-3 ' 5 9 ’o c j / l ? / ? ; :STcftN MICOOOaArHl-ICS - m -r • £ 2 0 0 i; S COr'f'cRCc 0- SAILT L l LA<= .CITY bTf'Lnz -.V. T G o o d n ) 6rnlng r ^ Housse set ~ r’T63ay’s forecast: For^erjpul Sunny w ilh highs. 40I to 45 degrees. WcM n> MUiihwrtt windsJ s 2 ^ to IS mpli. Lows near 20 tlcgroes- eafcena 7 P a g a A 2 WM to wt sZtE^lfynTL'-^ m W comjp biU P arks stpw ard retin Alter watcliing his rcsp'^sponsibiliiics - but noi his staff - grow,>\v. Tw in Halls' B y K aren Tolkkinen long-scrvini; parks ilircciorlor is retirin^^ Timcs-News writer r ^1599 9 6 BOISl- As early a CSI miSy^ m o n e y Monday, lawmakers in tli >cy •Idaho -House could voti.ia ilA i Rep. Ron Black mny haveiavc found a way wJiothcr 10 extend worker’:r’S pen on the House lloor.or. ^ snid to pla^alc the anti-tax force:rces that threaten compensation insurance■ t'to Rep. Robert Sehacfer.fer. R- to lake money from the College of • • fiirni workers - or the;>cy. Nampa, the commitm iiicc SouUiem ld;»ho. could vole to amend ththe chairman. Schaefer.L-r. Ihe . • P ag « A 8. H ‘ bill. only one lo vole ayaiiislinsi the The H ouse H um an Rcl^c- measure, said it wasas > siill , ^ sources Committee voteted possible that the HoH ouse ^ • 1 1-1 10 send a hill removin'ing could vote lo add ame■imeiul- ' ■ the agriculture exemptloton meiils proposed by yR Rep. igh from the worker s comper>en- Bruce Newcomb. R-Hur■ Hurley, Picabo zips through sation inftiranee mandatee tto Newcomb proposed elmchang- Al\er voicing dissaiisfaisfaetion over the • t.al the House with the tecon3m* . ing the m easiire ^0) 1 ^i^ .n v * ___ downhill cours< in NoriJorway. Pieabo __ liiicpdaiion-tliai-il pass-unimil- farmcrs.a' eiiotcL-_u»_~nro''provide----------- Strccl raced through i(t f;fast enoCigh to - mended. - ..........either worker's compeliipensa- ntrstqicloscrtoa- land in firr;t placc and o n rr But anything could ha[»'P- . Please seo FARMRM/A2 I downhill title. P a g e B S El ' CSI opens on diamiimond ' . H ere's how to conlacact your local law m akers: The Golden Eagle babaseball team. • Phone - 208-334-21-2000 or 1-800-626-0471I ■ ■ ■ ranked N o. 7 in the prepre-season poll. • E-mail - [email protected] hope.s to display a wholelole new altitude • Fax: 208-334-5397 this season. • U.S. M all-Idaho3 ;Stale Legislature, StateI CaCapi- ! tol Building. P.O. Box< i83720, Boise. ID. 83720-00)-0038 j (Senate) or 83720-008)81 (House). ' ■ i ou are . | O ut of the running Address communica'ations to the lawmaker you 1 ng . M trying to conlact. Jerome. Decio and Shoiihoshonc'dropped into the loser's brackcLs.s TThursday in the early session of the boys’'s’ ^ stale basketball' championships. _____ House sc;raps farmn ! — P ag o B fr7— - - B crop sub!>sidy syster; m I Knigbt-Riddcr News spending and less govgovern- S ^ c c mcnt. But it was onlyv aa. siep; ' ; in tw o extrem ely>• e Lazer Vaudeville relanied I- arly fo r S u s a n a n d R o gor e r S : ta le y o f C astlo fo rd . WASHINGTON TThe voles, the House rela '■ . An innovntivc enterlaTtainmcnt troupe -j-j, }tan Scott Staley came oar House approved a sweepi;ping controversial subsidie;idies for will bring its net to town•n nnext week. gned sugar and peanuts,;. w hich P ag e B1 fann bill Thursday design The Feb. 29 arrival of Tristai to grant more fiexibiliiyly to- c ritic s say in fla te Ifood farmers, aid the rural en-:nvi- prices. Tales of Jane p ’ into)Jife ronme'nt and keep fo'food Idaho's Republican;in nrepre- es ‘lea] rapo and The O akley-V alley ArArts Council es* prices generally stable; 1for sentalives. Mike Crapo says "Calamity Jane " : consumers. Helen Chenoweih. votei/oled for cinl 10 sav about thenemselves,"' prised hisIts parent.s by c6 ming five --------- p « g « B l------ 1--------- Babit [eini)u5rcxpectcd-=-and-b>—•— 7- — Dubbcd-lhe-^l‘reedomm -to— ihc-moaKurtfi— . ig a Leap Year days later Of course, being : Fann" plun,’ the seven-y<•year -We have changediged the .Ti lique drawbacks not being-ig-a girl. Hilda and Wayne baby has some uniq b ill w ould scrap the vi farm-program world."Id." said Poco’s here -By-JuIioM;-McKimioii-----------n an d and advantages, as; TTristan-and oth- Boeger ha’haven’t yet selected a name r 8 -pound. 