o t r The Observer 1842-1992 * ----------- SESOUICENTENNIAI Saint Maryls College The ObserverNOTRE DAME * IN D I ANA VOL. XXIV NO. 125 MONDAY , APRIL 6, 1992 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY’S Students sign petition for coed housing at ND By BECKY BARNES or converted within the few News Writer years. “We’re saying, let’s use this opportunity to create co-ed In response to last semester’s housing,” said Gannon. announcement of the adminis­ The purposes of the petition tration’s intent to convert are to “make people aware of Pangborn Hall to a women’s the opportunity for co-ed hous­ dormitory, approximately 2,000 ing that we have now and to students signed a petition last show the administration that week that “urge[s] that there is strong support,” ac­ coresidentiality be brought to cording to Gannon. Notre Dame through the con­ The petition, which was circu­ version or construction of the lated in front of the dining halls next residence hall.” last Monday, Tuesday and The petition focuses on the Wednesday, urged that presi­ University’s decision to lift the dential housing be brought to cap on the number of women Notre Dame and asked if stu­ admitted to Notre Dame from dents would be willing to live in 37 to 44 percent. This seven a coresidential dorm. Gannon percent increase w ill entail said it received about 2,000 about 140 more female stu­ signatures and the majority of dents per year. Because of a those people would choose to need for increased female live in coresidential housing. housing within the next few The petition has been “very years, the petition calls on the successful,” said Gannon. “A University to add an option for lot of people really were inter­ coresidentiality when absorbing ested in it.” the increased number of The only negative response, women. he said, “has been people who The petition was initiated by think we’re wasting our time.” the same group of students who “I think that’s ridiculous,” he originally sought to convert added. “If anyone’s going to Pangborn to a co-ed, chemical change anything around here, free dormitory next year. it’s going to be the students.” However, since they saw little Gannon referred to the support from the administration growing number of students’ for this change, they decided to rights groups on campus in­ change their focus, said group cluding Adult Students for Adult The Observer/Adriana Rodriguez member James Gannon. Privileges, Society for Initiation The Native American beat Gannon said that several of Renaissance, and the group Jerry Cleveland, the leader of the Bear Clan Singers of Milwaukee, plays a Winebago drum at ND’s fourth administrators and rectors have that staged last Tuesday’s annual Row Wow at noon on Saturday at Stepan Center. confirmed to him that there will parietals demonstration. be another residence hall built see COED/ page 4 Butrus, O’Neill show Lugar: U.S. early signs of success must lessen By STEVE ZAVESTOSKI expect another success in get­ defense Associate News Editor ting study days before final ex­ ams, they are even more confi­ By KELLY DERRICK Only three days into their dent about their plan for a News Writer term as student body president campus-wide meal card. and vice president, Greg Butrus According to Butrus, the idea United States support for and Molly O’Neill have had for a meal card that can be dismantlement of nuclear their first victory-an offer from used at any campus eating weapons is essential to main­ the Library’s Food and Drink establishment is only part of tain national security, said Task Force to renegotiate plans their plan. “The identification Richard Lugar (R-In) Sunday in for a no food and drink policy. cards would have a magnetic his keynote address, “From "We didn’t want to help im­ strip on the back that could be Start to Finish? The Future of plement what we didn’t agree marked to allow only autho­ Nuclear Security Issues.” with,” said Butrus, referring to rized people to enter the dorms “In the post cold war era, the the task force’s attempt to get and other specified offices and role of the United States is to the student government’s ad­ buildings,” he said. lead the world,” said Lugar, vice in enforcing the no food O’Neill added that Shannon U.S. Senator and senior mem­ and drink policy-a policy ini­ Windsor, executive coordinator ber of the Senate Foreign Rela­ tially decided upon by the task of the Special Projects Depart­ tions Committee. The U.S. must force without any student input. ment, has been organizing the continue to deter any advances For Butrus and O'Neill, the effort to meet with representa­ that may be unforeseen and victory came in