• 1937 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE Lt. Comdr. Joseph Greenspun to be commander with Victor H. Krulak Robert E~ Hammel rank from May 1, 1937; and George C. Ruffin, Jr. Frank C. Tharin District Commander William M. Wolff to be district com­ Harold 0. Deakin Henry W. G. Vadnais mander with the rank of lieutenant commander from Janu­ Maurice T. Ireland John W~Sapp, Jr. ary 31, 193'7. Samuel R. Shaw Samuel F. Zeiler The PRESIDING OFFICER. '!he reports will be placed Robert S. Fairweather Lawrence B. Clark on the Executive Calendar. , Joseph P, Fuchs Lehman H. Kleppinger If there be no further reports of committees, the clerk Henry W. Buse, Jr. Floyd B. Parks will state the nomination on the Executive Calendar. Bennet G. Powers John E. Weber POSTMASTER CONFIRMATION The legislative clerk read the nomination of L. Elizabeth Executive nomination confirmed by the Senate June 8 Dunn to be postmaster at Conchas Dam, N.Mex. (legislative day of June 1>. 1937 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the nomination is confirmed. POSTMASTER That concludes the Executive Calendar. NEW MEXICO ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY L. Elizabeth Dunn, Conchas Dam. The Senate resumed legislative session. Mr. BARKLEY. I move that the Senate adjourn until WITHDRAWAL 12 o'clock noon on Monday next. Executive nomination withdrawn from the Senate June 3 The motion was agreed to; and (at 2 o'clock and 45 min­ (legislative day of June 1), 1937 utes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, June '1, 1937. WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION at 12 o'clock meridian. Ron Stevens to be State administrator in the Works Prog­ ress Administration for Oklahoma. NOMINATIONS Executive nominations received by the Senate June 3 (legislative day of June 1), 1937 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FEDERAL HoME LoAN BANK BoARD THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1937 T. D. Webb, of Tennessee, to be a member of the Federal The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Home Loan Bank Board for a term of 6 years from July 22, The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., 1937. (Reappointment.> offered the following prayer: SECURITIES AND Ex~ANGE COMMISSION Eternal God, our Father, we pray that the silent ministry James M. Landis, of Massachusetts, to be a member of of Thy spirit may have a place in our thoughts; in quiet the Securities and Exchange Commission for the term and in confidence may this fellowship be our strength expiring June 5, 1942. (Reappointment.> today. Give us the help and the undergirding that we WoRKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION need, and we shall have but few distractions as we follow Ron Stephens, of Oklahoma, to be State administrator 1n the path of duty. In burden bearing, in temptation, call the Works Progress Administration for Oklahoma, vice W. S. us to the realities which abide-godliness, unselfishness, and Key, resigned. (This nomination is submitted at this time the riches of a wholesome influence. These make up the for the purpose of correcting an error in the nollii?&tion as splendor of character which gives the radiance of the divine submitted to the Senate on May 24, 1937.) to our actions. These will live when the god of covetous­ Joseph Newman Alderson, of West Vrrginia, to be State ness and the chaff of worldliness shall be no more. administrator in the Works Progress Administration for Bless the Lord, 0 my soul: and all that is within me. bless West Virginia. His holy name. CoLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS For the Redeemer's sake. Amen. John O'Keefe, of Pembina, N. Dak., to be collector of The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and customs for customs collection district no. 34, with head­ approved. quarters at Pembina, N.Dak. <Reappointment.) Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE that there is not a quorum present. Dr. Dwight K. Shellman to be assistant dental surgeon in The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman withdraw his point the United States Public Health Service, to take effect from of no quorum until a message can be received from the date of oath. President of the United States? PROMOTIONS m THE NAVY Mr. RANKIN. I withhold the point of no quorum, Mr. MARINE CORPS Speaker, but I think we should have a quorum present to Capt. John K. Martenstein to be a major in the Marine hear the message. Corps from the 1st day of February 1937. