HARGEISA First Steps Towards Strategic Urban Planning This Publication Was Prepared by Ombretta Tempra, Khalied Jacobs, and Betelehem Demissie

HARGEISA First Steps Towards Strategic Urban Planning This Publication Was Prepared by Ombretta Tempra, Khalied Jacobs, and Betelehem Demissie

sudp - urban development programme for the somali region HARGEISA first steps towards strategic urban planning This publication was prepared by Ombretta Tempra, Khalied Jacobs, and Betelehem Demissie. Important inputs were given by Filiep Decorte. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its economic system or degree of development. The analysis, conclusions and recommendations of the report do not QHFHVVDULO\UHÀHFWWKHYLHZVRIWKH8QLWHG1DWLRQV+XPDQ6HWWOHPHQWV3URJUDPPHWKH*RYHUQLQJ&RXQFLORIWKH8QLWHG 1DWLRQV+XPDQ6HWWOHPHQWV3URJUDPPHRULWV0HPEHU6WDWHV Excerpts from this publication may be reproduced without authorization, on condition that the source is indicated. 8QLWHG1DWLRQV+XPDQ6HWWOHPHQWV3URJUDPPH 81+$%,7$7 +6( ,6%1 8QLWHG1DWLRQV+XPDQ6HWWOHPHQWV3URJUDPPHSXEOLFDWLRQVFDQEHREWDLQHGIURP81+$%,7$75HJLRQDODQG ,QIRUPDWLRQ2I¿FHVRUGLUHFWO\IURP32%R[*321DLUREL.HQ\D )D[ HPDLOXQKDELWDW#XQKDELWDWRUJ ZHEVLWHZZZXQKDELWDWRUJVXGS 3ULQWHGDW81213XEOLVKLQJ6HUYLFHV6HFWLRQ1DLUREL 2 HARGEISA first steps towards strategic urban planning a basic guide INTRODUCTION ¿UVWVWHSV objectives of the report structure of the report 7KH FLW\ RI +DUJHLVD KDV EHHQ XQGHUWDNLQJ LQ 7KLV GRFXPHQW LOOXVWUDWHV WKH ¿UVWV VWHSV WR FLW\ Ë background - the present: general information FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK 81+$%,7$7 D VHULHV RI VWHSV planning through a participatory strategic approach. DERXW+DUJHLVDWKHFDSLWDOFLW\RI6RPDOLODQG towards effective and integrated urban development: It combines the results of the participatory planning SURFHVVXQGHUWDNHQE\WKHFLW\RI+DUJHLVDWKURXJK Ë vision - the future: WKH VORJDQ IRU +DUJHLVD¶V Ë D FLW\ SUR¿OH undertaken by a team of local FLW\ SUR¿OLQJ DQG FLW\ FRQVXOWDWLRQ ZLWK WKH VSDWLDO development, chosen by the participants of the experts, prepared the necessary database for DQDO\VLVRIWKHFLW\GHYHORSHGE\81+$%,7$77KH &LW\&RQVXOWDWLRQ the city consultation and gave the opportunity main objectives of this publication are: to identify and mobilize key stakeholders for the Ë planning strategies (for action) - building the participatory planning process. Ë documenting the process undertaken by future: GXULQJ WKH +DUJHLVD &LW\ &RQVXOWDWLRQ +DUJHLVD0XQLFLSDOLW\XVLQJFLW\SUR¿OLQJDQGWKH local actors highlighted basic services, economic Ë a city consultation EXLOWDFRPPRQYLVLRQIRU city consultation. GHYHORSPHQW HQYLURQPHQW ,'3UHODWHG LVVXHV WKHGHVLUHGIXWXUHRIWKHFLW\ LGHQWL¿HGSULRULW\ >>> more on this on page 44 and city planning as priorities to be addressed; needs and related strategic interventions, and precise operational strategies and action plans UHDFKHGDQDJUHHPHQWRQWKHDFWLRQSODQVWR Ë recording the outcomes RI WKH ¿UVW EURDG ZHUHLGHQWL¿HGLQOLQHZLWKWKHVHSULRULWLHV be implemented and on the roles of the different consensus on urban issues, priority urban stakeholders. interventions and action plans. Ë spatial framework - putting actions in place(s): >>> more on this on page 44 >>> see the ‘planning strategies’ section on pages 11-21 a spatial analysis of the city, which puts the priority interventions needed in the city into a spatial Ë DQ XUEDQ VSDWLDO DQDO\VLV carried out by Ë introducing spatial analysis as a tool for perspective. 