6 -ounce infani. system of Depression-c'*'^'■‘1 • House Agriculture Commit-Con li’s hot. but “ Pocahonii:Dnias." now'out on Timcs-News writer ing an er babies born aerc:ross the Mogic for their 8 9:43 a.m. Thursday ai St. crop-subsidies for gniin’ a lee Chairman Pal Roheris.Rol: -video, is no “Lion King." and Wood River valvalleys Thursday bom at 9: TWIN FALLS - Susan J Benedictscts Family Medical Centerr cotton farmers. P ag e B1 1 Scott will Hndout. In its place, the bill gu R-K»n- Roger Staley were expectingrd par- Shonly after their:ir first birthdays, in Jerome,nc. r,»c.i - Countered Mark lipsleinlip isn’t until Hilda Boegerr antecs those farmers fix ;r group Easier baby. ; early, they'll have to juijump right into It wasti i payments that, slowly c,1!. with the consumer g But not only did Tristan S< [ they'll only be ' found outjut her due date and looked Public Voice, " ’l-'he Repthli-Rej- is first kindergarten. But t J dine over the next sev Staley surprise his Cnstleford ] to their 50-year at a 1996)6 calendar'that1 she realized Id can leadership stabbedibed con- com 'e^ 17 when they.go tc r years. The subsidies woi entsaf b'y coming five weeks ea ,ns. she couldlid even have a Leap Year 1 sumers in the backc ... Spe- . • • _ ot high school reunions cost S35 billioii. much I Beat that bite he'also decided to make his:cision. f • “Everyone moktkes a big deal baby. , ‘ ^ ciiil ihlcrests-carriedd thithe day n Staley didn’t realize it un- than farm programs over lents should spenk *• appearance^ on a day-that 1 cotLeap about New Year’ss iand stuff. Yoq Susan S and consumers got rollcrolled." Magic Valley resident Abater broke at I a.m. Thurs- lust five years. an income tax sur- Yonce every four years. • ,, "The don't think aboutI iit (Lepp Year) til herw at 270- Hou.se did killill a con- up now and head o(T an d the Staleys ot-first tried toD The meaiiure passed 2' charge'passed by the: IdIdaho House, to- ■•It seems like it’s his decisuitc the until you hove one.'e." Hilda B'oeger day. and:t ib crs iroversial daif>- plan.tiin.to add Wc said Easter. He said L convincece themselves it was just-,t-.. 155, as H ouse m em b' :very ear- day’-s editorial advises. o f Gooding said, were persuaded it was a1 sstep powdered milk to cver^ . P . g . A r Year."'i' Roger Staley said.ng '" spe- Boegcr's secondnd son also sur- Please see LEAP/A2 lower totiofm ilk, year 2000 is going to be quite ^ toward ir freer market. lo\ little parly. "Everyone's got somethinginks ; reptitilepets" Hani^ n toleljavejail Worth the cost Going on a trip? Trav<ravel insurance can ' . Vgency lii be priccy. but mny: be woworth it 'w d ' P age C l i i in area c:hildren on re^educed s<Sentence 'c staiemenis required ofcongringress- j. The Asociiited Prc^9I closure :o illness ii your lifestyles,”i,” said department nurse epi- m en oronly applied to the e.xecutcutiv e :hcryle Bccker. "Reptiles just h — nul llie judieitil or legislai.islalive . • Time demiologisl Cht ■ BOISE — A rcdcralerul judge Thursday branch • have, the potentintial for carrying-this kind of reduced the 48-inonlonth federal bank branchehes. y Jylie M. McKinnon It invulidaied'the 19K4 convictivic'tion 5-monih-old thing.” , fraud prison term of.fomier f fc Idaho Con- That Gap in the GOPP imes-NewsT \ writer hich Hansen served neariy■ a >year Salmonella e.can cause various diseases,I j grcssman George Hunslunscn to 40'months, ' -for whi Conversations %vith SoSouth Carolina pri- died : Virginia prison and changedged the nd a'Burley including footlod poisoning and typhoidi|. clearing the way fo'f',0 ^, 1his imjninent rc- in the ^ . mary voters suggest; a great gap to be TWINA FALLS - A, Burley 3-m )c spread through meat, poul- itions under which he shouldm id he fever. It can be jj. lease. condiii' - -filled to unite.Rcpublicaricans in the full. l5-yed last October. ;t reptiles in try. eggs and fefeces; symptom.s include ab- U.S, Distriet Judge senlencineed on the bank fraud convictifiction, P ag e A3 Al • The decision by U,: In addition,-Lodge apparelarenily - A Twin Falls 6 .monih-old and i -dominal pain,. cdiarrhea, fever, nausea and Edward Lodge «;.ssCni.cntially re- ^ —i . theirS-year-old got sick lost month. looked favorably on Riinft'snft's ar- trict Health’ • vomiting.' ducc.s Hansen's seni to All had ^Im onella ^ a n d pet rc ts o f the 6 -montb-old said gumcnts ihai hniisen deserviicrve<l a Pilots like Xomcaf Tiing people The parents time served when tht e six- rat leir homes.
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