United Nations E/2009/INF/2/Add.1 Economic and Social Council Distr.: General 21 August 2009 Original: English Resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its substantive session of 2009 (Geneva, 6-31 July 2009) Note: The provisional texts of the resolutions and decisions adopted by the Council at its substantive session of 2009 are circulated herein for information. The final texts will be issued in Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2009, Supplement No. 1 (E/2009/99). 09-49043 (E) 061009 *0949043* E/2009/INF/2/Add.1 Contents Resolutions Resolution number Title Agenda item Date adopted Page 2009/1 Progress in the implementation of General Assembly 3 (a) 22 July 2009 12 resolution 62/208 on the triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system (E/2009/L.18 and E/2009/SR.32) 2009/2 Appointment of the Executive Director of the 3 (b) 22 July 2009 19 United Nations Population Fund (E/2009/L.19 and E/2009/SR.32) 2009/3 Strengthening of the coordination of emergency 5 22 July 2009 20 humanitarian assistance of the United Nations (E/2009/SR.32) 2009/4 Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Haiti (E/2009/L.13 and 7 (d) 23 July 2009 24 E/2009/SR.34) 2009/5 Recovering from the crisis: a Global Jobs Pact 6 (a) 24 July 2009 26 (E/2009/L.24 and E/2009/SR.35) 2009/6 Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 7 (g) 24 July 2009 27 (UNAIDS) (E/2009/L.23 and E/2009/SR.36) 2009/7 Assessment of the progress made in the 13 (b) 24 July 2009 32 implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society (E/2009/31, chap. I.A, draft resolution I, and E/2009/SR.36) 2009/8 Science and technology for development 13 (b) 24 July 2009 38 (E/2009/31, chap. I.A, draft resolution II, and E/2009/SR.36) 2009/9 The need to harmonize and improve United Nations 7 (c) 27 July 2009 43 informatics systems for optimal utilization and accessibility by all States (E/2009/L.30 and E/2009/SR.38) 2009/10 United Nations System Staff College in Turin, Italy 15 27 July 2009 44 (E/2009/L.27 and E/2009/SR.38) 2009/11 Europe-Africa fixed link through the Strait of 10 28 July 2009 45 Gibraltar (E/2009/L.21 and E/2009/SR.39) 2009/12 Mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies 7 (e) 28 July 2009 47 and programmes in the United Nations system (E/2009/L.20 and E/2009/SR.40) 2 09-49043 E/2009/INF/2/Add.1 Resolution number Title Agenda item Date adopted Page 2009/13 Future operation of the International Research and 14 (a) 28 July 2009 48 Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (E/2009/27, chap. I.C, draft resolution I, and E/2009/SR.40) 2009/14 Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women 14 (a) 28 July 2009 49 (E/2009/27, chap. I.C, draft resolution II, and E/2009/SR.40) 2009/15 Future organization and methods of work of the 14 (a) 28 July 2009 52 Commission on the Status of Women (E/2009/27, chap. I.C, draft resolution III, and E/2009/SR.40) 2009/16 Working Group on Communications on the Status of 14 (a) 28 July 2009 54 Women of the Commission on the Status of Women (E/2009/27, chap. I.C, draft resolution IV, and E/2009/SR.40) 2009/17 Review of United Nations support for small island 13 (a) 29 July 2009 54 developing States (E/2009/L.35 and E/2009/SR.42) 2009/18 Report of the Committee of Experts on Public 13 (g) 29 July 2009 56 Administration on its eighth session (E/2009/44, chap. I, and E/2009/SR.42) 2009/19 Work of the Committee of Experts on the Transport 13 (m) 29 July 2009 58 of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (E/2009/55, chap. I, and E/2009/SR.42) 2009/20 Social dimensions of the New Partnership for 14 (b) 30 July 2009 63 Africa’s Development (E/2009/26, chap. I.A and E/2009/SR.44) 2009/21 Technical assistance for implementing the 14 (c) 30 July 2009 67 international conventions and protocols related to terrorism (E/2009/30, chap. I.A, and E/2009/SR.44) 2009/22 International cooperation in the prevention, 14 (c) 30 July 2009 69 investigation, prosecution and punishment of economic fraud and identity-related crime (E/2009/30, chap. I.B, draft resolution I, and E/2009/SR.44) 2009/23 Support for the development and implementation of 14 (c) 30 July 2009 73 the regional programmes of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (E/2009/30, chap. I.B, draft