150 MEDICAL NEWS IN BRIEF Canad. M. A. J. July 15, 1956, vol. 75 GASEOUS DISTENSION 1 7 OF THE STOMACH Dr. Konar and his associates from Calcutta, India, PARKINSONISM IN THE AGED (J. Indian M.A., 26: 257, 1956) record experiments in artificial gaseous distension of the stomach. They Patients over 60 with Parkinson's disease are apt introduced a tube stomach to become extremely sensitive to the used Ryle into the through a commonly nostril and then distended the stomach with up to drugs, such as belladonna, atropine and synthetic drugs 2,000 c.c. of air. Patients were asked what symptoms of the Artane type. In making this statement, Schwab felt when the (J. Am. Geriat. Soc., 4: 491, 1956) points out they stomach was distended with air. that All complained of a feeling of distension in the abdo- the often follows a sensitivity pattern. The patient men and some remarked that they felt as if their can take the medicine usually in the morning without abdomen would burst. This symptom usually much but a dose taken in the appeared too difficulty evening after introduction of 800 induces confusion and hallucinations. In c.c. of air. Nausea was an addition, the early symptom and eructatioh of gas and passage of drugs tend to retention or produce urinary constipa- flatus also occurred. Cases were divided into two tion, and the total amount given may have to be cut groups, one suffering from liver cirrhosis, emphysema, down to as much as a half or a quarter of that given heart in middle-age. disease, anxmia and hepatosplenomegaly, while the other group consisted of controls without these diseases. In general, the patients suffering from em- METACORTANDRACIN IN physema of the lungs, compensated heart disease and MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS liver cirrhosis felt the above symptoms more readily than did the controls. Some of the first group In a French hospital for chronic internal medical also conditions, 56 patients with multiple sclerosis, mostly complained of palpitation, dyspncea and precordial of duration between five and 20 years and never in distress. The authors mention as a side-effect the facil- an early stage, were treated with metacortandracin in ity with which the liver was visualized in straight radio- doses of 20 mg. or less daily. The drug was given by graphs of the abdomen after the stomach had been mouth and seldom gave rise to side-effects. After five distended with 1,500-2,000 c.c. of air. months the authors are of the opinion that metacort- andracin was of definite benefit in a proportion of cases. Of 56 patients treated, 26 did not respond, five PRIMARY CARCINOMA OF THE OVARY had treatment stopped, and two died, but 23 showed improvement in varying proportions and in some cases From Montreal, Davis and his colleagues present a sufficient to permit of considerable rehabilitation. study of a series of 2 70 cases of primary ovarian Effects of the drug appeared to include great improve- carcinoma treated in the period between 1930 and ment in general condition, with the consequent healing 1954 (Surg., Gynec. & Obst., 102: 565, 1956). They of bedsores etc., an improvement in the mental state, present a new method of staging cases clinically into diminution in contractures and motor power recovery. -Presse me'd., 64: 1005, 1956. seven groups according to the progress of the disease. In stage 0 there was carcinoma in situ with no invasion of the stroma; in stage I there was gross malignancy PROMETHAZINE FOR PINWORMS confined to the ovary; in stage II the ovarian capsule One hundred patients infested with pinworms were had been broken through, but there was no manifest given a single oral dose at bedtime of promethazine, spread beyond the gland; in stage IIA both ovaries 125 mg., and the results were studied by use of were affected, but there were no metastases; in stage cellophane tape swabs taken 10 days or more after III metastases throughout the pelvis were present; in treatment. Of the patients, 97 were freed of infection stage IV metastases had gone beyond the pelvis and in by this single dose, and in no case was a serious toxic stage IVL the liver was involved. In assessing results reaction observed. Promethazine (Phenergan) is there- of treatment, the authors believe that some inter- fore recommended as a non-toxic and cheap method of treating pinworm infestation.