yo,rk terial relative to the President's cleqnliness abbreviation is honorable. I know discreet positions on the issues of the '72 that or tactful us- Dear Editors: age Times were there to document the filming. Presidential campaign. We were of any abbreviation is good, I love the LRC, ap¡neciate hono¡able and told that an article would be I right. Such is the The session and the Graham service dial-access case 'taping the following night written from the Nixon view- the system, the slide of Ms. point presentations are out of this S.M.F. showed us just a glimpse of the events ccming soon to our campus and another from the Mc- world-but, Govern. What appeared the I h,ave one small re- in quest. and the i,mpact the new Mabee Center will have on our lives. Oracle was a watered-down ver- Can somebody something sion of a¡ issues analysis from a do Student vo¡ces about Freshmen will no longer have to borrow cars to travel to the Newsletter of the F¡iends Com- the headphones? There are 1,822 qpprec¡qtion mittee on National Legislation. students at ORU, and by Assernbly Center downtown. Hundreds of others will discover on the time I put on the headset T,he F.C.N.L. is a peace-orient- Editors: it appears that the 1,821 Dear carnpus employment ed group that lobb:es in Wash- other with extra spending cash. Pro-basketball beat me to them! I would like to express my ington for liberal legislation. appreciation games, broadway plays, philharmonic concerts and naturally cru- They have' opposed I admit that's an exaggeration, to the Sociology U. S. in- Club for asking Dr. Sha¡on volvement in Vietnam on reli- but the truútr is, nearly every Boi- sades and healing services will bring the entertainment world just time I reach for the headphones, ham, Assistant Pröfessor of So- gious grounds for years. Although ciology the F.C.N.L. claims a bit of "tidying up" neeCi to bé at Tulsa University, to a feiv steps away. to be politi speak on Wednes.day, cally neutral its done.
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