resolution II, and E/2009/SR.44) 09-49043 3 E/2009/INF/2/Add.1 Resolution number Title Agenda item Date adopted Page 2009/24 International cooperation to prevent, combat and 14 (c) 30 July 2009 75 eliminate kidnapping and to provide assistance to victims of kidnapping (E/2009/30, chap. I.B, draft resolution III, and E/2009/SR.44) 2009/25 Improving the collection, reporting and analysis of 14 (c) 30 July 2009 77 data to enhance knowledge on trends in specific areas of crime (E/2009/30, chap. I.B, draft resolution IV, and E/2009/SR.44) 2009/26 Supporting national and international efforts for 14 (c) 30 July 2009 80 child justice reform, in particular through improved coordination in technical assistance (E/2009/30, chap. I.B, draft resolution V, and E/2009/SR.44) 2009/27 United Nations Institute for Training and Research 15 30 July 2009 82 (E/2009/L.37 as orally revised and corrected and E/2009/SR.44) 2009/28 The role of the United Nations system in 4 31 July 2009 84 implementing the ministerial declaration on the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to sustainable development adopted at the high-level segment of the 2008 substantive session of the Economic and Social Council (E/2009/L.44 and E/2009/SR.45) 2009/29 Role of the Economic and Social Council in the 4, 6, 8 31 July 2009 86 integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits, in light of relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 61/16 (E/2009/L.32 and E/2009/SR.45) 2009/30 A strengthened and more effective 6 (a) 31 July 2009 88 intergovernmental inclusive process to carry out the financing for development follow-up (E/2009/L.36 and E/2009/SR.45) 2009/31 Implementation of the Programme of Action for the 6 (b) 31 July 2009 92 Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001- 2010 (E/2009/L.39 as orally revised and E/2009/SR.45) 2009/32 African countries emerging from conflict 7 (f) 31 July 2009 96 (E/2009/L.33/Rev.1 and E/2009/SR.45) 2009/33 Support to Non-Self-Governing Territories by the 9 31 July 2009 96 specialized agencies and international institutions associated with the United Nations (E/2009/L.26 and E/2009/SR.45) 4 09-49043 E/2009/INF/2/Add.1 Resolution number Title Agenda item Date adopted Page 2009/34 Economic and social repercussions of the Israeli 11 31 July 2009 100 occupation on the living conditions of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan (E/2009/L.42 and E/2009/SR.45) 2009/35 Report of the Committee for Development Policy on 13 (a) 31 July 2009 105 its eleventh session (E/2009/L.43 and E/2009/SR.45) 09-49043 5 E/2009/INF/2/Add.1 Decisions Decision number Title Agenda item Date adopted Page 2009/201 D Elections, nominations, confirmations and 1 27 July 2009 107 appointments to subsidiary and related bodies of the Economic and Social Council (E/2009/SR.38) 2009/213 Agenda and organization of work for the substantive 1 6 July 2009 108 session of 2009 of the Economic and Social Council (E/2009/100 and Corr.1, E/2009/L.8, E/2009/L.9, E/2009/CRP.1 and CRP.2, E/2009/SR.8) 2009/214 Operational activities for development (E/2009/L.15 3 (a) 22 July 2009 109 and E/2009/SR.32) 2009/215 Documentation considered by the Economic and 3 and 3 (a) 22 July 2009 109 Social Council in connection with operational and (b) activities of the United Nations for international development cooperation (E/2008/34/Rev.1, E/2008/35, E/2009/5, E/2009/6, E/2009/14, E/2009/34 (Part I) and Add.1, E/2009/36, E/2009/61, E/2009/103, E/2009/L.11, DP/2009/9, DP/2009/22 and E/2009/SR.32) 2009/216 Report of the High-level Committee on South-South 3 (c) 22 July 2009 110 Cooperation on its sixteenth session (E/2009/SR.32) 2009/217 Documentation considered by the Economic and 7 (a) 24 July 2009 110 Social Council in connection with reports of coordination bodies (A/64/16, E/2009/67 and E/2009/SR.35) 2009/218 Provisional calendar of conferences and meetings in 7 (h) 24 July 2009 111 the economic, social and related fields for 2010 and 2011 (E/2009/L.10 and E/2009/SR.35) 2009/219 Report of the Commission on Science and 13 (b) 24 July 2009 111 Technology for Development on its twelfth session and provisional agenda and documentation for the thirteenth session of the Commission (E/2009/31, chap.
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