Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 28 OCTOBER 1969 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 1218 Question:; [ASSEMBLY) Questions 'IUESDAY 28 OCTOBER, 1969 capacity; Tennyson, 240 MW; Bulimba, 9 180 MW; Callide, 120 MW; Collinsville, 60 MW present capacity, 120 MW projected capacity; Kareeya (Hydro-Electric), 72 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, MW." Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair (2) "The Swanbank, Tennyson and at 11 a.m. Bulimba power statiGns form part of the Southern Electric Authority's inter­ ASSENT TO BILLS connected system which, as well as serving the Authority's distributing undertaking, Assent to the following Bills reported by supplies electricity in bulk to the Brisbane Mr. Speaker:- City Council, Dalby Town Council and Coal and Oil Shale Mine Workers the Wide Bay-Burnett Regional Electricity (Pensions) Act Amendment BilL Board. The bulk supply prices payable by Swine Compensation Fund Act Amendment the Brisbane City Council, Dalby Town Bill. Council and the Wide Bay-Burnett Regional Electricity Board are derived from two­ Foot and Mouth Disease Expenses and part tariffs formulated on different bases. Compensation Fund Act Amendment Allowing for this difference, the tariffs are Bill. comparable. The largest bulk supply is to the Brisbane City Council and the two-part AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT tariff for 1969-70 is: Demand @ $2.72 per kW per month; Energy @ ·4164c per PUBLIC ACCOUNTS unit (kWh). The overall per unit price Mr. SPEAKER announced the receipt will depend on the Council's actual demand from the Auditor-General of his report on and consumption in the: year concerned. The Callide station forms part of the the public accounts of the State for the year Canricornia Regional Electricity Board's 1968-69. interconnected system which supplies only Ordered to be printed. the Board's own consumers. The Collins­ ville and Kareeya stations form part of QUESTIONS the interconnected system of the Northern Electric Authority of Queensland which supplies electricity in bulk to the Cairns, IssuE OF RENEWAL NoTICEs BY Aus­ Townsville and Mackay Regional Elec­ TRALIAN TRADE AND BUSINESS tricity Boards. The lowest present bulk DIRECTORY supply price is · 908c per unit to the Mr. H&uston, pursuant to notke asked The Cairns Regional Electricity Board." Minister for Works,- ' Has the Police Fraud Squad received any complaints regarding alleged "renewal CONSTRUCTION AND RECONDlTJONING OF now due" accounts issued by Australian PRISONS Tra~e and :S~siness pirectory being Mr. A;:rn..,;trong, pursuant to notice, asked recetved, unsolrctted, by firms and organi­ The Min;ster for Justice,- sations and set out in such a form as to allege a contract? If so, with what result? (!) How many (a) new pr.isons have been constructed and (b) pnsons have Answer:- been reconditioned since 1957? " Yes. Investigations of complaints are (2) Where were they built or recon­ presently proceeding." ditioned? ( 3) What was the total cost? CAPACITY OF Er.r:cTRIC PowER STAT10NS Answers:- AND BULK SUPPLY PRICES (1 and 2) "Construction of three prisvns Mr. Houston, pursuant to n0dce, asked The has been commenced since 1957. One, a Minister for Local Government,- medium security prison at Wacol is com­ ( 1) What is the capacity of each of the pleted except for sick bay and chapel. six largest electricity supply power stations Another, at Rockhampton-dual purpose in Queensland? prison-is under construction. The third, a medium security prison at Townsville is (2) What is tb~ lowest bulk price per being co!lstructed in stages. Brisbane unit charged to a bulk consumer supplied Prison is being re-built in stages over from each of these power stations? several years. Townsville Prison has been added to by increased prisoner accommo­ Answers:- dation, office accommodation, workshops including laundry, and re-moc1e11i~" ,,·· (!) "The capaciti.::s of each of the six largest electricity supply power stations in kitchen." Queensland are: Swanbank A and B, 396 (3) "The total cost to September 30 MW present capacity, 876 MW projected last is $2,669,663." Questions [28 OCTOBER] Questions 1219 ASSISTANCE FOR DESERTED FATHERS AND (2) Is the advice contained in this WIDOWERS WITH FAMILIES publication valid? If not, will he issue Mr. Tucker, pursuant to notice, asked The a warning to the public against following Minister for Health,- these directions without taking legal advice, if necessary, from the Legal Aid Com­ As it has been announced as Liberal mittee? policy, has any consideration been given to providing assistance to deserted or Answers:­ widowed fathers with young families by way of the cost of a housekeeper? If so, (1) "Yes." with what result? ( 2) "The matter has been investigated by the police and no offence is disclosed. Answer:- There is no information