81+$%,7$7 H[SHUWV JDYH D EDVLF VSDWLDO strategic planning. understanding of the city and condensed >>>see the ‘spatial framework’ section on pages 23-33 Ë desired structure - turning vision into reality: challenges and priority areas of intervention into a proposed strategic development plan for providing a comprehensive methodological a proposed strategic development plan. Ë +DUJHLVDWRVHUYHDVDQH[DPSOHDQGEDVLVIRU >>> more on this on page 48 tool for strategic urban planning. discussion in the urban planning process. Ë DFWLRQ SODQV agreed by the local stakeholders Ë complementing the documentation of the process Ë towards implementation: an idea of an indicative during the city consultation, aimed at testing and undertaken with teaching-learning techniques road map for the implementation of the strategies demonstrating the validity of the applied principles and didactic tips for local authorities and technical SURSRVHGE\WKHSDUWLFLSDQWVRIWKH+DUJHLVD&LW\ of strategic development planning. The projects persons involved in the urban development of the &RQVXOWDWLRQ selected involved the reorganization of the Wahen city. DQG0DURRGL-HH[0DUNHWVLQ+DUJHLVD Ë tables: methodological information and further >>> more on this on page 46 GHWDLOV RQ WKH &LW\ &RQVXOWDWLRQ 8UEDQ 6SDWLDO $QDO\VLVDQG$FWLRQ3ODQV table of contents background - the present vision - the future planning strategies (for action) - building the future EDVLF VHUYLFHV HFRQRPLF GHYHORSPHQW FLW\ JURZWK ,'3 DQG UHWXUQHH VHWWOHPHQWV HQYLURQPHQW FLW\ VWUDWHJLF SODQQLQJ spatial framework - putting actions in place(s) structuring elements (roads, natural features, administrative boundaries) functional layout (commerce, industry, residential areas, public facilities) services and infrastructure (water, electricity, garbage collection points). ,'3 DQG UHWXUQHH VHWWOHPHQWV XUEDQ PRUSKRORJ\ desired structure - turning vision into reality towards implementation - the road map tables FLW\ FRQVXOWDWLRQ DFWLRQ SODQV UDSLGXUEDQVSDWLDODQDO\VLVDQGVWUDWHJLFSODQQLQJ 81+$%,7$7 LQ 6RPDOLODQG BACKGROUND chronology the present 5HSRUWRI¿UVWKXWVEHLQJ1910 EXLOWLQ+DUJHLVD $0DMRU5KLQHLQWURGXFHV1922 WRZQSODQQLQJDQGKXWV DUHUHSODFHGZLWKVWRQH Strategically located in EXLOGLQJVDQGWUHHV the centre of Somaliland and close to Ethiopia, 7KHDUULYDORI(WKLRSLDQ1936 +DUJHLVD LV WKH VHDW RI UHIXJHHVÀHHLQJWKH,WDOLDQ the government. LQYDVLRQVXEVWDQWLDOO\ ERRVWVWRZQ¶VSRSXODWLRQ 7KHJRYHUQPHQW¶V1941 KHDGTXDUWHUVDUHPRYHG LQWRWRZQ The city was recently the site of violent FRQÀLFW and major )RUPDOL]DWLRQRI+DUJHLVD1953 instability; bombing raids LQWRDPXQLFLSDOLW\ levelled large parts of the town and caused major damage to the 6RPDOLODQGJDLQV1960 LQGHSHQGHQFHIURPWKH population. %ULWLVK3URWHFWRUDWH DQGPHUJHVZLWK,WDOLDQ 6RPDOLD Since then +DUJHLVD has shown signs of 6RPDOLDHQWHUVLQWRZDU1977 rapid growth, democratic ZLWK(WKLRSLDLQDQ governance, and relative DWWHPSWWRFDSWXUHWKH political stability. 