September 27, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1997 TMA, ABSTINENCE EDUCATION, would have ensured that when we teach chil- tion, which appointed him President/CEO of AND QI PROGRAMS EXTENSION dren about the importance of abstaining from Ad Hoc in April of 1991. ‘‘I get my strength ACT OF 2007 sexual activity, we do it in a way that is age- from my spirituality—from being spiritual and appropriate, medically accurate and science- believing that one lightens his or her burden SPEECH OF based, and that we allow States the flexibility by helping people lighten their burden. People HON. JAMES P. MORAN they need to respond to conditions in their enter our space and you are energized by OF VIRGINIA schools in an appropriate way. them,’’ said Mr. Brooks. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I commend Chairman DINGELL for including Brooks learned his philosophy on the street. these improvements in the CHAMP Act, and I As Kansas City police officer from 1954 to Wednesday, September 26, 2007 express my sincerest hope and conviction that 1964, he held the rank of detective and Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise any long-term reauthorization of Title V that worked with runaways and gang members. today in support of H.R. 3668, but with a great passes this House this year will include similar Shortly after the civil disorder of 1968, he or- sense of frustration. H.R. 3668 temporarily ex- language. Just this year, reports by the House ganized the city’s Human Relations Depart- tends a number of expiring health programs Committee on Government Reform and Over- ment and served as its first director until 1984. which low-income individuals depend on. Un- sight, Mathematical Policy Research and the He was the first African-American to serve as fortunately, these effective, important pro- Government Accountability Office indicate that a department head for the City of Kansas City, grams are held hostage through their attach- many of the programs funded through Title V Mo. In 1999, he was first elected to serve as ment to the Title V Abstinence Education pro- contain staggering medical inaccuracies, and the Sixth District at-Large Councilman in 1999 gram, a program which is ineffective, which that students actually understand less about and re-elected in 2003. Brooks was appointed prizes ideology over science, and which harms sexually transmitted diseases after having as Mayor Pro Tem by Mayor Kay Barnes. In our children through the provision of medically completed the programs than they did when addition, to serving as Mayor Pro Tem, Coun- inaccurate information. they began. We have spent $1.25 billion on cilman Brooks was a member of the Legisla- Mr. Speaker, teen pregnancy is a serious these programs since Fiscal Year 2001, pay- tive, Rules, and Ethics Committee and the issue in this country. In the United States, ing for teachers to tell children that ‘‘relying on Aviation Committees. His dedication to Kansas three in ten girls become pregnant by age condoms is like playing Russian Roulette,’’ City includes serving as an Assistant City 20—nearly double the teen pregnancy rate in and that ‘‘AIDS can be transmitted through Manager for 7 years. Great Britain, four times the rate in France skin-to-skin contact.’’ I believe we can and Presently, Mr. Brooks is a consultant to and Germany, and nearly ten times the rate in must do better, and I will continue to fight for many business executives in the area of diver- Japan. The National Campaign to Prevent responsible, science-based programs that will sity, minority and women matters. He has also Teen Pregnancy estimates that teen preg- meaningfully protect our children. been a motivational speaker and lecturer for nancies impose an additional $9.1 billion in f various governmental agencies, colleges and societal costs every year in the United universities, and the private sector. He has States—and this is after teen pregnancy and RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS conducted hundreds of seminars and work- birth rates declined by one-third in the past OF MR. ALVIN BROOKS shops on the subject of cultural/racial diversity, decade. religious tolerance and civil rights. He has It should come as no great surprise that the HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER taught classes and conducted lectures and costs of teen pregnancy are so high—preg- OF MISSOURI workshops on a multitude of subjects, includ- nant teenagers are substantially less likely IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing the criminal justice system, crime and vio- than their peers to finish high school, attend Thursday, September 27, 2007 lence prevention, community involvement and college, or go on to pursue professional ca- police-community relations. He is also