HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF STATE INTERVENTION INTO SPACES OF OPPOSITION: THE CASE OF ANKARA A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY BANU MELĠS SUHER IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN URBAN POLICY PLANNING AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AUGUST 2014 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Science Prof. Dr. Meliha ALTUNIġIK Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal BAYIRBAĞ Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science. Prof. Dr. Melih ERSOY Supervisor Examining Committee Members Prof. Dr. Melih ERSOY (METU, CRP) Assoc. Prof. Dr. H. Çağatay KESKĠNOK (METU, CRP) Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal BAYIRBAĞ (METU, ADM) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Banu Melis SUHER Signature : iii ABSTRACT HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF STATE INTERVENTION INTO SPACES OF SOCIAL OPPOSITION: THE CASE OF ANKARA Suher, Banu Melis M.S, Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Melih Ersoy August 2014, 231 pages Urban space is the ultimate source for examining the contradiction between political authority and social opposition. As an efficient ground for manipulating social processes, urban space is subjected to a number of interventions of political power directly or indirectly. Hence, the authority leads the process of depoliticization on space via two channels. Firstly, it transforms the physical configuration of the place by public policy instruments. Thus, the reflection of hegemony on spatial ground becomes possible. The other way to initiate spatial depoliticization is to keep the social and political acts away from urban space through use of violence and coercion like legal regulations or law enforcement agents. In the flow of these processes, social reaction comes into existence in the form of social movements at points of dissatisfaction of the society. Thus, the political iv contradiction between authority and opposing part of the society turns the urban space into a mere arena of conflict. In this context, this arena of conflict is expressed with a new term throughout the study that is, “political space”. It signifies the political significance of a place. It is the place of political acts and where opposition is politicized. In other words, it is the ground where authority and opposition clashes. Constructing the problem definition upon space‟s detachment from its political context, politicization and depoliticization processes will be investigated upon the case study of Ankara and a historcal analysis of the conflict between political authority and social opposition upon the primary public spaces of the city. Key words: Political Space, Political Authority, Social Opposition, Depoliticization, Ankara v ÖZ TOPLUMSAL MUHALEFETĠN MEKANLARINA DEVLET MÜDAHALESĠNĠN TARĠHSEL ĠNCELEMESĠ: ANKARA SAHA ARAġTIRMASI Suher, Banu Melis Yüksek Lisans, Kentsel Politika Planlaması ve Yerel Yönetimler Ana Bilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Melih Ersoy Ağustos 2014, 231 sayfa Kentsel mekan siyasi iktidar ve toplumsal muhalefet arasındaki çatıĢmanın incelenmesi açısından üst düzey bir kaynak oluĢturmaktadır. Sosyal süreçleri yönlendirme bakımından son derece elveriĢli bir zemin olarak kent mekanı, doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak siyasi iktidarın bir dizi müdahalesine maruz kalmaktadır. Bu bakımdan iktidar mekanda siyasızlaĢtırma süreçlerini iki kanalla yürütmektedir. Ġlk olarak, kamusal politikalar aracılığıyla mekanın fiziksel kurgusunu dönüĢtürmektedir. Bu Ģekilde hegemonyanın mekansal düzlemde yansıtılması mümkün olmaktadır. Mekansal siyasızlaĢtırmayı gerçekleĢtirmenin bir baĢka yolu ise sosyal ve politik eylemlerin yasal düzenlemeler veya kolluk kuvvetleri gibi zor aygıtlarıyla kent mekanından uzak tutulmasıdır. vi Bu süreçlerin akıĢı içinde, toplumun iktidar pratiklerinden rahatsızlık duyduğu noktalarda toplumsal muhalefet sosyal hareketler biçiminde ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bunun sonucunda siyasi iktidar ve toplumun muhalif kesimleri arasındaki çeliĢki kentsel mekanı çatıĢmanın meydanına dönüĢtürmektedir. Bu bağlamda bahsedildiği üzere çatıĢmanın mekanı “politik mekan” olarak, çalıĢmada yeni bir terminolojiyle sunulmaktadır. Bu kavram, yerin politik önemine iĢaret etmektedir. Bu anlamda, politik mekan politik eylemin gerçekleĢtiği ve muhalefetin siyasallaĢtığı yerdir. Bir baĢka deyiĢle, iktidar ve muhalefetin çarpıĢtığı zemindir. Problem tanımını mekanın politik bağlamından koparılması üzerinden kurgulayarak, siyasallaĢma ve siyasızlaĢtırma süreçleri Ankara saha çalıĢması üzerinden incelenecek, siyasi iktidar – toplumsal muhalefet çatıĢmasının tarihsel incelemesi kentin ana kamusal mekanları üzerinden yapılacaktır. Anahtar kelimeler: Politik Mekan, Siyasi Ġktidar, Toplumsal Muhalefet, SiyasızlaĢtırma, Ankara vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would initially like to express my grattitudes to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Melih Ersoy for his criticisms, guidance and advices. I would also like to thank the jury members Assoc. Prof. Dr. H. Çağatay Keskinok and Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Bayırbağ for their valuable critics, suggestions and encouragements that helped me through both the development and the fulfillment of the thesis. I am also grateful to my friends, especially Buse Ceren ġengül, Aydan Özkil, Ezgi Armağan, Nur Ceren Çakmak and Dilek Keyf for their continuous support and for keeping me motivated throughout the process, in completion of the study. I am also thankful to Yasemin UlaĢan and Cihan Erçetin for their assistance and company over the years of master. Finally, I offer my deepest grattitudes to my dear family, my mother AyĢe Suher, my father Murat Suher and my sister Ġpek Suher, who provided all kinds of assistance and guidance, who have been by my side through all the stages of my life. I could not overcome this hard process without their endless patience, support and belief. In addition, I have to express my appreciation to my aunt, Prof. Dr. Olcay KırıĢoğlu for her academic insights, her valueable contributions and devoting her time whenever I needed. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM ........................................................................................................... iii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... iv ÖZ ............................................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................... viii TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................... ix LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................. xiv LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................. xv CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 1.1. Problem Definition ......................................................................................... 2 1.2. Aim of the Study ............................................................................................ 5 1.3. Methodology of the Study.............................................................................. 7 1.4. Content of the Study / Structure of the Thesis ............................................... 8 II. THEORETICAL AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ............................. 11 2.1. Conceptual Framework of Space ................................................................. 11 2.1.1. The Conceptual Triad of Space .......................................................... 13 2.1.2. Space-Time Dialectic ......................................................................... 16 2.1.3. Other Conceptualizations of Space .................................................... 18 2.2. Theoretical Framework of Space ................................................................. 19 2.2.1. Space as a Language .......................................................................... 20 Symbolic Notion of Space ....................................................... 24 Transcendental Quality of Universal Space ............................. 26 Space - Place ............................................................................ 28 2.2.2. Space as a Social Product .................................................................. 29 Social/Collective Memory ....................................................... 30 ix Production of Social Space ...................................................... 31 2.2.3. Space as a Physical Bearer ................................................................. 34 Urban Space as a Social Structure ........................................... 35 III. SPACE & POLITICS ........................................................................................ 40 3.1. Public Space
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