of any value in "The Department of Children's Services the publication. It gives no information assists widowed or deserted fathers by answering the description of the title. It is admitting children to care, and arranging published by J. A. & Associates of 58-62 for their placement in supervised foster Grey Street, South Brisbane, and is a care, family group homes, or in children's gimmick to attract enquiries so as to institutions. In cases where fathers are market books on sex. If a person desires unable to work and in receipt of Com­ to obtain legal advice about probate he monwealth Social Service Benefits but cap­ should consult his solicitor, not only about able of caring for the children, the Director his will but to avoid the pitfalls of publi­ will consider their eligibility for the pay­ cations which speak with no authority. A ment of family assistance. The Govern­ person who acts as his own lawyer has ment is very conscious of this problem. a fool for a client. The public is warned It must be realised however that while the against this type of publication which is a provision of housekeepers involves econ­ catch to get other business of a doubtful omic factors, it also involves emotional nature." and personal factors which may be of equal, if not of greater importance for the physical and mental well-being of the KARUMBA WATER SUPPLY children. The Commonwealth Minister for Social Services, Mr. Wentworth, in a recent Mr. Wallis-Smith, pursuant to notice, asked Press interview, stated that widowers with The Minister for Conservation,- families were one section of the population ( 1 ) Has any firm decision been reached which he hoped to be able to assist as on a suitable water supply for Karumba? soon as possible." If so what are the details of the scheme? (2) Will all residences at Karumba, including those at the mouth of the MAINTENANCE STAFF, PRINCESS Norman River, be served by the scheme? ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL Mr. Newton, pursu:mt to notice, asked (3) Will all prawn-processing works be The Minister for Health,- supplied? In view of the dismissal of two carpen­ ( 4) When is it expected that the scheme ters, two builders' labourers and one will be completed? electrician from the maintenance staff at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, will he Answer:- immediately review the position of loan "In regard to Items ( 1) to ( 4) of the money for maintenance work to avoid Question, on September 4 in Answer to a further dismissals from this staff? similar Question, the Honourable Member was informed that 'investigations have Answer:- shown that the only practicable arrange­ "I am advised that, apart from one ment for supply of potable water for plumber who is at present employed in a Karumba is a scheme to pipe supply from temporary capacity only and who will be the Norman River upstream of Normanton continued in employment until early in to Karumba. Such a scheme is estimated 1970, it is not anticipated there will be any to cost some $1,400,000. In view of the other reduction in the maintenance staff difficulty of providing such a scheme from at the Princess Alexandra Hospital." State funds, the Government has requested Commonwealth financial assistance for pro­ vision of this supply. No reply has yet been PUBLICATION, "HOW TO AVOID PROBATE" received from the Commonwealth Govern­ ment on this request. The proposed scheme Mr. Carey, pursuant to notice, asked The would be adequate to cope with existing Minister for Justice,- and new works at Karumba'. It is assumed ( 1) Has his attention been drawn to a that this request is still under consideration publication entitled How to Avoid by the Commonwealth Government. The Probate, attributed to Norman F. Dacey Honourable Member is further informed and published by the National Estate that reticulation of available supply from Planning Council? the Artesian Bore suitable for laundry and 1220 Questions [ASSEMBLY) Questions ablution purposes is approaching comple­ CONTROL OF "0PUNTIA INERMIS" PRlCKLY tion. This reticulation includes service to PEAR BY CACTOBLASTIS residences near the mouth of the Norman River. In addition a detailed survey has Mr. Wrigbt, pursuant to notice, ·asked The been made of the proposed pipeline from Minister for Lands,- upstream of Normanton to Karumba." ( 1) Is he aware of the concern being expressed by many landholders that the density of Opuntia prickly pear is on the ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS OF PRINCIPAL increase in Queensland and that there has QUEENSLAND INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, been a decline in the effectiveness of CAPRICORNIA ' Cactoblasiis in controlling this noxious ~· Wright, pursuant to notice, asked The plant? Mmtster for Education,- (2) (a) Is prickly pear increasing in With
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