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Capt. Albert W. Paul to be a major in the Marine Corps A message in writing from the President of the United from the 1st day of April 1937. States was communicated to the House by Mr. Latta, one of Capt. Arthur D. Challacombe to be a major in the Marine his secretaries, who also informed the House that on June Corps from the 22d day of April 1937. 2, 1937, the President approved and signed bills of the House Capt. William F. Brown to be a major in the Marine of the following titles : Corps from the 1st day of June 1937. H. R.1280. An act for the relief of Horace Hutcheson, a First Lt. Wilfred J. Huffman to be a captain in the Marine minor; Corps from the 1st day of November 1936. H. R. 4550. An act to extend the times for commencing First Lt. Carson A. Roberts to be a captain in the Marine and completing the construction of a bridge across the Ohio Corps from the 1st day of February 1937. River between Rockport, Ind., and Owensboro, Ky.; First Lt. John S. Holmberg to be a captain in the Marine H. R. 4655. An act to accept the cession by the State of Corps from the 1st day of June 1937. Arkansas of jurisdiction over all lands now or hereafter in­ The following named second lleutenants to be :first lieu- cluded within the Hot Springs National Park, Ark., and for tenants in the Marine Corps from the 31st day of May 193'7: other purposes; Clyde R. Nelson John P. Condon H. R. 5177. An act to declare the Benton Harbor Canal Joseph L. Dickey John A. Butler at and above the west-line of Ninth Street, Benton Harbor, Elmore W. Seeds Ralph K. Rottet Mich., a nonnavigable stream; 5296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 3 H. R. 5468. An act to extend the times for commencing of the Whole House on the state of the Union for the considera­ tion of H. R. 5969, a bill to amend an act entitled "An act to and completing the construction of a bridge across the Mis­ establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United sissippi River at or near a point between Morgan and Wash States", approved July 1, 1898, and acts ame:Pdatory thereof and Streets in the city of st. Louis, Mo., and a point opposite supplementary thereto. That after general debate, which shall be Louis, confined to the bill and continue not to exceed 1 hour, to be thereto in the city of East St. m.; equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking H. R. 5579. An act granting the consent of Congress to minority member of the Committee on the Judiciary, the bill shall the State of Mississippi to construct, maintain, and operate be read for amendment under the 5-minute rule. At the conclu­ a free highway bridge across Pearl River at or near Jack­ sion of the reading of the bill for amendment the Committee shall rise and report the same to the House with such amendments as son, in Hinds County, Miss.; may have been adopted, and the previous question shall be con­ H. R. 5595. An act to extend the time for completing the sidered as ordered on the bill and amendments thereto to final construction of two bridges, one across a part. of Lake Michi­ passage without intervening motion except one motion to recom­ mit, with or without instructions. gan at or near the entrance to the Chicago River, Dl., and the other across the Michigan Canal or Ogden Slip, in city DEPORTATIONS OF CERTAIN AL~S of Chicago, Dl.; Mr. DIES, from the Committee on Rules, reported the H. R. 5694. An act to extend the times for commencing following resolution <Rept. No. 931), which was referred to and completing the construction of certain bridges across the House Calendar and ordered to be printed: the Monongahela, Allegheny, and Youghiogheny Rivers, in House Resolution 229 the county of Allegheny, Pa.; and Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution tt shall be H. R. in order to move that the House resolve Itself into the Committee 6866. An act authorizing the obligation of funds for of the Whole House on the state of the Union for the considera­ work at Government-owned establishments. tion of H. R. 6391, a b111 to authorize the prompt deportation o! CALL OF THE HOUSE criminals and certain other aliens, and for other purposes. That after general debate, which shall be confined to the bill and con­ Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order tinue not to exceed 2 hours, to be equally divided and controlled that a quorum is not present. by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, the bill shall be read for The SPEAKER. Obviously there is not a quorum present. amendment under the 5-minute rule. At the conclusion of the The Doorkeeper will close the doors, the Sergeant at · reading of the bill for amendment, the Committee shall rise and Arms will notify absent Members, and the Clerk will call report the same to the House with such amendments as may have the roll.
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