2JDGHQUHJLRQ 6RPDOLODQGGHFODUHV1991 LQGHSHQGHQFHRQFHDJDLQ WREHFRPHWKH5HSXEOLFRI 6RPDOLODQG+DUJHLVDLV Vast sections of the LWVFDSLWDO population, however, still struggle with crippling /RFDOHOHFWLRQVVHHWKH2002 poverty and a lack of ELUWKRIDPXOWLSDUW\ basic services. GHPRFUDF\ vision the future ³3HDFHIXOFOHDQDQGPRGHUQFDSLWDOFLW\FHQWUHRIWUDGH and quality services”* * tKHVORJDQIRU+DUJHLVD¶VGHYHORSPHQWFKRVHQE\WKHSDUWLFLSDQWVRIWKH+DUJHLVD&LW\&RQVXOWDWLRQ planning strategies building the future 11 22 spatial framework putting actions in place(s) spatial framework putting actions in place(s) 7KH SXUSRVH RI WKLV VHFWLRQ LV WR movement LQWURGXFH VSDWLDO DQDO\VLV DV D WRRO IRU The relative peace established in Somaliland VWUDWHJLFXUEDQSODQQLQJ has initiated a considerable migration to city LWV FDSLWDO FLW\ 7KHUH LV D PDMRU LQÀRZ RI centre $ EDVLF VSDWLDO XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WKH goods and trade activities are expanding city can enable local and international VLJQL¿FDQWO\ $V D UHVXOW WKH PDLQ URDG XUEDQ GHYHORSPHQW VWDNHKROGHUV WR H[SHULHQFHV LQWHQVH WUDI¿F FRQJHVWLRQ DQG WKH XQVWUXFWXUHG ÀRZ RI SHGHVWULDQV DQG plan and position their interventions mass transport and private vehicles to the according to an overall development centre. VWUDWHJ\PD[LPL]LQJWKHUHVXOWVRIWKHLU LQYHVWPHQWVWRWKHEHQH¿WRIWKHZKROH city. roads 0DMRUXUEDQHOHPHQWVDUHORFDWHGDORQJWKH PDLQURDGUXQQLQJSDUDOOHOWRWKHULYHU7KHUH can hardly be a hierarchy among the roads: WKHHQWLUHURDGQHWZRUNLVRISRRUTXDOLW\,WV HI¿FLHQF\ LV FRQVWUDLQHG E\ D VKRUWDJH RI main road ZDONZD\VWKHHQFURDFKPHQWRQVWUHHWVSDFH river E\RWKHUDFWLYLWLHVDQGWKHOLPLWHGFDSDFLW\RI WKH GUDLQDJH V\VWHP7KH FHQWUH ZKHUH DOO tip EXVHVFRQJUHJDWHLVSDUWLFXODUO\FRQJHVWHG what are structuring elements? 3RRU WUDI¿F PDQDJHPHQW DQG OLPLWHG the most under-serviced 6WUXFWXULQJHOHPHQWVDUHRXWVWDQGLQJDQGUHFRJQL]DEOH connections across the river (only one bridge part of the city HOHPHQWVDURXQGZKLFKWKHVSDFHDQGWKHDFWLYLWLHVRIWKH H[LVWV KDYH KDPSHUHG WKH FRPPXQLFDWLRQ FLW\DUHRUJDQL]HG,GHQWLI\LQJDQGPDSSLQJWKHVHHOHPHQWV LVFUXFLDOWRXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKHVWUXFWXUHRIWKHHQWLUHFLW\1R EHWZHHQWKHQRUWKHUQDQGVRXWKHUQSDUWVRI LQWHUYHQWLRQFDQEHSODQQHGZLWKRXWFRQVLGHULQJWKHLPSDFWDQG Hargeisa. LQWHUIHUHQFHRIWKHVWUXFWXULQJHOHPHQWVRQWKHSURMHFW escarpment natural features +DUJHLVD LV ORFDWHG ZLWKLQ D YDOOH\ KDOYHG example gullies E\ WKH ULYHU *XOOLHV SHUSHQGLFXODU WR WKH ULYHUJLYHWKHFLW\DQXQGXODWLQJODQGVFDSH Road repair:PDSSLQJWKHVWUXFWXULQJHOHPHQWV VXFKDVWKHFHQWUDOEXVLQHVVGLVWULFWPDUNHWVULYHU 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ JXOOLHV DUH QHJOHFWHG DQG ÀRRGSODLQ FURVVLQJVHWF LVQHFHVVDU\IRUSULRULWL]LQJWKHLQWHUYHQWLRQV KDYHWXUQHGLQWRJDUEDJHGLVSRVDOVLWHVDQG FRUUHFWO\DQGEHQH¿WLQJWKHZKROHFLW\ZLWKPLQLPXPFRVW marginal settlement areas. gullies 24 structuring elements schematic representation of Hargeisa’s main structuring elements: Hargeisa river crossing HVFDUSPHQWULYHUULYHUFURVVLQJSHUSHQGLFXODUJXOOLHV ÀRRGSODLQ Hargeisa Districts: 1. KOOD-BOOR 2. 26 JUNE 3. GA’AN LIBAAH 4. AHMED DHEGEH 5. MOHAMOUD HAYBE gully district boundaries Some structuring elements: a. central market area b. graveyard c. radio Hargeisa d. Gobonimo market e. state house f. military sites

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