-Avery, J.A.M.A., nationally agreed form of staging is essential, and they 161: 681, 1956. advance the view that theirs is a useful and logical classification. Their results indicate that the best ULTRASONIC RADIATION IN THE therapy for these cases, which have a bad prognosis in general, is hysterectomy combined with TREATMENT OF EPICONDYLITIS bilateral adnexal removal. They differ from most authors in Ultrasonic radiation applied under water to the believing that x-ray therapy is not at all useful, either entire extensor area of the forearm is recommended for palliation or for increasing the salvage rate. In by Aldes (G.P., 13: 89, 1956), particularly in com- bination with local injection of hydrocortisone, in the their series, hysterectomy alone was at least the equal treatment of epicondylitis of traumatic origin. In 126 of operation plus x-ray. The over-all uncorrected five- cases, Aldes obtained the best results by this combined year survival rate was 37.6%. method. (Continued on advertising page 40) Canad. M. A. J. 40 July 15, 1956, vol. 75 MEDICAL NEWS in brief illustrated by three case reports, tract. He suggests that the obses- Vague of Marseille (Presse med., sional desire of certain Nordic males (Continued from page 150) 64: 949, 1956) discusses this "pan- to transform themselves into CHANGE OF SEX demic". He says that persons females is related to the gradual requesting change of sex belong approach in western society to- Since at the end of 1952 the to a well-recognizable category. wards a matriarchy, such as has not world press began to acquaint the In three-quarters of the cases, it is been seen since the Trojan War. public with the news that it was an apparent male who wishes to He is opposed to the performance possible to change one's sex, certain be transformed into a female. Care- of this type of operation, except in endocrinologists in various centres ful examination of the subject will very exceptional cases. have been bombarded by requests disclose that he has some faults of for the necessary operation. Ham- male development (distribution of burger of Copenhagen received 755 fat, bone characters). Vague thinks SKIMMED MILK requests in a single year; these it probable that, for example, in AND KWASHIORKOR requests came from all over the France there are about a million world, with a very high percentage persons whose somatic-differentia- Pretorius and his colleagues from (38%) coming from the United tion is not in accord with that of South Africa (South African M. J., States. In an article on this subject, their gonads or of their genital 30: 447, 1956) report further studies on the use of skimmed milk in the protein-deficiency disease in chil- dren, known as kwashiorkor. They confirm that this is the treatment of choice and have shown in their most recent studies that neither vitamin nor protein supplementa- tion of ordinary skimmed milk makes the therapeutic result any better. It does appear that high standards of preparation and pack- aging of dried milk products are of importance in obtaining results, as shown by healing of skin lesions, loss of aedema and improvement in appetite and well-being, together with a rise in serum albumin level. INTERNSHIPS IN FRANCE Our contemporary, l'Union Med- icale du Canada, announces the success of a visit of the deans of the faculties of medicine of Laval and the University of Montreal .... .. who visited France to discuss the possibility of their graduates doing ............................................ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ..:s......:,..,......:..: internships in French hospitals. It W. D. LAVERTY-25 years milk laboratory experience-conducts quantitative butterfat test now appears that graduates from on evaporated milk using the Majonnier method and testing equipment. these two medical schools will be able to spend some time in Paris Just one of a number of checks and possibly in provincial French hospitals, serving as third- and During processing, Farmer's_t<! Wife Formula Milks constantly fourth-year interns with the usual undergo a number of tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.in the plant and laboratory. Even emoluments.... and...........responsibilities after vacuum sealing in the most modern type of container, attached to these posts. In view of the quality of the individual can and contents is verified. the great importance attached in It is this kind of constant check that leads doctors, paedia- France to these internships and the tricians and hospitals from coast to coast to confidently difficulty there is in obtaining them, recommend Farmer's Wife Formula Milks. this successful d6marche on behalf * Evaporated whole milk * Concentrated skimmed milk of Canadian students must be * Concentrated partly skimmed milk hailed as a success. Farmerss Wife COCONUT IN THERAPY COW AND GATE (CANADA) LIMITED Shah and his colleagues from 7-6 Bombay (Indian 1. M. Res., 44: 341, "Specialists in the Preparation of Milk Foods for Infant Feeding" (Continued on page 43) Canad. M. A. J. 43 July 15, 1956, vol. 75 MEDICAL NEWS in brief majority of highly developed . (Continued from page 40) countries. Highest on the list of cancer deaths-from 39 to 73% of 1956) describe the use of coconut the total, according to country-are water as a therapeutic aid in con- those caused by cancer of the gestive cardiac failure.
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