the mail Friday tives of the various interests in­ could challenge military rivalry when they received a letter volved in such a switch. by proliferation of nuclear from the task force asking the “I think the administration is weapons, he said. student government for its in­ realizing that our system (for “The United States must con­ put in reexamining the possibil­ meals and identification) is tinue to hold at risk the capa­ ity of a no food or drink policy. quickly being outdated and that bilities and assets of the former In the meantime, though, we need some kind of a new Soviet Union,” said Lugar. He Butrus and O’Neill have been card,” said O’Neill. “Right now said that Russia w ill remain the working toward the fulfillment it’s a matter of monitoring the only power in the world who of one of their campaign need and finding out which de­ could threaten our national se­ promises-study days. According partments want to be in­ curity. to Butrus, he and O’Neill have cluded,” she added. Tactical weapons still remain been working on the project As for other projects, Butrus housed in the Ukraine, accord­ from day one. and O’Neill have continued the ing to Lugar. He said that there “Bill Dailey (an executive offi­ work on date rape awareness is still a danger that these cer on Butrus and O’N eill’s which was begun by Joseph weapons could cause conflict General Counsel) has been Blanco and David Florenzo. from the newly rising states. heading up that project,” said “We want to at least continue “While the U.S. can not be policemen of the world, Butrus, “right now it’s on the increasing the awareness of The Observer/Adriana Rodriguez agenda for the Academic Coun­ date rape on this campus,” said righting every wrong, we will address selectively those cil and will be addressed at Butrus. Indiana Senator Richard Lugar gave the keynote address, “From Start wrongs that threaten our safety their next meeting April 22.” “When it comes down to it,” to Finish? The Future of Nuclear Security Issues” at the Hesburgh While both Butrus and O’Neill see VICTORY/ page 4 Library auditorium on Sunday. see SECURITY / page 4 page 2 The Observer Monday, April 6, 1992 INSIDE COLUMN Mostly sunny Is there any Lines separate high temperature zones for the day. Monday and warmer. Increasing cloudiness and mild value in ser­ Monday night. Cloudy Tuesday with a 50 percent chance vice? of showers. High near 60. TEMPERATURES: I had the opportunity to City participate in the Center Anchorage for Social Concerns' trip to Athens Bogota Appalachia over spring Boston break. Following are Cairo reflections of my Chicago Cleveland experience: Dallas How does one describe Denver the feeling that overcomes MIKE HOBBES Havana Indianapolis them when they are Advertising Jerusalem toiling away at a job and Manager London Madrid those that they are Minneapolis helping don't even lift a finger to offer the Moscow simplest form of assistance? How can one Nashville New York maintain a sense of worth for their service Paris while no one is there to support them? How Philadelphia Pressure Rome can one understand a lifestyle that they were San Francisco not brought up in and can only observe from South Bend Tokyo the outside, where no information is offered? HIGH LOW SHOWERS RAIN T-STORMS FLURRIES SNOW ICE SUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOUDY Washington, D C. If we are informed about a people and their condition, which results from some activity that we may or may not condone or comprehend, how can we offer sympathy or even empathy to these people when they chose to adhere to or abide by such mores? TODAY AT A GLANCE I can offer no answers that will remedy the situation. 1 can not even offer any valid NATIONAL 1986. Last March, she appealed to then-Gov. George theories that account for a single aspect of the Deukmejian on Harris’ behalf. The governor has said he questions posed. I can only answer for myself would consider granting clemency. most of the time, much less that of others some of the time. Even then, it is still done ‘E.T.’ Host weds actress Sellecca________ ■ BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. — “Entertainment Tonight” with great difficulty. CAMPUS I am sure that everyone at one point or host John Tesh and actress Connie Sellecca exchanged another has called into question their raison wedding vows before 250 friends and relatives at a d’etre, whether in life as a whole or in an sunset ceremony. The couple met in Palm Springs in Buildings lose their power isolated incident. The only individual April 1991 and were engaged at Thanksgiving.
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