a cer- reers. Pregnant teenagers are less likely to Mr. CLEAVER. Madam Speaker, I proudly tified mediator, and has lobbied at the local, obtain prenatal care, exposing their babies to rise today in recognition of the achievements state and federal levels. an increased risk of low birth weight and of of Mr. Alvin Brooks, a pioneer for civil and In 1989, Brooks received national attention being born prematurely. At the age of 2, they human rights, and a resident of the Fifth Dis- from President George H.W. Bush in 1989 as have significantly lower cognitive test scores. trict of Missouri which I am honored to rep- he was recognized as one of ‘‘America’s 1,000 And because the majority of children from resent. This week, Mr. Brooks will be inducted points of light,’’ and was subsequently ap- teen pregnancies are born to unmarried into the Missouri Walk of Fame during a re- pointed to a 3-year term on the President’s women, they are more likely to be poor, drop ception as part of the Congressional Black National Drug Advisory Council. This is but out of high school, and have poor grades and Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Con- one of the many accolades Al has received school attendance records. This is, of course, ference, an event held to honor the achieve- over the years. The recipient of four honorary to say nothing of abortion—which is still a ments of African-Americans who have made doctorate degrees from colleges and univer- major consequence of teen and unintended significant contributions to Missouri. sities in metropolitan Kansas City and sur- pregnancy. As a former Mayor of Kansas City, Missouri, rounding areas, Brooks has also received too Teen pregnancy is a serious problem, and it I am well aware of the contributions Al has numerous other accolades to mention. In all of demands a serious solution. Of course we made to the landscape of Kansas City. Mr. his activities, he demonstrates his dedication should want to delay the onset of sexual activ- Alvin Brooks’ experience in City government and commitment to the greater good of others. ity in our children—what parent of a teenager spans over a quarter century. Alvin Brooks is Al lives in South Kansas City, Missouri with wouldn’t want that? But we cannot let that de- the former Mayor Pro Tem and 6th District At- his wife Carol, to whom he has been married sire blind us to the very real fact that teen- Large City Councilperson for the City of Kan- for 57 years. Together they have raised six agers, despite our best intentions, will and do sas City, Missouri. He was first elected in children—one son (deceased), and five have sex, and that our wanting them not to 1999 and re-elected in 2003. After his first daughters. They also have 17 grandchildren, does not absolve us of our obligation to pro- election, Brooks was appointed as Mayor Pro 17 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great- tect them and keep them safe. Pretending that Tem by Mayor Kay Barnes. In addition to grandchildren. sexual activity among teenagers does not serving as Mayor Pro Tem, Brooks chaired the Throughout his life, he has put his principles exist will not reduce the number of new sexu- Public Safety Committee, the Police Capital to practice, and the effects of his efforts have ally transmitted infections, it will not reduce the Improvements Oversight Committee, the Po- brought about a more diverse and concerned number of teenage girls who become preg- lice Site Selection Committee, and was vice- citizenry throughout the Kansas City metropoli- nant, and it will not reduce the number of chair of the Aviation Committee and the Fi- tan area. For these reasons and more, it is in- abortions performed every year. nance and Audit Committee. Brooks lost a bid deed an honor and privilege to recognize Mr. We have both a practical and a moral obli- for Mayor of Kansas City this past spring by Alvin Brooks at the Missouri Walk of Fame re- gation to ensure that American teenagers and a mere 851 votes. ception, hosted by myself and fellow Missou- their families have the resources and the While Kansas City’s Mayor Pro Tem, Coun- rian, U.S. Representative WILLIAM LACY CLAY knowledge to make the right decisions about cilman Brooks served as a member of numer- of St. Louis. how to prevent teen pregnancies and the ous committees and perhaps most visible Madam Speaker, please join me in express- spread of sexually transmitted infections. through his work as President of the Ad Hoc ing our appreciation to Mr. Alvin Brooks, not When the House passed the CHAMP Act in Group Against Crime, which he founded in just to the Kansas City community, but to the August, the bill included a reauthorization of 1977. The Ad Hoc Group Against Crime is a entire country at large.
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