f! m®}-'K^v Thing to Be Feared. "No, the fenr of falling never en­ "Save Money on Meat" ters my head," said the aviator to his New Road Through Res­ News of White Earth paping hearers. "What scares me is and Vicinity. 9 the danger of stalling my engine about ervation. Dates Set. two miles up and not being able to get Leecy s down. Work is being pushed on a new "The Department of Justice has "/ know not what the truth may be, I tell It as 'twas told to me." Art Note. road through this reservation, and announced the dates of "Save An art writer of Boston says there while we are not informed just Money on Meat" Week in the is now very little for the painters to Daylight do but flght. Why don't they paint where the road begins and ends various States. During these Peter C. Martin has been on the portraits of porterhouse steaks smoth­ it is stated by persons who claim weeks an effort will be made to sick list for several days past. ered with onions?—Houston Post. to be familiar with the preliminary reduce materially the prices of the James Sweet was among the survey that the road is to run cuts of beef, pork and lamb now STORE visitors at Detroit the first of the • v* Daily Thought. from Detroit to Bagley, or from in heavy demand by showing con­ week. Every person Is responsible for all .Pelican Kapids through Detroit sumers the advantage of turning the good within the scope of his abil­ ities, and for no more, and none can and on to Bagley. Workmen are to those which are equally nutri­ FOR SALE—One crate(3 sheets) General Merchants tall whose sphere Is the largest.—Gall now engaged in clearing right-of- tions but which cost much less. sheet plaster, size of sheets 8 x 4 ft. We Carry a Full Line of Staple and Fancy Hamilton. way through U>wuships 141—40 The first "Save Money on Meat" Inquire at this office. and 142—40 on the reservation. week, which has been previously W. R. Leecy came in from the Groceries, Dry Goods A. O, SLETVOLD There seems to be a difference of announced, will be held from Sprofka saw mill for a short visit opinion as to whether this is a March 22 to March 27 throughout Monday. Flour and Feed State road or a railroad project, each of the following States: LAWYER Attorney A. J. Powers, of Mah­ some are of tyhe opinion that it is Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, Penn­ PRACTICES IN ALL COURTS. nomen, transacted business at the Notary Public Telephone 175. to be branch of the Great Northern sylvania, New York, Iowa, Indi­ Agency during the week. Office Over Security State Bank Railway and is to run from Peli' ana, Michigan, New Jersey. Our Aim is to Please Detloit, . - Minnesota. can Rapids to Bagley where it will The week beginning March 29 Niles Beau pre came up from connect with the Great Northern's will be "Save Money ou Meat" Detroit Saturday night for an IfkjHIM I FF:fyY WHITE EARTH, line there, while others are of the week in: over Sunday visit with his family *#*-r*#/Y l-£~f-lyf; MINNESOTA. opinion that it is a State road on Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, here. Dennison Wheeicok which the work is being pushed. Washington, New Hamphire, Con Mrs. J. Biesemeier and Mrs. ********* COUNSELLOR AT LAW In either event it would be well necticut, Khode Island, Oregor, Robt. VanWerr, of Mahnomen, lor those holding allotments or California. and were White E»rth callers the latter owning land in the vicinity of Tl^e week beginning April 5 will paj*t of last week. Solicitor in Chancery townships 141—40 and 142—40 to be "Save Money on Meat" week FOR SALE—One upright heater Interior Department Practice. investigate and find out just what in the pistrict of Columbia and with 18 inch fire pot. For particu­ The Cash Grocery Indian Law a Speciality. is being done, as we understand the following States: lars inquire of Mr. Frank Belle- 511 Mincham blp., Green Bay, Wis. there is considerable timber being Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, "AN OLD STORE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT." t court, White Earth, Minn. cut in >he work of clearing the South Carolina, Florida, Mississip right of way. pi, Arkansas, Missouri, West The severe storm of Monday Having purchased the business formerly conducted Virginia, Delaware, North Caro­ night and Tuesday raised havoc by N. H. Beaulieu in the village, I have increased the J. H. BALDWIN lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, with the telephone lines in this stock and will carry a full line of Louisiana. vicinity. ATTORNEY AT LAW Service Men, Attention! Staple and Fancy Groceries The week beginning