E1158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 22, 2011 residents. I ask all of my colleagues to join me With 2 stations, 25 active members, and 15 successful used car lot of his own in 1961. in recognizing Senior Officer Jones for his dis- inactive members, the Brooklawn Fire Com- Five years later, Don again retired, selling the tinguished career with the Grapevine Police pany is committed to the community. As vol- lot, and moved to Plymouth, Michigan. Bore- Department. unteers, these citizen fire fighters are often dom quickly set in and Don bought ‘‘a little f wrongly overlooked. They have dedicated their store that sold a couple hundred Oldsmobiles time and energy to uphold a simple promise: and fifty-sixty Cadillacs a year.’’ He intended AWARENESS OF DUCHENNE to answer the call of duty whenever the fire to work half days. A New Year’s Day 1967 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY alarm rings. Their sense of community blizzard dropped several feet of snow and reaches far beyond the borders of Brooklawn. while digging out to inventory his stock, the in- HON. JON RUNYAN When neighboring towns call for help, the domitable Don sold seven cars. In a short time OF NEW JERSEY Brooklawn Fire Company stands ready to Don Massey Cadillac would become the top IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES serve. Today, I honor these men for con- Cadillac dealer in the world, a title it would Wednesday, June 22, 2011 tinuing and keeping a century long tradition of hold consistently. service alive and thriving. Their heroism and A legendary salesman, Don believed in ac- Mr. RUNYAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to sacrifice are exemplary for the Borough of quainting himself with his customers. His raise awareness about Duchenne muscular Brooklawn and the entire South Jersey com- friendly approach brought him many a friend dystrophy. munity. and sold many a car. In 1981, Don Massey Duchenne is a progressive muscle disorder acquired the second of his many dealerships for which there is no cure and affects boys f when he purchased Capitol Cadillac located in disproportionately. According to Parent Project CONGRATULATING STEPHEN PHIL- Lansing, Michigan. Over the next decade he Muscular Dystrophy, the disease affects ap- IP SLADE FOR OBTAINING THE expanded his successful Southern charm to proximately 1 in 3,500 live male births. Condi- RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT Colorado, Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina, tions of the disease include deterioration of Kentucky, California and Texas. When Gen- the muscle tissue, abnormal bone develop- eral Motors launched its Saturn brand, Massey ment, paralysis and eventually death. HON. SANDY ADAMS opened the first of three Saturn dealerships in Earlier this year, my office was contacted by OF FLORIDA the Detroit area in 1990. Although he sold several families from my district whose young IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES every brand under the General Motors um- sons are living with Duchenne. Wednesday, June 22, 2011 brella, Don Massey became known as ‘‘The Duchenne takes lives too quickly, but due in Mrs. ADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Cadillac King’’. large part to research developments, there are Don Massey believed in his employees and congratulate Stephen Philip Slade for achiev- signs of hope. promoted from within. His distinctive Southern ing the rank of Eagle Scout. Over the last five years, Congress has ap- drawl was recognizable in radio commercials Stephen showed his dedication to his com- propriated $157 million to the National Insti- for his dealerships. While he was never one to munity and to scouting by fixing and painting tutes of Health for Duchenne efforts. In 2010, micromanage his businesses, he always left a rusted swing set for a local school in Merritt the NIH awarded three grants specifically to an imprint of his unassuming, personable Island, Florida. Throughout the history of the New Jersey institutions totaling $874,000. style, and was an active member of his com- Boy Scouts of America, the rank of Eagle Two of the grants were awarded to the Uni- munity. He co-sponsored the Plymouth Ice Scout has only been attained through dedica- versity of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jer- Sculpture contest, held an open barbecue on tion to concepts such as honor, duty, country sey, to explore treatments for congenital dis- the 4th of July and donated the lights to the eases, and the third went to TRIM-Edicine, for and charity. By applying these concepts to Plymouth baseball park bearing his name. He research of protein therapies for muscular dys- daily life, Christian has proven his true and wanted his wife Joyce to be remembered. trophy. complete understanding of their meanings, Massey built a wing on the Colorado hospital I hope these and other innovations bring us and thereby deserves this honor. she was treated in after a debilitating car acci- closer to finding the answers that we need to I offer my congratulations on a job well done dent and named it after her. Don partnered help and even cure Duchenne MD. and best wishes for the future. with the St. Joseph Mercy Health System to f f establish the Joyce M. Massey Traumatic HONORING DON MASSEY Brain Injury Day Treatment Center. A beautiful HONORING THE ONE HUNDRED garden at Madonna University, in my home- YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE town of Livonia, also bears the late Joyce BROOKLAWN VOLUNTEER FIRE HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER Massey’s name. COMPANY OF MICHIGAN As Don was nearing 70, offers to buy the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES colossal Massey conglomerate began. In HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS Wednesday, June 22, 2011 1998, he sold his three Saturn dealerships to OF NEW JERSEY General Motors. The next year GM bought his Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ann Arbor Cadillac showroom but an offer to to honor the extraordinary life of Don Massey Wednesday, June 22, 2011 purchase the rest of the Massey holdings was and to mourn him upon his passing at the age rejected. Don sold his portfolio of sixteen deal- Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of 83. erships in 2002 but he remained the voice of honor the Brooklawn Fire Company for its 100 Born in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee on April the dealership which still bears his name. One years of service to the citizens of Brooklawn. 28, 1928 to Samuel Henry and Ila Marie enduring piece of advice he shared, ‘‘Keep The brave men of the Brooklawn Fire Com- Massey, Don became enamored of the auto- both feet firmly on the ground and don’t over- pany have consistently displayed true heroism mobile business when, at the age of 14, he extend yourself—socially or financially.’’ and commitment throughout the past century. took a summer job as a porter at a Jackson- Sadly, on June 10, 2011, Don passed from I thank them for their service. ville, Florida Dodge dealership. Ten years later this earthly world to his eternal reward. Reunit- Founded in 1911, the Brooklawn Fire Com- Don, now married to his beloved Joyce, had ing in eternity with his beloved wife Joyce, pany was originally two separate departments. moved to Michigan with $300.00 and a love of daughter Joellen and brothers Tom and Sam After the Broadway Fire Company and cars. Employed at a used Desoto/Plymouth Henry, Don is survived by his children Donald Brooklawn Volunteer Company had served the dealership in Wayne, this natural salesman Jr. and Brenda, brother Bobby and sister area for a number of years, the two compa- moved on to Paul McGlone Chevrolet where Ruth. nies merged in order to increase efficiency he advanced to the position of General Man- Mr. Speaker, Don Massey will be long re- and enhance coverage. On January 27, 1942, ager within two years. Under his direction, membered as a dedicated husband, legendary the two became the Brooklawn Volunteer Fire McGlone became the number one Chevrolet businessman, philanthropist, community leader Company. Throughout this process, serving dealership in the world from 1958 until 1960. and above all as a friend. Don was a man the community was always the top priority. To Deteriorating health and a stern warning who deeply treasured his family, friends, com- this day, the men of the Brooklawn Fire Com- from his doctor dictated Don make drastic munity and his country. Today, as we bid Don pany are active public servants and dedicated changes to his heavy workload and, in 1960, Massey farewell, I ask my colleagues to join members of the community, sponsoring local he felt he had no choice but to retire. After me in mourning his passing and honoring his events and fostering a sense of safety in the several months, Mr. Massey felt well enough unwavering patriotism and legendary service Borough of Brooklawn. to begin a new venture and opened a very to our community and our country. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:18 Jun 23, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22JN8.013 E22JNPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS.
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