April 12 Mrs. B. S. Fairbanks is absent t will be "Save Money on Meat" on business in connection with her Some eighteen thousand men in Smoked and Salt Meats week in each of the following deceased fathers's estate at Coeur If razee, Minn. the States of Minnesota, North r States: daleme, Idaho. Flour9 Feed, etc. Dakota, South Dakota and Mon ' Texas, Kansas, South Dakota, SALESMAN WANTED—to so­ tana who under th<*. terms of a North Dakota, Idaho, Nevada. licit orders for lubricating oils, retroactive Federal compensation Colorado* New Mexico, Oklahoma, I have added a new department to my already growing greases and paints. Salary or act are receiving checks of from Nebraska, Minnesota, Montana, business in form of a Frank IT. Beaulieu. Commission. Address The Victor §200 to $900 each are now opening Wyoming, Utah, Arizona. Oil Co , Cleveland, Ohio. ATTORNEY AT LAW. more than their share of mail. Be­ On each day of "Save Money 19 Cent Counter lieving that a large percentage of on Meat" week some particular Jane Lucy, 2-year-okl daughter Huudreds of useful articles at a triffling cost. •l these men are unfamiliar with cut or cuts of the inexpensive of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith of Call and be Convinced. I Hr - White Earth, investments, many a Sam Slick variety will be featured and . will this village, died last Friday. The has adopted them as his bosom be sold at a low price. Retailers funeral wa« held Sunday from the GOO. A. SWeet. Ivhite Earth, Minn. friends, offering, as a special who hitherto have not carried in Episcopal church. favor, large bocks of "Blue Sky CASH PAID FOR HIDES. stock some of the less costly cuts Supervisor O. H. Lipp«, of the Hotel Inc." at a "ground floor" price. 0 IkJkl'ttlii fflh ilk fffri ttk, iffiL Tk MK isM because their customers did not department of Indian Affair , and l B That these eighteen thousand p W m W W W *w ^fir^r^fir^Wfc ask for them intend to iay in ade Dr. Newberg, medical supervisor men, all of them disabled in the HI A WA THA quate quantities of such portions in the Indian Service, spent sever­ service of their country, may be of meat. If the consumers will al days at White Earth during the in danger of losing their capital is Norman McArthur Prop. take advantage of the highly past week ou business connected a fact that should be guarded nutritious and palatable pieces of with their respective departments. against by the loyal citizens in meat which are relatively inexpen­ Board by Day or Week. Good every commnnity. sive, the saving effected will be FOR SALE—House and lot for Meals, Clean Beds. Unless the money is to be used tremendous, and the slackened sale cheap," house has 6 rooms and in a personal business, advice as demand for the cuts now popular village water connections In­ quire of Mrs. Geo. Pt Fairbanks, to investment should be requested will result in lower prices thereon. White Earth, Minn. Livery in Connection. from'bankers or well known busi­ Under present conditions the THEPIONEERS TORE price of the choicest cuIs are/ in ness men. As a means of saving Series of Choosir.53. R. P. FAIRBANKS, Prop, Buss Meets all Trains extreme instances fifty or sixty ( untitil a business opportunity Life is one long series p\ choosmgs. cents higher per pound than the this way or that? Shall we do or arises, a safe loss proof method is price of ether good, wholesome eave undone? The questions fill every, VVHITEEAUrH, Minnesota. an investment in United States meat from the same animal. ionr of every day, and by our wise Dry Goods, Clothing, <->r foolish answers we write our his- treasury Savings Certificates. ory. Versatile Windmill. " oTAPLE AND FANCY White Earth A windmill in Europe grinds grain FOR SALE—Two lots-lots 11 The Fault Is Yours. to flour for a baker and then mixes Never complain that your confidence >tnd 12 in block 25, in Waubun, and kneads it into dough. ;as been betrayed. The fault is yours Bus and Ex- Minn., located one' block from or pouring unsafe talk into a leaky GROCERIES depot. Cheap if taken by April Hold Up Your Head. niinrt. You do not blame a leaky pail for leaking. Blame yourself for not 1st. Inquire of Lizzie La Prairie, A pig's nose is nearly always In ths press Line. ground. *: • snowing it leaked.—Life. 1112 West 2nd St., IJuluth, Minn. P. C. MARTIN, Prep. Cactus Candy. Cash Paid for Hides, Louisiana "has a new product. It is •actus candy'. The cactus is peeled, White Earh, - - Minn. Let me do your Can You Make Good 'lipped in hot sirup or molasses arrl '•oated with powdered sugar.
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